In addition to "living and working in peace and contentment", other items have also improved, among which the item of happiness has improved the most.

But I don't know why, the "free people" is still zero.

"Someone must be hindering my king."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

"I've already achieved this level, and it's not right to still be zero."

After thinking about it, apart from him in Changshan County, the second place is Wolongfengchu.

Zhao Minggong is very fair in doing things. He can not only listen to opinions, but also delegate power to his subordinates.

However, due to the outbreak of the war, Qin Luoshuang's power has actually expanded many times, and she has multiple positions, and she also controls a terrifying secret service agency.


there is only one truth.

Qin Luoshuang is the murderer.

"It must be that she is too domineering. She always takes her opinion as the main priority in everything. She doesn't listen to other people's advice and acts arbitrarily. That's why I have deducted all the points I have earned so hard."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

"I'm going to have a heart-to-heart talk with her when I have time, and pass on my experience to her."

Lin Wen didn't have time to study his newly acquired magical powers until he approached the factory area.

[Spirit of the Five Elements] According to the description, it is for him to learn specific spells and be good at using them.

Just like the flower fairy makes thousands of flowers bloom, it is an instinct.

It seems to be okay, the key is the spell.

Lin Wen entered the spell interface and saw that there were six more spells.

【Earth Art】

Gradeless spells that consume 100% of the soul, summon the land god to possess, and gain the ability of the land god. During the duration, it consumes 1% of the soul per second.

【Water Art】

Gradeless spells that consume 100% of the primordial spirit, summon the river god to possess him, gain the ability of the river god, and consume 1% of the primordial spirit per second during the duration.

There are also [Wood God Art], [Fire God Art], and [Golden God Art].

all the same,

Summon the corresponding gods of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements to possess them, and obtain their abilities, which last until the primordial spirit is consumed.


Lin Wen thought to himself.

"Although they are all small gods, the title "Elder Land" can only be called by a great sage. For mortals, "Elder Land" is enough to keep a party safe."

"It's just that the consumption is a bit high. With my current soul, after casting the spell, it can only last for 117 seconds."

"How about trying the power again when you have time."

In addition to these five spells, there is also a non-five element spell.

【Imperial Art】

The white alchemy spell moves an object, and the consumption is affected by the weight of the object.


Such a basic spell is actually only available now, and why is it merged into [Spirit of the Five Elements]?

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Wen didn't care too much.

The factory area is in the east mountainside, which is a branch extending from the Yunxiao Mountains, which just blocks the east of Changshan County, leaving only a narrow road out of the county.

The special car drove up the mountain along the mountain road that had just been opened up.

Along the way, refugees who got off the night shift could be met everywhere, and they all waved and cheered to him after they learned that this was the special car of the county sheriff.

A night's work was not easy. Their faces were dusty and exhausted, but they couldn't hide their sincerity and joy.

This is roughly the reason for "happiness".

Lin Wen thought to himself.

It seems that changes in the environment have a really great impact on people.

After driving a few hundred meters, it suddenly became clear that I had arrived at the factory area.

Eighteen square kilometers does not sound very big, but when it really appears in front of your eyes, you will see it even stretches to the horizon.

Lin Wen looked over and saw fifty-four factories lined up neatly on the dusty but fairly flat ground.

They don't look like they are made of mud at all. The brown outer walls are straight and flat, the walls are fine and the structure is precise, exactly like a regular factory building.

However, a formal factory building cannot be built in seven days.

After Lin Wen got out of the car, Huang Mingxiao and Yang Shaohu rushed up.

"Sheriff Lin, where is... the Java engineering team?"

Lin Wen said vaguely, "They will be there in a while."

At the same time, with a thought, I used the "fairy flower dew", and the water droplets on the supernatural power were reduced by one-third.

A sweet breath flowed down the throat, fell into the stomach, and spread to the limbs.

"Is it really the flower dew of a fairy?"

Lin Wen thought to himself, paying close attention to the primordial spirit, and talking with them with his exquisite heart.

