Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 290 Leave it to you


Shizhou's accusation was temporarily shelved due to lack of substantive evidence.

However, Lin Wen's accusation against Shizhou will be dealt with in a separate case, which is equivalent to being shelved.

Lin Wen was really outraged.

After working so hard for so long, this is the ending again?

Is the governor of Shizhou an idiot riding a horse?

I led more than 40,000 people, fought on your territory for three days, wiped out more than 100,000 troops, and moved away more than 100,000 tons of food. You only got such a little thing?

Sending this useless special envoy again is purely for fun.

In this one-sided situation, I can't even use the second plan.

Nima, do you know how much effort I have wasted in vain?


I remember you, the governor of Shizhou is a waste, he can only be a material carrier, an extractor of good fortune, and must not be a reincarnation ambassador.

The questioning of the Supreme Council ended soon, and the special envoy of Shizhou left the stage with a gloomy face.

When Lin Wen, who was even more gloomy, was about to leave the stage, he was stopped by the guard of the empire.

"Sheriff Lin, the Great Elder asked you to stay."


Lin Wen replied listlessly and returned to the venue.

The eyes of the five rulers on the high platform were all focused on him, and the real pressure was like a mountain, at least that's what the master of ceremonies felt.

Lin Wenqiang suppressed the desire to yawn, restrained the urge to go up and chop them all up and then forcibly reincarnate, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The master of ceremonies at the side was furious instantly, and was about to reprimand, when the Great Elder on the stage suddenly spoke.

"Little guy, we know it's your soldiers."

Lin Wen was overjoyed for a moment, and his complexion suddenly brightened.

"Great...uh, I mean I didn't."

Another elder said: "Little guy, put away your cleverness."

Another great elder said: "It is useless to play hard to get."

"Your level is very high."

The last elder concluded: "You are also very smart and resourceful, but in our eyes, you are still at the level of a child."


The emperor at the top looked at him with a smile, and said in a harmonious voice:

"To dare to do this kind of thing requires not only a smart mind, but also courage, guts, and most importantly, the courage to fear everything and the character of serving the people wholeheartedly."

The joy dissipated from Lin Wen's face, and he realized something was wrong.

"As a small Changshan County, you have received more than 70% of the refugees in the empire, providing them with shelter, medical care, clothing, food and even dignity."

"It's amazing."

A bright smile finally burst out from the emperor's face.

"The youth of today."

"This is the blessing of His Majesty." The Great Elder said: "The blessing of the empire."

Lin Wen's expression turned pale all of a sudden, are you here to play with me? Thank goodness I came here so happily.

I just want to reincarnate, is it that difficult?


This turning word changed the tone of the previous one, giving Lin Wen a glimmer of hope again.

"This is not the reason why you can recklessly violate the imperial prohibition."

"You must be punished."

"If you can't complete our punishment, it's still a death penalty!"

Lin Wen is overjoyed, is there still a chance for a turnaround?

"Great...I mean I accept any punishment from the Supreme Council."

A great elder snorted coldly.

"Little guy, don't be too happy."

"Our punishment is very severe, and it will not be lessened because you have accepted so many refugees."

"Yeah." Lin Wen urged impatiently: "Say it quickly, no matter what punishment, I will accept it."

He bit the word punishment very hard, hoping that they would give him an impossible task.

A layer of frost covered the Great Elder's face, and his voice became icy cold.

"The front line of the empire is not doing well. The direct reason is the lack of shells. There are a total of 520,000 cannons on the front line of Zezhou, and half of them are in a state of misfiring. The Pope is still recruiting their untouchables who were brainwashed by the Burning Sect to waste our shells."

"Therefore, we want you to supply thirty million standard artillery shells within a month."

Lin Wen was shocked, it sounded like a joke.

"Of course, considering your difficulties..."

Hey, don't think about it.

"We will recruit some production lines and send them to Changshan County..."

No, are you kidding me?

"It will also provide you with enough gunpowder..."


