Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 169 How difficult is it?

"Go see him immediately."

Ubuyashiki Yōya stood up. He seemed to even want to go by himself. His body had temporarily recovered to health and he was no longer like a porcelain doll that could break at the touch of a touch, but he was able to travel.

"Forget it, Teriya is only a little over six years old. If something happens to you and you die now, the Demon Slayer Squad will have to wait for a while."

Ke Ling waved his hand and rejected Uyashiki Yōya's idea of ​​going with him.

Although the heads of each generation die very early, if they die around the age of thirty, the heads of the next generation will basically succeed to the throne around the age of eleven or twelve. Due to the strong educational ability of the Ubuyashiki clan, the heirs will be around the age of eleven or twelve. Already have good abilities.

Six years old is still a bit too early. No matter how precocious it is, at the age of six, there are only a few years to learn, and there is no time to teach many things.

More than 400 years ago, the most incredible thing that Iwakatsu Tsukuni did was probably to kill the lord of that generation and make a six-year-old child the new lord. In times of crisis, the young master is doubtful. This is really the worst thing. The situation came together.

Although the child did quite well. He did not vent his anger on Enichi Tsukuni, but let the swordsman go and successfully continued the Demon Slayer Corps. But if the successor was older, maybe If we can do better, the current knowledge of the Demon Slayer Corps will not be so serious.

In short, Ke Ling doesn't want Ubuya Shiki Yoya to go out and take risks. With this guy's original physical condition, he definitely can't go out. It would be bad if he goes out and directly changes the plot. Although Ke Ling himself doesn't know the plot, But in his opinion, it is definitely better for Ubuyashiki Yaoya to be alive than dead.

"Senior Makijuro, could you please follow Mr. Ke Ling? You know a lot about the Nichirin earrings and the Breath of the Sun, so you will definitely be able to help. Please follow me."

Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya didn't push too much. He sat down honestly, but looked at Purgatory Makijuro with a light in his eyes. He hoped that Purgatory Makijuro could go instead of him.

"I'm willing to go and have a look."

Under the sincere gaze of Ubuyashiki Yaoya, Purgatory Makijuro did not refuse because he was also very interested in it.

"Okay! Without further ado."

Ubuyashiki Yōya's mood gradually calmed down, and he put a smile on his face again, regaining his gentle and calm expression, but anyone could see that he was in a good mood.

Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro didn't waste any time. They were not ordinary people, so they were naturally not afraid of traveling at this level. They took the time to find Tanjiro Kamado to confirm that it was business.

"Will there be good news?"

Before leaving, Ke Ling raised his eyebrows and asked Uyashiki Yaoya. He was sure that this guy had definitely predicted something.

"There will be good news."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said categorically that although whether it had anything to do with the Breath of the Sun, his precognitive ability was not revealed.

But this kind of foreknowledge is enough, because the most important thing about Kamado Tanjiro right now is related to the breathing of the sun.

And he only had a hunch after knowing about this matter. He was almost certain that something would be gained about Sun Breathing. This was simply the best news.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya looked at Ke Ling. In fact, after hearing about Mr. Ke Ling last time, he had a strong premonition no less than this time. He felt as if he had missed Mr. Ke Ling. A chance to kill Muzan Kibutsuji.

After meeting Mr. Ke Ling, everything seemed to be developing in a better direction, and the gears of fate seemed to begin to turn.

Mr. Ke Ling is worthy of being the chosen one. In Ubuya Shiki Yaoya's heart, Ke Ling is like Enichi Tsukuni in this era, a key person who can push the Demon Slayer Squad further.

"With your words, I feel relieved."

Ke Ling smiled. Kamado Tanjiro's identity as the protagonist, the hint of the sun disk earrings given in "The Book of Flame Pillar", plus Ubuyashiki Yōya's precognitive ability, if Kamado Tanjiro didn't know the Breath of the Sun If so, he writes his name backwards!

Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro left the Demon Slayer Headquarters. They hurriedly hurried along and finally arrived at Samagiri Mountain.

At the foot of Mount Saggiri, Purgatory Makijuro was a little worried about gains and losses, and he didn't know what kind of mood he was feeling now.

The "breath of the sun" that almost made him lose confidence is about to appear again, but will the current Demon Slayer Corps, or even the future Demon Slayer Corps, really have someone as stunning and talented as Tsukuni Enichi?

Is this guy wearing Nichirin earrings really a descendant of Enichi Kuni? How many talents has he inherited from his ancestors?

Purgatory Makijuro was in a difficult mood. He was afraid that the hope in front of him would be extinguished again.

As for Ke Ling, he didn't think too much. Kamado Tanjiro was the protagonist after all. Although he didn't know what the kid had done, he knew that this was a hot-blooded show. According to his experience, this kind of hot-blooded show It's definitely a HE ending.

