From this point of view, there must be laws as the basis for daily law enforcement.

The conditions for reaching all black in [Wang Qi Guan Ren] are too strict.

Moreover, there is an upper limit to the purification of [Yuan Kong], and it cannot be killed indiscriminately.

Those who can be judged by the law will be judged by the law.

If you can't keep it, let him die, and do less evil in your next life.

Of course, those who are all black must die, and no one will help.

If it is below half-black, then you have to be careful, there will be a lot of bad luck if you kill it.

It is absolutely forbidden to touch the person who is white. If he is accidentally killed, depending on the degree of whiteness of the person, there will be 5-50 bad karma points. If the person has great merit, there is no limit to the bad karma.

The upper limit of [Yuan Kong] is one point per day, and one thousand points would be close to three years, ten thousand points thirty years.

Lin Wen didn't want to spend his whole life in the physical world to eliminate bad karma.

After that, Lin Wen went around the prison, only to find a completely black one. He was arrested and imprisoned for brutally torturing and killing many people.

When I saw this person, he happened to be mentally ill, rolling wildly on the ground, with medical staff and a psychiatrist next to him.

The result of his identification is: intermittent mental disorder and multiple personality.

The prison is ready to release him without charge.

Lin Wen immediately asked the prison guard who accompanied him for a gun, and shot him straight away.

When the bullet penetrated his head, the psychiatrist was using a small flashlight to examine the whites of the "patient's" eyes.

"Look, his eyeballs are trembling. This is a phenomenon when the brain waves are in a beta waveform. His personality is about to switch...Pfft!"

A splatter of brains just shot into his mouth, making him cough violently.

"Drag away!"

Lin Wen gave the order coldly.

"These people are all locked up and awaiting investigation."

After speaking, Lin Wen turned and left directly.

Severe mental illness without voluntary behavior is distorted, chaotic and abnormal qi in [Wang Qi Guan Ren], the complexion is dull, but it will never be dark, because it is not his personality and consciousness.

This all-black psychopath looks fake.

Afterwards, Lin Wen immediately called Qin Luoshuang and asked her to send someone to investigate the council system in Changshan County.

Each region has a council.

They have command over all reconnaissance, arrest, and judicial organs.

That is to say, they can intervene in the Public Security Section, the Supervision Office, and the Tribunal.

And the Supreme Council directly combines all powers into one, scouting, arresting and judging a dragon, which is why they can be so rampant.

Generally speaking, the council is not under the jurisdiction of the county government office, but only under the jurisdiction of the superior council, but Lin Wen is an exception. He has the power of restraint, and as long as he is in Changshan County, everything is under his control.

The mid-level council in Changshan County soon became devastated. The crows ignored the protests of the superior council and broke into the hall of the council, arresting 99% of the officials and handing them over to Fang Yaobo for punishment.

Now that Fang Yaobo had fully grasped the true meaning of the law, he immediately went down to investigate. The people had already complained about the council, and they were used to doing evil and domineering, but they didn't dare to speak out because of their power.

Fang Yaobo only used a few pots of good wine, a few plates of beef, a few not-so-public places, and a few opening remarks like old acquaintances, and he mastered many private secrets of the council that he thought others did not know.

In just a few days, more than a hundred judges were all found guilty.

They were charged with:

Anti-Humanity Corruption and Bribery.

The crime of abuse of power against humanity.

Intentional injury against humanity.


At the same time, these crimes are subdivided into crimes against humanity as principal offenders, accessory offenders, indirect offenders, etc. The sentencing of different prisoners is also different, which seems to have formed a legal system of its own.

The officials of the Changshan County Intermediate Council were swept away and collapsed in one fell swoop, forming a power vacuum.

According to normal thinking, Lin Wen should support a crony to replace this position, completely control the local council, and confront the superior council.

But Lin Wen doesn't care about these things at all, and Zhao Minggong is not someone who plays power tricks. Although Qin Luoshuang can play tricks, she doesn't like the way internal affairs are run. Her way of managing internal affairs is almost the same as Lin Wen's, which is to kill.

She only likes to fight against the enemy, using methods such as conspiracy, use, exchange, assassination, and political attacks to defeat political enemies.

Her best friend, Xia, complained many times that if she went to fight in the palace, blood would flow into rivers in the palace, and mourners would be everywhere, and declared that Qin would never be able to beat her.

Although Qin Luoshuang scoffed at this, she kept thinking that it was time for her to come over as soon as possible.

Jangsan County needs someone to manage the internal personnel of the county government office.

What's more, Wolong's health is gradually getting worse, he can't stand up now, and can only lie on the hospital bed to deal with affairs.

If Wolong passed away, all the mountainous work in Changshan County would be suspended.

Therefore, Changshan County also needs a number of top talents who manage administrative affairs.

But until now, Lin Wen has not found a similar political officer.


In the evening, Lin Wen received another informant call.

But Qin Luoshuang was not in the office, Yun Zhixing told him: Miss Qin has gone home.


Lin Wen was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that Qin Luoshuang had an independent house here, but he and she almost never went home.

So hearing the concept was foreign.

"You take me there."

"Okay." Yun Zhixing agreed with a happy face.

