Please Call My Master

Chapter 340: Help (add more sugar to the leader's water)

Shen Ying pretended not to see it, she smiled and said to Bai Xiong and Lan Chen.

"My younger brother is relatively introverted. He didn't have many friends since he was a child, and he just left the family not long ago. If there is anything he doesn't understand, please take care of him."

"Don't worry, our relationship is very strong! A life-threatening friendship."

White Bear patted his chest and said.

Lan Chen said to Shen Ying: "Actually, elder brother is very powerful, he has taken care of me a lot. But elder sister, don't worry, as long as elder brother says, I will follow him even if it is a mountain of swords and fire."

Shen Ying was taken aback when she heard what the two said, and then looked at Shen Ye's eyes in surprise.

She didn't expect her younger brother's friends to be so reliable.

"Haha, sister, you don't have to worry about me."

"Well, then go ahead and eat. I've already bought it. I still have things to deal with. Let's go first."

Shen Ying stood up and said to the three of Shen Ye.

Shen Ye also stood up at this time and shouted: "Sister, wait a minute, are you in trouble over there, how about I help you? Dad told me before coming here."

Seeing that her younger brother wanted to help, Shen Ying replied with a smile: "It's nothing, I can handle it myself."

"That's right, we can help too, it's not that we're bragging, we're all good at this line of work."

White Bear patted his chest and said.

"This is not good, you are all here to travel, how can I delay your time."

"Don't be polite to us, Shen Ye and we are tight buddies."

"Yes! That's right, your business is my business."

Lan Chen replied without hesitation.


Seeing that Shen Ying was a little embarrassed, Shen Ye turned around and said to Bai Xiong and Lan Chen.

"White Bear, Lanchen, you two continue to eat, I'll just go down."

"Can you handle it?"

White Bear asked.

"Okay, maybe I'm calling you."

Shen Ye was not polite to Bai Xiong and the others either.

"Okay, that's it."

Bai Xiong and Lan Chen did not continue to persist.

Shen Ying replied apologetically to Bai Xiong and Lan Chen.

"I'm sorry, when I'm done with the matter, I'll definitely take you for a stroll. Let's go first."

"Okay, slow down! Be safe."

Bai Xiong and Lan Chen waved their hands.

Then Shen Ye followed Shen Ying out and got into the police car.

Shen Ying directly stepped on the accelerator and sped out.

"Sister, what happened to you here?"

Along the way, Shen Ye didn't go around in circles, and asked directly.

"What else can happen? People have been dying recently, and one died at noon. I haven't finished the investigation yet. As a result, another one died just now, and it still died in the area under my jurisdiction. In addition, the family conditions of these dead people It’s all good, but now the family members are making trouble.”

Shen Ying replied helplessly.

"Who did it, any clues?"

"If there is a clue, I still have such a headache?"

"Could it be a mutant or a monster?"

Shen Ye frowned slightly and asked.

"Unlikely, our side is very safe."

"No, so many people died, you still say it's safe?"

Shen Ye also looked puzzled.

"You don't understand. Mutants rarely cause trouble here. As for alien monsters, there are people from the Star Tower watching them. If they did it, this case will not be in my hands."

"Who did that?"

"Our side is not the same as your Autumn Star. The main trouble on our side is the underground gangsters. They dare to do anything and make trouble every day. I still think it's mutants or monsters who did it. Then I won't have such a headache."

Shen Ying was also very helpless.

"It's okay! Take your time, don't worry."

Shen Ye comforted with a smile.

"Don't worry, you don't know, the guy above me is troubling me every day because of performance issues. If I don't make good performance next month, I will be in bad luck and will really be transferred. Go to the back and look at the warehouse."

When Shen Ying said this, her face was full of helplessness.

"Then you still hold back."

Shen Ye smiled, it was the first time he saw his sister with such a sad face.

"You and your friends are here for a trip, so it's fine if I didn't entertain you well, maybe I dragged you into the water! But then again, explain to me, what's going on with you? Why did you become so strong for no reason? I saw you on TV I couldn't believe it when I saw you on the Internet, if I didn't make a few phone calls home to confirm, I still can't believe it now."

Shen Ying suddenly asked, she didn't ask Shen Ye before, it was because Shen Ye's friends were present and it was inconvenient to ask.

"Uh, well, it's just a sudden epiphany."

Shen Ye replied with some embarrassment.

"Be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting! You definitely punished us on purpose when you were young, but I gave you headaches all day long, and even shared the cultivation resources with you. Do you have the heart to tease us?"

Shen Ying didn't believe it at all.

"No way, I really didn't tease you."

Shen Ye couldn't explain it clearly either.

"Forget it, for the sake of you taking the initiative to help me solve the case, I won't argue with you."

Shen Ying turned around and said back.

After listening to Shen Ye, he was also very happy, but luckily he didn't continue to ask.

At this moment, Shen Ying stopped the car and saw that the area in front of her was surrounded.


Shen Ying got out of the car.

Shen Ye hurriedly followed.

Only ordinary guards surrounded the scene.

Shen Ying walked over to pick up her ID, and the ordinary guards immediately moved out of the way with a salute.

Shen Ye and Shen Ying walked in, only to see a fashionably dressed woman's corpse lying on the ground with heavy makeup.

Her death face was extremely ferocious!

All the blood vessels in the whole body including the face protruded, and there were messy friction wounds on the body.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a walking corpse.

Shen Ye also frowned when he saw the deceased, and it was the first time he had seen this kind of death.

Shen Ying seemed to be used to it, she knelt down and carefully examined the corpse to see if there were any special relics.

Then she turned to look at the guard next to her and asked.

"Are there any witnesses?"


"Are there any surveillance cameras nearby?"

"There is one, but we checked it, and it happens to be a blind spot here, so we can't see the image from this side."

The guard immediately explained.

After hearing this, Shen Ying's expression became even more ugly. It was another case without clues, and this was already the twentieth case.

Shen Ye checked and asked Shen Ying.

"Did the autopsy officer give a clear cause of death for the person who died before?"

"Yes, the given causes of death are all caused by external force, but each method of death is different. Some jumped directly from upstairs, some were killed by a collision, and some died as if bitten by a wild animal. Too much the same."

Shen Ying explained with a headache.

"Then how are you going to investigate?"

Shen Ye tried to ask.

"To be honest, I really don't know how to investigate except from the people I know around her."

"You have no problem with the direction of your investigation, so there must be some gains, right?"

"The problem is that everyone doesn't cooperate. I can't force them yet, otherwise I will be complained."

When Shen Ying said this, she also had a headache.

"It's okay, I'll go with you."

Shen Ye said with a smile.

"That's fine!"

Shen Ying can only trust Shen Ye now.

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