Lin Wen asked unexpectedly, "You still have the old forces?"

Qin Luoshuang slightly raised his brows: "You don't know? Then why do you think I'm talented?"

Lin Wendao: "The immortal told me the way."

Qin Luoshuang knew that he would often say some strange words that didn't make much sense, so he didn't care, and continued, "When the new guards arrive, I will break them up and form a new team to fill your first department, the KGB."

Lin Wen waved his hand: "You just need to be responsible for these things, you don't need to tell me."

Qin Luoshuang nodded: "Then let's talk about business now. Qingcheng was turned upside down by us. We smashed their mansion and moved their inventory, but I didn't move the money belonging to Zhongzhou and the headquarters. We can't expand the scope of attack, so there is some room for recovery."

Lin Wen nodded, expressing his understanding of what she said, and then said: "You are the director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau. You are responsible for these things, so you don't need to tell me."

Qin Luoshuang sighed, and continued: "Since Xiang He Nian has been killed by you, I have copied all his property. Yu Zhongxian also has a lot of property in Qingcheng. Anyway, he is already a deadly enemy, so I also copied all of them. The total income is still being counted, and the visual estimate will not be less than 200 million."

"These are just floating fortunes. If I can't get the more valuable ones back, I will burn them all. The governors of Zhongzhou Wang Bo'an and Yu Zhongxian are just ordinary alliances. There is no need to use a large number of military and police forces to fight us, so we let us go."

Lin Wen smiled a little: "Good job! It's my style."


Qin Luoshuang emphasized:

"I don't know how to evaluate your behavior. According to my understanding of the empire in the past, you should have died 10,000 times. The grass on your grave should be at least two meters high to be reasonable."

"But since you survived, it proves that you have your unique way of survival. No matter what kind of compromise it is, I hope you can survive for a long time."

Lin Wen smiled slightly: "If one day I'm gone, will you go on?"

Qin Luoshuang looked at him, and he also looked at her. The light in the temporary office was dim and not bright, and dark shadows were hidden in the four corners of the office, moving around with the shaking of the lights.

And beyond this radiant hut, there is a greater darkness that covers the world.

"I don't know." She lowered her head and said softly, "Maybe I don't have the power,"

"It doesn't matter." Lin Wen said: "You remember, there is only one thing, try to protect their safety and save their lives, you can shape them into people who are forced to obey under my terrorist dictatorship."

Although Lin Wen didn't say who "they" were, both of them knew who "they" were.

Qin Luoshuang didn't speak, and nodded after a while.

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Go on, I was just joking just now, the great Lin County Chief will live forever, and it is impossible to fail."

Qin Luoshuang forced a smile, and continued: "We broke through all the prisons including the Castle Prison, and brought back all the detainees. Now Fang Yaobo, the head of the trial court, is still screening. There are also a large number of farmers who followed us back to Changshan County. They are now in Shangxi Town. There are more than 30,000 people in total. The people of the Democratic Party are doing their best to resettle them."

Lin Wen nodded. He already felt the continuous good karma from this group of people. Although it is still rare now, it will soon increase, just like the disaster victims of home reconstruction.

"We also arrested a large number of local bullies and squires, and they were all locked up in Fang Yaobo's place, awaiting trial."

Lin Wen added: "All these people will be sent to Shangxi Town for a trial meeting, and the jurors will be local farmers."

Qin Luoshuang felt a little strange, but didn't ask any more questions, and continued: "In short, I have gained a lot, but I have more problems. I can only see if Governor Sheng can help you out."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal."

Qin Luoshuang thought for a while, and then nodded: "It's nothing more than spending money. The only victims are Yu Zhongxian and his gang. As long as they win over their opponents, persuade neutral factions, and Governor Sheng's face, it is possible to pass the test. I have wiped out the evidence of your assassination of officials. Without evidence, it is impossible to accuse you, but I can't clean up the traces of you and your dragon group using weapons of mass destruction. I will definitely be questioned, but you can deny it."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "I'm the best at talking nonsense and just opened my mouth."

Qin Luoshuang snorted softly: "I can see it."

After a pause, he continued: "The Thirteen-State Joint Conference of the Empire Headquarters will be held soon. Everything you have done will be dug out and attacked. Whether you can pass the test or not depends on your performance. I will try my best to help you collect evidence and organize work before the meeting."

Lin Wen asked curiously: "I've heard it several times, what exactly is this meeting?"

Qin Luoshuang sighed: "The state joint meeting is a meeting held by the headquarters of the empire, and it is an important meeting to manage the affairs of each state on a regular basis."

She knew that Lin Wen couldn't measure it with the thinking of a normal person, so she just said the whole thing.

"The Empire Headquarters is the executive branch of the Supreme Council of Elders. The Supreme Council of Elders' status is too high to be reached by most people. The Empire Headquarters has become its acting administrator, responsible for many daily affairs, and has great power. It can bypass the governor to remove local officials from their posts, and even impeach the governor himself. The state joint meeting is held for such matters."

"In addition to the thirteen-state joint conference that governs the central and eastern regions, there is also the seven-state joint conference that manages the west and south, and the nine-state joint conference in the north."

"What is related to you is the joint meeting of the thirteen states. Yu Zhongxian will definitely launch an all-out attack on you at the meeting, trying to beat you until you can't be reborn forever, so that a large piece of flesh and blood can be torn from Sheng Huaixuan. When it comes to the state joint meeting, unlike at the governor's meeting, it is difficult for Sheng Huaixuan to completely protect you, and he himself is in big trouble."

"If he feels that the situation is not right, he is likely to abandon the car to protect the handsome man and cut the meat to stop the loss, so your current situation is actually very dangerous."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Isn't there you? You won't let me be knocked down, right?"

Qin Luoshuang lowered his eyes and said softly, "Of course, I will never."

At this moment, the lights flickered and became dim. Lin Wen was very familiar with this phenomenon. He had experienced it countless times at home when he was a child. He said with a smile, "The voltage has dropped again, and the high-power power-consuming equipment has started up again. It seems that the power consumption of the empire is also very tight."

Qin Luoshuang looked at the dim light, wondering what he thought of, and remained silent for a long time.

Suddenly, a phone ringing interrupted their silence.

It was from the No. 1 Hospital. After answering the call, Qin Luoshuang said seriously, "Mr. Zhao Ming is awake."

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