Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 161 The Repairer of the Empire

Good karma +900, bad karma +80.

This is the most bad luck he has ever had.

If it was before, he could have exploded on the spot.

Even now, he needs to be in top form for more than three months to finish.

To be a little restrained.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

The next few days were uneventful.

Everything in Changshan County is progressing steadily, everyone is very busy, only Lin Wen has nothing to do.

But this is exactly what he wanted, Qin Luoshuang repeatedly reminded him not to be ignored, and even offered to transfer part of his power to Lin Wen.

But Lin Wen resolutely rejected it without any room for change.

In order to make her work with peace of mind and not disturb his rare and wonderful time of cultivating immortals, Lin Wen repeatedly emphasized that he completely trusts her, no matter what the situation, he trusts her, as long as she sits in the position of the chief of the county security department for a day, he is completely at ease.

"Because you are my phoenix chick."

"I don't trust anyone in this world except you."

Lin Wen, who had been completely immersed in the world of cultivating immortals, was completely unaware of Qiqiao Linglongxin's flirting behavior.

Fortunately, Qin Luoshuang had already experienced many battles, and she had seen a lot of them. She had seen much more disgusting and deeper routines than this one. She was keenly aware that Lin Wen said these words to perfuse her.

She has now summed up some of Lin Wen's behavior rules. Whenever she suddenly becomes empathetic and nice-sounding, she may be perfunctory.

"This may be one of the manifestations of his strong heart."

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself.

"Using absurd behavior to cover up his true thoughts."

"Maybe he knows that he behaves like a lunatic in this world, and he would rather not be understood, be misunderstood, and go on."

"That's why he never cared how many people shared his power, nor did he care if someone took away the power that belonged to him."

It's hard to imagine such a person in this world.

There may be legends, but Qin Luoshuang has never seen it.

This firmness doesn't seem like a disguise, he's even faking it.

In many cases, although the surface is normal, Qin Luoshuang can feel the boredom and resistance in his heart, as if in his eyes, the power that countless people dream of is some kind of poison.

Qin Luoshuang didn't know how to evaluate him. There were too many mysteries about him, and if he went deeper into each one, he would find more mysteries.

"Perhaps, this is the real strong man."

Qin Luoshuang sighed slightly, and at the same time, he was even more disapproving of Yun Zhixing. He still kept approaching Lin Wen, trying to learn and imitate him.

Because the "master" he was obsessed with once told him what a real man was like, and he thought Lin Wen had many similarities.

But that was impossible, Qin Luoshuang knew very well.

He will never learn in his life.

Thoughts drifted far away, Qin Luoshuang tried her best to put them back, the work in front of her was piled up like a mountain, the purge of the Forbidden Magic Mage Group had entered the deep water area, the rest of the wealthy people in Huai Town were hidden very deeply, and it would take a lot of effort to dig them out.

The crow agents are extremely busy. In addition to assisting the Forbidden Curse Mage Group to conduct an in-depth investigation of Changshan County, they also need to monitor officials, manage the Supervision Office, protect the safety of important officials, guard Changshan County from being infiltrated by hostile forces, and block news of the purge.

The KGB was seriously short of manpower, but Qin Luoshuang was not willing to expand the team quickly, and she still had to wait for one person.

Only after she came, could she safely expand the team.

For Lin Wen, there was only one noteworthy thing that happened in the past few days: the personnel recruited by Yaojing finally ran out.

A total of 410,000 people were recruited, 397,000 laborers, and 13,000 county hall staff were recruited.

Qi Mu has already returned to Changshan County with the last group of people, but the Yaojing recruitment point still exists, and Lin Wen specifically ordered 20 staff to stay there to continuously recruit new personnel.

The Yaojing recruitment point will always exist.

It is a knife on the necks of bosses from all walks of life in Yaojing, and it is also a cash cow for Lin Wen to continue to obtain good fortune.

The entire recruitment has enabled Lin Wen to gain more than a thousand points of good fortune, and as the recruiters continue to live here stably, the good fortune will continue to grow.

As soon as Qi Mu came back, Lin Wen immediately chose an office in the corner and the most remote location, and hung up the signboard of the Dragon Group.

The dragon group officially had an office, and Lin Wen registered 18 members of the dragon group in the personnel department. Except for Qi Mu, the other 17 members were all played by Lin Wen.

Therefore, Qi Mu now has two identities, one is the computer repairman in the county chief's office, and the other is the mysterious agent of the Dragon Group.

Lin Wen specially nicknamed him "The Repairer of the Empire".

In this way, the dragon group has a real entity.

Qi Mu was in a daze, just sat in the office with only one stool for a minute, when people came to visit him one after another.

The first to come is the Long Association Department, and the famous members of the Dragon Group are right in front of them, how can they not be interviewed?

Their current serial story about the dragon group has achieved great success. The sales of the newspaper have exceeded 60,000 copies, which is two hundred times that of the previous one.

Therefore, as soon as the Dragon Group's office was established, they immediately came to visit. Qi Mu, who was slightly socially phobic, didn't know how to deal with these mature politicians, so he could only talk wildly about Internet knowledge to ease the embarrassment.

The officials of the Long Association Department left thoughtfully, and the agents came to visit again.

As a mysterious top organization that overwhelmed them, of course they were very interested in visiting their counterparts. Qin Luoshuang was also very interested, but due to some concerns, she didn't go there in person.

Therefore, Qi Mu was crowded with people all day long. After finding that Qi Mu was approachable and not as scary as in the legend, even the staff of various departments of the county government office came to visit one after another, wanting to see the true face of the mysterious dragon group agent.

Qi Mu, who was extremely nervous, talked about computer and network knowledge all day long. Although everyone couldn't understand them, they felt that "it sounds amazing". Thanks to Qi Mu's peaceful image and mysterious agent status, he met half of the people in the county hall in just one day, and became the person with the most friends in the county hall.

Of course, the entire county hall now has a total of about 20,000 people, so his day will continue for a long time.

Lin Wen successfully filled in a hole, which made his lie less flawed.

Early the next morning, new news finally came.

The slave owner Huang Chongxin got in touch with the Huang family's downline, and the accompanying crow sent back the investigation of the human trafficking offline.

Offline is a huge group entrenched in Mingzhou, it has a ostensible identity: Imperial Strong Shuangyuanhua Labor Service Dispatch Group.

The chairman of this group is Wu Xingchang, a seemingly ordinary citizen of the empire without any official status.

But Qin Luoshuang told him that in the empire, any large group has a background.

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