Lin Wen shot up at the crime, and countless eyes focused on him instantly. While the enhanced [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] crazily called the police, it also reminded him with a vague twitching feeling that he was sending him to death maliciously.

"Great, great!"

Lin Wen forcibly swallowed the vulgar words in his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "This is exactly the moment of my dream to serve the empire..."

He directly opened Qiqiao Linglongxin and didn't want to talk anymore.

After a while, Lin Wen was sent out of the meeting room under the slightly satisfied gaze of the Great Elder.

Lin Wen was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He used [Immortal Guidance] to inquire just now, and the answer turned out to be that it only consumes 260% of Yuanshen, and only 130% after halving.

This proves that this matter is not very difficult for him, and it can be done with just hard work.

Blood loss!

Lin Wen was so angry that he was about to go back quickly when he was surrounded by a group of royal guards in golden dragon pattern robes.

Their gaze is as dangerous as that of an Imperial Warden.

Lin Wen felt a little nervous: "No way, I don't have many souls now, and the state of Taoism has not yet fully recovered, so I won't be in danger, right? If I am murdered, how will I die?"

A royal guard took a step forward, bowed and said, "Sheriff Lin, Your Majesty is here to invite you."

It seemed that Lin Wen couldn't refuse, so he could only let them go.

The Imperial Palace is located on the top floor of the Emperor Tower, and the interior is divided into three floors. The Emperor is waiting for him in the royal garden area on the third floor.

The royal guards took Lin Wen to a secret elevator and arrived at the royal garden area.

The moment the door opened, Lin Wen almost thought he had traveled to the suburbs.

Outside the elevator door, there is a beautiful and sparkling scene.

The breeze gently brushed against the face, and the sun shone from the sky, not at all like being in a tall tower.

And the emperor in imperial robes was waiting for him in the small pavilion beside him.

Seeing Lin Wen coming, he showed a kind smile.

"Hi, young chief of Changshan County, nice to meet you, I am Li Longxing, Emperor of the Empire."

If it is very simple, it feels like an ordinary meeting, like an old man who has been famous for a long time meeting a rising star who has gained fame.

Lin Wenwei had an accident, but now he really has no interest in talking, and directly opened the Qiqiao Linglong Heart.

But before Xin could say a word, Li Longxing made Lin Wen turn off his heart.

"It was I who persuaded the elders to give up the death penalty for you."


Oh it's you!

Lin Wen's face was about to crack, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

No wonder it passed so easily.

The Great Elder acted as if you said whatever you wanted and I would just listen. It turned out that the result had already been settled, and everyone just came here for a formality.

Why is every world a virtue, can you tell me first if you have a result?

If I had known earlier, I would not have come. It was a waste of my waiting for so long.

Seeing Lin Wen's trembling and excited appearance, Li Longxing smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Lin Wen took three deep breaths in a row to stabilize his emotions, thinking that my cultivation is still too shallow, and my mood is too bad.

Such a little setback is nothing more than a small obstacle on my road to greatness, a small experience in the world of mortals.

Hmph, lucky for you, it will be the same if the Master of the Great Dao comes later.

It just so happens that when I go back, I will earn more good karma and wash away the bad karma, so that my next reincarnation will be healthier.

"Because I'm going to do it myself."

Li Longxing continued:

"You are willing to take such a big risk for the refugees, and you even don't hesitate to lead troops to grab food. I have never seen this kind of benevolence and righteousness."

"And some small people in the empire are still stumbling and doing bad things. If such people fall like this, there will be no justice in this world."

"Thus, the fewer good people there are, the more bad people there are, and the longer the unhealthy tendencies grow, the empire will inevitably slip into the abyss."


Li Longxing showed a smile.

"Those who hold salaries for everyone must be saved."

Lin Wen remained silent.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen. It seems that this time's failure was not accidental, but inevitable.

From the moment before he planned to send troops, the outcome was already doomed.

I underestimated the trend.

Lin Wen thought to himself, if the right time, place and people are not there, it would be hell to succeed.

