Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 997: Consecutive defeats

"Fire, fire!" Along with Li Shian's hoarse command, the shocking sound of cannons rang out again.

A total of ten "Qingtian General Cannons" were lined up, spitting out long tongues of flame, and with the deafening sound of the cannons, devastating cannonballs fell.

When these cannonballs landed on the city wall, the ground shook; when they landed on the parapets and discs, they shattered their bodies; when they landed on the crowd, their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"Straight bitch, how come these thieves' artillery is so sharp!" A tall general yelled while avoiding the masonry fragments shattered by the artillery shells.

"Mr. Yu, now you know why I ordered the city wall to be reinforced!" Shaanxi General Soldier Zuo Guangxian said with a bitter smile.

After the rebel army killed Liang Tingdong, he led his troops to defend Xi'an. As a result, he encountered a situation similar to today's.

Before the two of them finished speaking, another burst of gunfire rang out.

Only this time, it was not the 10,000-jin Hongyi cannon. Instead, it was the "Flying Biao Gun", the "Golden Cannon", and the "Field Cannon" that took turns firing.

"Then 'Cao Thief' Luo Rucai has no problem, right?" Mr. Yu Zhen Yu Chongxiao couldn't help but ask again.

"I heard that that guy is cunning and repeated, just like Lu Bu, so you have to be on guard against him!"

Straight mother-in-law, they are working hard here. If they are fooled by this bird man, won't they make the whole world laugh out loud?

"Don't worry, Mr. Yu. Luo Rucai is certainly cunning and repetitive. Don't the other 'Crossing the Sky', 'General', 'General White Robe' and 'King Neat' also want to leave a way out for themselves?" Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guang He couldn't help but defend himself.

"In particular, the names of 'Chuang Jiang' and 'Living Cao Cao' have never been willing to surrender. How can they be false?"

"Even if there is a lie, how can there be a lie if there is a gap between the thieves and the 'submissive thieves'?"

"The thieves work together and save each other. They are a hundred times better than the officers and soldiers. How can there be a gap?" Yu Chongxiao was almost pissed to death by Zuo Guangxian and couldn't help but remind him.

It doesn’t matter whether our close cooperation is as good as others. Where do you get your confidence?

This seems to be too much to fool. If Yu Chongxiao, the commander-in-chief of Yansui, refuses to cooperate with him, how can the five thousand defeated soldiers with low morale under his command stand up to the "successful thieves" on the opposite side?

Thinking of this, Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guang couldn't help but drag Yu Chongxiao to a remote place and whispered: "I'll tell you the truth, it's because 'Cao Thief' revealed an important piece of news to me, so That’s why I’m willing to believe him!”

"Although the obedient thief is brave, he is actually as afraid of the golden soldiers as tigers! I heard that 'Living Cao Cao' said that this thief often sighs and worries about what will happen to the golden soldiers when they enter the pass! "

"What kind of news is this?" Yu Chongxiao said disdainfully upon hearing this, "Although the golden soldiers are brave, they are beyond my ability to use. What can I do?"

"I have sent envoys to Guihua City to persuade Houjin Dorgon and Yue Tuo to come and help in the battle!" Zuo Guangxian said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Are you crazy?" Yu Chongxiao was almost frightened by Zuo Guangxian on the spot, "Aren't you opening the door to welcome the thief?"

"Originally, we were stationed here in order to protect the territory and the people and defend the Tartars. If we introduce troops into the pass and harm the countryside, wouldn't we be sinners for the ages?"

"Besides, what if they come and take over but don't leave? There are bandits on the left and captives on the right. What can be done then?"

"You are worrying too much. We only need to hold on to the castle. Then, although the Jin soldiers are powerful, what can they do?" Zuo Guangxian, the chief military officer of Shaanxi, said disdainfully.

"Liaodong is more than three thousand miles away from here. Is there any reason to occupy it for a long time?"

"Once the Shun thief was defeated, Hou Jin's soldiers plundered and went away. At that time, we regained the provincial government and wiped out the Shun thief. I'm afraid it won't be the best in the world. By then, it will be too late for the court to reward him, so where will the punishment come from?"

"If the thieves are compliant and have sharp artillery, it is easy to destroy the city and take out the stronghold. How can we defend it?"

"You are so audacious!" Yu Chongxiao said silently, "There are countless variables in this, so how can General Zuo control it?"

"I always feel that this matter is too dangerous and should not be done lightly!"

