Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 950 The winning hand (Part 1)

"Urgent military information, urgent military information!" Hong Chengchou held two letters in his hand, opened the curtain and hurriedly rushed in. Even Wukong couldn't stop him.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was not in the mood today, otherwise Gao Guiying would have hanged himself if someone bumped into him.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked calmly: "Mr. Hong has always been calm. I wonder what could make you so panicked?"

"King Shun, look!" Hong Chengchou quickly handed over the letter he had just opened.

Zhang Shun reached out and took out an envelope. When he opened it, he saw the handwriting of Niu Jinxing.

Apart from the polite words, Niu Jinxing wrote: "The reason why the volunteers are so popular is Wen Can. After they arrived in Nanyang, they did not care about people's livelihood, but focused on collecting money."

"Those who were given land among the common people were massacred by them; those who concealed their property were plundered and plundered by them. Three feet of land was scraped away, but it was not enough. Countless people were destroyed and their families destroyed."

"I then encouraged Yang Si, Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng to take advantage of the opportunity and rise up in the mountains to the west of Runing and east of Nanyang."

"When the officers and soldiers arrive, they flee far away; when the officers and soldiers leave, they go out to plunder. When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we disturb them. The officers and soldiers are so overwhelmed that they dispatch troops and generals to rush back and forth. Ruzhou and Nanyang can defend it!"

Hey, is this good news?

Zhang Shun did not expect to be separated from him. This time, Xiao Qinhu, Niu Jinxing, Li Xin, Zhang Sanbai and Cao Bianjiao all performed very well, and he was overjoyed.

However, he also knew that Hong Chengchou was not a blustering person. Since he was so panicked, there must be something hidden.

So Zhang Shun took out another letter, opened it, and was shocked.

It turns out that this letter was jointly written by Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and Li Sanniang.

"There was an emergency in Luoyang. The deputy commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, as fierce as a tiger, smuggled across the Yellow River from Mianchi on May 13th and occupied Xin'an the next day. Four of Mr. Lu's family were killed and dozens of relatives were hacked to death. Fortunately, his family had already moved to Luoyang. The city is still safe."

"Luoyang is in danger. Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance took precautions, so they transferred garrison Meng Jingao to come to the rescue."

"Unexpectedly, Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi, had a premeditated plan and took the opportunity to supervise Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi, to lead 20,000 horses to cross the river at Mengjin."

"The officers and soldiers were strong, and the rebels were attacked on both sides. They had to order a high-ranking army to retreat to Ziweixing Fort to defend, and ordered Liu Cheng to lead the Zhensong Camp to take charge of the defense of Luoyang City."

"In addition, five thousand men in the city have been mobilized to patrol day and night to prevent officers and soldiers from stealing the city; Wei Zhiyou, Lu Xiangguan, and Lu Xiangjin, who have gone to Luoning and other places to recruit and train troops, have been ordered to return for reinforcements; Lu Xiangsheng, who has gone to Lu's and other places to recruit rare soldiers, has been ordered to return for reinforcements , please King Shun make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Sure enough, the officers and soldiers finally made this chess piece!" Zhang Shun sighed with trembling hands.

"King Shun?" Hong Chengchou was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked in surprise, "Have you expected this?"

"You can be considered aware of it!" Zhang Shun smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "It's just that when it came to the end, I never expected that Shanxi Governor Wu Zong was so ruthless."

"King Shun, what do you say?" Hong Chengchou heard that Zhang Shun had been on guard for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Although Wu Zong is not well-known, he is actually considered a capable official!" Zhang Shun sat down and said in detail.

"In the past, when our rebel army entered and exited the Qin and Jin Dynasties, we were first defeated by your generals."

When Hong Chengchou heard this, he was shocked and quickly knelt down and confessed to the death penalty.

Zhang Shun smiled, stood up and quickly helped him up, comforting him: "It is not a crime for those who don't know, let alone everyone was their own master at the beginning, what crime is there?"

