Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 293 Sheriff Lin is Getting Married

Since the Changshan County Air Force currently has nothing but him alone, Lin Wen told him to make physical preparations and knowledge reserves first, and complete the change from a passenger plane crew member to a pilot as soon as possible.

Quan Hao was puzzled and touched at the same time, flying a fighter jet was his lifelong dream, if it wasn't forced by life, who would want to eat a man?

It turned out that Sheriff Lin did not covet his masculinity, but discovered his inner excellent pilot qualities.

Quan Hao immediately prepared with excitement.

The resettlement of relevant personnel was handed over to Yuan Zhimen, the king of miscellaneous affairs.

After fooling the poor little guy, Lin Wen immediately went to the special ward of the First Hospital.

This is Zhao Minggong's exclusive ward, next to the First Hospital.

As soon as I entered, I saw Zhao Minggong taking an IV in a meeting, with a dozen doctors and nurses guarding behind him.

"Sheriff Lin."

When he saw Lin Wen coming, he was very happy.

"Come here, just take a look at the "Changshan County Airport Construction Plan" we just completed. In the future, we will be able to fly planes in Changshan County."

There were more than 30 officials present, as well as engineers, designers, aviation experts, and managers of the Imperial Civil Aircraft Carrier Bureau.

A few people stood up to say hello, but Lin Wen ignored them, stepped over in a few steps, and came to Zhao Minggong with a gleam in his eyes.

Zhao Minggong's Qi is still like a dragon soaring for nine days, but the dragon's body is dark and unclear, with scales peeling off, making it look very unhealthy. The faces of the medical staff behind him are very heavy.

In the system, under the supernatural powers interface and the evil fate supernatural powers interface, under [He Hua Zi Zai Ling Zhen Fa], the lifespan of the related person is displayed.

Zhao Minggong, 66 days.

In such a short time, another 4 days disappeared.

Lin Wen took a step forward, held Zhao Minggong's hand, and used [Pharmacist Cure Disease] and [Yangzhi Ganlu] together, and an invisible green light entered Zhao Minggong's body from Lin Wen's hand.

In just an instant, the speed of life passing was greatly reduced.

But [Yang Zhi Ganlu] needs to be exposed for 159 seconds.

Lin Wen opened the Qiqiao Linglong Heart, and said: "Mr. Zhao is in good health. I see that your pulse is very loud. As long as you rest well, you will surely live a long life."

Zhao Minggong said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't comfort me. People are mortal. Since I have no regrets, I am fearless. The doctor said I could live for three months at most, but I didn't expect to survive until now. Even the dean marveled that this is a miracle. Every day I live is a gift from God and a miracle of life. How can I waste it?"

He was full of energy and radiant, and he didn't look like a dying person at all.

"I can see Changshan County getting better little by little. I can see Sheriff Lin running around and seeing us who were poor and weak in the past save so many people. This is already my biggest dream. I firmly believe that even after I leave, Sheriff Lin can lead the people of Changshan County to a better life."

"So, I am carefree, and I will be in great happiness every moment in the future. The dean said that I may die suddenly every day, and asked me to rest more and be hospitalized more."


He smiled.

"People are going to die after all. Isn't it the most romantic thing in life to die in happiness?"

He humorously saluted Lin Wen as a gentleman.

"Then, Sheriff Lin, can you allow my old bone, who has never been romantic in my life, to be romantic?"

Qiqiao Linglongxin was completely suppressed, and it was the first time Lin Wen saw it speechless.

Maybe it thinks it's better not to talk now.

But things are not what you think at all. That mentally handicapped dean is really an idiot. Didn’t I tell him that this is the latest top-notch medicine developed by the empire, Bodhi Great Return Pill? Why doesn’t he have confidence?

Zhao Minggong is now quite forceful to extend his life, but the necessary treatment and rest are still necessary, otherwise it will cause this kind of rapid loss of lifespan.

Once the lifespan passes faster than Lin Wen can obtain good karma, Wolong will die.

Lin Wen thought for a while, closed his heart, and said with a smile: "Old Zhao, you have to have some confidence in the latest technology of the empire. Soon, the regeneration of nerve cells will no longer be a restricted area for humans, and we are about to break through."

Countless exclamations came from behind, and engineers, designers, aviation experts, and officials from other places all shouted in unison: "Really?"

"Really, Sheriff Lin?"

"Is there a biochemical research institute in Changshan County? Or a biological laboratory, a pharmaceutical laboratory? Are you really about to break through?"

Lin Wen turned a deaf ear to it, and only held Zhao Minggong's hand and said, "I know that you love this land, and being with you is the longest confession of love. Therefore, you must accompany it for a while. We are all waiting for you to witness the moment when Changshan County becomes prosperous, prosperous, civilized and harmonious, and becomes a green grassland in the world."

There was a burst of warm applause in the ward.


