Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 167 Assassin's Creed-Previous Chapter

Just as Yang Jiehua was about to vote, suddenly, a personal guard broke into the venue and shouted: "Special Elder Order: The impeachment case in Changshan County will be postponed for one day!"

The attendant handed Yang Jiehua a crimson postcard.

He read it carefully, and found that it was indeed Elder Lin Yabo's special elder order, which was one of the elder's duties, and it was irrefutable in terms of imperial procedures.

Yang Jiehua thought that the governor could not be violated, so he had to announce:

"Changsan County's impeachment case postponed for one day."

The ministers were expressionless, but they all had different expressions in their eyes.

Chang Hai's bloodless face recovered a little, but it was still ugly.

Due to the Great Elder's ban, the authority of the elders has actually been reduced, and the influence on the empire headquarters has also been reduced. Elder Lin Yabo used a special elder order to postpone the impeachment case and gave them a day to prepare, which is already the limit.

As for Mr. Yu Zhongxian, he is vigorously eliminating the opponents in the Council, stepping up efforts to seize full control of the Council.

To disturb the chief executive at this time, Chang Hai knew the end without even thinking about it.

Special help must be sought.

Chang Hai thought to himself.

This day is my last chance, so I must seize it!


After the meeting, Yun Zhixing, who couldn't bear it any longer, immediately called Qin Luoshuang to report today's success.

Since it was still early, Lin Wen decided to go around to see if there was a chance to find a good relationship.

Yun Zhixing, who was bragging wildly, did not forget to send all ten agents over. Protecting Lin Wen was their top priority. Although there is almost no danger in the zero-loop line, just in case.

Lin Wen walked around the Zero Ring Road, and there were many guards everywhere. His status as the county chief was worthless here, and he couldn't get in anywhere without a pass.

Nothing of value was found.

When Lin Wen was about to go back, he suddenly saw three guards beating a woman on the edge of the zero ring.

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, and he rushed up immediately, but was disappointed to find that the three guards were not too dark, and the heavy punch that was going to blow their heads just pushed them away in the end.

"What are you doing?" Lin Wen hated this kind of flies that are hard to kill the most, so his tone was very cold.

The three guards nodded and bowed, with apologetic smiles on their faces.

Those who can wander around with ten subordinates in the Zero Ring Road are definitely not ordinary people. In fact, there are no ordinary people here.

A guard said with a shy face, "Sir, you don't know, this woman has tried to sneak in again and again."

"That's right, sir, don't be fooled by this slut's appearance, she is very cunning!"

"It must be a rotten bitch outside who wants to come in and climb high."

The woman was sitting on the ground, covered in dust, her head was broken, and blood flowed all over her face. When she saw Lin Wen, she suddenly crawled over and hugged his thigh, crying:

"Sir, please take me in, please, I just want to find someone, I am not threatening, I will not disturb anyone, please..."

Lin Wen frowned slightly, and before he could think of an answer, a guard shouted, "Bitch! Let go!"

"Is the big man in the zero ring area someone you can touch?"

"I don't even want to give you something like you for nothing!"

Lin Wen was disgusted. Although he couldn't blow their heads off, it was okay to make them suffer a little.

Turning his head and making a look, the agents understood, and a group of people went up and knocked the three guards to the ground in an instant.

They were all professional agents, and they knew what Lin Wen meant very well. They struck fiercely but not fatally, and the three guards screamed in pain when they hit them where it hurt the most.

Lin Wen asked an agent for alcohol and gauze, treated the poor woman's wound, and said, "Go back."

The woman stared at him blankly, her lips trembling slightly. Lin Wen stood up and was about to leave when she suddenly hugged his thigh and said, "You, you are Lin Wen, the county magistrate of Changshan County, right?"

Lin Wen looked at her in surprise: "You know me?"

A strong light burst out in the woman's eyes for a moment. She trembled and choked up, unable to say anything, but Lin Wen could clearly see that her aura was boiling, showing her extremely strong emotional fluctuations.

"I am Lin Wen." Lin Wen said softly: "Changshan County Chief, you can speak slowly if you have anything to say."

Tears flowed from her eyes instantly as if a bank had burst, and she cried, "That's great, that's great, please, please save Shaohu..."

Although this is only the edge of the Zero Ring Road, the security is still very strict. The change here was quickly noticed. Several imperial guards ran over quickly and shouted: "What are you doing? I warn you, stop the fighting immediately!"

Lin Wen waved his hand, and the agents surrounded him. One of the agents helped the woman up, and Lin Wen stepped forward to reveal his identity as the county chief and the invitation letter from the Empire headquarters.

