Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 297 Young Man, You Are Not Young

Lin Wen decided to inspect the refugee camp first to see if there was room for improvement.

The refugee camp is located on a wilderness in the middle of the easternmost part of Changshan County, with nearly 4 million people and an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers.

The average population density is more than 40,000 people per square kilometer, which is five times higher than that of Xiahai City, and twice that of Mumbai, the galaxy-level god capital, but lower than the 130,000 people per square kilometer in Mong Kok, a universe-level area.

After a long distance, Lin Wen saw the tent stretching all the way to the sky. In order not to attract attention, he got out of the special car and walked over.

It was already dawn at this time, and the refugee camp was full of people. The refugees came out of their tents and began to wash for the day.

After approaching, a unique breath of life rushed over, very similar to the smell of the male dormitory in the university.

The water for the refugees is distributed by the Refugee Management Committee, and each tent has two barrels of clean water a day.

The tents are neatly arranged in rows, and there must be a partition for every twelve tents in a row, and there is also a partition for every ten rows, which is convenient for pedestrians and transportation of materials.

These ten rows and twelve columns of tents form a phalanx, and the Refugee Management Committee uses this phalanx as the basic unit to manage the refugee camp.

A phalanx has 120 tents, and the entire refugee camp has 4,000 phalanxes, with a total of 480,000 tents.

For these 480,000 tents, Changshan County’s super large purchase at that time completely bought out the tent market in the entire empire.

Later, the Ministry of Commerce of the Empire directly banned the purchase of tents in Changshan County, which forced Lin Wen to build a miraculous mountain complex.

However, the demand for tents is only small, and there are not many stocks at ordinary times. The empire adjusted the supply ratio. After Changshan County resettled the refugees, the market quickly recovered and the ban was lifted.

After Lin Wen observed for a while, the aroma of food wafted over and quickly overwhelmed all other smells.

There is a kitchen in each phalanx, and there are cooks arranged by the Refugee Management Committee in the kitchen. They are responsible for all the meals for more than 1,000 people in this phalanx.

Dozens of men came over carrying hot porridge, vegetables, and noodles, knocked on the pot with iron spoons, and shouted: "Eat! Eat! Eat well and work hard!"

The crowd came together and quickly lined up in an orderly manner.

Each of them carried a bowl and a plate, and walked up to them. The chefs each took a spoonful of porridge, a few pieces of cabbage, a few pieces of rapeseed, a piece of meat the size of a thumb, and half a bread.

Although simple, it looks very rich, and it can barely fill your stomach when you eat it.

This is the breakfast included in Lin Wen's 12 yuan per day meal.

For a moment, the refugee camp was filled with fragrance, and Lin Wenxi smiled, and every bit of goodness would turn into his good fortune.

"Big brother."

A little boy walked past him, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I've eaten it."

But the little boy ruthlessly exposed his lie: "I saw the saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth."

Lin Wen corrected: "That's the saliva of looking forward to the future."

The little boy stuffed half of his pie into his mouth, but handed over his porridge:

"Don't lie, you must be lazy and didn't work, and you were caught by the disciplinary committee! He didn't allow you to have breakfast, right?"

"Come on, mine is for you. You have to work hard for a while. You are not young anymore. My mother said, you must learn to be sensible and face reality, so that you can become a man who can stand up no matter how many setbacks you experience..."

Lin Wen smiled.

He took the bowl and chatted with the little boy while eating.

From his mouth, Lin Wen learned that the refugee camps are in good order. The refugee management committee has various members to manage the phalanxes, and each phalanx also has higher-level members to manage the lower-level members, which is basically fair.

There is no shortage of supplies. Winter is coming, and two rounds of cold-proof clothes have been issued.

There is a kitchen, a bathing place, a toilet, a hospital, and even a barter shop and a security post in the phalanx. It is already the embryonic form of a small community.

The only problem is, it's too crowded.

There are 7-10 people living in a tent. It is difficult to turn over while sleeping, and it is very inconvenient. There are many couples and families, and it is very embarrassing to squeeze together.

The secondary problem is that there is not enough clean water, two buckets of water a day, no matter how to use it.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, the boy's parents shouted from afar: "Xiao Gang, where are you? Come back!"

