Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 151 The Second Divine Ability

The cleanup of Huai Town is in full swing.

Every day, a large number of people's property was confiscated and they were imprisoned, and the funds of the county hall were filled in a very short period of time.

In the impoverished Changshan County, there are so many rich people hidden, which makes everyone dumbfounded.

The finance department led by Lao Xie has become the busiest of all departments. Almost every day, the lights in the office are lit up all night, and all kinds of stolen goods, cash, a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, real estate, etc. are piled up like mountains.

The financial crisis, which seemed impossible to solve, disappeared almost in the blink of an eye and was never mentioned again.

At the same time, the crimes unearthed are even more unbelievable.

Smuggling, drug trafficking, trafficking, slave trade, organ trade, counterfeit medicine, almost any kind of crime can be found here.

Every rich man is bloody and dirty from head to toe, which is shocking. To them, people seem to be a commodity, a toy, a creature that is not of the same species as them. They can play with, make fun of, dismember, kill, buy and sell, and make money at will.

In every compound, there are dead ghosts.

And whenever they couldn't find any evidence, Lin Wen would personally go out and dig out their numerous crimes from various unimaginable places.

The most appalling thing was that in an antique compound, more than 60 corpses were fished out from a cement-sealed well, ranging from white bones, to half-rotted ones, to those who could be seen in human form, and to those who were obviously newly dead.

After confessing the crime, everyone knew that these were the servants he thought had discovered his secret.

Within five years, more than sixty people died, all of whom he recruited from poor families with high salaries. He believed that poor people could keep secrets with high salaries, but his suspicions did not abate.

This newly dead person was even scared just because the anti-crime operation started, so he killed him and entered the well, then sealed the well mouth with cement, filled it with soil and planted flowers, thinking that he could bury the secret underground forever.

Unexpectedly, it was dug out like this.

No normal person would remain indifferent to such a crime.

In Changshan County, no one has any objections to this operation, and personnel at all levels have fully cooperated with the cleaning work.

Of course, the more important reason is that the crows of the KGB found many corrupt people who had ties to the rich and powerful. After these officials were imprisoned, the noise wandering in the county hall quickly disappeared.

The security guards and supervisory guards even tried their best to feed their babies, for fear that these evil stars in gray coats would think that they were condoning adultery and collaborating with rich and unkind people.

And Lin Wen's good relationship is also growing crazily, breaking through 5000 explosively in a few days.

At the moment of the breakthrough, Lin Wen's eyes were filled with white mist and golden light shone. The second supernatural power, which he had been waiting for for a long time, finally arrived.

However, he saw three lines of extremely dazzling words hovering in the midair surrounded by immortal energy.

【Fog is not a flower】

【Kill Ruthless】



Why are there three?

Lin Wen was stunned for a while, and soon realized that this was an option to choose from three options.

There is such a good thing?

Lin Wen was full of joy and looked carefully.

Then, his eyes were instantly attracted by the last magical power.

what is this?


Karma supernatural powers.

All dharmas that depend on causes and conditions are like dreams and bubbles;

All fruits that depend on love and hatred are like morning dew and lightning;

Tao is ruthless, fate is empty.

Obtain the effect that Taoism is natural and cause and effect are unimpeded, continuously and slowly reduce the relationship between good and evil at the same time, reduce the consumption of using spells, and prohibit abnormal casting of spells.


Lin Wen gasped, the effect is very strong.

He turned his gaze again to see the other two supernatural powers.

【Kill Ruthless】

Killing supernatural powers.

Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people.

Improve the ability to control the killing, and at the same time reduce the good or bad karma obtained from the killing.

【Fog is not a flower】

Fate magic.

Yichuan Tobacco is full of wind and wind in the city.

Frost destroys peaches and plums, and wind breaks lotus flowers.

The clouds and smoke pass by, and my life is in danger.

Reduce the mandatory revision of the established fate, reduce the damage of the calamity of fate caused by any reason, and reduce the consumption of fate spells.


Lin Wen hesitated for a long time.

These three supernatural powers are really hard to describe.

They each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

[Killing Ruthless] should be the most useful, it can increase Lin Wen's combat effectiveness, but it will reduce the good fortune gained from killing pure blacks.

[Mist is not flower] is also very strong, but the problem is that Lin Wen can't use it now.

After much deliberation, I can only choose the first one.

The main reason is "simultaneously reducing the relationship between good and evil".

Bad karma hurt him far more than good karma added.

If it is lowered at the same time, it is tantamount to earning blood.

It is impossible not to encounter bad karma at all, the judgment standard is too strict, some damn murderers will have bad karma if they kill themselves.

Not only that, but it also reduces spell consumption.

This is also very useful.

Lin Wen tried it, and the spell consumption was directly reduced by one-third.

Moreover, if the state of "Tao follows nature" reaches the highest level, the spell consumption can even be directly halved!

This means that his ability to cast spells has been greatly improved, and the time when he is forced to use good luck to cast spells has been greatly reduced.

