Zuo Guang, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, saw that his soldiers had locked up the city gate in accordance with his order. He couldn't help but issue a death order: "The thieves are ferocious. Without my order, you are not allowed to open the city gate without permission. Anyone who violates this rule will be executed." No mercy!"

Then, he fled the scene with his personal guards as if fleeing for their lives.

As soon as he arrived at the inn, he hurriedly gave instructions: "If anyone comes to visit, just say that I am sick and have the plague, and no one will see you!"

It turned out that he was worried that other princes, nobles, gentry and wealthy people would come to plead for mercy. When the time came, he would not be able to show mercy and offend others, so he simply refused to see anyone and only let the thieves kill the servants and farmers.

They couldn't bear the prospect of being killed, so naturally they would not find any way to get out of the city, interfering with the defensive strategies of the officers and soldiers.

Immediately, Zuo Guangxian went to rest with peace of mind. After turning on the lamp for ten minutes and eating his meal, he asked: "How is the situation outside? Has anyone been here?"

"The King of Qin, Mr. Yang's family, and Mr. Li's family all sent people here, but they all went back after hearing that the general was ill!" The confidant responded quickly.

"Why am I sick? You are the only one who is sick, your whole family is sick!" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, heard these words, which were a bit harsh, and he couldn't help but said angrily.

When the confidant heard this, he didn't dare to say anything and had no choice but to respond.

"Why are there only so many people here? Where are the other companies?" Zuo Guangxian felt strange and couldn't help but ask again.

"The other families didn't come, they were all busy transporting firewood!" The confidant had no choice but to say honestly.

"What? Where did they get the firewood?" Zuo Guangxian was shocked when he heard this.

"Of course they were collected from outside?" the confidant replied even more strangely.

"How is that possible? The people who went out to collect firewood were obviously killed by thieves. How could they collect firewood?" Firewood is not a light thing. If someone harasses and attacks, how can it be easily carried into the city?

"Then I don't know about this humble position!"

"Let's go to Fujun!" Zuo Guangxian frowned, feeling that the matter was faintly out of his control, so he had better discuss it with Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi.

When Zuo Guangxian arrived at the residence of Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, Gan Xuekuo was eating.

Seeing that Zuo Guang had arrived first, he couldn't help but greet him: "General Zuo, come in and sit down quickly and have a cup of hot wine!"

Then Zuo Guangxian saw a table full of hot meals and couldn't help but smile: "Now that there is a shortage of firewood in the city, I'm afraid I can only come to your place to have a hot meal!"

"Haha!" Gan Xuekuo laughed when he heard this, "If you had come half a day earlier, I wouldn't be able to eat here!"

"Oh? Why is this?" Zuo Guangxian's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask quickly.

"My servants went out of the city today and returned with a full load and brought back a lot of firewood!" Gan Xuekuo said with a smile.

"I'm about to ask my lord, this time everyone went out to the city to collect firewood and met thieves, but how did they come back with a full load?" Zuo Guangxian looked solemn and couldn't help but ask.

"You are still too young!" Gan Xuekuo shook his head, took a bite of food, then handed Zuo Guangxian a glass of hot wine, and then smiled, "Actually, this time I went out to the city to collect firewood, it was a complete failure, but I still have to fight against the thieves. Eat and drink!”

"How do you say this?" Zuo Guangxian was greatly surprised when he heard this.

"These firewood were actually exchanged for food and thieves!" Gan Xuekuo smiled mysteriously and told the truth.

"What? Isn't this collaboration with the enemy!" Zuo Guangxian and Zhang Shun fought for several months and were exhausted. I didn't expect that everyone would shake hands and make peace so quickly. I was almost shocked.

"What collaborating with the enemy?" Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, frowned and said coldly, "General Zuo, I understand your single-minded determination to exterminate the bandits, but you can't do this just by being reckless!"

"I see that you and the thieves have been defeated in a row, and you are also anxious and worried. But I don't know the art of war, so I can't help you if you are anxious!"

Zuo Guang first saw that the governor's face was not good-looking, and quickly interjected: "Actually, Fu Jun promoted me a lot, and Zuo will remember it in his heart!"

"You have something to eat!" Gan Xuekuo said with a smile, "Actually, exchanging food for firewood is not impossible!"

"If you think about it, the thief already has an advantage, why would he deal with me and others fairly?"

"Fair deal?"

"Yes, the thief's price is not very high. It's almost a pound of grain and a load of firewood. Although it's a little more expensive than usual, it's still more stable than the price in the city." Gan Xuekuo smiled and said, "What does this mean?"

"Does this mean the thieves are short of food?" Zuo Guang was stunned for a moment, then said with great joy.

"That's right, General Zuo is so smart." Gan Xuekuo responded with a half-smile, "That's really easy to understand!"

"Since the thief wants to delay, we will delay until the end!"

"When Liang Junmen leads the elites from the three sides to arrive, then we can attack from both sides. Wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

"This..." Zuo Guangxian heard this and thought to himself, wouldn't this pressure be transferred to the governor of the three sides, Liang Tingdong?

However, as an official of the Ming Dynasty, it is a basic skill to protect Taoist friends from death and not to die from poor Taoism.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "The military sect is really a good method, and my subordinates admire it. Since we can destroy the enemy without fighting, why not do it?"

Do you think Zuo Guangxian really thinks so?

In fact, that's not the case. He also knows that if he continues like this, the food supply in Xi'an City will decrease day by day, and he may not be able to defeat the thieves.

It's just that in the Ming Dynasty today, if you do more, you will make more mistakes, if you do less, you will make more mistakes, and if you don't do more, it will be good. This is a good place for the Taiping Officer.

Now, if you can delay it for a few days, let’s delay it for a few days!

Neither Gan Xuekuo nor Zuo Guangxian saw any problems.

I just didn't expect that just two days later, rumors suddenly spread in the city.

Why did Zuo Guangxian lose consecutive battles and could only retreat into the city? He was a mediocre and cowardly general!

The thieves didn't want to attack Xi'an City, but Zuo Guangxian had eaten cakes in Xi'an City before and was despised by others. He deliberately lured the thieves to come here to avenge the past.

What else is there about Gan Xuekuo but a rotten scholar? The thief does not torture or kill. He only has a personal enmity with Zuo Guangxian. If he surrendered earlier, the thief would have gone elsewhere!

Anyway, these are some remarks that are not worth refuting. It’s just that since ancient times, there have been many fools and few wise men. How can we clearly distinguish between them?

Not long after, Shaanxi Governor Gan Xuekuo and Chief Military Officer Zuo Guangxian, who had resolutely resisted, became the most evil people in front of others!

In particular, they originally recruited grain and young men from the city, and then took the opportunity to allocate wages, which was even more dissatisfying.

Now that there is a lot of resentment, some people are adding fuel to the flames and pointing their fingers at the two leaders.

Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, was greatly alarmed when he heard what he said. He hurriedly came to look for Zuo Guangxian, the chief military officer.

As a military attache, Zuo Guangxian didn't care about this and sneered: "A few monsters and monsters can't achieve anything. As long as I have soldiers and generals, how can I dare to come to the tiger's mouth to stroke my beard?"

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