Lin Wen, who prostituted a bowl of porridge for nothing, handed the bowl back, and said with a smile, "Thank you, little guy, big brother will ask you one last question, do you believe that there are immortals in this world?"

The little boy shook his head.

Lin Wen stretched out his hand: "What is this?"

"A piece of white paper that glows."

Lin Wen handed it to him: "Look again." At the same time, he turned off Zhiyue Xuankong.

"Wow, 20 bucks!"

The little boy's mother ran over and twisted his ears: "I've called you so many times, you promise me!"

The little boy yelled sharply: "I saw the fairy, and the fairy gave me twenty yuan!"

But Lin Wen had long since disappeared.

On the contrary, the little boy revealed his secret, and the twenty yuan was quickly handed over to the public. Lin Wen's little trick was considered magic, and did not cause any disturbance.

Lin Wen returned to the special car and went to another core of the refugee camp, the miracle he built with his own hands——

Mountain buildings.

It was in the mountains in the southeast corner of Changshan County, and the special car drove along the mountains for a while, until it drove into the mountains, and it suddenly became clear to the eyes.

It was a miraculous sight. A large part of the mountain was hollowed out. Facing Lin Wen, there was a huge gap with a width of more than 800 meters. People poured out of the gap like a sea tide.

Before the special car approached, a management committee member rushed over blowing his whistle.

"What are you doing? How many times have I said that now is the "morning tide" period, and millions of people are changing shifts. Why are you squeezing in?"

The driver of the special car was about to start cursing, but was stopped by Lin Wen. He stretched out his head and said with a smile, "Sorry, we're leaving now."

Asking the driver of the special car to back out, Lin Wen got out of the car, chose a high point, and watched the terrifying flow of people.

The exit more than 700 meters wide couldn't accommodate them, and there was a terrifying noise in the crowd, which was a collection of countless small voices.

The management committee held a loudspeaker and maintained order everywhere to prevent stampede accidents.

Although the crowd was terrifying, it was actually orderly upon closer inspection. Several people formed a row, forming a tributary. The entire crowd was composed of countless such tributaries.

The crowd lasted for more than 20 minutes before it ended, but another crowd soon started again.

Those were the people who got off the night shift and were about to go back to rest. They gathered from all directions and rushed into the mountain.

Lin Wen noticed that in addition to a large number of management committee members with yellow horns, there were also some management committee members with red horns. Their eyes were sharper, looking around like eagles.

Suddenly a red horn raised the horn and shouted loudly: "Stop!"

The sound could break the eardrums, directly suppressing all noises, and the whole flow of people stopped in an instant.

The red trumpet rushed in with a group of yellow trumpets, picked up a few women who had fallen from the crowd, and reprimanded them sharply: "Why is it crowded? Didn't you say you have to go well and don't be in a hurry?"

These women hung their heads and did not dare to speak, the yellow trumpet quickly brought them out, and the red trumpet shouted: "Go slowly!"

The crowd resumed its flow, but the movement was very slow, returning to normal speed after a minute.

Lin Wen saw the women being taken aside to bandage their wounds. In just a few seconds, their legs and feet were covered with traces of being trampled, with more than a dozen bruises.

Lin Wen walked over and heard a man wearing the armband of a safety committee reprimanding them.

"...I've said it a hundred times. This is a flow of millions of people. If there is no sound to shock the audience, it will be impossible to stop with only a few people nearby. It will cause chaos and lead to a bigger stampede. Isn't the lesson from last month not enough?"

Several women kept their heads down, only shedding tears, and one woman said, "I, we are just worried about the baby..."

The safety committee persuasively persuaded: "I said there is a kindergarten, and the kindergarten teachers are taking good care of it. Why do you have to worry?"

"I, we're just worried about..."

The back is full of mother-in-law's daily life.

It can be heard that they have adapted to the life here, and while accepting it, they continue to complain to mediate their emotions and gain comfort.

The safety committee members are also women, and they are very familiar with this kind of scene. While comforting them, they tell them how bad it was before and how good it is here, and now it is still as bad outside.

Under her reassurance, the women forgot about the pain and began to chat briefly with their parents.

There are three women in one play, and the play of four women is even longer. They talked about it until the crowd disappeared, but the exhaustion of the night and the desire to see the child still made them separate.

Lin Wen was about to speak to the security committee member, but she jumped back and immediately blew the whistle, and several people in security uniforms ran over.