"You can't survive without going crazy!" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, said with a wry smile, "If not, do you think we would have any chance?"

"At that time, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, commanded 40,000 troops to attack and were defeated. Liang Tingdong personally commanded 60,000 troops to fight in vain. How can we fight this battle?"

"Then why hasn't the imperial court sent anyone this time?" Yu Chongxiao couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this, shook his head and asked.

"The governors of the three sides are dead, Xi'an has fallen, everyone is leaderless, and people in the post are in panic. There must be something else going on during the delivery of the letter!" Zuo Guangxian shook his head and said.

"You know this and I know it. God knows it and the earth knows it. Never let a third person know about it, otherwise I will die without a burial place!"

Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, also knew that this matter was not very honorable, so he couldn't help but give repeated warnings.

"Okay, okay!" Yu Chongxiao nodded helplessly.

Although he is now the commander-in-chief of Yansui, his actual influence in Yansui is much worse than that of his opponent Xian, and Zuo Guangxian's attitude has to be taken into consideration.

It should be said that Yu Chongxiao was also a capable general. He was stationed in Yulin and fought with the Tumote tribe all the year round. It was no big deal that he was besieged by the Tatars for several months.

But he never expected that the "Shun Thief" artillery was so sharp. How long could they hold on? one day? Two days? Or three or five days?

"Headquarters, it's impossible, we can't resist it anymore!" Not long after the two whispered, a soldier suddenly came over to report.

"What?" Yu Chongxiao was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but cursed, "Straight bitch!"

"Even if the heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals are coming, I can still carry them for a few days. Why did you start shouting at these birdmen as soon as they started to attack the city?"

"Commander, wait and see!" The soldier couldn't help but point his finger after hearing this.

Yu Chongxiao took a closer look and saw that the rebel artillery was bombarding fiercely again. At the same time, the thieves below the city were desperately pushing ladders and other siege tools one by one, and braved the bullets to rush up.

"What are you going to do? Die together?" Yu Chongxiao couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"No, this is a 'tail bomb attack on the city'!" Zuo Guang couldn't help but was stunned for a moment and shouted quickly.

"What is a 'tail bomb attack'?" Yu Chongxiao couldn't help but asked curiously, but before Zuo Guang could answer, he already knew the answer.

On the city wall, the thieves' cannonballs hit one after another, and the soldiers were constantly driven away to both sides.

However, before the officers and soldiers could catch their breath, thieves took the opportunity to board the city and charged forward, almost like following cannonballs.

It turns out that this so-called "tail bomb siege" was because Zuo Guangxian didn't know the name of the rebels' "infantry and artillery coordination tactics", so he just changed the wording.

"How the hell are you going to fight like this?" Yu Chongxiao almost went crazy when he saw this. He had never encountered such a disgusting siege method.

However, within two days, Yu Chongxiao, the commander-in-chief of Yansui, and Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, could no longer resist the attack and had to abandon the city and retreat to Suide.

Zhang Shunsui took Yan'an and attacked Suide.

After Suide fell, the rebel army besieged Yulin again.

Unexpectedly, Ma Jinzhong suddenly sent a message: "The officers and soldiers of Ningxia Town suddenly attacked from Qingyang. I fought hard for a day and had to retreat to Yanzhou. I also asked the King of Qin to return to the army as soon as possible to avoid being cut off and being attacked by the officers and soldiers!"

It turned out that what Zhang Shun was most worried about happened. Sure enough, Ningxia Town and Yansui Town joined forces to try to work together to fight against the rebels.

Now that there are wolves in front of us and tigers in the back, what can we do?

Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but look at Zhang Fengyi and said: "Fengyi, the elite soldiers of Sichuan are the best among all other armies. Now you are the only one who can resist the elite soldiers of Ningxia Town. Please hold it for me."

"Within ten days, I will defeat Yulin, and then I will return to the army and defeat the elite soldiers of Ningxia Town with you!"

How could Zhang Fengyi refuse?

When she heard this, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Shun affectionately and said: "I will not retreat until you return. King Qin, I will wait for you in Yanzhou!"

"Be careful in everything!" Zhang Shun warned her.

Then after a slight hesitation, he turned around and shouted loudly: "Wukong, come here, you lead half of the bodyguards, and protect your mistress in every possible way, without making any mistakes!"

"Prince Qin, what about you?" Zhang Fengyi was startled and couldn't help but express concern.

"Don't worry, I have no problem!" Zhang Shun chuckled, but unexpectedly someone also laughed.

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