You have to learn a lesson next time, choose a surefire way of inevitable death that is not shifted by people's will, and you can reincarnate perfectly.

Lin Wen felt a little better again.

The two walked along the path by the lake. The royal garden was indeed beautiful and charming.

Li Longxing chatted with Qiqiao Linglongxin for a while, and felt that he was very familiar with this kid, so he turned to the topic.

"You can manage the refugee camp with 8 million people in an orderly manner, which proves that your organizational management ability is very strong, so I won this task for you."

Lin Wen covered his eyes, so it was you again?

I heard Li Longxing continue to say: "This kind of shell is actually relatively simple to manufacture. The shell body is processed by a machine, and then the rest of the process, such as loading ammunition, installing the firing device, fuze, safety, and firing charge, can all be done by hand."

"If you can organize these 8 million refugees well, it will not be difficult to fire 30 million shells within a month."

"The most difficult part of this task lies in the organization, and your organizational ability is the strongest, so I won this task for you."

Lin Wen gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you so much."

Li Longxing said with a smile: "Thank you, you are welcome."

In order to avoid mental explosion, Lin Wen opened the Qiqiao Linglong Heart again.

Li Longxing continued: "But don't be too careless. You need to install the production line in a short period of time, and then start working with all your strength. We will provide the gunpowder, but you need to solve the iron ore yourself. As well as the firing device, fuze, insurance, and propellant powder. I suggest you buy ready-made components for these components."

Qiqiao Linglong agreed one by one.

The two talked along the way, when they came to the Huxin Pavilion, Li Longxing talked a lot and used up all the time in Qiqiao Linglongxin.

Now that the state of Taoism is not the highest, Lin Wen is unwilling to use spells, so he has to go into battle himself.

After a while, Li Longxing suddenly changed the subject.

"What do you think of the parliamentary system?"

Lin Wen had long been distracted in the boring conversation, and his heart was on cultivating immortals. He replied instinctively: "Stupid garbage system."

The atmosphere between the two suddenly dropped to freezing point, but Lin Wen didn't seem to notice it.

Hearing the same answer as his daughter's, Li Longxing felt a chill spread in his heart.

Is the system of honoring the emperor already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

Is he actually a deeply hidden supporter of the Great Emperor?

But he still didn't give up, and asked again: "Why?"

"My lord, what does it have to do with civilians?"

This was a very jumpy answer, Li Longxing's mind turned very fast, and he quickly understood what he meant.

He immediately retorted: "This can be made up with the system! We can..."

"Who pays?"

In a word, in an instant.

All the grand constructions of Li Longxing collapsed.

He immediately understood that the elected people were actually nobles.

On a large scale, it will inevitably cost a lot of money.

Who pays?


Impossible, the empire pays money, and there must be a lot of followers.

Any act of defining qualifications is bound to be unfair, biased, and exploited.

But if everyone chooses one, the empire will go bankrupt immediately.

Empire cannot pay.

Well, the rest of the answer is already ready to come out.


This system is still equivalent to the aristocratic parliamentary system. Compared with the current system of the empire, it may be better, but there is no essential difference.

While Li Longxing's three views collapsed, he also had an incomprehensible curiosity about Lin Wen.

He can use such concise language to hit the point, obviously because he has a deep understanding of the system.

"Then what do you think is reasonable?" Li Longxing couldn't help asking.


Halfway through the speech, Lin Wen suddenly came back to his senses and changed his words.

"In my opinion, the empire has national conditions. It should first strictly manage the officialdom, clarify the principles of promotion and promotion, break the nepotism of the officialdom, open up the threshold for imperial civilians to enter public office, and strengthen media supervision."

After a long silence, Li Longxing suddenly smiled.

"I really didn't see the wrong person."

Lin Wen suddenly became excited, "If you're right, give me a few hundred first..."

"Huaixuan is right, I believe you can change her."

Li Longxing patted him on the shoulder and said with a general feeling.

"The first princess will be handed over to you."

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