It wasn't until the sun went down that the more than 500 million cash was counted and put back into the cash truck. Jinsi Nan directly hired the three cash trucks and returned with them.

Although he successfully obtained a huge amount of tax money, Jinsinan was not happy at all. On the way back, he sent all the information and evidence back to the Tax Administration of the Empire headquarters by encrypted telegram.

This kind of thing can only be the means of the Supreme Council.

Such a clean crossing of rivers and bridges, such a thorough use of all their values, made Jinsi Man very angry.

However, it is impossible to turn against the Supreme Council. The General Administration of Taxation has too much in-depth cooperation with the Council, and he himself is one of the vested interests.

Since you can't turn your face, you can only use this matter to gain more benefits.

He had already made up his mind that he was going to review the newly recruited female slave. He had seen it at the last banquet. Her appearance and figure made people drool. This was the top quality that even money could not buy.

There is still more than 500 million yuan in money, taking it back is a great achievement, and his goodness is absolutely indispensable.

He also coveted the little boy in the Holy Grail Church for a long time.

Before he knew it, he was already fantasizing about a better life in the future, and he didn't even realize that his saliva dripped out.

However, he didn't know that not only did he not get a penny.

There is no need to go back alive.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, Lin Wen looked at the special car driving on the road between the valleys in the distance, and his eyes flashed.

Of the twenty-one people, only one third were completely black, and the rest were more than half black.

According to the past, Lin Wen really didn't dare to kill one half-black, 1-2 points of evil fate, these 14 half-black, so there must be more than 20 points?

But now, he has nothing to fear, it's nothing more than a month's work.

【Yuan Kong】It's great.

Just in case, in addition to having already activated [Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers] and [Victory of the Civet Cat], he also activated [Spiritual Power] and [Calling the Clouds and Protecting the Moon].

With these two layers of protection, even if the bomb detonates accidentally, it should not cause death on the spot.

The two spells have a total of 50% Yuanshen, and only 30% are used after reduction.

Yuanshen remaining: 31%.

Lin Wen leaped forward, and activated [Spiritual Movement].

Yuanshen remaining: 25%

Lin Wen's body was like a gust of wind, and he had already caught up with the car team in the blink of an eye.

On the highway out of the county, due to the recent large-scale development and construction of Changshan County, there are many more vehicles than before. Lin Wen followed the cliff for a while before finding a gap without people.

With a pause, his figure immediately took off, jumping directly from the bottom of the 30-meter-high cliff.

He was in mid-air, and he had already sucked in his breath. As soon as he landed, he punched the body of the armored vehicle like a battering ram.

Lin Wen's strength was inconceivable under the condition of possessing [Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers] and [Spiritual Power]. With a bang, the entire body of the armored vehicle was dented, and the 30 mm thick steel plate made a terrifying roar, driving the armored vehicle to fly out of the road like a shot put in an athlete's hand, and plummeted straight into the cliff.

Lin Wen turned around and rushed towards the second armored vehicle like lightning.


Lin Wen yelled violently, pumped his feet hard, stopped with his left foot, the concrete floor was shattered, kicked hard with his right foot, the armored vehicle flew into the air, the girder and chassis broke directly, the armored vehicle broke in mid-air, the people inside fell out like ants, and the sundries in the vehicle scattered down from the air, like paper money to pay homage to them.

Lin Wen turned around again, and the last armored vehicle reacted. The driver inside was terrified, and slammed the steering wheel violently. The vehicle lost its balance in an instant, spun and smashed through the guardrail, and fell out of the county road.

Lin Wenfei jumped on him, kicked a volley, and kicked an 800-meter banana ball that ordinary people would never be able to kick in their lifetime.

The armored vehicle drew an arc, crashed directly into the cliff on the other side, and then fell from the cliff.


The armored car exploded.

The loud noise echoed in the valley, the mountains trembled, and the gravel and dust sifted down, as if the god of the earth was about to wake up.

Huge flames shot into the sky, probably because the explosives in the car could not withstand such a strong impact and detonated.

There were still three armored vehicles left, and they stopped halfway in fright. One car tried to turn around and run away, but Lin Wen stepped over, pierced through the bulletproof glass of the armored vehicle, and pulled the driver out.

This is also a member of the General Administration of Taxation. Lin Wen shook his hand vigorously, and he turned into Kojiro Musashi of the Rockets and disappeared as a small black dot in midair.

The other two were terrified, they took out their pistols and shot at Lin Wen, but Lin Wen didn't dodge, and rushed forward one by one, making them follow in the footsteps of their predecessors.

The driver went away, but the three cash transport vehicles were still blocking the middle of the road. Lin Wen got into the car and wanted to drive the car to the side of the road to stop, but his driving skills were extremely poor, and two vehicles stopped in a crooked manner.

After a while, there was a lot of traffic behind, the horn blared loudly, and a red supercar got off and a beautiful young lady dressed exquisitely, she walked up and saw that it was a male driver, she immediately laughed angrily.

