Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 169: Assassin's Creed · Chapter 2

This is a team of seven.

After "Fatty Cao" returned to the team, the captain immediately stepped up and continued to patrol, but no one paid attention to him.

"The desire to survive is very strong."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

He tore off his sleeve and bandaged the "wound" on his face. After covering half of his face, he looked much more normal.

No one spoke along the way, and the patrol team’s route was very fixed, that is, they circled along the wall and encountered many “stuck points” along the way—according to the plan, the subordinates would meet a certain patrol team at a certain place at a certain time, which was called “check in”, and the place where they “checked in” was called “stuck point”.

If you don't "check in," you'll be asked what happened.

Lin Wen walked around for a while, and got a general idea of ​​the situation. The security around the manor was very loose, and it got stricter as you went in, and the buildings got bigger and bigger. The tower-like building in the middle was Yu Zhongxian's mansion.

Yang Shaohu was imprisoned in a castle-like prison on the first circle closest to the mansion.

Combining the information obtained from [Ask Yu Tian], Lin Wen quickly determined the plan.

He immediately said hoarsely: "Captain, I'm sick and want to go back to rest."

The captain has a big beard, and he jumped up when he heard this: "Hugh, Hugh, Hugh your whole family! You follow me, if you are half a step too late, you will lose your salary today!"

"Fatty Cao" said weakly: "Come on, I really can't do it." Turned around and left.

The bearded man said furiously: "Cao Yuan, if you dare to take a step, you won't even want this month's salary!"

"Fatty Cao" said without looking back, "I don't want it anymore!"

The bearded man said furiously: "Cao Yuan, if you dare to leave, you will guard the toilet every day from now on! You will be told to eat shit until you are full!"

"Fatty Cao" yanked off the armbands on his clothes and left them on the ground: "I quit!"


The bearded man was so angry that he was about to explode, while the others looked at Fatty Cao's retreating figure with admiration.

With the cover of [Zhiyue Xuankong], Lin Wen quickly entered the inner circle area.

The guards here are much more elite. In addition to the patrolling guards on the bright side, there are also many hidden guards hiding in the shadows.

But there is still no threat to Lin Wen. When [Wang Qi Guan Ren] is opened, no matter how hidden the hidden guard is, he can see it at a glance.

Moreover, there are many large and small buildings in the inner circle, and there are many places he can use.

With the help of [Spirit of the Civet Cat] and the optical camouflage brought by [Zhiyue Xuankong], Lin Wen easily sneaked into the innermost circle and came to the prison where Yang Shaohu was held.

This is a closed prison with a square shape surrounded by watchtowers.

The guards are very strict, but absolutely no one expects that someone wearing an optical camouflage can climb the nearly 30-meter-high wall with bare hands.

It was difficult for patrolling guards to spot a patch of brick that was slightly out of place on such a high wall.

After jumping into the prison, [Paper Moon Suspended] had 12 minutes left.

It can't be used for the time being, and it should be used when escaping later, which is relatively dangerous.

The interior of the prison is a classic structure, in the shape of a "well", with a school yard in the middle, surrounded by high walls and cells.

Lin Wen turned into the top floor. There was no one on this floor, and most of the cells were empty.

Go down one floor and bump into two prison guards head-on.

Lin Wen made a bold move.

The prison guard evaporated instantly.

Lin Wen put on two layers of prison guard clothes and continued to walk down.

None of the prisons on the surface seem to hold important people, and the security is very loose.

Along the way, Lin Wen met only thirty or so prison guards. After all of them evaporated, 81 points of good fortune were recorded.

It seems that the prison is really a place of crime.

Lin Wen was also pleasantly surprised to find that when the corpses of these prison guards were evaporated, the evil karma was reduced a lot. There were only 6 points in total for more than 30 prison guards.

There is such a good thing?

Lin Wen happily rolled up more than 30 sets of prison guard clothes into a big bundle, and found a large cell on the third floor that housed dozens of people.

He used the prison guard's key to open the cell door, and under the astonished eyes of all the prisoners, he let the big baggage in, and then put the key in too.

"Brothers, choose for yourself, I'll go first."

Lin Wen turned around and left. When he came to the first floor, the guards were much stricter. There were guards on duty everywhere, especially at the entrance leading to the underground prison. There were two teams of guards standing there.

Lin Wen did not rush over, but hid at the corner of the stairs and observed secretly.

Suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder.

Lin Wen turned his head and saw a guy in a senior police uniform looking at him unkindly.

