"Almost everyone is here, right?" "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai couldn't help but nodded and asked again.

"Don't worry, all the brothers are here!" Liu Guoneng responded in a low voice.

"Okay, close the door. Don't let anyone who doesn't matter get close!" Luo Rucai told the guards outside the door again, then turned around and walked into the room and sat down.

On his left and right hands were two people, Li Zicheng and Zhang Tianlin.

Under them are "Hundred Hundred Thousands" Ma Jinzhong, "White Robe General" Xue Rengui, "Crossing the Sky" Liu Guoneng, "Tidy King" Zhang Fatty and others.

“Didn’t ‘Scorpion Block’ Tuo Yangkun and ‘Huntianxing’ Hui Denxiang scream?” Zhang Tianlin frowned and couldn’t help but ask.

"Those two guys have become King Shun's dogs. Why did you call them here?" Liu Guoneng said unhappily.

Originally, he fell in love with a strong-tempered woman in Prince Qin's palace, but she was snatched away by Zhang Shun, and he was quite dissatisfied.

"I hear what you mean, are you all planning to go against King Shun?" Zhang Tianlin sneered and asked.

"So what if we are against each other? Could it be that the emperor gets it but King Shun doesn't get it?" Liu Guoneng was even more unhappy.

"The emperor may not be able to chop off your head, but King Shun can do it!" Zhang Tianlin couldn't help but remind him.

"Come on, come on, give me a try." Liu Guoneng stretched his head, looking like a rogue.

"Okay, okay, everyone, calm down!" Luo Rucai interrupted the quarrel between the two and said seriously.

"This time I invite everyone to come and meet secretly here. I just want to ask everyone about their plans!"

"Now that King Shun is becoming more and more powerful, no matter how discordant we are, I'm afraid there won't even be any room for bargaining!"

"Bargaining? What price are you bargaining for?" Zhang Tianlin couldn't help but sneered, "A real man, spitting is a thorn. What everyone said outside Xi'an at the beginning will not count, right?"

Everyone suddenly looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and it was quiet at that time.

Although these people are cunning and cunning to others, they still need to be loyal and trustworthy to their own people.

Otherwise, there is no bottom line, and I’m afraid no one will come to save you next time you encounter difficulties!

"He's a Henanese who has taken refuge with him? I can't help but look like that!" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, if he is from Yansui, I guarantee it," Xue Rengui couldn't help but answered.

"Okay, okay, that's what you two mean, right?" Zhang Tianlin looked at Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai and said.

"If this is the case, this meeting will be meaningless!"

"That's it? You still want to use King Shun's strength to occupy a piece of land in Huguang? If King Shun is like you, you will be lucky if you can get out of Shaanxi alive!"

Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng blushed immediately after being robbed by Zhang Tianlin.

The two said in succession: "No, brother, it's not what you think!"

"As agreed, we will follow King Shun to pacify Shaanxi, and then ask King Shun for help. We have absolutely no other intentions!"

"Then what do you mean?" Zhang Tianlin pointed at the people in front of her.

"Don't we want to discuss the future?" Luo Rucai explained, "Relying on others is not a long-term solution after all!"

"Okay, I understand!" Zhang Tianlin smiled and said, "You are still dissatisfied, do you think you can get more benefits?"

"What are the main army and the guest army? Aren't they just rogues who 'fight the autumn wind'?"

"Don't say it so harshly, aren't we doing this for everyone?" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but explain in embarrassment, "Everyone is used to being free, who wants to have a man on their head again!"

"Okay, I understand what you mean!" Zhang Tianlin waved her hand, then turned around and asked, "Where is Ma Jinzhong? What do you mean? Why don't you speak?"

"Me? I have nothing to say!" Ma Jinzhong shook his head and said, "I can't survive even if I raise an army, just to make a living!"

"Since King Shun promised to reward me with a mouthful of food, then I have no choice but to 'eat the king's salary and be loyal to the king'!"

"That's it this time. Anyway, the relationship between King Shun and I hasn't been finalized yet. Next time you gather secretly, you don't have to call me!"

"What the hell are you?" Liu Guoneng frowned and opened his mouth to scold him.

As a result, Ma Jinzhong pulled out half of the waist knife with a "clunk" sound, and threatened coldly: "Be careful what you say to me!"

"Okay, okay, we are all rebel brothers, please don't use swords or guns!" Luo Rucai quickly advised.

"This is what it is. Those who should fulfill their promises should also fulfill their promises. Don't break the rules of the rebel army!"

"As for the future of the joint venture, we will discuss it from a long-term perspective."

"No need! We have different paths and we don't want to work together. We'll say goodbye without seeing you off!" Zhang Tianlin suddenly stood up, turned around and left.

"Hey, hey, brother?" Luo Rucai wanted to shout again, but Zhang Tianlin slammed the door and left without looking back.

"Hey, who are these people!"

"'Living Cao Cao,' I'm sorry, I'm leaving too!" As a result, before Luo Rucai turned around, Ma Jinzhong also cupped his hands and said.

"Huh?" In the end, Luo Rucai couldn't stop him, so he had to let him go.

When these two people left, the remaining five people couldn't help but look at each other.

After a long while, Luo Ru finally said: "The outsiders have all left, and we are the only brothers left. We still have to discuss how to act in the future!"

In fact, it doesn't matter that "Hundred One Hundred Thousand" Ma Jinzhong left, but the departure of "Hunting Star" Zhang Tianlin caused the morale of everyone in the room to drop a lot.

Although Tian Lin was not very famous in later generations, he was actually a first-class hero among the rebels.

At this time, his strength was once comparable to that of "The General" Li Zicheng, and he was very friendly to him.

Even after the two teamed up, Zhang Tianlin took the initiative to give up power and cooperated with Li Zicheng in fighting the officers and soldiers, which greatly raised Li Zicheng's worth.

Even in later history, when Li Zicheng entered Beijing, he specially sent Zhang Tianlin to lead the old battalion to supervise Datong's general officer Jiang Yu, and he was killed for this.

So everyone originally thought that this time, Zhang Tianlin and Li Zicheng would still be "inseparable from the focus, and never leave the focus", but they never expected that Zhang Tianlin would "suddenly rebel."

In fact, they thought wrong about this person. He didn't necessarily want to be friendly with Li Zicheng, but he didn't like to be the "first person" in the first place.

Historically, because Li Zicheng was the most outstanding among the rebels, he was willing to be a green leaf to accompany the "general".

Now the "King Shun" in the rebel army was famous and generous, and he was generous and loving, which made Zhang Tianlin have a heart of surrender, so what happened today.

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