"Which female driver did I think it was again? It turned out to be a man, come down for me! Let my sister drive for you."

Lin Wen scratched his head and jumped down. The young lady saw Lin Wen's appearance clearly, her attitude changed suddenly, and she said with a coquettish smile, "Young man, are you just learning how to drive?"

Lin Wen glanced at her, not much blackness, 7%-8% appearance, within the safe range, nodded: "I just passed through before I finished learning, I haven't practiced much."

The young lady smiled prettily: "The young man's words are really interesting." She walked past Lin Wen, and a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards her face. After the beautiful image, Lin Wen had a business card in his jacket pocket, which read: Yang Meiyu, Deputy General Manager of Longmei Building Materials and Construction Machinery Group.

After Yang Meiyu got into the car, she smiled and said, "Young man, sister will help you park the car, can you go to dinner with sister later?"

Lin Wendao: "Do you have money?"

Yang Meiyu smiled like a flower: "Of course, I don't even look at who my sister is."

A bank card flew out of the car, Lin Wen reached out to catch it, turned it over and saw that the password and the amount were written on it, 120,000.

Yang Meiyu turned the steering wheel: "Look, this is how the car drives."

But before she stepped on the accelerator, there was a click, and Lin Wen pushed the cash transport truck sideways to the side of the road with one hand. Due to the excessive friction, one tire was worn out, and the steel ring was exposed.

Lin Wen raised his bank card: "Thank you, Sister Yang, next time I come to Changshan County to treat you to dinner."

Turn around and sink into the night that just fell, and soon disappear into the boundless night.

The people around got out of the car one after another, gathered and pointed at the two black car marks on the road in amazement, and drove away after a while.

The traffic flow quickly returned to normal. Only Yang Meiyu was still sitting in the armored van, not understanding what happened.

After a while, the security team from Changshan County rushed over, and a security guard came over: "Ma'am, is the Wuling Light supercar over there your car?"

Only then did Yang Meiyu come to her senses: "Yes, it's mine."

"Could you please move, your car is blocking half of the road."

Yang Meiyu wanted to get out of the car, but she found that the car door was already close to the cliff and couldn't be opened, so she had to climb to the co-pilot to get out of the car.

When the cold wind blew, she woke up.

She was paid 120,000 for nothing.


Good karma +22, bad karma +17.

Before it was released, Lin Wen had already cracked.

But now, it's nothing more than a month.

【Yuan Kong】It's great.

The follow-up work was taken over by the crow, taking back the cash truck, counting the cash, depositing it back to the bank, cleaning the scene, and preserving the evidence.

After a series of tasks were completed, Qin Luoshuang immediately bit back, claiming that the council frantically planted bombs on the inspection convoy and blew up the special inspection vehicle. All 21 tax officers were killed, and 591 million in cash was turned into ashes.

A total of 51 pages of telegram complaints were sent directly to the Imperial Headquarters through the official channel of Changshan County.

Due to the abundant evidence and horrifying content, it caused a sensation in the highest office of the empire.

It immediately convened an enlarged meeting, requiring the participation of the Changshan County Government, the Council, and the General Administration of Taxation.

Originally, Qin Luoshuang was planning to go with Lin Wen, but Lin Wen thought it was a waste of time, and said, "You can go for me, anyway, we are about the same height and about the same height, so it's not difficult to pretend."

Qin Luoshuang, who was originally fair and beautiful, was so angry that her face turned black, but she couldn't hold back Lin Wen, so she had to go alone in anger.

Of course, there are also a large number of crows accompanying them.

Before leaving, she came here to warn Lin Wen that he should strictly manage the Dragon Group. If the agents are not subject to strict discipline, they will cause much more damage than the hostile agents.

Especially the agent named Mu Mu, who is free and undisciplined and has no boss. He is likely to rebel against the organization in the future, so he must take strict precautions.

Lin Wen's words go in his left ear and out his right ear, what are you kidding, I rebelled against myself?

Qin Luoshuang also asked him for a communication device that could transmit voice without being held by both parties, but Lin Wen prevaricated on the grounds that this was the latest state-of-the-art quantum wave communicator of the empire, and the quantity was scarce.

In the end, Qin Luoshuang left him a "Secret Agent Training Manual", a booklet covered in black leather, with a subtitle "Qin Family Top Secret Edition" under the main title, and a line of small characters "Never allow outside rumors".

Lin Wen fully agreed, and then shelved it.

Ten minutes after leaving, Qin Luoshuang called another satellite phone and told him that after she left, all affairs would be replaced by a person named Yun Zhixing, who was her deputy, so he should not think too much about it.

Lin Wen didn't think much about it at first, but his words had a familiar sense of déjà vu.

He recalled it for a long time before he clapped his hands and suddenly realized.

Due to harmony issues, the name of the second supernatural power became 【Yuan Kong】

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