"What are you doing standing here? Where are the guards on patrol in the 1st, 5th, and 7th teams?"

He glanced at Lin Wen's face, and suddenly became vigilant: "Why are you so faceless? Why haven't I seen you before? What's your name, which prison chief's subordinate?"

Lin Wen smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch, and his larynx was broken.

Pressing the corpse with the palm, the flesh and blood evaporated in the blink of an eye, and there was a few clangs, and the shackles on the clothes, the pistol and the key fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

To Lin Wen's surprise, a human skin mask fell off.


It seems that the council is not without enemies.

Lin Wen quickly changed into the sheriff's clothes, carefully pasted the human skin mask on his face, and after confirming that there were no flaws, he went straight to the entrance of the underground prison.

This person seemed to have a high status, and all the prison guards who met him saluted him one after another. The guards guarding the entrance directly opened the big iron gate, and respectfully invited Lin Wen in.

It's so simple.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

After passing through a long corridor, Lin Wen officially came to the underground prison.

The place is unexpectedly spacious, not dark, and the air is not dull. You can feel the breeze blowing on your face, which proves that the ventilation is very good.

In the middle is a spacious corridor with various rooms on both sides.

There are two prison guards every ten steps, and the guard is very tight.

This person's status is higher than imagined, and even here, no one stops him.

Lin Wen walked down, Yang Shaohu was on the third floor of the prison, and he had to go down two more floors.

When I went down to the second floor, the cleanliness, spaciousness and brightness of the first floor were gone, the light became dim, the air had a musty smell, and the aisles became narrow and cramped, stretching out like a spider web.

There are still fully enclosed rooms on both sides, and there are no cells.

There are prison guards and guards all over here, and people in high-level police uniforms can often be seen coming and going. When they saw Lin Wen, they all stopped and bowed to salute.

"Hello Director Cheng."

"Welcome Director Cheng to visit the prison for inspection."

"Hello, Director."

Lin Wen nodded all the way, without saying a word, and no one questioned,

When they descended to the third floor, the light was even more dim, and there was a pungent, rotten and bloody smell floating in the air, and there were faint noises coming from the depths.

Listen carefully, the noise is a mixture of screams, cursing, and some unknown instruments.

Yang Shaohu was imprisoned in the third dark prison in the west area on the third basement floor.

Lin Wen discerned the direction and walked straight to the west.

There are not many guards here, except for some interrogators, executioners, and some guys in strange clothes.

They were not very respectful to Lin Wen, they only bowed slightly, or stood still.

When he arrived in the West District, Lin Wen didn't know which one was the secret cell, so he searched one by one.

Push away the first room on the right, which seems to be an interrogation room, with bloody instruments of torture everywhere, but no one is there.

The second room is a large water prison. Dozens of prisoners are immersed in the dark water, only their heads are exposed.

Lin Wen broke the iron lock on the ground with one foot, opened the cage, pulled up the iron chain and dragged them up, only to find that they were all dead. The body below the head seemed to have been gnawed away by something, leaving only stumps and broken bones.

This should be a death row.

The third room is a room similar to a prayer room.

A crowd of men in gray knelt below.

Above, a figure in a gray cloak speaks loudly.

"...Only by taking soul elements can one sublimate the soul, wash away sins, arouse enthusiasm, explore inwardly, and get rid of shackles."

"Only taking soul elements can help brain development, protect psychological development, maintain personality growth, and finally sublimate the soul and become the supreme!"

"Only the Most High Stands!"

All the men in gray said in unison: "Only the Most High will live forever!"

Lin Wen observed for a while, and it didn't seem like there was a dark prison hidden here.

"Who are you?" Hui Doufeng caught sight of Lin Wen and asked sharply.

Lin Wen shouted: "Bold! How did you talk to the director?"

Hui Doufeng said sharply: "You are not Cheng Butang!"

With a bang, the men in gray stood up together.

Lin Wen sneered: "The road is narrow, brother."

Hui Doufeng shouted: "Fight! Let this intruder see how powerful the Huiyi Cult is!"

He swallowed a bottle of yellow fruit oranges with his back to the sky.

"Ah! Power! Power is coming up! How sweet! How powerful! We are invincible in this world!"

"Brothers, present this spy, the Father has reached out to me! I will judge this..."

He opened his eyes, only to see Lin Wen stretching out his hand to him.

His neck was pinched and he was lifted up like a chicken.