Yang Shaohu's head was covered with dust, but he was in good spirits, with a hidden smile on his face.

"County Lin, I have seen the production line. The actual operation is very simple. It is to melt the scrap steel, pour it into a mold, and then process it with a press machine to form a projectile."

"There are fifty production lines in total. If one production line is kept running day and night, it can produce 30,000 projectiles, and one and a half million projectiles a day. There is enough time."

"After the projectile is produced, all the remaining processes can be manually operated. Manually put the cartridge into the projectile, insert the fuze, buckle the safety, and finally seal the firing device. One shell is completed."

Qiqiao Linglong asked, "Is it safe?"

Yang Shaohu said with a smile: "Of course it is safe. If the insurance is not deducted, the cartridge containing the explosives cannot be detonated. The installation operation is quite simple, without any technical difficulty. With 30 million shells, as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to complete it."

Qiqiao Linglong asked, "Where are the raw materials and finished products stored?"

Huang Mingxiao replied: "I'm ready."

Qiqiao Linglong asked, "Are there any difficulties?"

Yang Shaohu and Huang Mingxiao glanced at each other, and both felt that today's Sheriff Lin is safe and reliable, mature and stable, elegant and decent, sweet and delicious, he is simply the ideal and perfect Sheriff.

Sure enough, at the critical point of danger, Sheriff Lin's true colors were revealed.

Yang Shaohu was overjoyed, and immediately talked about the difficulties he encountered this time.

"Scrap steel is the basic material. We need to buy a large amount of scrap steel, but it is basically impossible to buy it in the empire. Tongchen Group also has no scrap steel channels. Please ask Lin County Chief to find Miss Qin to contact foreign channels to buy."

"Miss Xia's organizational work is very good, but so far only the grassroots leaders and a small number of middle-level leaders have been selected. I need her to find high-level refugee leaders to assist me in my work as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will still be too busy."

"We are renovating the factory area with the help of the original environment, but geological experts say that we have a hidden danger of geological disasters here... Do you think the Java engineering team has a way..."

Huang Mingxiao said: "I have already planned the industrial layout. The electric furnace for refining scrap steel can be placed in the open air, and the high-power power supply and water supply pipelines have also been assembled."

"However, the Imperial Meishan Power Network refused to give us a higher power distribution quota..."

Qiqiao Linglongxin said: "Leave it to me, me, me, me..."

All of a sudden, County Chief Lin changed, the maturity and stability on his face disappeared, his expression became frivolous, and also contained three points of indifference, three points of alienation, three points of boredom, three points of casualness, and three points of cynicalism.

"What did you say?" Lin Wen asked unhappily, "Why did you refuse to supply us with electricity?"

Huang Mingxiao collected himself: "This... this, County Chief Lin, are you alright?"


"They said that for the glory and victory of the empire, priority should be given to ensuring the empire's military enterprises."

Lin Wen frowned and said, "Aren't we?"

"They don't admit it."

Lin Wen sneered and said, "Go outside and connect their wires, what's the use if you don't admit it? I won't even pay the electricity bill."

Huang Mingxiao's eyes widened: "County Lin! They will cut the wire!"

"If you go to connect the main transmission line, it will be over. How dare they pinch the main line?"

Huang Mingxiao felt that his body was about to split apart: "They will send people to the scene to dismantle it!"

Lin Wen sneered, "I asked KGB agents to stand there and see who dares to dismantle it."

Leaving Huang Mingxiao in a mess in the wind, Lin Wen turned his head and asked, "Where is the geological disaster?"

Yang Shaohu hurriedly led the way: "This way."

"It's here. Geological experts say that there is a problem with the geology below, and a large-scale subsidence may occur, but we really can't avoid it here."

Lin Wen knelt down and touched it.

"Well, the geologist was wrong."


"I'm saying that the geologist's inspection was wrong. It's safe here."

Yang Shaohu's mouth was almost bigger than his head.

