Please Call My Master

Chapter 401 Reversal of Position (add sugar to the leader's water) (three more)

The whole person slid more than ten meters, and the hand holding the sword was numb. This guy is not ordinary.

Ke Lun didn't intend to make Shen Ye gasp, he rushed forward frantically.

Shen Ye squinted his eyes to perceive the opponent's attack, dodged the attack, turned around and raised his foot to kick the opponent's head.

"Sickle foot!"


Karen's head tilted directly, but after he let out a beast-like roar, click!

The neck twisted abruptly, and a slap swept across.

Shen Ye quickly dodged away, only to see Ke Lun slapping hard on the nearby tree.

The whole tree suddenly fell apart.

Shen Ye appeared at Karen's side, and struck his shoulder with a sword.

Karen counterattacked furiously.

The two kept fighting.

For a while, there were continuous roars and explosions in the forest.

Half an hour later, Karen, who had shocking wounds all over his body, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He knelt on the ground and his body began to degenerate.

Shen Ye stood in front of Karen, and the situation was not much better.

There was a huge beast paw print on his chest, which almost cost him half his life, but fortunately, he now has the gift of nature and recovered quickly.

But just like that, Shen Ye's hand holding the sword kept shaking.

After Karen degenerated, he didn't say a word, and didn't say a word of begging for mercy.

Shen Ye didn't say much, because no matter what he said, it was a humiliation to a soldier, and the only way to respect him was to send him on his way. He slowly raised his sword, and chopped off his head with one blow.


With the knife in his hand, Karen's head fell directly to the ground, and until he finally died, his eyes were still wide open, without a trace of fear.

As for why you don't use the Whisper of the Mind to collect information, it's because the people in the Killer Organization basically can't collect any useful information. They are very strong-willed, and they also have their own methods of suicide.

After ending Karen's life, Shen Ye split into a clone to search for loot.

Even if the killer is dead, the things on them are not so easy to search, and it is very common for them to disgust you in the end.

Not long after, Shen Ye finished harvesting, and his face was a little ugly.

They found two locked mechanical capsules, and a fifth-order Teigu Sharktooth. Only a purple strange stone was embedded in this Teigu.

There is also a fourth-order treasure dagger and the strange stones on the two of them, and nothing else. It is simply as poor as you want.

Shen Ye rubbed his forehead, almost vomited blood after beating him half to death. If every enemy is so poor, he feels that he doesn't have to mess around.

Shen Ye quickly adjusted his mentality and continued to set off.

On the second night, rest in a corner of the jungle. Shen Ye set up a temporary tent, he walked nearby, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the nearby tree, and activated the power bestowed by the tree spirit.

Immediately, the whole tree came alive and transformed into a tree monster.

Shen Ye gave him a warning order, and then he walked towards other trees.

After transforming five big trees, Shen Ye returned to the tent.

He was lying on the blanket and was about to open the tavern app to check for the latest news.

At this time, Ruan Fanyi's text message popped up.

"Is the situation going well? Have you found anything unusual?"

"It's not smooth, but there are exceptions. I was hunted down by the killer organization for no reason? You said that if the other party was a member of the evil organization, I would admit it, and a group of killer organization people came out to ambush me."

Shen Ye couldn't help complaining.

Soon Xiaoya's message popped up.

"This riot is tricky. The situation is not quite right. You should pay attention to your own safety. If you really can't do it, just give up this mission. Life is the most important thing."

"How is it possible? Am I the kind of person who is afraid when encountering a little difficulty? Besides, I still want to save you a gift. If you dare to trouble me, I will slaughter them one by one and clean them up."

Shen Ye replied awe-inspiringly.

"Oh, is that so? I'm really touched. Then you have to work harder! Those people are usually vengeful. If you kill one or two, it will definitely attract a group of people. You kill them." If you get a group of people, there will definitely be a group of more powerful ones. If you kill a few more rounds, maybe the dowry will be enough."

After Shen Ye saw the message, his back felt cold and he sat up.

After Xiaoya made such a move, he felt unsafe here.

Shen Ye's expression changed, and he immediately got up to pack his things, he could no longer go to the wilderness and mountains. The noses of those guys are not ordinary spirits, and the path they have traveled will still leave some traces to some extent.

So let's pretend to go the big road!

After Shen Ye finished packing her things, she replied to Xiaoya.

"Thank you for your concern, my wife. I'll go to work first and talk later."

"Get out, who is your wife! Don't bark, believe it or not, next time we meet, I'll blow your teeth out?"

"Haha, I was just joking, don't take it seriously!"

"Tch, pay attention to safety, if there is anything unusual, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

"no problem."

Shen Ye finished replying to the message and put away the phone. Then he began to simulate his appearance, transforming into an ordinary person who was fleeing, and walked towards the main road.

Little did he know, however, that it hadn't been half an hour since he left. There were two figures in black cloaks, who appeared at the place where he stayed before, and smoothly solved the sentries he left behind.


An incomparably gloomy voice sounded.


In the early morning of the next day, Shen Ye walked along the main road with his backpack on his back. There were many scattered refugees along the way.

Everyone has a confused and numb look on their faces, and they walk weakly, like walking corpses.

It is said that there is a refugee resettlement area not far away, and everyone is rushing there.

Shen Ye just mixed in, without the slightest sense of disobedience.

"If this is caught again, I will write my name upside down."

Shen Ye couldn't help muttering.

However, this also has disadvantages, that is, the forward speed is too slow. Shen Ye regretted that he didn't have a car or other means of transportation.

But it's useless to regret now, I can only find a way to hitch a ride.

But the tricky thing is that all the passing cars basically don't stop.

Those who went up to stop the car were directly knocked into the air.

But it's normal, now that it's in such a mess, who would dare to give someone a ride!

At this moment!

There was a harsh rattling sound from behind.

Shen Ye turned his head and took a look, and saw an extremely long transport convoy.

In an instant, the fleeing people rushed forward as if seeing hope!

You must know that many people can no longer walk and have no food.

Shen Ye didn't care too much at first, thinking that the transport convoy would not stop. But he didn't expect the transport convoy to stop, so he rushed up too!

"Everyone, don't be chaotic, don't attack the convoy, if you have any demands, just say, we are the supply convoy to rescue."

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