Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 306 Final Interpretation Power

In the barracks.

Wang Jing and a group of officers were all frowning, as if their lives had lost their color.

Several officers were scolding Lin Wen.

"Is the county chief out of his mind? He ran more than 300 kilometers to fight us instead of guarding the opposite side of the mountain? Does he still have a little military accomplishment? Do you understand what it means to wait for work with ease?"

"This brat is an imbecile. We made it clear that we don't want to fight him, so we just burned down a few mountain villages. Let's put on a show for each other, and if he gives in, won't the problem be over?"

"Yes, if he continues to fight like this, there will be no good fruit to eat, and sooner or later he will die without a place to bury him!"

Wang Jing sat on the main seat, with both sadness and confusion in his tone.

"The reasoning beforehand was all wrong. That kid didn't play cards according to common sense at all. Did he think he could beat us? This time, the two armies are at war, so we won't give him a chance to play tricks behind his back."

"Commander Wang."

One of the staff officers, not wanting to participate in the useless scolding, said instead:

"Since Changshan County intends to fight hard to the end, we can only help them."

"Yes!" One person shouted, "Could it be that we have hundreds of thousands of people, and we are afraid that he will not succeed with 40,000 to 50,000?"

Another staff officer said: "The enemy's intelligence capabilities are extraordinary, and this has been reflected in the last battle in Shizhou."

"We can no longer divide our troops, otherwise we will be defeated by them one by one. We will not fight an intelligence war with them. We will directly advance with the whole army and use scouts to cover the surrounding vision of the army. If we don't hit an ambush, they will definitely not win."

One person asked, "What if they don't come out?"

The staff officer said: "Isn't that just right? We have bloodbathed all the villages and towns in the Qichuan Mountains, which can be regarded as revenge for our lost soldiers."


Wang Jing patted the table.

"That's it, the whole army is ready for battle, and we will set off tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, an army of 100,000 marched into the Qichuan Mountains.

Wang Jing is cautious in combat and especially likes to take advantage of small advantages, so his Second Yuxiao Legion is known as the White Whoring Legion.

When they were still far away on the Gobi, they sent three divisions to march out in a hurry to attack the villages and towns in the mountains first.

This tactic is already cautious enough, and all the generals and staff think that as long as the Changshan County Sheriff is not a fool, it is impossible to send troops, let alone send troops so quickly.

Unexpectedly, the three divisions were ambushed as soon as they entered the mountain and were beaten to annihilation.

The follow-up reconnaissance troops and small harassment troops were also annihilated one after another, and none came out.

To them, the Qichuan Mountains are a piece of darkness, and they don't know what's going on.

The army's expedition this time was more or less courageous. Wang Jing sent six reconnaissance companies scattered around to ensure that the army would never be ambushed.

The chosen route is also the widest Erlong Canyon area. The army advances slowly in a battle formation. If there is any disturbance, they must stop and send people to scout and clear it before moving on.

In this way, the large troops only walked ten kilometers all day.

As soon as it got dark, they stopped to set up camp, and Wang Jing and other generals waited for the night attack.

As a result, nothing happened overnight, and at dawn, everyone had dark circles under their eyes and was mentally exhausted.

The army moved again, and after walking less than 300 meters, the former army suddenly reported that there was a muddy puddle blocking the way.

Wang Jing and a group of generals rushed to the front and saw a mud pond about 20 meters wide and more than 100 meters long across the middle of the road, blocking their way.

"Where did this come from?"

A general wondered, "Did it rain yesterday?"

"What do scouts do? Can't you see such a big muddy pond?"

"It doesn't seem to be quite deep, let me step on it... Ouch!"

Everyone hurriedly pulled the poor guy up.

"How can it be so deep?"

Wang Jing felt incredible, since dealing with Changshan County, he has encountered all strange things.

"Can you go around?"

"That can only go from the mountain." A general replied.

Wang Jing weighed the pros and cons. If he built a bridge over the muddy pond, it would be too slow. Maybe a hundred thousand troops would not be able to cross it today.

"From the mountain around."


"From the mountain around."

Wang Jing's words came to Lin Wen's ears simultaneously, and he set the radio point of [Sky Ear Art] directly on the mouth of the opposing army commander.

In this way, any actions of the other party cannot be hidden from him.

Saved a lot of primordial spirits who used [Ask in the Sky] or [Immortal Guidance].

Lin Wen had already smelled "Xuannv Lingering Fragrance" once. He didn't feel it at all, but for the sake of atmosphere, Lin Wen took out a bar of soap and smelled it.

A bitter and fragrant smell rushed into his nostrils, Lin Wen tried his best to imagine the scene where Xuannv passed him by, and the two looked back at each other affectionately for ten thousand years in a second.

After 10,000 years, Lin Wen recovered from his trance, and saw a mountain roe deer groundhog standing up and looking at him, and a sound effect automatically played in his mind.


"Cackling..." The groundhog made a sound as if mocking him and ran away.


Lin Wen had a bad association with fairies created by groundhogs, so he immediately shook his head and forgot about it.

Afterwards, Lin Wen spent a few hours, using four [Turn Soil into Mud], to dig a 20-meter-wide, 170-meter-long, 30-meter-deep quagmire on the road ahead of the enemy.