Geological experts brought a lot of professional equipment, such as static penetrometer, dynamic penetrometer, wave velocity tester, foundation pile dynamic tester, and drilling and drilling. It took a long time to come to the conclusion that there was a geological problem.

Sheriff Lin only touched it and said that the experts were wrong.

Although Yang Shaohu had always believed in the extraordinaryness of Sheriff Lin, it felt too ridiculous at the moment.

"Lin, Sheriff Lin, this can't be a joke..."

Lin Wen said casually, "Shaohu, ask the geologist to come back and check again."

After speaking, Lin Wen turned around and left.

When I went out, I saw that the sky was gloomy, black clouds were pressing down, thunder was rolling, and a heavy rain was coming.


Lin Wen laughed.

He walked to the factory building at the easternmost corner of the factory area, planning to start from this one.

Walking in, the factory building is very spacious, at least the size of ten football fields, with all kinds of facilities, the remaining pipe pits on the ground are neat, and the fragrance of soil wafts in the factory building.

Lin Wen reached out and touched it. The soil was compacted and he could feel the hard steel skeleton inside.

Lin Wen said to himself: "It is said that reinforced concrete is strong, and my reinforced granite is definitely not bad."

But after a while, there was a thunderbolt, a roaring thunder, and it rained heavily between the sky and the earth.

"It's now."

Lin Wen pressed his hands on the wall, and as soon as he thought about it, he couldn't see the green light spreading rapidly along the wall. Wherever it passed, the grayish-brown soil turned into blue-gray rocks, which were tightly bonded to the steel bars, bearing the weight of the main body of the building together.

In just a few seconds, a factory building was completed.

"Well, I have to speed up, otherwise the heavy rain will affect the soil."

【Spiritual Movement Art】activated.

Lin Wen stepped out, and his figure was submerged in the water curtain. At this time, the sky and the earth were submerged in the torrential rain. The rain in the mountains was transpiring, and the mist filled the air, giving him the feeling of being in a fairyland.

Lin Wen broke through the water curtain, forming a meandering waterway, rushed into the second factory building at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, completed the petrification of the entire factory building in three seconds, and then rushed to the third factory building.

He wasn't worried about Yuanshen at all.

Under the influence of "Fairy Flower Dew", his primordial spirit recovers at a rate of 10% per minute, and can recover 600% in an hour!

Moreover, his spell consumption is only one-fifth.

A [Turn Soil into Stone] only uses 10% of the soul.


The wanton use of spells made him extremely happy. He ran in the heavy rain and traversed the entire factory area like a rain dragon.

【Turn soil into stone】Continue to turn every model made of soil into a real factory building.

When the refugees from the day shift came to the factory under the heavy rain, they were surprised to find that their factory building had changed color. Even in such a heavy rain, the factory building made of mud was not damaged at all.

"Look! Behold!"

One refugee shouted: "Stone, it's a stone!"

Refugees still bought the plastic sheets they had, which were originally used to protect the factory buildings from the rain, so as to prevent the soil from being washed away by the heavy rain.

But not anymore.

"It's really a stone!"

"This is bluestone, granite bluestone, the strongest!"

"My God! We really saw it, the legend is true."

The commotion quickly spread, and soon all the refugees who went to work knew about it.

When they were excited, they also wondered, when did the magical Java engineering team come?

Why didn't they see it?

The rainstorm came and stopped quickly. The drainage system they built has withstood the test, and there is no water accumulation in such a heavy rainstorm.

When the sun shines on the vast factory area in the mountains again, what everyone sees is a pure world,

The heavy rain washed away the floating dust on the surface of this miraculous creation, exposing the blue-gray, mirror-like flat rocks below.

A refugee engineer knelt on the ground and touched the surface of the bluestone.

Suddenly, he burst into tears.

"We have witnessed miracles and witnessed the times."

"Factories that used to be built in a year can now be built in a week."

"This is the power of technology."


Suddenly, a person came out of the factory building, and he said in a calm voice that everyone could hear clearly.

"It's human power."

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