"Sheriff Lin is very good!"

"There is no sheriff like you in the empire!"

"Come on, Mr. Zhao!"

"Okay." Zhao Minggong sighed deliberately, pretending to be very sad.

"Sure enough, my old bones are no longer suitable for romance, so let's leave more romance to the young people, and try to let Sheriff Lin get married as soon as possible, so that everyone can be happy, right?"

He blinked quietly to the audience, and the people below came back to their senses, and said suddenly: "Yes, yes, what Mr. Zhao said is too correct!"

"Sheriff Lin, I have to blame you for this. It's shameful that such a high-ranking official is still unmarried."

"If you don't get married, all the folks in the county are worried about you."

"It just so happens that my family has a daughter who is as beautiful as a flower..."

As soon as this head was opened, the scene immediately got out of control.

Lin Wen never expected that he just rushed over to rescue Mr. Zhao from the fire, but he didn't expect that he fell into the fire instead.

After a lifetime, this nightmare scene appeared again.

I thought I would never meet again. The fairy king Lin Wen wanted to marry or not, and it was his turn to talk to all the monsters?


Lin Wen, the county chief, can't do it. These are the builders of Changshan County in front of him, and they are all his laborers who made good fortune.

How can you speak ill at each other when you beat a worker?

Lin Wen could only activate [Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart], and the scene suddenly exploded even more.

[Seven-Apertures and Exquisite Heart] She spoke nicely and fully took care of the minds of matchmakers like them, but did not take care of Lin Wen's mind.

Immediately, news such as "Sheriff Lin is getting married", "Sheriff Lin is getting married", "Sheriff Lin has taken a fancy to so-and-so's daughter" spread like wildfire.

At this time, Changshan County is no longer what it used to be. The establishment of the Feijian workshop of Changshan Iron and Steel Works provided sufficient funds for Changshan County, and the painful operation made up the last link of funds.

Half a million workers rushed to work day and night, new buildings, new houses, new roads, and countless new infrastructures were erected.

After Huai Town merged with Donghe Town, there was already an emerging second-tier city.

It is full of countless business opportunities, without the risk of war, and the rare peaceful environment and good official background make it attract a large number of businessmen from other places to do business here.

It further stimulated the development of Huai Town.

Among the 500,000 laborers, many of them have taken over their entire families and plan to take root in Changshan County.

It is true that Changshan County is not as advanced and developed as the big cities outside, but no matter how advanced the technology and social environment are, if the common people cannot enjoy them, what is the use?

The development of Changshan County has almost allowed everyone to eat the cake.

Some of the new houses in Huai Town have already been built, and the price of a 110-square-meter house is only 80,000 yuan. The laborers gritted their teeth, padded their wages, and took out their savings to buy a house, and it was not a big problem.

Anyway, in Changshan County, food and housing are included, the wages are stable, Changshan Bank offers preferential loans, and there is no threshold, as long as you are a laborer.

When the wife and children come, they set up a small stall and do some odd jobs. With the price of Changshan County, they can still live well.

Of course, Changshan Bank is very unhappy about this. The interest rate is so low and the term is so long, even inflation can't keep up, and it is a complete loss of money.

However, Lin Wen communicated with them with a gun at the beginning, and the president of the bank agreed that it was a joy.

On the contrary, Xiao Xiao from the planning bureau was not very willing. In his opinion, the county government intervened in the price artificially, making the economy no longer pure.

This phenomenon is being criticized in Xiao Xiao's masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

However, it is also very simple to deal with Xiao Xiao.

Lin Wen called Ye Lingyue and coaxed her with Qiqiao Linglongxin for ten minutes, and then Ye Lingyue called back, and Xiao Xiao softened.

In short, the people of Changshan County are quite satisfied with their recent life. The only thing is the lack of entertainment. Every day is commuting to get off work, eating, and occasionally going to a restaurant.

Since the Long Association Department was destroyed by Lin Wen, those shocking gossips disappeared.

The most talked about "Secrets that Agents of the Dragon Team and Sheriff Lin Have to Tell" have also been discontinued, which makes the masses very regretful.

Even the spies who relied on this novel to spy on the intelligence of the mysterious dragon group in Changshan County felt sorry for it, and secretly mobilized the public to strongly demand that it be republished.

It can be seen from this that Changshan County lacks explosive lace news, and the war of the empire is far away from them.

As for the war in Changshan County, it is naturally impossible to report it in the newspapers.

Therefore, the news that Sheriff Lin was getting married spread throughout Changshan County at an unimaginable speed.

And it loses shape rapidly during the propagation process.

"What, what, Sheriff Lin is going to marry a girl from the Xu family?"

"Sheriff Lin has taken a fancy to the He family's fairy?"

"Sheriff Lin has taken a fancy to the two daughters?"

"What? Sheriff Lin wants to marry eight daughters at the same time?"

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