But before Lin Wen was happy, he discovered the hidden pit of "abnormal casting is prohibited".

According to the description of the spell, in order to maintain the effect of "Tao follows nature", any method of casting sacrifices, blood sacrifices, evil sacrifices, etc. is abnormal casting, and will destroy the state of "Tao follows nature", which is not allowed.

Lin Wen never thought of using these methods to cast spells. He is an upright and righteous god, how could it be possible to take such a crooked path?

But what he never expected was that casting spells with good fate was also a kind of sacrifice spell casting.

Could it be that the good fortune he used before was sacrificed?

Is this system cheating me?

But it was too late to regret it now.

no way.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Be more careful with spells in the future.

If there is no good reason to cast spells, once the primordial spirit is used up, he may be in crisis. If it was the battle to assassinate Lai Juncheng, he might die abnormally.

That's absolutely not okay.

Must die "normally".

Lin Wen thought in his mind: "If you want to be reckless in the future, you must pay attention to the total amount of Yuanshen."

"Fortunately, the cost of casting spells is reduced now, which is equivalent to the increase in the total amount of primordial spirit. I can use more spells. As long as I study the magic skills carefully and keep the primordial spirit at a high position at all times, this is actually a good thing!"

Use more skills!

In Lin Wen's mind, he set his primary training goal in the future.

The supernatural power has been determined, the other two items are hidden in the void, and the selected one turns into a golden light and flies into the second item on the supernatural power interface.

Beside [Body Without Colorful Phoenix], the word [Fate] lit up.

At the same time, a line of small numbers on the right side of it is displayed.


This means that the next supernatural power needs to wait until 10,000 points of good fortune?

For Lin Wen now, 10,000 good fortunes are no longer something that cannot be imagined.

The good fortune in Changshan County is growing rapidly, and the reconstruction of the home is about to be completed, and the huge good fortune that has been waiting for a long time is coming.


In the midst of this monstrous upheaval, not many people cared about the civil strife in the Huang family.

Huang Chongxin, the second roommate of the Huang family, slaughtered almost all the people in the inner and outer houses, and his own people also died in the tragic battle.

But he still stood in the position of the winner, inheriting most of the contacts, channels and resources of the Huang family.

Now, all of Huang Chongxin's subordinates are KGB agents. The crows changed their appearances and turned into Huang Chongxin's hole cards.

Huang Chongxin was originally unwilling to cooperate. After two days in the KGB's confinement room, he was counseled by a specialized psychologist, and his thinking suddenly changed.

He thought that if he was able to survive, it must be because of his two daughters who tried their best to win the favor of Sheriff Lin, that's why Sheriff Lin kept him as his white glove to collect wealth for him.

Having figured this out, Huang Chongxin suddenly accepted his fate. After all, he still has value and the capital to live.

What makes him better than his three brothers is that he has two daughters who are beautiful and beautiful, otherwise he would have returned to the loess like his brothers.

In order for him to work with peace of mind, at Qin Luoshuang's suggestion, Lin Wen still took one of the younger sisters to meet him. Because of the black air covering her head, the older sister had obviously done all the bad things and had already been punched in the head by Lin Wen.

Because my sister is still young, less than 12 years old, the black energy is mostly illusory, so she survived, but she will be disciplined more in the future.

After talking with Qiqiao Linglongxin, Huang Chongxin's doubts were all gone, and he made up his mind to change his family and work for County Chief Lin.

He began to rebuild the structure of the Huang family, restore the normal operation of the family, and contact the offline and offline according to Qin Luoshuang's request.

The Huang family is in the middle of the entire population trading chain. According to Huang Chongxin, they used to mainly do mid-to-low-end business, that is, resale, transportation, and slave training. They did not involve high-end circles until recent years.

Their upper end is responsible for supplying goods, mainly the slave trading groups in several southwestern states. They usually obtain population resources through plunder, trafficking, usury and gambling. They are mainly children and women, and there are also adult men. Occasionally, there are people plundered through wars.

The lower end is mainly to deal with the final buyers. In recent years, due to the economic downturn, the supply of goods has increased rapidly, but the number of buyers has not increased. On the contrary, they have become more picky and have more and more tricks.

The pressure of competition has increased, and in order to obtain greater profits, they are becoming more and more frenzied. The whole Huang family is proud of being closer to and more integrated into the high-end circle. Bloody performances from the high-end circle of the empire are regarded as classics of art by them.

If anyone is not included enough to appreciate them, they are ostracized and considered incompetent.

In this atmosphere, the whole family inevitably slipped into the abyss.

Now is the time for redemption.

Because the family has experienced turmoil, Huang Chongxin must go out in person if he wants to regain the trust of his offline partners.

As soon as the family reconstruction was over, he took a lot of crows and went to contact his superiors in person.

Agent Crow will take advantage of the situation to find out the situation at the upper end, and then Lin Wen will send the strongest person in the dragon group——

he himself.

Destroy all the slave trade groups on this line.

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