Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 935 Xiao Qinhu guards Nanyang

It is said that the three of them retreated to Nanyang City. When they met General Xiao Qinhu of Zhennan, they couldn't help but feel ashamed and said: "We have been entrusted by King Shun and the general with important tasks. Unexpectedly, the entrustment will not be effective. I also ask the general to act according to military law!"

That Zhennan Xiao Qinhu was originally a hunter in the Taihang Mountains, and he had been proficient in the art of hunting tigers and leopards since he was a child.

Those tigers and leopards are much stronger and faster than ordinary people, and they are also very alert, so they are difficult to capture and kill.

If you want to capture and kill this kind of creature, you must first not be afraid, secondly, you should know the terrain well, and thirdly, understand its habits, and then you can set up a dragnet to catch it, which is similar to the method of using soldiers.

Xiao Qinhu has been among tigers and leopards since he was a child, and he knows the truth well.

Therefore, when he looked at the expressions of everyone, he knew that they were uneasy and panicked after suffering a big loss.

He couldn't help but shouted sharply: "Nanyang is the gateway to Heluo! King Shun has entrusted me with the important task of supervising all the generals."

"If the discussion of crime should begin with me, the general, how can I take credit and blame others?"

"Since you know the military well, you should know that victory or defeat is a common thing for military officers. If you suffer a loss today, you will get it back tomorrow. How can you not think of strategies to defeat the enemy and instead disrupt the morale of our army?"

Xiao Qinhu's words were like a slap in the face. Everyone was shocked and quickly said, "What the general said is true. We are willing to die to follow the general and kill the enemy!"

"What is the enemy's situation? Tell me in detail!" Xiao Qinhu continued to ask after seeing that he had temporarily stabilized the generals.

Don't look at the fact that some people are very prosperous and arrogant on weekdays, but once they encounter a slight setback, they will be shaken, behave inappropriately, and even collapse, because of their weak will.

In the past, the "king of the world" Liu Xiyao, the "king of sweepers" Zhang Yichuan and Ren Guangrong were not without setbacks.

But since they followed Zhang Shun, they have won consecutive battles and become prosperous, and they have long regarded themselves as unparalleled talents.

As a result, once they were separated from Zhang Shun's direct command, they suffered such a big loss.

Only then did the three of them know who had "led the flying" in the past, and who was the "color pen". Is there any reason for this mentality?

Seeing that Zhennan General Xiao Qinhu took up the responsibility, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief and quickly recounted the situation of the officers and soldiers.

It was not that Xiao Qinhu had never fought against Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang before, but the opponent came and went quickly. Before his military order could be conveyed to the hands of the three of them, they were defeated by the officers and soldiers flowing down the river.

After listening to everyone's stories, Xiao Qinhu discovered that Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, had a "true biography" of Zhang Shun, and he also liked to suppress his opponents with powerful artillery.

But in addition, he has powerful cavalry and navy as auxiliary.

The 5,000 closed-door cavalry under You Shiwei and Zhang Waijia can be used to cover the battlefield, and the navy under Xiong Wencan can transport and protect baggage and food, and can also cut off the support of the rebels. It is really difficult to deal with the tight situation.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qinhu couldn't help but said firmly: "The plan for now is just to fight and defend."

"Xiong Wencan came here well prepared. The troops under his command are twice as many as ours, so they are really not enough to fight. If we fight, we can only defend them when we are tired, then look at their flaws, and then wait for the opportunity to move."

"Now, except for Wu Xian's battalion who is far away in Xichuan, there are only four battalions including me. I want one person to be responsible for one city gate and equip the troops with defensive equipment as soon as possible. What do you think?"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Everyone responded quickly after hearing the words. Only Ren Guangrong frowned and said, "It's just that the thieves are fierce with artillery. I wonder if the general has any countermeasures?"

Xiao Qinhu couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and said with a mysterious face: "Everyone, come here, I have a plan to ensure that although Xiong Wencan's artillery is fierce, it will be in vain!"

How can everyone believe it when they hear it? They couldn't help but put their ears over, Xiao Qinhu said this and that, everyone couldn't help but admire the case, and then they each took the order.

Xiao Qinhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took out a pen and paper, wrote a letter, and sent it to Luoyang overnight to guard the soldiers.

After another two or three days, Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, led his army to Nanyang City.

When General Zhennan Xiao Qinhu ascended the city and took a look, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

I saw a sea of ​​people outside the city, and several formations of officers and soldiers lined up densely outside the city, as if it were boundless.

The first row was the firearms battalion of officers and soldiers, with more than 80 artillery pieces densely arranged, the black muzzles pointing diagonally at Nanyang City.

Afterwards, Xu Chengming's 3,000 Zhenjun troops formed a formation in the center, with You Zhai Wen on the left and Zhang Yingchang on the right. A total of 9,000 officers and soldiers formed the front formation.

This was followed by the 6,000-strong army of Xiong Wencan, governor of Huguang, whose formation was mixed with spears and blunderbuss, resembling a fortress shape.

After that, there were five thousand closed-door cavalry of You Shiwei and Zhang Waijia, eyeing them eagerly, as if they were ready to pounce and bite the enemy at any time.

On its side, there are more than a hundred ships floating on the Feishui River, ready to complete tasks such as support and interception at any time.

Xiao Qinhu smacked his lips and couldn't help but give an order: "Guard the city carefully and don't go out to fight!"

Although it is said that the method of defending the city must not be defended to death, the officers and soldiers have deployed it airtight without any flaws. If they rush into battle now, they will only lose the lives of the soldiers in vain.

Xiong Wencan was also a man who knew how to fight. After waiting for a long time, he saw no movement in the city.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "The generals who defend the city don't know the soldiers and just focus on defending. We can know the victory of our army!"

Hearing this, the people on the left and right turned their beards and patted the horses and said: "If you care about the army a little, the world is in danger. He who can calm the world must care for the army!"

"Hey, it's too much praise, it's too much praise. It won't be too late to say this again when the traitors are captured and killed!" Xiong Wencanzhi, the governor of Huguang, said proudly.

Seeing that Xiao Qinhu was hiding in the city, Xiong Wencan did not lose his mind and let his soldiers attack fiercely.

Instead, according to the original plan, the firearms battalion set up artillery to slowly bombard Nanyang City.

As a capital city and the seat of the Tang dynasty, Nanyang City was naturally extremely strong.

The officers and soldiers bombarded the city for a long time. When it got dark, Xiong Wencan sent Xu Chengming to lead the troops to attack the city.

The huge siege equipment, driven hard by many soldiers, quickly approached Nanyang City. The officers and soldiers with the siege equipment jumped out one after another and jumped onto the Nanyang City Wall.

But before the officers and soldiers could gain a firm footing, they suddenly heard a sound of charging, and then many rebel soldiers jumped out and charged over like magic.

There were not many officers and soldiers on the city, and they could not form an array. Wherever they were, the rebels' opponents were immediately killed and defeated, and they retreated.

Some who failed to exit in time were beheaded by the rebels on the spot and their bodies thrown down from the city wall.

"Oh, the rebellious ministers and traitors still dare to resist? Keep attacking me!" Xiong Wencan couldn't help but said in anger.

This happened three or four times. The officers and soldiers attacked the city day and night from morning to night, but they were beaten out every time.

"What the hell is this?" Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, almost cried. What about the promise that "the Hongyi cannon is invincible and will crush everything it hits"?

Why can't you even suppress the thieves on the city wall? What's going on?

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