Qin Luoshuang's residence is not far away, in a community not far behind the county hall, which is full of single-family houses, this is the residential area of ​​officials.

Along the way, Yun Zhixing continued to introduce himself, especially emphasizing many times that he admired masculine people since he was a child.

Lin Wen turned a deaf ear to it, not even opening his Qiqiao Linglong heart.

Qin Luoshuang's residence is No. 109. It has two floors and looks nothing special. When he reached the door, Yun Zhixing took out the key to open it, and shouted: "Miss Qin, County Chief Lin is here!"

Lin Wen curled his lips, it turned out to be a male best friend.

The layout of the house was standard and had not been changed. As soon as the door was opened, a frying pan flew out and threw Yun Zhixing out.

Lin Wen looked up and saw that Qin Luoshuang just came out of the bathroom, wearing only underwear, his skin glowed dimly in the dim light, like a ghost, or like an elf who had just come to the world and was still weak.

Qin Luoshuang looked at him sideways: "What are you doing? Are you still not going out? Do you want to watch me change my clothes?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Why don't you change it? It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Qin Luoshuang snorted coldly, turned her head, a few drops of mercury flicked out from her wet hair, she went straight to the closet, and began to choose clothes.

Lin Wen looked at her smooth back and asked curiously, "I've always wanted to ask you, why is your skin glowing?"

Qin Luoshuang said coldly: "Menghe, the top biological product in the empire, can be used after the skin has passed the biological test."

Lin Wenqi said: "The empire's biotechnology is so advanced, why there is no breast enlargement..."


A gleaming flying knife passed by Lin Wen's ear and stuck in the wooden cabinet behind him.

Because there was no danger, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] did not call the police.

Lin Wen took advantage of the situation and said, "I think Yunzhixing may need to use it."

Yun Zhixing's voice sounded outside: "What does Sheriff Lin want me to use? I can do it!"

Qin Luoshuang ignored them, she chose a long white dress, compared it with her body, then turned around, the skirt unfolded like a flower, in the next moment, Lin Wen only felt a white light flash before her eyes, she was already dressed.

Sure enough, she dressed as quickly as she undressed.

As soon as the clothes were ready, Yun Zhixing jumped in: "Miss Qin, the master called me back! He said everything went well!"

Qin Luoshuang nodded, then turned to look at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen tacitly repeated the ticking sound.

Qin Luoshuang pondered for a while: "The council has hired a large number of anti-government armed personnel from the Tuodian area in Nanwan, and is preparing to attack Changshan County by boat."

"Where is the extension store area in Nanwan?"

"I know." Yun Zhixing rushed to answer: "It is a war-torn area outside the border of the empire. There are serious conflicts and armed bandits fight in melee all year round. It is a three-no area with no order, no supervision, and no restraint. A large number of heinous criminals are exported to the empire every year."

Lin Wen asked curiously: "Why didn't the empire occupy it? Or help them calm down the chaotic situation."

Yun Zhixing smiled slightly, looked into Lin Wen's eyes and said, "There are irreconcilable conflicts among the people there. The empire is not willing to invest a large number of troops in that barren land to fight security wars, nor is it willing to take the risk of being accused by the world to openly engage in massacres, so it is put there."

Qin Luoshuang made Lin Wen a cup of black tea, but only handed Yun Zhixing two empty cups, and Yun Zhixing wisely went to the back kitchen to make tea by himself.

Qin Luoshuang went on to say: "For us, the worst thing is that the Nanwan Tuodian area is just upstream of the Tianjiang River, and they can enter Changshan County directly by boat. The management on the Tianjiang River is very lax. As long as you spend a little money, you will hardly encounter any obstacles."

Lin Wen smiled slightly: "I understand, don't worry."

Qin Luoshuang nodded, knowing that he was going to dispatch the dragon team again, and said, "Lin Wen, in a few days you will second me a member of the dragon team, and I will use it for a day."

Lin Wen was embarrassed all of a sudden. He couldn't find a reasonable reason, so he could only agree. Anyway, he would just send himself there when the time came.

Qin Luoshuang snorted and said, "Lin Wen, I want that agent named Mu Mu."

Lin Wenwei had an ominous premonition, but agreed anyway.

Just about to say goodbye and leave, Qin Luoshuang suddenly grabbed his hand and stuffed a cold metal object into his palm.

Lin Wen looked at her, but Qin Luoshuang recovered his cold expression, and said indifferently, "Goodbye."

Lin Wen walked out of the house, stretched out his hand and saw that it was a key.

"This girl."

He laughed and shook his head, but he didn't care, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

Yun Zhixing managed to mix two cups of hand-brewed black tea, and when he came out to see that Sheriff Lin had left, he was instantly disappointed.

Qin Luoshuang glanced at him, and said lightly: "Don't dream, you can't learn from him. Although he sometimes looks dumb and stupid, and speaks out loud, but the terrifying spirit and belief deep in his heart are beyond the reach of normal people."

"Xia would never choose a slave."

A wry smile appeared on Yun Zhixing's handsome face.


he said softly.

"She only looks at me when I'm a slave."

Qin Luoshuang stopped talking, turned around and went upstairs.

Only Yun Zhixing was left alone in the dim light, quietly chewing on his suffering.

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