"What happened?"

"He, it's him, has been staring at us for a long time! He must be a rogue pervert who wants to plot evil!"

The guard took a look at Lin Wen. He looked upright, white and clean, and although his clothes were ordinary but neat, he had no intention of running away when he saw them coming. He knew that he was not that kind of person.

But since a woman called the police, the guard still said: "Young man, come with us."

Lin Wen didn't reveal his identity, he wanted to see how this refugee camp operated in a state completely beyond common sense under the management of Yang Shaohu and Huang Mingxiao.

If we can find out their needs to the point, then "living and working in peace and contentment" will definitely improve a lot.

Lin Wen was secretly delighted, and followed the guards away.

It was the safety committee member who stomped his feet lightly and complained in a low voice: "Why didn't he refute? I'll go to the security station... Forget it, let's tell the auntie of the neighborhood committee."

As soon as he crossed the Great Rift Valley, Lin Wen saw the magnificent building built by him. He hadn't been here for a while, and he could hardly recognize it.

Originally, the mountain complex was a whole circular mountain, but Lin Wen melted away all the excess rocks in the mountain, like a giant digging a cake with a spoon.

But the whole complex still maintains the original rock flavor, and living in it is not much different from living in a cave.

But now, the exterior of the rock wall has been completely leveled and painted with white paint. Glass and metal railings have been installed on each floor, shining brightly in the sunlight, especially like a residential building.

Follow the guards and walk in, and you can see many workers are digging the mountain, trying to expand the space outside the mountain complex.

Under the mountain building, there are many tents, large and small, and there are signs on each tent, which say "Third Office", "Medical Clinic", "Outpost", "Management Committee Office", "Complaint Office" and so on.

Lin Wen even saw a big tent with the words "Shanti No. 3 Kindergarten". There were many noises of children coming from inside, as well as the voice of the teacher taking care of the children gently.

The guards stopped at a tent marked "Seventh Guardhouse, Third Floor."

"Go in, young man, don't be nervous, we will make a record."

Lin Wen walked in and found that it was a very simple tent with only a table and a few chairs.

Lin Wen explained a few words to them casually, and then began to ask about their recent situation.

Several guards also felt that he was not a bad person, so they simply made a statement and chatted with him.

From the chat, Lin Wen learned the true status of the mountain complex.

This building complex accommodated a total of more than four million refugees. Due to insufficient space, the refugees slept in two shifts. Half of them worked on the night shift and slept during the day, and half worked on the day shift and slept at night.

The work is mainly to clear the mountain, dig out the rocks, carry out further renovation and renovation of the building, and the daily affairs of more than four million people.

Now, there is another task of playing with mud, which is to build a large factory.

Their main problem is that it is too crowded, there is no private space, and everything is done in groups.

But there is no way around it. The mountain complex is actually a large circle with a radius of 1,200 meters dug out by Lin Wen in the mountain.

A small circle with a radius of 600 meters is dug in the center of the big circle, and the remaining donut-shaped rock mass is the mountain building.

The small circle with a radius of 600 meters in the inner circle is the mountain square.

In other words, more than 4 million people have been squeezed into this area of ​​only a few square kilometers, and the population density has already skyrocketed.

If someone said that this place is spacious and comfortable, Lin Wen would definitely choke his mouth.

However, it is very difficult to solve this problem. Lin Wen does not have the ability to build another mountain building now.

However, during the interrogation, Lin Wen learned that their real trouble was: the aisles of the mountain building were too narrow, making it very inconvenient to walk, and the building was so tall that there was no elevator.

Find a way to solve this problem, Lin Wen thought.

While we were talking, suddenly a few aunts rushed in from outside.

"Where's the handsome guy?"

"Who said there is a little brother here who wants to find a wife?"

When the aunts saw Lin Wen at a glance, they immediately rushed over and surrounded him.

"Young man, I have more than 30 girls in my hands, all of whom are as beautiful as flowers, gentle and virtuous. I think you are not too young. It's time to consider getting married. Do you want to go and meet?"

"I said, are you making a mistake? This doll just wants to find someone to talk to as a friend. What a rascal, she can talk nonsense."

"Just ask, it's fine, I've been locked up for so long, I really don't know what's good!"

"Xiao Li, let me go, or I'll tell your mother to go."

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