He looked past Lin Wen, but only saw corpses staggering all over the field. He tried hard to break Lin Wen's arm, but it didn't move at all.

His cheeks were flushed, and the hands around his neck were tightened like iron clamps, making his breathing difficult.

He yelled in horror: "You, what are you?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I'll give you a chance to tell me where the prison is."

"I, I say, the dungeon is at the eastern end..."

With a click, Lin Wen directly pinched his neck, and his head tilted, followed by agitation of skin and flesh, blood boiled, and his whole body evaporated in an instant.

Good fate +7.

No bad karma.

Lin Wen then refined all the corpses, and there was no bad karma.

These men in gray were the strangest people he had ever killed. Except for the leader, they had neither good nor bad karma, as if they were just walking corpses.

Lin Wen searched the room, but found no hidden entrance.

"not here."

Lin Wen went to the third room.

This is a lounge, and there are a few people who are doing eye-catching behavior.

Lin Wen blew their heads off and vaporized their bodies.

Then it was discovered that the raped had already been strangled to death, Lin Wen sighed slightly, and also melted their corpses.

The world is not worth it, wash away the filth, and leave.

If you are destined, see you in the new world.

Bad Karma +5.

Lin Wen ignored the message and turned to leave.

fourth room.

Another religious place.

A group of people sat cross-legged, and a person in the front was hanging cross-legged upside down in the air.

With sharp eyes, Lin Wen saw a thin invisible steel wire behind him.

He said in a mysterious and misty voice:

"...So we have to be humble and respectful. If someone takes your coat, you should let him take your pants; if someone hits you on the left cheek, you should also stretch out the right cheek. In this way, we can talk about everything and answer all questions..."

"... Therefore, we must abide by the religious hierarchy system and the sacramental system in order to obtain the liberation of the soul. Only by fasting, keeping chastity, poverty, begging, tolerance, obeying the church, obeying religious rules, and buying indulgences can we obtain the salvation of the soul."

" we must uphold the seven rites: Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Communion, Last Blessing, Wedding, Investiture..."

This group of people is the same as when he killed Master Asahara in Lai Juncheng's villa, they couldn't see their anger.

Lin Wen strode towards the Hanged Man, he also spotted Lin Wen, and said in a more psychedelic voice: "The people in the shadows..."


Lin Wen slapped him on the left side of the cheek, and he froze for a moment.

Lin Wenqi said, "You stretched out your right cheek?"

The Hanged Man's face quickly turned red, and he shouted angrily, "Kill him! Kill him!"

Lin Wen suddenly said: "Oh, and your clothes and pants will be taken away."

He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and there was a hissing sound, and all that was left of the Hanged Man was his underwear, and the steel wire on his back also fell off, and he fell down and fell headfirst to the ground.

He shouted angrily: "Kill him! Quick! He is a devil who blasphemes the Truth!"

Da da da da!

The cross-legged person behind him took out a machine gun and frantically scraped him.

Lin Wen scratched his head, it seemed that the negotiation failed, he punched [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] and did not call the police.


The head of the Hanged Man was blown off.

Good fate +1.

Cut, it's rubbish.

Lin Wen turned back and started killing.

Tens of seconds later, only clothes and guns were left in the field.

Lin Wen tidied up, folded the clothes together, and stacked the firearms. It looked as if they had taken off all restraints and went to a naturist party.

When Lin Wen walked out of the room, he heard the constant sound of alarms in the prison.

Looks like they finally figured out something was wrong.

Really dull.

Lin Wen ignored the siren and walked into the fifth room.

The room was very large, and it was divided into a large cell. Lin Wen directly broke all the door locks, carefully checked all the corners under the surprised eyes of the prisoner, and then turned and left.

With a bang, the outer door closed, and they realized that they seemed to be only a step or two away from being free.

In this way, Lin Wen found the secret door when he found the ninth room. There was a very delicate combination lock on it, and there were six layers of turntables inside and outside, corresponding to various patterns.

Lin Wen punched through the code dial and opened the secret door.

The foul-smelling air rushed in, and in the middle of an iron bed, several men in triangular hoods were inserting a red-hot iron into the prisoner's throat.

The prisoner frantically wriggled on the iron bed, but couldn't break free from the chains.

The triangular hood turned to stare at him, and one person said hesitantly: "Master Cheng, the third basement floor is not under the jurisdiction of the director."

Lin Wen stepped forward, blasted the heads of two people, pinched the neck of the third person, and lifted him up.

"Give you a chance to survive, tell me, where is Yang Shaohu?"

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