After finally appeasing Hong Chengchou, he continued: "At that time, Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, was in charge, but the officers and soldiers could not control him. When Song Tongyin was killed by our army Liu Cheng, the imperial court sent Xu Dingchen to wait until the rebels crossed the river to the south. Shanxi’s difficulties are beginning to be resolved.”

"The person who succeeded him was Wu Zong, the governor of Shanxi. You were also a high official in the border areas. You should know that Shanxi at that time had gone through successive wars, the people were displaced, and everything was in ruins. There were also barbarians outside the Great Wall who were eyeing them, and their position was unknown. It’s not that easy to sit on.”

"After Wu Gong took office, he went through the four matters of defense, border bandits, troop training, and caring for the people, as well as the four matters of discussing troops, generals, salaries, and personnel. He kept a low profile on the outside and recuperated on the inside. No matter what other governors did, he But he stands firm and motionless.”

As soon as Zhang Shung said this, Hong Chengchou felt his teeth itching again. When he led the army to besiege Luoyang, why would Wu Zong have sent out the army like he did today?

However, he had second thoughts. Shanxi was ravaged by "rogue bandits" for two or three years. It's no wonder that Wu Di couldn't come up with so many men.

Then, he continued to listen to Zhang Shun's story: "Wait until last autumn, when Hou Jin Hong Taizheng sent Han'er troops to the east and returned to the east, he again besieged Datong. He was implicated again and was sentenced to level five. He will be punished."

"If he were called an ordinary person, he would have been deceived by his appearance!" After saying this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but chuckle. "It's just that he didn't expect that there would be an old friend of his beside me."

"Who?" Hong Chengchou also said that Zhang Shun was talking about him, but he and Wu Di were not very familiar with each other.

"Mr. Miaoshan!" Zhang Shun said with a proud smile.

"Oh? It turns out to be him!" Hong Chengchou then realized.

It turns out that Mr. Miaoshan is none other than Zhang Shun's "sub-father" Zhang Shenyan. That Miaoshan was his nickname, so he was called "Mr. Miaoshan".

The relationship between Mr. Miaoshan and Wu Zong is a long story.

If we look at it carefully, Zhang Shenyan is actually older than Hong Chengchou and Wu Di.

It turns out that during the Tianqi years, Zhang Shenyan recommended Zhao Nanxing, the leader of the Donglin Party, to come out. He was a typical veteran of the Donglin Party.

During the Tianqi years, Wu Di also had many disagreements with the eunuchs. The two had very close political stances and even had certain personal relationships.

Even in the original history, after the fall of the capital, King Fu ascended the throne in Nanjing, and Zhang Shenyan strongly recommended Wu Di, which shows that the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

So with Zhang Shenyan giving Zhang Shun the lowdown, how could he not know that Wu Dong was secretly accumulating strength for his own benefit?

"Then King Shun has already been prepared?" Hong Chengchou couldn't help laughing. ,

"That's right!" Zhang Shun replied with a strange expression.

"Previously, there was an emergency in Nanyang and Sishui. The generals suggested to me many times to call Liu Cheng and Gao Yigong to support them, but I refused them all!"

"You think that Shaanxi, Huguang, Henan, Nanzhili and other places are all going to war, but why is there no movement in Shanxi? This is clearly preparing to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and then go straight to Huanglong!"

Hong Chengchou suddenly realized this after learning about Zhang Shun.

"I see. I wonder why it was Huguang Governor Xiong Wencan who took action first, and then it was the turn of Zhu Dadian, Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang."

"The original plan was to first use Huguang troops to mobilize our main force southward, and then have Zhu Dadian enter Luoyang from Sishui Pass, and join forces with Wu Gang to attack Mengjin and encircle Luoyang?"

"No, no!" Zhang Shun shook his head and pointed to the west, "The original plan was to have Liang Tingdong lead one hundred thousand Qin soldiers to make a thunderous strike!"

"It's just lucky that we struck first and caught him off guard. Later, Jin Dorgon and others threatened Ningxia and Yulin, so we had a chance to win!"

"What a good idea!" Hong Chengchou, the chief of staff, felt chills all over after hearing this. If the plan is carried out as Zhang Shun said, the rebel army would be almost dead and there would be absolutely no way to survive!

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