Soon, under the leadership of Ke Ling, the two came to Nintaki Sakonji's hut, where the old man was watching Tanjiro Kamado's training.

After being coached by Ke Ling, Kamado Tanjiro seemed to have enlightened himself, and his level had improved a lot. This made Nintakizag break some defenses recently. Doesn't this show that his teaching level is not good enough? So he started giving Kamado Tanjiro extra training.

Of course, in his opinion, Kamado Tanjiro's talent is just that, and even if he practices more, it will be difficult to pass the final test. After all, even children with stronger talents than Kamado Tanjiro have not been able to pass the test. He has lost confidence in this.

Tanjiro Kamado waved his knife while looking forward to it. His nose could smell Ke Ling's scent from far away, so he had been a little absent-minded, waiting for Ke Ling's arrival.

"Mr. Ke Ling?!"

After seeing Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro, the carbon-selling boy cried out in surprise.

Although Mr. Ke Ling was very strict when instructing him, and even made him experience the feeling of approaching death several times, but when Mr. Ke Ling left, he felt a little nostalgic. He had already understood that it was only through such practice that he could quickly growth.

Nintaki Sago looked at the two of them for the first time. He had naturally noticed their arrival a long time ago, and his nose was not a decoration.

"Ke Ling, Makijuro? Why are you two here together?"

As a Hashira who has successfully retired, Kintaki Sakonji naturally knows Purgatory Makijuro. After all, the Purgatory family has a direct lineage of Enbashira. He has worked with Purgatory Makijuro's father for a long time. He is not very familiar with the boy, but at least he has met him. Been there a few times.

"Senior Lintaki, let's find this young man."

In front of Nintaki Sakonji, Purgatory Makijuro restrained himself a lot. After all, this was an old man who had worked with his father, and he should give him due respect.

However, even though he was talking to Nintaki Sakonji, Purgatory Makijuro's eyes were already looking at Kamado Tanjiro, and he could hardly move his eyes away from Kamado Tanjiro's Nichiwa earrings.

"For Tanjiro?"

Nintaki Sakonji frowned, the face under the Tengu mask was very puzzled, so he looked at Ke Ling who was standing aside. Purgatory Makijuro had never seen Kamado Tanjiro before. Obviously, it could only be because What did Ke Ling say before he came over?

"Mr. Nintaki, Kamado Tanjiro is probably the descendant of the first breath."

Ke Ling said directly. These words made Nintaki Sakonji freeze there, and Kamado Tanjiro himself also looked confused.

"The descendant of the starting breath? Me?"

Tanjiro Kamado pointed at himself, with a look like "You must have made a mistake."

His own family knew about his own affairs, let alone the initial breathing method. He didn't even know what the breathing method was before he came here. How could he be the inheritor of the initial breathing method? !

"Your family members really don't necessarily know their own affairs."

Ke Ling smiled and shook his head. He approached Kamado Tanjiro and reached out to touch the Nichiwa earrings, which made Kamado Tanjiro continue to look confused.

"Where did this earring come from?"

Ke Ling asked, and Purgatory Makijuro also came closer and carefully confirmed the sun earrings. His expression was extremely serious. The sun earrings were exactly the same as those written in the "Book of Flame Pillars". They were absolutely the same. There is no possibility of error.

"Family Heirloom"

Kamado Tanjiro replied confusedly, is there anything wrong with these earrings?


Purgatory Makijuro clapped his hands, he was absolutely right now, the guy in front of him was definitely the descendant of Breath of the Sun!

"Tanjiro, think about it carefully. Apart from these earrings, is there anything else in your family that has been passed down from generation to generation, such as customs or techniques? That kind of special thing that you don't remember from other families." Only your home has it.”

Ke Ling guided Kamado Tanjiro. What he said was already obvious. If it were true, Kamado Tanjiro would definitely understand what he was talking about.

"Passed down from generation to generation, special."

Kamado Tanjiro stared, and he began to recall. If he had to say it, there seemed to be someone who met the conditions.

"Kagurumai, the God of Fire."

Kamado Tanjiro blurted out, which made Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro feel happy. Sure enough, it was the boy who was right!

"The Fire God Kagura Dance is a ritual dance that has been passed down from generation to generation in our family. It is a dance performed to pray for the safety of the Fire God."

Kamado Tanjiro continued to explain that this is a custom that no other family has, and he can be sure of this. Moreover, there is a connection between the God of Fire Kagura Dance and the Nichiwa Earrings, because his father specifically told him to These two things are passed down.

"In addition to this, my father also taught me an ability called world penetration, which is the highest state of being able to control one's own fighting spirit."

Under the pressure of Mr. Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro, Kamado Tanjiro recalled many things. In addition to the God of Fire Kagura Dance, he also recalled that his father once taught him to "see through the world."

