Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 110 Everything is according to plan

The following period of time was the happiest, smoothest, and happiest time Lin Wen had ever lived since he became the county chief.

All the affairs in the county were covered by Wolongfengchu, and Fang Dashan, Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong and other backbones assisted him, so he didn't have to worry about anything, just working hard on the construction site every day.

Now the daily good fortune in Changshan County has reached a climax. He earns 10-15 points of income for nothing, and occasionally 20 points. In addition to working on the construction site, he can earn close to 30 points a day.

It was a blast.

You know, when he used spells to work hard on the embankment, he didn't have so many. Now he is digging and moving bricks, and he doesn't need spells, but there are so many.

Coupled with the imminent huge amount of good fortune, wouldn't his second supernatural power be fulfilled immediately?

As long as Lin Wen thought of this, he could laugh all day long, and his smile infected the people on the construction site. Whenever Sheriff Lin came, everyone fell into a sea of ​​joy, and the drudgery of moving bricks and digging soil became like enjoyment.

There is more than one sentence that can describe the entire construction site as enthusiastic.

Huang Mingxiao's progress is advancing crazily every day, and the planning team has to work overtime crazily every day, otherwise the work will exceed the plan.

According to the current progress, the first phase will be fully completed in less than two months.

This speed can be called a miracle.

Of course, it's just a miracle in the empire. In the country of infrastructure madness, it can only be considered barely okay.

However, after all, there are not many modern equipments in the entire construction site, and the main force is still full of people. The Seventh Construction Corps is only responsible for some tough work.

By the way, the hard workers of the Construction Corps had already integrated into the big family of the victims. They not only ate and lived with the victims, worked and laughed together, but also scolded the imperial bureaucrats with the victims, praised Sheriff Lin, and even taught them how to use machinery.

In the past, their treatment was extremely poor. Although they were all skilled workers, their wages were pitifully low. One construction period was only a few hundred yuan, and it was already a fortune to save a thousand yuan a year. Most of the money was taken away by the foreman and the team leader. Sometimes they did not live much, and they were exploited by the team leader and the foreman.

The only benefit is to control food and housing, but it is also pitifully poor, sweet potato steamed buns and steamed buns all year round.

Different from other construction groups, the Seventh Construction Group was formed last, with the fewest resources, the worst treatment, and the most severe exploitation. All the recruits were hard labor, and there was not a single official skilled worker.

But it is the only place to recruit people in all construction groups.

How many old workers who have worked for more than ten years, skilled veterans, are forced to come here to make a living.

At that time, the leader's words were very direct, if you don't do it, you will get out. There are many people outside, and the most important thing in the empire is people.

It's the kindness of the master who rewards you with food. It's the same with you or without you. You are just a hard worker, not as good as a dog.

Even so, they could only endure it, otherwise they wouldn't even have food.

But when Lin Wen came here, everything changed.

First of all, the salary is doubled, and then there is less exploitation and handover. One construction period is at least 2,000, which is much more than before. For them, this is a huge sum of money!

I also eat much better. I can have two and a half bowls of porridge, half a cake, 50-100 grams of vegetables a day, and sometimes even a quarter of an egg or 5-10 grams of meat.

This is because the Democratic Party's vegetable supply has been cut off, otherwise it would be better if there were 150 grams of high-quality vegetables a day.

Moreover, there is no foreman yelling and urging. Every day when Sheriff Lin comes, everyone can laugh. Work has never been so happy and relaxed. Their efficiency is far higher than when they are oppressed and driven to work.

In short, life and income have changed dramatically.

The foremen, who used to be high above the ground, were pressed by the soldiers to dig the soil every day, and did hard work that they had never touched before, and they didn't have a dime.

It's not that they didn't try to resist, but when the three foremen were easily beaten all over the ground by an imperial soldier, they gave up.

This kind of comparison makes the hard workers feel like they are living in a dream. The high-ranking lords are covered in dust to do hard work on the construction site and are exploited. The hard workers are singing and laughing and receiving high wages.

