Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 102: Cheap Nanming Lihuo Hood

Lin Wen rushed out of the thick smoke, and there was a straight road outside, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. Lai Juncheng had already left by car.

Now, the outside of the gate of the villa is bright with snow, and countless large searchlights illuminate the place clearly, and there are all men in gray at the main gate.

A leader hid in the back and shouted: "Super combat preparation! Triple dose!"

I didn't see the man in gray swallowing the medicine, but their faces were contorted one after another, bloodshot eyes filled their cloudy eyes, and blue veins snaked down their faces, and every time they passed, the muscles there swelled up.

In the blink of an eye, they transformed from humans into beasts, and rushed towards Lin Wen.

Although their individual strength is far inferior to the hands of the Council, even before taking drugs, but there are too many of them, and they are completely desperate.

As soon as they fought against each other, Lin Wen knew immediately that it would not work.

Even if he won, Lai Juncheng would have already left.

Lin Wen immediately selected a spell.

【Black Rock Dust Fall】

The light gray alchemy stage spell consumes 45% of the primordial spirit, summons the dust of the black stone, and slightly improves the metal, wood, and earth attribute reactions of the environment here.

Lin Wen stood still and let the men in gray surround him.

60 points of good luck and blood loss.

Seeing that the enemy had been surrounded by gray-clothed cattle, the leader in gray at the rear sneered and picked up an extra cigarette.

Just at one o'clock, suddenly, a large group of shadows shrouded it.

He looked up and saw that the moon had been covered by black dust at some point, and the overwhelming black ash fell from the sky, covering the top of Qingcheng Mountain in the blink of an eye.

The leader didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't like a poisonous substance or a biochemical attack. He reached out and grabbed a handful, pinched it, and found it was coal ash.

Subconsciously, he took a puff of the cigarette, the flame from the cigarette butt lit up, and a few sparks popped out.

In an instant, a huge fireball rose into the sky, engulfing the entire top of Qingcheng Mountain.

Lin Wen has studied this spell for a long time, but at first he didn't understand why it had three attributes.

Then one day, Fulin suddenly came to his mind and thought that the dust of the black stone is actually coal ash. Coal is formed by plants, hidden deep in the ground, and excavated, so it has the properties of metal, wood and earth at the same time.

This spell should be used to temporarily adjust the five elements in the field for alchemy, weapon refining, cultivation, and breakthrough.

But Lin Wen also knows that when a large amount of coal powder encounters a fire source in the air, it will die. The burning coal powder will ignite the surrounding coal powder, and so on. As long as the density exceeds a certain level, the combustion will increase exponentially in an instant.

It's called an explosion.

And different from ordinary dust explosions, due to the open space and the fast wind speed on the top of the mountain, the coal dust of the spell continued, and the explosion quickly turned into combustion.

Blazing flames shrouded the entire mountain, and it lasted for a long time, turning the top of Qingcheng into a huge melting pot.

Since the pulverized coal appeared directly above and fell in an umbrella shape, the burning flames formed a huge fireball, hovering over the top of the mountain, like a barrier of flames.

Nanming Lihuo Hood reappeared in Lin Wen's hands in such a cheap way.

After a while, the spell stopped, the flames dissipated, and the entire mountain top was left with only a dark and bare area. A gust of mountain wind blew, and countless fly ash floated up, forming a long, trailing streamer.

The dust dissipated quickly, and all the evils drifted away with it.

And Lin Wen had already rushed towards the direction where Lai Juncheng left. Except for the healing wounds, there were no signs of burns on his whole body. [Qi Forbidden Divine Power] has a great ability to resist high-temperature fires. Lin Wen is only afraid of the shock waves generated by the explosion, and the high temperature poses no threat to him.

Although the clothes had already turned into fly ash, Lin Wen didn't care, and just tore a piece of rag on the road and it was over.

Judging from the time, Lai Juncheng should not have run too far. With his speed, he must be in time.

After about a few minutes, the super vision brought by [Eyeless and Clear] allowed him to see the bulletproof armored vehicle speeding on the road.

Lin Wen accelerated in an instant, and he had already caught up in the blink of an eye. He took a deep breath, mobilized all the strength in his body, let out a violent shout, and punched him down.


The entire armored vehicle flew far away as if hit by a shell, and stopped when it hit a big rock. A large area was dented on the side of the body, but it did not penetrate.

With a bang, the five men in black kicked the car door first and jumped down, and then Lai Juncheng who jumped down shouted: "It's a Roland-level combat unit! Special-level combat! Dose to death!"

The five men in black immediately took out a black box from their arms and poured all the potions inside into their mouths.

In an instant, the veins bulged, the muscles swelled, the skin was cracked, and the blood-red fascia was exposed.

They had already shed their human skins, revealing their true faces as monsters, and rushed towards Lin Wen at an astonishingly fast speed.

However, Lin Wen's injuries have also recovered. His left hand can now move. The broken shoulder blade has healed under the traction of magic power, and most of the wounds on his body are no longer bleeding.

Except for a few serious wounds, the impact on Lin Wen has been minimal, and his physical strength has also recovered to a certain extent.

[Spiritual Nectar] is powerful here, as long as you give it a period of time, it can quickly restore Lin Wen's state.

Lin Wen, who was blessed with [Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers] and [Spiritual Power], is so powerful that it has far exceeded the limit of human beings. Even if the demons liberate their real bodies, their strength is not as good as Lin Wen.

However, soon some heavily armed people, who seemed to be special forces, came to reinforce them.

These special soldiers cooperated seamlessly. They replaced armor-piercing bullets and kept using guns to force Lin Wen to move.

During Lin Wen's assault, he threw shock bombs, flash bombs, smoke bombs, or fragmentation grenades regardless of casualties, causing Lin Wen a lot of trouble.

A commander-like person is talking in the back:

"Not afraid of oscillation and infrasound, not afraid of strong light, smoke is ineffective, but it can avoid fragmentation grenades, does not respond to some gunshots, must be a sniper rifle with armor-piercing bullets, and its intuition is beyond imagination."

"Impossible. The Roland-class combat unit does not yet have a stable mature individual. I don't believe that anyone can be more advanced than the Biochemical Research Institute in Fort Detrie. The explosion is not something that can be achieved by a weapon that can be carried by an individual."

Soon, two more Hands of the Council joined the battle. Lai Juncheng brought a total of twelve Hands of the Council, leaving only one by his side, and dispatched all the others.

"Director Lai is going crazy."

The commander snorted, and said to the council's hand: "Super-level combat preparation, three times the dose."

The hand of the council is a very precious combat power, and it should not be wasted if it is not necessary. Lai Juncheng has already stumbled, and he does not want to make trouble again.

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