"What?! Does your father know the Breathing Technique?! Is he a powerful swordsman?! Has he mastered the Breath of the Sun?!"

Hearing Kamado Tanjiro's words, Purgatory Makijuro was stunned. He grabbed Kamado Tanjiro's arms and asked loudly. His eyes were so wide that they even had bloodshot eyes.

"Um, no, my father is not a swordsman, nor does he know how to breathe. His health has always been in poor condition and he died of illness very early."

Kamado Tanjiro replied in a muffled voice. He obviously had not yet realized how rebellious his father Kamado Tanjuro was.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Purgatory Makijuro let go of Kamado Tanjiro, and he took two steps back, his mouth full of disbelief, as if he couldn't accept it.

At the first moment, he thought that the father of the child in front of him was another Jiguo Enichi, a genius who was born with stripes, understood the world, and controlled the breath of the sun.

As a result, it turned out to be a sick man who couldn't even breathe and was even born with a weak body. Is this really reasonable?

"Tanjiro, this initial breath is called the breath of the sun. It is the nemesis of the ghost king. The ability to penetrate the world is also very critical. It is an ability that must be mastered to deal with the ghost king. If possible, can you teach these abilities to the ghosts? Kill everyone on the team?"

It can be said that Ke Ling felt no burden when he said these words to Kamado Tanjiro, because with the character of Kamado Tanjiro, even if he didn't say it, the child would never hide anything.

In order to destroy the ghost king Onimusuji Muzan, and to help his sister Nezuko Kamado transform back into a human, he will do anything.

"Of course I do!"

Sure enough, Tanjiro Kamado didn't hesitate at all. He was such a kind and gentle character, which even made Nintaki Sakonji feel that he was not suitable to be a ghost hunter at all. It is estimated that Nintaki Sakonji still has this feeling. kind of idea.


Purgatory Makijuro was listening and felt that his mentality became even more explosive.

What he thought was impossible has been overturned, the breath of the sun has reappeared, and a sick man who makes a living by chopping firewood and selling carbon can actually understand the "transparent world" that no one in the Demon Slayer Corps understands!

Are they, the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps, terrible, or is Kamado Tanjuro actually a genius? A sick man who doesn't know how to breathe or swordsmanship can actually understand "the world through".

But this also proves something from the side. The mastery of "transparent world" seems to have little to do with one's physical fitness. It all depends on the method and understanding. Is it true that they are all too stupid? Is this Kamado Tanjuro really a genius?

Purgatory Makijuro was hit again, but he quickly recovered, because Kamado Tanjiro had begun to demonstrate the "Fire God Kagura Dance" while dancing, and he was saying the name of each move.

"No, there are thirteen postures of Sun Breathing, but you only have twelve postures."

After Kamado Tanjiro danced "Fire God Kagura", Purgatory Makijuro immediately spoke, and he would definitely remember this.

"'s really only these. I will never remember it wrong."

Faced with the questioning of Purgatory Makijuro, Kamado Tanjiro was very firm. He might remember other things wrongly, but he would never remember this wrongly.

"No! There is definitely a Thirteenth Form. Tsukuni Enichi was the ghost king who defeated Tsuji Mukai with the Thirteenth Form. How could there not be a Thirteenth Form?!"

Purgatory Makijuro broke some defenses and found the Breath of the Sun, but he didn't have the most critical thirteenth move. This is too hellish!

"Wait a minute, why do Type 1 and Type 12 have the same name? Is there any connection between them? This is too special."

Ke Ling raised a question. He felt that since the family did not have any major problems such as chronology, it was indeed unlikely that the Kamado family would mistranslate the "God of Fire Kagura Dance". It is even less likely that the most important thirteen postures are not taught, so there must be something wrong.

"No, one is round dance and the other is flame dance. They just have the same pronunciation."

Kamado Tanjiro opened his mouth to explain, and then he was stunned for a moment, as if he thought of something.

"Is that so? Tanjiro, please think about it again and see if you missed any key information. I don't think it's that simple."

Ke Ling squinted his eyes. Not only did the round dance and the flame dance have similar names, but even the moves seemed to be well connected, as if they were going over and over without interruption.

Thinking like this, Ke Ling started playing the video in his mind. He started looping the video of Tanjiro Kamado dancing the "God of Fire Kagura Dance", completely connecting the head and tail together. Then, he saw A truly complete breath of the sun.

"That's it! Keep dancing until dawn!"

At this time, Tanjiro Kamado seemed to have remembered something, and he shouted out. He thought of what his father said, and every sacrifice, every time they danced the "God of Fire Kagura Dance", they had to keep doing it. Non-stop dance to dawn!

"So this is the thirteenth pose."

Purgatory Makijuro's eyes widened, and he connected all the sword shapes together and launched an unstoppable and uninterrupted attack!

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