Completely blocked the enemy's way out.

In this way, the enemy is left with three options.


Build a bridge over the mire.

Around the mountain road.

In order to obtain accurate information, Lin Wen guarded on the top of the mountain early in the morning, using the [Clairvoyant Eye] to determine the position of the army commander, and then used the [Sky Ear Technique] to eavesdrop.


Lin Wen thought to himself.

"The other party chose to take the mountain road."

He immediately took out the satellite phone and told Qin Luoshuang this important information.

"They thought there might be an ambush on the top of the mountain, so they went to scout."

"They sent a division for flank protection."

"The main force goes up the mountain in twelve batches. It is expected to walk a three-kilometer mountain road and then detour back to the main road."

Lin Wen didn't hang up the phone, but made a telephony machine to pass all the instructions of the enemy's coach to the chief of staff of our army.


After listening for a while, Qin Luoshuang couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"Did you install a bug on the opposing coach?"

"That's right."

"How did you install it?"

Qin Luoshuang couldn't believe it. The barracks was heavily guarded, and there had never been a precedent of bugging a coach.

"Swallow Li San entered the camp at night, and saw that he was like a ghost, and he floated into the other party's main tent in a flash. With a clever trick, he stuck a small black box on the egg of the commander Wang Jing..."

"It's enough!"

Qin Luoshuang moved a little away from the satellite phone, as if the voice on the phone had become dirty.

"It's a war, you have to be more serious."

"...Keep in formation... March in dense formation, don't disperse... Third Squadron, report the situation on the left side... Third Squadron, coordinate actions, report your position..."

Listen to the constant stream of instructions.

Qin Luoshuang's only feeling was absurdity, which was the most common feeling she had since following Lin Wen in the war.

In the past, Lin Wen always acted alone. Although she knew the result was unbelievable, she didn't see the process, so she wasn't so shocked.

Now that she acted together with Lin Wen, she realized how ridiculous this matter could be.

It was just like the students who cheated in her military academy war simulation exam.

"Unexpectedly, the top students in my dignified highest school are also cheating."

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself mockingly.

But she didn't feel ashamed, this is not a deduction exam, this is a real war.

Any piece of information is related to the lives of hundreds of people.

"It's just that the test questions have changed."

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself.

"Now it is about how to win with the least casualties under the condition of full transparency of the enemy."

"Hmph, I can get full marks no matter what the subject is."

After careful discussion, the headquarters quickly formed an optimal tactic.

The first army and the second army intercepted it, and the human security army attacked the severed head of the enemy army.

Xu Chaogong was overjoyed after receiving the military order to attack. He ran back to the barracks and shouted: "Brothers, grab money, grab food, grab military merit!"

The Human Security Army didn't find any advantage in these few battles. It was because they were restless and eager to fight. When they heard that there was another battle to fight, they all cheered.

Everyone is gearing up, rubbing their guns and grinding their bullets, just waiting to go on the field to grab military merits.

The other regiment leaders also held back their energy secretly. Xu Chaogong was the first to be promoted to a combatant. They saw the changes in the past few days after receiving the reward, and they were so envious.

When a person reaches middle age, especially after a man reaches middle age, some small problems will appear in the body one after another, and the functions will also be slightly weak.

And Xu Chaogong not only disappeared from all hidden illnesses during this period, but also became like a young man of twenty years old, not to mention how enviable he is.

They have secretly decided that they must accumulate military merits first to become fighters.

The military merit of the regiment leader is related to the entire battle, as well as the combat performance of the regiment members and the number of enemies killed.

Therefore, during this period of time, they have tried their best to train the soldiers in their regiment. Almost all combat principles, army discipline, and style of work have moved closer to the regular army, just to perform better and earn more military exploits.

Xu Chaogong has already made up his mind that if he wants to accumulate military merits and upgrade to the second-level combat division as soon as possible, he must remain one level higher than them.

The soldiers of the Human Security Army also witnessed the rewards of living military exploits, and they no longer have any doubts about the system of the Security Army.

Some people feel that the military achievements needed to upgrade are out of reach for soldiers, and they make up their minds to make money.

Some decided to give full play to the spirit of ants moving, and must accumulate enough military merits to upgrade.

But no matter what kind of thinking the soldiers are, they are all full of energy.

However, they still don't know that the "Human Security Army System", which they regard as the bible, not only has a hidden clause of withdrawing one-tenth of military merit, but also a clause at the end that can only be seen with a 30 times magnifying glass:

Lin Wen reserves all the final interpretation rights of this clause.

After Xu Chaogong, everyone needs to pay off their debts before exchanging military merits.

Moreover, Lin Wen will no longer give one person the privilege of enjoying a whole spell.

There must be at least 50 people to upgrade before they are allowed to exchange rewards, and one person only has three seconds.

Otherwise, what if Lin Wen used all of his primordial spirit to upgrade them?

But at present, both the Changshan County regular army and the public security army have high morale and are ready to fight a huge victory.

There is another update in half an hour, and I will post it after I fix it. There were too many yesterday, but today it withered. . . .

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