In the circle, Chang Chang asked: "Lin Wen, tell the truth, where did this come from?"

Lin Wendao: "It was found from a metal fragment at the explosion site."


The four elders glanced at each other.

Elder Ye asked, "Xiao Lin, do you know what this is?"

"Looks like washing powder."

Elder Wang suddenly said: "It's okay, you can go back."

After Lin Wen went out, the faces of the four elders became gloomy.

After being silent for a while, Elder Ye said, "This must have nothing to do with Changshan County."

Elder Wang said: "It can only be Qin Gang. The abundance of uranium powder has exceeded 60%. This is still mixed with the data of detonation powder. His progress is so fast, but he has not reported it to the Imperial Army."

Chang Chang nodded: "Then this attack was really organized by the unknown Qin family forces."

"That's right." Elder Xu said, "The new bomb should be Qin Gang's test product, but the test must have failed. There should be something wrong with the structure of the bomb. This is the unexploded part."

The four elders fell silent unanimously, they knew that there would be another huge trouble after returning.

Elder Wang said, "Let's skip this accusation."

The three elders all acquiesced.


The imperial guardian quickly evacuated, and the meeting continued.

But the four elders never mentioned what happened just now, and just asked casually about some trivial matters, even if they had completed the elders' questioning.

Then there was a free inquiry, and after the officials of the council and the governor's mansion had a big quarrel, the elder Chang announced the vote.

Lin Wen didn't do anything stupid this time, and just gave himself a red button.

Voting results will be out soon.

76 votes in favor; 71 votes against; 57 abstentions;

The yes vote was well below 50%.

There is no need for elders to vote, and the accusation is directly dismissed.

The officials let out a sigh of satisfaction, as if they had watched an extremely exciting movie.

The officials of the council were all downcast, and Lai Juncheng was left with only panic in his heart. He knew that if he went back like this, he would only be left with a fate of violent corpses in the wilderness.

Governors came to congratulate one after another: "Congratulations, Governor Sheng!"

"Congratulations, you can pass the test like this! I feel that in a few years, there will be another Nantianwang second."

"It's over." Zhongzhou Governor Wang Bo'an slapped his thigh: "I feel like I have to prepare a few more boxes of quick-acting heart-rescuing pills."

But there were also governors who were silent and had a bad expression on their faces.

Only the elders looked indifferent, as if a trivial incident had happened.

Just as they were about to continue the meeting, suddenly, there was a commotion in the seats of the council, and many people stood up excitedly.

Lin Wen looked over and saw a thin old man, wearing a black and blue priest-like robe, slowly coming in from the side passage under the guard of a group of entourage.

He holds a golden peace dove lantern in his left hand and a pure white balance in his right hand, as if an artistic statue came down from a palace.

"Elders, governors, and officials, hello, I am Yu Zhongxian, the head of the Supreme Council, and I am here to attend this joint meeting on behalf of the Supreme Council."

The officials all stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

The governor bowed one after another, the elder nodded slightly, and Lin Wenduan sat in the chair.

——Anyway, hiding in the crowd and no one saw it.

Only the officials behind him looked strange.

Yu Zhongxian's attendants took the decorations from his hands, and he himself came to the seat of the council and looked up at the four elders on the stage.

The five people all looked indifferent, like cold sculptures.

After a while, Yu Zhongxian said: "In the name of the Supreme Speaker, I issue an impeachment order and request a special impeachment meeting to impeach Lin Wen, the governor of Changshan County."

There was a deathly silence in the venue. The officials with less seniority still couldn't understand what happened, while the older officials only had dumbfounded expressions left.

The governors couldn't calm down either, Sheng Huaixuan stared at Yu Zhongxian coldly, his thoughts were already turning rapidly.

Both the impeachment order and the special impeachment meeting are the prerogatives of the Supreme Council Speaker, and their role is to impeach certain important imperial officials if necessary.

This is also the only means of control for high-ranking imperial officials during non-meeting periods.

The original intention of this privilege is to restrain them in an emergency and prevent them from going further and further down the wrong path. The goal of its establishment at the beginning is the high-ranking imperial officials above the governor level.

Of course, no decree or privilege has survived the passage of time.

This privilege has long been the biggest trump card of the Supreme Council, because it can even impeach the elders, although no one has ever done so.


Having it but not using it, and not being able to use it without it are two completely different concepts.

Because of its extraordinary status, the Supreme Council rarely uses it, only using it as a tool to deter opponents or protect itself.

The last time an impeachment warrant was used was three years ago.

But now, the impeachment order not only reappeared, but also impeached during the unprecedented meeting.

The target of his impeachment is also the lowest official in history.

A sheriff.

Silence flowed in the venue, and after a long time, Chang Changcai said coldly: "Are you sure?"

Yu Zhongxian replied leisurely: "Sure."

"Okay, the normal agenda of the joint meeting is interrupted, the special impeachment meeting starts, and all officials below the governor level leave."

With a bang, the officials got up and walked outside the arena one after another.

Even if they really want to participate in this unprecedented drama, the elder's order must not be violated.

Lin Wen also left with the crowd.

Fortunately, the chief of staff, Ling Huayue, had sharp eyes and saw a familiar figure walking towards the exit with them, angrily shouted: "What are you going?"

Lin Wen asked back, "I am the governor?"

Ling Huayue was about to have a heart attack: "You are the one being impeached! You left, are they impeaching the air?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "That's not right, let them play the air."

Ling Huayue was about to die suddenly, but fortunately Governor Sheng shouted: "Lin Wen, come back!"

Lin Wen shrugged and walked back against the current. All the officials made way for him and paid attention.

Ahead, Yu Zhongxian has obtained a new seat, before the governor, under the elder.

The power of the Supreme Council is very high. Its main duties are to appraise, demote, deliberate, and condemn imperial officials, supervise all officials, and maintain the legal system.

The Supreme Councilor is an official of the second rank at the imperial level, second only to the elders of the first rank at the imperial rank, the great elder and the emperor of the super-sequence.

The governor of the third rank higher than the imperial level, the head of the headquarters of the fourth rank, officials of the State Council, and honorable members of the Senate.

And in the internal sequence of the Supreme Council, he is also the number one candidate in the competition for the chief councilor.

Burning oil and powerful power are the current situation of Yu Zhongxian.

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