Please Call My Master

Chapter 394 Information (one update)

Soon it was evening, and the sky gradually began to darken. Suddenly, Fangtu City heard harsh sirens. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of some chaotic running on the street, and the patrolling guards have also begun to withdraw. Once the sky is completely dark, Fangtu City will change hands and become the world of those criminals.

Not long after, all the guards on the street were evacuated. At this time, fanatic shouts and whistles began to be heard in the dark street.

Immediately afterwards, you can hear clattering, various sounds of smashing glass.

At the same time, terrified screams of women began to be heard, and residents were dragged from the house.

"Sister Bailan, when are we going to do it? Those bastards are starting to burn, kill and loot again."

In the tavern, Zach and others asked one after another, they couldn't manage it before. Now that they have support, their confidence has greatly increased, and they can't hold back anymore.

"I know everyone is very angry, but it's very irrational to go out now. To put it bluntly, these people who pop up now are all morons. It's easy for us to deal with them, but the problem is that it will scare the snake away. We deal with these people every day and night. , they will continue to harm the people of Fangtu City."

Bai Lan calmed everyone down rationally.

Wang Qi said with a look of approval: "It takes seven inches to hit a snake!"

"Sister Bailan is right, we are bearing with it..."

Tang Xu agreed very much.

Shen Ye was sitting in the corner, not intending to speak at all, but Shen Ye was not idle, he was also observing everyone present.

At this time, his eyes fell on the Night Holder named Zhang Qi.

Shen Ye was keenly aware that a sneer flashed across that guy's expression, and although he disappeared soon, he was caught by Shen Ye, as if things were getting more and more interesting.

In the west district of Fangtu City, a young man with scars on his face, green eyes, hunched body, and a distorted smile appeared on the street, followed by hundreds of arrogant desperadoes.

The huge streets are empty, and every house has their doors closed.

A flattering man said flatteringly: "Boss Evil Fang, as long as it is night, the entire Fangtu City is our world, and the people from the Security Bureau and the Star Tower are like turtles, not even daring to show their faces! "

"Since I'm the owner of Fangtu City at night, and these bastards dare to stay at home and not come out to greet me, what do you think they should do?"

Evil Fang asked with a distorted expression.

"This bunch of ignorant pariahs, boss, just wait and watch us!"

Following his subordinates, one by one said excitedly and frantically.

They then began throwing petrol bombs at surrounding buildings.

In an instant, inside the buildings on both sides of the street. Burn a raging fire.

The buildings on both sides of the street jumped up and down, and a group of terrified people rushed out.

The people who had just escaped were like sheep in the mouth of a tiger, and they were immediately surrounded by those thugs, and they all knelt down in horror.

Evil Fang looked at the groups of people who were driven out, and let out a piercing laugh.

"Men, the children are killed, and the women will be rewarded to you! Haha!"

"Thank you boss!"

The villains present were extremely excited when they heard it, and they rushed up like ghosts.


All kinds of despair and wailing sounded.

The streets lit up with flames are like hell.

In the tavern, everyone's expressions became more solemn. At this moment, Bai Lan's phone vibrated. She picked up the phone and glanced at it, and said to everyone.

"Everyone follow me through the back door!"

Immediately, everyone copied the guys, they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

A while later, Shen Ye and the others followed Bai Lan and the others to the west area of ​​Fangtu City, where they set up an ambush in Changxuan Street.

The flames can be seen in the distance.

Shen Ye and Wang Qi hid in the corner of an alley in two groups, and Wang Qi looked nervously into the distance from time to time.

Relatively speaking, Shen Ye seemed much calmer.


At this moment, Shen Ye's phone vibrated.

Shen Ye took out his mobile phone from his pocket unexpectedly, Wang Qi heard the vibration, turned his head to look at Shen Ye with a dark face.

"Damn it, when did you turn your phone to silent?"

"Don't worry, I'll text back."

Shen Ye picked up the phone and glanced at the text message, the text message that popped up said Ruan Fan Er.

He didn't explain too much to Wang Qi, he had sensed the four weeks before, and there was no danger.

Shen Ye clicked on the text message, the message was from Yunlan.

"How is Shen Ye? I was planning to go back to Autumn Academy, so I stopped by to see you. But because the situation of Autumn Star is very unstable, and the star has been closed recently, I won't be able to return to the academy for a short time."

Shen Ye thought for a while, edited the text message and replied.

"Thank you. My side is fine. You don't have to worry too much. What happened was in the city outside Autumn City. Autumn City is still very stable."

"That's good."

Wang Qi turned to look at Shen Ye.

"I'm still talking, who are you talking to?"

"My wife, I'll be fine in a while."

After Shen Ye sent the last message, she put the phone back in her pocket.

"Damn, it's true or not."

Wang Qi looked at Shen Ye with disbelief.

"believe it or not."

Just as Shen Ye finished speaking, the phone vibrated again.


"Again? Why do you have so much information, brother, how many girls have you harmed?"

"No way! Nonsense."

He picked up his phone with a puzzled face, and another message popped up, which said Ruanfanyi.

Shen Ye muttered inwardly.

"Xiaoya's information is strange."

Wang Qi moved his head closer, wanting to take a look, but Shen Ye stretched out his hand and pushed Wang Qi's head away.

"Don't gossip like that, go and watch the enemy carefully, and let me know if there is any situation."

"I despise your circle and fork"

Wang Qi wanted to curse.

Shen Ye clicked on Xiaoya's message to take a look.

"How's the situation outside? Have you found any suspicious abnormalities?"

Shen Ye looked at the message, showed a bright smile, and wondered in his heart, does this count as caring about me?

Afterwards, he enthusiastically edited the message and replied.

"Oh, the situation outside is terrible. You don't know how dangerous it is. I'm being chased and killed now. I'm so miserable! Are you worried about me? Don't worry, in order not to make you a widow, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I will They will live tenaciously and go back alive to see you."

"speak English."

"Well, the situation outside is quite bad. I have just arrived in Fangtu City and am executing the clearing battle plan."

"Yo, to carry out the task, and still feel the mood to reply to the message."

"If other people's messages can't be answered, how can you not reply to yours?"

"Tell the truth."

"We are squatting. Those mice are too cunning, and they are not slippery."

Shen Ye replied truthfully.

"It's enough to say what people say earlier. If you have any special gains, remember to notify me as soon as possible and report the situation to me every three days."

"I'm so touched. I didn't expect you to be so worried about my safety. Don't worry, I will definitely go back alive and marry you!"

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