Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 968 Tactical Retreat

Liu Zongmin fought hard!

Even the "Chuangying", which is famous for its large number of cavalry, actually only has more than 3,000 cavalry at its disposal. Not to mention the three hundred cavalry under Yang Chengzu's command, all of whom were armored.

Among his three thousand cavalry, in addition to more than half of them wearing armor, there were actually nearly a thousand people wearing heavy cotton coats or simple leather as protection, which was better than nothing.

Of course, the Banqi opposite was not much better.

The backbone of these cavalry were the private soldiers of Zuo'er Lingzhen, the great national division commander of the Xina tribe, and Ye Binggan, the headmaster of Xining Wei, and the main body was herdsmen who were skilled in martial arts.

If the rebel cavalry armors are about two-thirds, in fact, the cavalry armors under the hands of the Xina national chief commander Er Lingzhen and the Xining guard commander Ye Bingqian are only one-third.

Therefore, without the protective cavalry armor, the charge and kill between the two sides was still fierce.

The ignorant animals carried the stupid and reckless humans, and launched violent collisions again and again.

The long iron spear and curved saber would either stab and slash at the opponent, or they would be stabbed at themselves by the opponent.

Every charge is a huge gamble, and each other's chips are lives.

If you win the bet, you will live, if you lose the bet, you will die, that's all.

Liu Zongmin was very lucky, and he "threw" several times. Although he was already covered in blood, the final "opening" result was that he was bathed in other people's blood, not others' own blood.

He shook off the sticky blood in his hand and tightened his grip on the spear again. He felt that the riders around him seemed to be sparser.

The two thousand rebel cavalry made him feel "sparse". I am afraid that many cavalry have already been injured and killed by the opponent's swords and guns.

Liu Zongmin turned around uneasily and saw that the infantry of "Invading General" Li Zicheng were still crowded in front of the trench and did not evacuate behind the retaining wall in time.

At this time, Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ge Lin saw that the cavalry had already held back Liu Zongmin's cavalry, so they ordered the infantry to slowly begin to press toward the "camp breaking".

Once these people are allowed to fight with the rebels, what terrible consequences will there be?

How to do how to do? Liu Zongmin was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he saw that the cavalry in front of him began to gallop again, and he and the others were completely unable to get away.

Could it be that King Shun really wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate his dissidents? A terrible thought popped into Liu Zongmin's mind.

Just when Liu Zongmin was in shock and doubt, unexpectedly a burst of cheers came from the side.

Liu Zongmin looked intently and saw another group of cavalry galloping from the north.

Liu Zongmin was startled. Looking carefully, he saw that the cavalry team had about one or two thousand people and two flags.

One side has the character "Cao" written on it, and the other side has the character "Yang" written on it. The flag with the character "Yang" is slightly smaller.

"Yang Chengzu?" Liu Zongmin was stunned and suddenly couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai once saved the life of "Chuang Jiang" Li Zicheng. Now that Luo Rucai's people are here, "Chuang Jiang" will naturally be saved.

This is also true. As soon as Zuo Guangxian and Ge Lin saw the rebel cavalry suddenly appearing on the battlefield, they immediately ordered the infantry to slow down.

Just kidding, Fan Qi, who was protecting the left wing of the infantry, was entangled with Liu Zongmin at this time. If he was "charged from behind" by other cavalry of the rebel army, the consequences would be disastrous.

Seeing Yang Chengzu's arrival, Li Guo also breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly directed the infantry to retreat while shouting: "Line up and retreat behind the wall in order!"

Li Zicheng also felt relieved. It was too exciting to fight with King Shun.

Regardless of the tactic of crossing the river or the tactic of retreating behind the earth wall during the battle, the command level of the officers and the discipline of the soldiers are very high.

If it weren't for Li Zicheng's team this time, he dared to say that none of the rebel teams other than "Shunying" would be able to complete the task.

Seeing that the team of "Running General" Li Zicheng had retreated behind the earthen wall, Yang Chengzu led his cavalry and Liu Zongmin to attack Fanqi.

When Ye Bingqian, the head coach of Xining Guard, saw Yang Chengzu arriving, he quickly turned around and ran away with his bodyguards.

Just kidding, this killing god even killed his relative, who was a master at smelting iron, just like killing a sheep. How could he be Yang Chengzu's opponent?

As soon as Naye Bingqian ran away, Er Lingzhen, the great Naxi national division commander, also wanted to run away.

But for things like escaping, you have to be quick and slow. The Great Master was once again a beat behind Ye Bingqian, how could he still escape?

Suddenly, the three thousand cavalry under his command were killed by the two killers Liu Zongmin and Yang Chengzu. They were immediately defeated and left without their helmets.

When the two men were defeated and retreated into the formation, deputy commander Ge Lin was both happy and angry.

He couldn't help but curse loudly: "Straight bitches, didn't you say Han'er was cowardly? I think you should change your name to 'Hu Yong'!"

"There are five thousand cavalry, and two thousand cavalry can't take down the bandits. What do you do for food!"

Er Lingzhen, the great national teacher of the Xina tribe, and Ye Bingqian, the head teacher of Xining Wei, both had their heads drooped. They didn't dare to brag about it anymore. They just kept begging for mercy: "Good grandpa, don't say any more!"

"The Governor has become angry in a while. Please give us a few more kind words! This is a little bit of our thoughts. Please let us go!"

Good guys, you are both arrogant at first and respectful at the end!

After all, Ge Lin is a scholar, and he can quote scriptures when he scolds people, and he can make the scolding come out with flowers.

After Liu Zongmin and Yang Chengzu defeated the cavalry, Zuo Guangxian and Ge Lin suddenly became worried and quickly ordered their soldiers to retreat in formation to prevent the rebel cavalry from taking advantage of them.

When they finally reorganized their formation, they suddenly discovered that the "thief" on the opposite side had already re-established a defense with the help of a section of earth wall.

"Where are the artillery? Where are the artillery?" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, had suffered heavy losses from the rebel artillery before and had also used artillery to repel the rebels, so he had a relatively deep understanding of this.

I can fix the target and bombard it with artillery!

Not long after, Zuo Guangxian's camp successively launched thirty or forty artillery pieces, basically all of the twelve-pound and nine-pound types of artillery such as "big general artillery".

Although these artillery pieces were not mounted on Western-style gun mounts, they were carried on separate vehicles for easy movement.

"Fire!" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, shouted, and dozens of cannons fired simultaneously, firing dozens of shells and slamming into the rebel positions.

However, due to the obstruction of the earth wall, most of them either fell into the trench or smashed into the earth wall.

It turns out that this so-called earth wall is made of residual soil dug out from the trench, and is almost more than ten feet wide.

When those powerful cannonballs hit the earth wall, their energy was absorbed by the soft soil, making it difficult to cause effective damage.

"We will fight back too!" Li Zicheng, the "invading general" saw this and smiled coldly, thinking: Who doesn't have a few artillery?

Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai had seen the sharpness of "Shunying" artillery many times, and they followed suit and compiled a battalion of artillery, specifically for the management and use of artillery.

Li Zicheng did not have as many artillery pieces as Zuo Guangxian, only about fifteen.

The original earthen wall remains as a retreat passage for "camp breakers" and can be used as an artillery passage.

So Li Zicheng ordered the gunners to set up artillery and launched a counterattack against Zuo Guangxian.

"How dare you fight back, a straight bitch!" Zuo Guangxian jumped to his feet angrily.

However, there was an earthen wall in front of the "camp break", so they used less than half of the artillery and Zuo Guang to fire back and forth, and even got a slight upper hand.

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