Please Call My Master

Chapter 321 Rewards (add sugar to the leader's water) (fifth)

"It's the same with me. I left after receiving the notice suddenly. I'm sorry!"

"Shen Ye, and me, I also have a temporary business, so I didn't have time to say goodbye to you. When you come back and have a chance to come to our planet, feel free to come to us and definitely treat you well!"

Hui Ge and the others said with a smile.

"No problem, if you have time to come to Autumn Star, feel free to come to me, and I promise to welcome you all the way!"

Shen Ye also patted his chest and replied.

"Okay! Then it's settled."

Haig and the others responded with a smile, leaving contact information for each other.

At this moment, a staff member came over and politely said to Shen Ye and the others, "My lords, the group photo is about to start."


Shen Ye and the others nodded, and then all the honored personnel stepped onto the stage!

Not long after, Shen Ye and others lined up for honor awardees, and the six of Shen Ye stood at the front.

"Three, two, one"

With the photographer shouting!


After the group video was finished, Shen Ye and the others all stepped down from the stage.

Boroka said to many reporters in a deep voice: "I am here to thank all the heroes again for their dedication. It is because of their dedication that this world is so beautiful and full of hope. The commendation is over. All reporters please Leave the venue in order, we have special personnel to lead you to the hall to rest."

After speaking, a staff member of the Mingxing Tower stepped forward and began to lead the reporters out of the venue.

Shen Ye went back to sit next to Bai Xiong, and before Shen Ye could speak, Bai Xiong couldn't help asking.

"Why are your rewards so small?"

"I'm not so sure either."

Shen Ye was also a little puzzled, but he couldn't ask Boroka on stage, could he? Isn't that looking for draws?

"It's really too much."

Bai Xiong couldn't help complaining for Shen Ye.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter how much."

Shen Ye replied indifferently, in fact, what he wanted to say was, why do you want these rewards, it would be better to reward Long Yi to him!

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a few days, your consciousness has become higher, and you treat money like dung?"

Bai Xiong looked at Shen Ye in disbelief.

"Go away, come to mock me again. By the way, let me ask you, what is the use of this gold badge of honor?"

Shen Ye asked curiously.

"Don't you understand? Honor badges are divided into silver badges, gold badges, platinum badges, diamond badges, and star badges. There are five levels, of which silver is the lowest level. But I haven't gotten one yet! These badges say It is useful and useful, and it is useless to say that it is useless. It mainly symbolizes honor. For example, when you attend the annual meeting, it is more face-saving to hang on your chest, or when you want to run for the tower master or deputy tower master, or when you want to run for a special position in the star tower , it’s useful, you only look at the badge of glory at that critical moment. And you are doing tasks, such as running for the invigilator of the joint examination, the one with the badge is super dominant, basically one election is accurate. And each of these badges They are all unique, look carefully at your gold badge, is there a picture on it."

"Yes, there is a pattern of red maple leaves."

"This represents the glory of the incident in the land of the Red Sea."

Bai Xiong popularized Shen Ye.

"So that's how it is!"

Shen Ye nodded.

While the two were chatting, all the reporters left the stage!


The door of the conference hall suddenly closed!

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Shen Ye and the others were shocked, and he whispered to Bai Xiong.

"It seems something is wrong."

"The main event is coming."

White Bear lowered his voice and replied.

At this time, Bo Luosi inspected everyone below with cold and stern eyes.

"Since ancient times, there have been rewards and punishments! A large number of students were tortured and died in the incident in the Red Sea, and this incident happened not only because of the participation of the Holy Redemption Organization, but also because of moths inside us. Eat inside and out, assist the staff of the Holy Redemption Organization to enter the land of the Red Sea, and leak the information and distribution map of the invigilator of the joint examination! Some people even assisted the mutant to attack the chief examiner Zhu Qi, causing Zhu Qi to die. His crime is unforgivable!"

Hearing Bo Luoxi's words, everyone's hearts were shocked.

Shen Ye also took a deep breath.

"Announce the trial list first. The original Autumn Star Night Carrier Tu Qi is suspected of assisting mutants to enter the Red Sea, suspected of massacring his companions, and then feigning death in an attempt to escape punishment! Sentence him to death!"

Every time Borosi announced a list, one person involved was brought up in public.

"Zhang Song, the former night star of winter, was sentenced to 180 years in prison for allegedly assisting mutants to enter the land of the Red Sea."

"The former owner of Autumn Star Tavern, Tan Wen, was greedy for life and afraid of death. He was forced by mutants' power and had no moral bottom line. He openly insulted female students and caused serious damage to Star Pagoda's reputation. He was sentenced to death."

Tan Wen, who was pressed up, passed out immediately.

Borossi continued to announce the list indifferently.

Shen Ye was also shocked to hear that so many people were found out for cheating to death, and the punishment of Xingta this time was not so severe.

Basically, it is either to be executed, or to be imprisoned for more than a hundred years. Basically, people who enter it are almost dead.

A moment later, when Borossi read the last names of some people, these people were not brought up, and they seemed to have escaped.

"Lu Dong, the former senior director of the star tower resident in Hongmu Town, colluded with the Holy Redemption Organization, assisted the mutants to enter the Red Sea, exposed Zhu Qi's position, and was suspected of inducing Zhu Qi to enter the trap. He should be punished for this crime. The A-level arrest warrant is now issued , to see people in life, and to see corpses in death.”

More than an hour later, after Borossi explained all the matters, he said in a stern voice.

"I hope that everyone here will take this as a warning, and the meeting will end!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!


Although the execution had nothing to do with them, they also felt a lot of pressure.

At this moment, Bai Xiong said to Shen Ye: "It's over, let's go."


Shen Ye didn't think much about it, and responded.

At this moment, Yori came over, and he smiled and said to the two who were about to leave.


"whats the matter?"

Shen Ye and Bai Xiong looked at Yueli suspiciously.

Yueli coughed and said, "Shen Ye, don't leave yet, Master Wanoranka asked you to meet him in his office, he has something to ask you."

"Huh? Okay."

Although Shen Ye was a little surprised, he didn't think much about it.

"Then you go, I'll wait for you outside."

Bai Xionghao said indifferently.

Shen Ye nodded, then walked towards the back of the council hall.

A while later, Shen Ye came to the door of Vanoranka's office, and he knocked lightly on the door.

"come in."

Vanoranka's kind voice sounded in the room.

Shen Ye opened the door and walked in, only to see Vanoranka sitting in front of the desk.

"Hello, my lord."

Shen Ye saluted respectfully.

"Don't be so stiff, sit down and have a cup of tea!"

Wanoranka poured Shen Ye a cup of tea.

Shen Ye was also flattered by the store, so he quickly picked it up.


"I called you here this time for no other reason. It's just because of the entrance exam incident that you performed very well, very well, completely beyond my expectations."

Vanoranka praised sincerely.

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord."

Shen Ye replied a little nervously.

"So as a reward, I have something for you."

Having said that, Vanoranka took out a slender black box from under the desk.

When Shen Ye saw this box, his heart was beating wildly!

"Is this for me?"

"That's right."

Wanoranka opened it directly and handed it to Shen Ye.

The Judgment of Death·Long Sniper is reflected in Shen Ye's eyes!

Shen Ye was overjoyed. He had given up all hope at first, but he didn't expect Vanoranka to bring him this gun.

"Thank you, Lord Vanoranka, thank you."

"Don't be happy just yet, there's more!"

Vanoranka said with a smile.

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