But as the construction period approached, the hard workers also began to feel anxious. They began to discuss whether to join the reconstruction team of Changshan County and leave the headquarters and never go back.

Of course, this decision is not something that can be made overnight. Although the leader is said to be dead, they still dare not offend the empire's departments at will.

For Lin Wen, there is no doubt that they must also be part of the good fate.

But they are not many in number, and they are not the main force behind the skyrocketing good fortune.

The main force is from Shangxi Town.

Since that day, the population of Shangxi Township has gradually increased to more than 40,000. Except for the more than 3,000 people from the Democratic Party, the rest are all farmers in Qingcheng and nearby.

The resettlement work for more than 40,000 people is not something ordinary people can do. Fortunately, Chen Xingtai and Yun Qingshui were discharged from the hospital soon. Although their injuries were not fully healed, they still returned to Shangxi Town ahead of schedule.

The day Chen Xingtai returned to Shangxi Town was the day when Lin Wenshan's popularity skyrocketed.

Every day after that, Lin Wen's good fortune was above the peak, and there were even occasional big jumps out. Although it was only 5 to 6 points, it was automatically obtained.

It's cool to have less things for free.

Obviously, Chen Xingtai is the core and the most critical leader of the Democratic Party. The others are a group of fools with no brains.

It's just a pity that he has been appointed by the spell to be the mayor of Shangxi Town, and he also has the status of a leader of the Democratic Party, so he is not suitable to take over Wolong's job.

Moreover, more and more people went to Shangxi Town. In addition to the DPRK brothers who defected from all over the country, there were also a large number of farmers, retail investors, individual craftsmen, etc. in the surrounding areas, all of which required him to come forward in person.

And this brings up another problem. The capacity of Shangxi Town has an upper limit. Although its location is very remote, in the west of Huai Town and below Changle Town, surrounded by no-man's land and a large area of ​​vacant land, it can only accommodate 50,000 to 60,000 people.

No matter how many there are, not only the houses in the town are not enough, new houses need to be built, but also the arable land is not enough.

100,000 hectares sounds like a lot, but it’s not much on average.

If it is further cultivated, the cost performance is very low, and the land is also very barren. Obviously, 100,000 is an accurate number.

Regarding this problem, Chen Xingtai thought of a very clever solution, because Shangxi Town is located in the south, lower, and Huai Town in the entire Changshan County, and is relatively close to the Taixu Mountains in the south.

Then, relying on the mountain to eat the mountain is obviously something that must be done.

In addition to calling on skilled hunters to hunt in the mountains, Chen Xingtai also organized a large number of people to cut down trees and transport the wood back to Shangxi Town. In addition to building and repairing houses, Chen Xingtai also used it for heating.

This year's weather is very cold, and when the sun is shining brightly in autumn, the cold air will come down.

During the day, I can barely accept it, but as soon as the sun goes down, the temperature drops rapidly. At night, as long as the windows are opened, the cold air will pour directly into the house, which is very freezing.

In this regard, Lao Xie has already rushed to buy cold-proof materials, and the funds on the account of the financial department have shrunk rapidly. Fortunately, the one-day tour of Qingcheng plus zero yuan purchases has gained a large amount of income, otherwise this day would be really uncomfortable.

Even so, the empire has completely cut off all funds allocated to Changshan County, and even many normal funds that have nothing to do with disaster relief have also been stopped. Various taxes are merciless and even intensified.

Although the Governor's Mansion stopped part of the land tax, the national tax is unavoidable.

As a result, all the current expenses of Changshan County depended on the little funds in the account of the Finance Department.

In addition to the huge consumption of home reconstruction, most of the current material consumption in Shangxi Town is also relying on the assistance of the county, and a small part is solved by itself or by the accumulation of the Democratic Party.

This is coupled with daily consumption, expenditures of various villages and towns, and many civilians who have suffered certain losses due to floods and still have their homes but also need assistance.

All kinds of consumption add up, even if it is a mountain of gold and silver, it will have to sit and eat.

But Lin Wen was not worried about this, and only told him to spend it boldly, everything was according to plan.

Resume double change tomorrow

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