Lin Wen's room was 110 square meters, luxuriously decorated, and equipped with all kinds of facilities. There was a huge crystal ceiling in the center of the living room, but when it was lit, countless rays of light refracted in the crystal, emitting a dreamlike brilliance.

But all this is far less than the crystal floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side. Standing here, the sea of ​​stars seems to be at your feet, and countless shining traffic avenues form a dreamlike webbing, shuttling and floating in the sea of ​​stars.

Qi Mu has worked in this city for 5 years and has never seen such a beautiful side of it, so he stayed in front of the window for a while.

Lin Wen sat on the sofa, facing a huge projection screen of at least 60 inches. The remote control was made of pure gold. Lin Wen played with it and found that the gold on the surface should be real, so he put the remote control in his pocket.

This is probably the first county sheriff ever to steal a remote control.

And no bad luck.

Maybe this little thing doesn't count.

Lin Wen thought happily.

There is also a huge service call menu on hand, all items on which are free.

In addition to various daily services, special services are also included. Lin Wen clicked it curiously, and found that he can not only call Miss Sister, but also Brother, and there is no limit to the number of people.

That's okay too?

Lin Wen had never played this kind of thing before, so he pressed ten keys at the same time. After pressing the echo button, the service menu paused for about ten seconds before it showed that the echo was successful, please wait.

Lin Wen didn't care. He called Qi Mu over and said, "Sit down and listen to me. I am the county chief of Changshan County, East Qin Prefecture. You will follow me to work in Changshan County. The environment there is very bad, much worse than here. If you don't want to, it's too late to regret it now."

Qi Mu blushed badly, he was fidgeting on the sofa, but Boss Lin had already emphasized that he should sit, and he didn't know how to express his loyalty and firm determination.

"I, of course I am willing to..."

One sentence is utterly blunt, and the momentum is not enough at all.

Lin Wen didn't care, and said, "Okay, then you are now a computer repairman in the county sheriff's office. You are traveling with me, and the travel allowance is double the salary. After returning to the county, you will go through the entry procedures. The personnel department will calculate the salary clearly. What was your salary before?"

Qi Mu always wanted to say that programmers are not repairing computers, but he never dared to say so, so he said in a low voice: "My salary is 800 yuan a month, not including food and lodging, nothing. I work 7 days a week, 13 hours a day, and one day off a month."

Lin Wen frowned. The purchasing power of imperial yuan is not much higher than that of RMB. At most, one yuan can be used as two yuan. That is to say, the salary of this code farmer who is close to 007 is only 1600 yuan, and there are no benefits.

With this kind of treatment, before he crossed over, he didn't even do street sweeping. In this top metropolis, he could only live in the bottom gutter.

"Can your boss hire someone?"

Qi Mu's face darkened: "He said that 500 yuan can be recruited. There is a shortage of everything in the empire, except people."

Lin Wen sneered, and then said: "Okay, your current salary is 1,200 yuan, and the salary is what I just said. Your current job is to keep this box for me. Don't leave it at any time, understand?"

Qi Mu clasped the suitcase tightly with both hands and nodded vigorously.

"You can sleep here these few days, there are many rooms, you can choose whatever you want."

At this time, the satellite phone in his arms rang.

Lin Wen pressed to answer, and Qin Luoshuang's voice came from inside: "Lin Wen, are you here?"


"at the hotel?"


"Meet any other officials?"

"There was a fat man, who seemed to be an official, and I punched him down."

There was ten seconds of silence on the phone before speaking.

"Go out for a walk."


"You turn the phone to monitor mode, and there is a headset on the back, which is worn in your ear, so that you can hear me and I can hear the voices around you."


Lin Wen snapped a small black grain from the back of the satellite phone, put it in his ear, and then turned and went out the door. Qi Mu was left alone, sitting nervously on the sofa, holding the life-like leather suitcase.

Lin Wen wasn't worried about Qi Mu's unruly behavior. He had seen this person's anger before. It was like an upside-down pot. The gas was reserved, stable and peaceful. The color was mainly white, with occasional restless youthful colors, which was also normal.

In short, he is an honest and reliable person, maybe a bit dull, but the quality is good.

Moreover, this is a hotel where officials gather, so safety should still be guaranteed.

Even if he is really stolen or robbed, he is not afraid, it is nothing more than a matter of [Ask Yu Tian].

As soon as Lin Wen went out, he met a large group of well-dressed officials in the outer living room.

Among the three leading people, one is a man as beautiful as a woman, one is an old man, and the third is a middle-aged man with an old complexion.

Among them, the man who looked like a woman raised his eyebrows when he saw Lin Wen, and came up to question: "County Lin! Why did you beat the officials of the Zhongzhou Governor's Mansion at the door! Don't you know that he is the nephew of the Zhongzhou Governor Wang Bo'an? Don't you know how much trouble you have caused us just now?"

Lin Wendao: "He hit me and I can't hit him? Doesn't that mean that Governor Sheng has lost his prestige?"

This woman-like man was blocked by a single sentence, and his flimsy face quickly flushed red: "You, are you used to lawlessness? Do you understand the overall situation? Can you see the overall situation? Do you know how much trouble you have brought to the Governor's Mansion?"

The headset said: "I see. This person is Ling Huayue, chief of staff of the Governor's Mansion, one of the three pillars. He is best at subdividing affairs, supplementing details, and assigning specific tasks. However, he has a poor view of the overall situation and has some flaws in his personality..."

Lin Wen immediately said: "Don't you understand Dajuguan at all? Are you qualified to accuse me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed, and Ling Huayue's face like ice and snow distorted all of a sudden, he roared: "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" He rushed towards Lin Wen, but a burly man in a black windbreaker suddenly appeared from the shadows, hugged him, and dragged him into the room.

The roar went away, and there was silence in the earphones for a few seconds, but he still finished the rest of the sentence: "...I can't tolerate people saying that he doesn't see the big picture, so don't provoke him."

An old man coughed and said, "Young man, it's not good to rush forward like this. Ling Huayue is Governor Sheng's chief of staff. Although he is young, he is resourceful. Unlike you, he can only act recklessly..."

The headset immediately said: "Don't offend him. This is Mei Xingan, the Chief of Internal Affairs of the Governor's Mansion, one of the three pillars. He is best at shirking responsibility, resolving conflicts, and eliminating the enemy's political attacks on a macro level. We need more this time..."

Lin Wen said: "Old man, I see that your breath is not very good, and you have a tendency to become quiet. You may be dying. Let me help you treat..."

Mei Xingan was furious: "You are about to die! The black guard! Hurry up, kill this kid!"

The guard in black rushed up, but dragged Mei Xingan away.

Headphones: "... rely on his help so much, alas!"

well! Ask for a small ticket (ˊ)

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