The imperial guards stood at attention and saluted, but did not let it go:

"Hello, County Chief Lin, what happened? Why did your followers beat them? Although they are low-level guards, they also belong to the imperial guards and cannot be insulted at will."

Lin Wen sneered: "They beat and tried to moleste my friend, why can't I beat them?"

The eyes of the imperial guards changed in an instant. They saw the beaten woman across the crowd. She was indeed covered in dust, bruised and bruised, and her head was still wrapped in a bandage.

The imperial guards who knew the virtues of these low-level guards immediately bowed and apologized to Lin Wen: "Sorry, Mr. Lin, we must deal with it seriously."

The three guards were stunned and shouted: "My lord! We don't! We don't know!"

"This woman broke through the checkpoint without an ID, I thought she was a bitch..."

The imperial guard's face turned black, and he shouted: "Take it away!" At the same time, he apologized to Lin Wen again.

After everyone left, Lin Wen said, "Let's go back first."

A group of people took the woman back to the guest house.

Yun Zhixing had just finished blowing, his face was flushed, he looked up and saw Sheriff Lin brought a woman back, and said in surprise: "This, this is not good! Do men need this kind of test? The 'Master' is still waiting for me."

Lin Wen didn't bother to talk to him, and said, "Sit down, do you want to take care of your injuries first?"

The woman shook her head firmly.

Lin Wen nodded and asked, "Who are you? How do you know me? Who do you want me to save? Why?"

The woman lowered her head and shed tears again. She said softly, "I am a wild flower that should have fallen in the mud long ago. Thanks to Shaohu's rescue, I survived."

"He didn't think I was dirty, took me in, and gave me shelter, so I can live until now."

"However, his heart is too soft, and he still has good thoughts, which is very dangerous in the council."

Hearing the word "Council", Yun Zhixing and the agents were shocked. They looked at each other and knew that things were not easy.

Lin Wen's expression remained the same, nothing changed.

The woman continued: "He is an official of the council, and he often works in various departments in rotation."

"He has said many times that he will be transferred from the council after this period of rotation is over, and go to a new place, a place full of hope."

"That place is Changshan County, and the chief there is called Lin Wen."

She raised her head and looked at Lin Wen with twinkling eyes.

Even though she was full of tears and covered in dust, she could not stop the faith in her eyes.

"The one he talked to me the most was you. He said that you were the most different official in the empire, and the only one who dared to directly confront the council."

"He managed to collect a lot of information about you. He knew that you eliminated corrupt officials, rescued victims of disasters, and that you took in refugees and severely damaged the council."

"He knows everything you do."

"So, he is determined to help you. He told me that this is the last hope of the empire."

"Every day when he comes back from the council exhausted, I can see the despair in his eyes, which is as deep as solidified black. Most of the time he is unwilling to talk, only when he talks about you, there is a little brilliance in his eyes."

"So, every day I talk to him about you, everything you do, guess every thought you have, analyze your intentions, your philosophy."

"We talk about your future, your development, your difficulties, your obstacles, your enemies, just as we talk about ourselves."

"Shaohu is determined to help you. He used his authority to obtain secrets from the council and disclose them to you, hoping to help you."

"It's very dangerous. I tried to persuade him many times, but he didn't listen. He said: 'Although Sheriff Lin doesn't necessarily need it, I do.'"

"I stopped persuading him. As time went by, I felt a little more at ease. As soon as the rotation was over, he could be transferred away. We would not have to worry about it, and we could have a peaceful place to live in peace."

She stared blankly at the void behind Lin Wen, tears streaming down again.

"However, just the day before the end of the shift, Yang Shaohu never came back. I thought he had drunk too much outside, so I went out to find him. The owner of the tavern told me that he had already gone back."

"But when he came back, his house was ablaze, and the secret agents of the big criticism council were delivering everything that had been removed from the house."

"I escaped the search, and they didn't pay much attention to me."

"But Shaohu, Shaohu... the council's methods have always been extremely cruel. They will definitely torture him crazily and then execute him."

The girl's tears flowed down patter.

"My life was broken since I was a child. My father was drinking and gambling, and my mother was missing. I was sold to the Council as soon as I was an adult, and my life in the Council was even more gloomy. I was not regarded as a human being at all."

"It was Shaohu who rescued me. It was from him that I felt the meaning of existence. Shaohu is the only light in my life, so I must save him."

"And the person who can save him must be you."

"Shaohu said that the council is planning to murder you at the headquarters meeting! I know you will definitely come, I must come to you, you are the last hope."

She raised her bruised face.

"Fortunately, I really met you."

"You will definitely save Shaohu, you will definitely be able to save Shaohu, right?"

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