Please Call My Master

Chapter 264 Observation

"Haha! This time the first place is 100% Lao Tzu, but I brought all the strongest weapons of the family, let them come here."

Facing accusations from many students, the student in the mecha swore arrogantly without limit.

At this time, a nightman jumped from the house.

Landing in front of the mecha, one of the captains took the lead, pointed at the mecha and shouted.

"Come down!"

"Why? During the entrance exam, the instructor said that you can use whatever skills you have. I have a problem with opening a mecha?"

The examinee replied unconvinced.

"It's another student who is missing a string, you come down first, or I'll be rude."

The face of the nightman captain in front of him turned black with anger.

Seeing that the night watchmen in front of them got angry, the cockpit of the mecha slowly opened.

A man wearing floral underpants and with his bare upper body jumped down, landed on the ground, and turned to question the night bearers surrounding him.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you an idiot? Even a fool knows that you can't drive large weapons into the Red Sea. There are dense old trees inside, and the mecha can't move around at all."

"Then I can fly."

"Fly your head, if you dare to fly such a big mech on it, I guarantee that you will startle the giant monsters in the ruins and tear you to pieces in minutes. Didn't your family remind you?"

The Night Carrier sprayed saliva on the face of the man in front of him.

"You are absolutely fooling me."

The guy in front of him still had an expression of disbelief.

"Believe it or not, we don't care about you."

"Then you still let me down, why?"

"A ticket! You drove the mecha to land forcibly, destroying the street, and the huge airflow caused some damage to the houses on both sides."

The leader of the night watchman, the captain, took out a ticket from his pocket.

"Tch, why did I think it was a fine? I have plenty of money, so you can fine me whatever you want. How much is it worth?"

The man in flowery pants replied disdainfully.



"Which college?"

"Of course I belong to the Summer Academy. Is there anyone in the entire academy who doesn't know me?"

Gaom replied proudly.

The nightman captain didn't bother to say anything, he picked up a pen and wrote the amount on the ticket, tore it off and handed it to Gaom.

"Take it and hand it in, it's none of your business. As for whether you like to use this mecha or not, it's up to you. And don't park the mecha here, otherwise it will be cleaned up as garbage if it hinders traffic."

Gaom picked up the ticket and glanced at it, a terrified expression appeared on his originally confident face.

"You robbed! You actually fined me one million star coins!"

"What kind of robbery? This Red Twilight Town is a historic site. Everywhere is an antique. Every piece you step on is an antique. Look at how many pieces your mech is broken, and the surrounding houses are about to be destroyed. You have turned into a dilapidated building, you should be thankful that those houses did not collapse, otherwise, let me tell you that today’s fine should be at least added to zero!"

Captain Nightman reprimanded Gaom angrily.

"It's just these dilapidated wooden houses, so expensive? You are definitely avenging yourself and blackmailing me on purpose. Let me tell you that my father is Count Leo of the Longji Empire (Superior Empire)."

With an expression of disbelief on his face, Gaom announced his family name.

"Let me tell you, your father is no good at anyone, just pay this ticket obediently, otherwise I guarantee you won't even be qualified for the exam."

The captain of the Nightkeeper waved his hand after speaking, and left with his subordinates.

Gaom was in a hurry!

"Then what about this mecha?"

"Find out your own way, and pay attention when starting it. The craftsmen are very slow recently, and it will take some time for the buildings on both sides to be repaired."

When Gaom heard this, he almost burst into tears!

"Why am I so unlucky."

When the other students around saw this scene, they all burst into laughter, as if they were not surprised at all. This kind of thing has happened a lot recently.

Shen Ye stood aside, watching in a daze.

This group of students is really rich, is this an exam? Isn't a group of rich second generations come here to play house?

At this time, a group of disheartened students walked past Shen Ye feebly.

"We've finally arrived."

"I can't help it. The car is not working and broke down halfway, so I can only walk over."

"I told you that the car was no good."

"Isn't there no money? The little money we scraped together is enough to rent the car, which is better than those who can only walk? After the exam is over, we have to find a way to go back to get the car. If the car We'll be in trouble if we lose it."

Shen Ye turned around and took a few more glances at those students.

Although they are also wearing Autumn Academy uniforms, judging from their shoes and some accessories, it should be that the conditions at home are not very good.

Four Seasons Academy has always had a mandatory rule, that is, half of the students recruited each year must be from the ordinary class.

There is only one requirement for their admission, and that is to be good enough.

The college will exempt these students from tuition fees, and at the same time provide certain scholarship subsidies.

The reason for doing this is to alleviate class conflicts on the one hand, and to create fresh blood for the coalition government on the other.

The entrance exam actually started at the moment of notification.

Going to Hongmu Town is the first test. If you have a strong background or network, you will naturally be able to buy a ticket to arrive. This is in itself the advantage of those noble students.

Even after graduation, this is their indelible capital.

The principle pursued by the Four Seasons Academy is to respect reality and not deviate from reality.

There is no absolute fairness in this world, and the academy does not intend to create an absolutely fair environment. All they want is to create a relatively fair environment, and the rest is up to themselves. After all, after graduation, I still have to rely on myself, no one will help, and the children who come out of the greenhouse can't go far.

Shen Ye shook his head and didn't look any further.

At this time, two girls in sweaters came over while complaining.

"It's so broken here."

"Yeah, you don't know, the hotel I stayed in yesterday didn't even have a toilet, only a pit! I wonder if we've returned to the primitive society."

Shen Ye couldn't help but take a second look, the two girls knew at a glance that they belonged to the Winter Academy, their skin was very fair and they were dressed so thickly.

As for the students of the College of Spring, their clothes are relatively normal, which is somewhat similar to that of the College of Autumn. If you are not wearing a school uniform, it is slightly difficult to recognize.

Shen Ye walked towards the central area of ​​the town with great interest, and went to report first.

With so many people pouring into such a small town, it is definitely overcrowded. If I report later, I might not even have a place to live.

On the way to the center of the town, Shen Ye saw many students gathered in groups, with family elders standing beside them.

The larger the crowd gathered, the stronger the family.

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