Please Call My Master

Chapter 388 Registration (adding more sugar to the leader's water) (fifth)

Shen Ye suddenly remembered that when he took a shower at noon, he put his mobile phone on the bedside and didn't bring it with him.

"Sorry, the phone is out of battery."

Shen Ye quickly explained.

"I really convinced you, sit down! I'm going to speed up."

Bai Xiong stepped on the accelerator, and the whole car sped straight away.

Not long after, Shen Ye and Bai Xiong finally arrived at the meeting room of the Star Tower Autumn City Branch. When the two walked in, it was already densely packed with people.

But the conference hall was surprisingly quiet.

Shen Ye and Bai Xiong found a corner seat and sat down.

At this moment, Vanoranka walked onto the stage, waved her hand slightly, and the door of the meeting room was closed immediately.

"I'm sorry, I called everyone here temporarily to hold this temporary emergency meeting. I have a very unfortunate news to tell you. There are a total of 348 cities in Autumn Star, and there have been riots in more than a hundred cities at the same time. Among them Karundi Economic City had fallen an hour ago and was occupied by a person called the Xie Tong organization. Another seven cities were in a semi-occupied state, and a large number of taverns and nightkeepers in those cities where the Star Tower was stationed were destroyed. , The casualties were heavy. Now ask for help from our branch, as of just now, the Star Tower branch has received a total of as many as 30,000 help requests."

Vanoranka didn't say any polite nonsense, and straight to the point explained the seriousness of the situation to everyone.

The people present were in an uproar!

"how so!"

"Lord Wanoranka, did you make a mistake? How could there be so many troubles all at once?"


Everyone present looked at Vanoranka.

"Due to the fact that the control of the Alliance Government has declined to a certain extent in recent years, and the Holy Redemption Organization is extremely active and extremely arrogant! As a result, countless evil organizations have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. But now is not the time to entangle these issues. The most urgent thing now is To solve these problems, the Nightkeepers, Starhunters, and Inquisitions that can be mobilized have been dispatched to the branch of the Autumn Star Tower, but the manpower is completely insufficient. Therefore, I hope that all the Nightkeepers and Tavern Masters here, Able to lend a helping hand and take the initiative to accept temporary support tasks.”

Vanoranka said solemnly to everyone present.

Hearing Vanoranka's words, the scene was suddenly silent, and everyone present was a little silent.

To put it bluntly, the danger of going down is not so great. You must know that in recent years, the evil organizations that have emerged have become stronger and more arrogant.

Not everyone is willing to take the risk.

At this time someone spoke.

"Can't people from the military department go?"

Vanoranka shook her head and said to everyone: "I just communicated with the Autumn City military department, they will not send troops, they think this commotion is a conspiracy, and the other party's target is likely to be the pillar of the Autumn City seal. In addition, the situation in Autumn City is also very bad recently. More and more mutants are pouring into Autumn City. The newly established circle of Autumn City is the sixth ring, and it is even more chaotic now. And so far, no new people have settled there The tavern and the Nightkeeper may have problems at any time, so the goal and strategy of the military department is to abandon the outside and just focus on the Autumn City, and the rest can only be up to us. As for the ones I encouraged to sign up just now, it is the Autumn City There is no need to sign up for the owners and nightkeepers on the outer floor."

"And now we urgently need a large amount of funds for disaster relief to appease those mutants, but the funds we applied to the Star Tower headquarters have not yet been approved. I hope that if you have the luxury, you can donate some privately."

Shen Ye under the stage lowered his voice and said to Bai Xiong: "The situation is not as bad as usual."

"You just know."

White Bear replied helplessly.

"However, I don't understand. Vanoranka has already said that the outlying taverns and nightkeepers don't need to sign up. Why did they ask us to come to the meeting?"

Shen Ye asked in a low voice.

"Please, you are a five-star, I don't want to call you someone."

"Then why don't you go?"

Shen Ye asked curiously.

"I'm going to a woolen yarn, you can barely go, I can't go at all."

"Why can't you go? Didn't you also go on vacation last time?"

"Brother, I'm looking for someone to replace us. As the outside night guards, I have to leave and we don't have to mess up. At that time, if the things below are not resolved, the family will have an accident first, but you are different. Don't you still have an accident at home?" Can you do the job?"

"You said Lan Chen and Kazant, it seems to make sense!"

Shen Ye nodded and replied.

"Nonsense, Lanchen and Kazant will replace you. It's not easy to take care of the tavern! But if I leave, even if you want to take my place, it's probably not enough. Do you know how to patrol our area?"

"Forget it, you'd better squat at home."

Shen Ye thought for a while, if the white bear left, he would have to patrol every day, it hurts to think about it.

At this time, Vanoranka continued on the stage: "I know that my request is too much, but I have no choice. Now is the farming period, and the riots must be quelled as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the farming is affected, don't think that the food is nothing. When the time comes The consequences would be serious."

The expressions of the people present became more and more silent.

Vanoranka then said to everyone: "Okay, this is the end of the meeting. If anyone is willing to accept tasks or donations, they can come to my office. Of course, this is voluntary, don't force it, the meeting ends!"

After speaking, Vanoranka saluted everyone, then turned and left.

As a result, after the meeting ended, all the people present did not leave, but chatted with each other.

It seemed that everyone present was also very embarrassed. They actually wanted to respond to Vanoranka's call, but it would be a lie to say that they had no concerns.

At this moment, Bai Xiong turned to look at Shen Ye.

"What do you plan to do?"

"How else can I plan, let's go."

Shen Ye sighed, what could he say, Vanoranka took such good care of him, and even gave him so many valuable equipment. Now that something is going on, I can't stand by and watch.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons, and there is another reason. After being promoted to the fifth level, Shen Ye's strength has greatly increased. Even against the masters of the sixth level, Shen Ye has the confidence to fight.

If I don't go down and loot those evil organizations at this time, I'm really sorry for myself!

In order to advance to the next level, a lot of money is needed. What a great opportunity this is.

If you don't go now, when will you wait?

Bai Xiong stretched out his hand and patted Shen Ye's shoulder: "Awesome! I support you, you can go with peace of mind, don't worry about the tavern."

"Get out, get out, can you talk, it makes me feel like I'm going to hang up."

Shen Ye replied with contempt.

"Ha ha."

Ice Bear couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Then Shen Ye stood up and walked towards the side passage, he was going to find Vanoranka.

Not long after, Shen Ye came to the corridor of Vanoranka's office, but he was taken aback!

Holy crap, there were quite a few tavern owners and nightkeepers standing in the corridor, and when they saw Shen Ye approaching, they all nodded in greeting.

Shen Ye also quickly nodded in response, it can be seen that Vanoranka's appeal is still very strong!

But it was normal, the people present were all his disciples.

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