The underground computer room of the Chengshi Group's headquarters in Yaojing was bombed, causing extremely bad effects.

Its core product "Legend of Blood Moon" was shut down on all servers.

Although the Cheng Group repeatedly stated that it was just the air conditioner that was broken, the repairer took the server away as an air conditioner.

However, many people heard the explosion that came from the headquarters of the Cheng Group that day. Later, the scene of a large number of fire trucks, security guards, and surveillance guards gathering in front of the headquarters of the Cheng Group was also photographed by interested people and spread on various tabloids and the Internet.

The Cheng Group tried their best to suppress the news, but the empire was currently in a state of war, and was regulated by the new wartime news law promulgated by the emperor of the empire.

No one has the right to influence the media except the Supreme Council and the Reich Broadcasting News Directorate.

In the Imperial Political Supervisory Council, a large number of newly promoted political supervisors, with a warm sense of mission, are staring at every group in the empire, ready to sue high-ranking officials who violated the law of war at any time.

Although Cheng's Group is a growing and old industry, it does not dare to run into trouble at this time, and can only let its unfavorable news ferment in an invisible place.

Cheng Tianlong, the grown-up nephew, is the chairman and general manager of the Cheng Group. He almost crazily accused the agents sent by Changshan County of blowing up their main server.

However, since the evidence he provided was only a few chat records, the Supreme Tribunal of the Empire did not accept it.

The Imperial Guard, after careful investigation, dismissed his allegations.

They think that this is just a common conversation between young people. If a few words of "bad pen" need to be dealt with by bombs, then the empire would have been in ruins long ago.

This became a case of suspicion.

The guarding department retrieved all the cameras in the surrounding area at that time, but did not find out how the attacker entered the heavily guarded headquarters building, nor did he find out how he left after the explosion.

The only pity is that the camera inside the headquarters did not capture the attacker's face.

Although the grown-up nephew Cheng Tianlong insisted that what he saw was the Changshan County Sheriff himself, the surveillance video at the time showed that he did not know the attacker at all.

Moreover, Changshan County also provided a few minutes before the explosion, the county chief himself went into battle and Cheng Tianlong exchanged surveillance video.

Changshan County is more than 800 kilometers away from Yaojing. There is no doubt that County Chief Lin could not cross the 800 kilometers in a few minutes, pass through layers of protection, appear inside the headquarters building of the Cheng Group, and blow up the server.

Therefore, Cheng Tianlong's words were deemed unreliable, which was the reason for the two people's quarrel and feud on the Internet.

In the end, the investigation conclusion of the Imperial Guard Force was that it had nothing to do with Changshan County, and an unknown person attacked the server at the headquarters of the Cheng Group.

Given that the online game "Blood Moon Legend" it runs has many black fans on the Internet, the identity of the assailant cannot be determined.

The attacker was listed as a Class A most wanted criminal with a reward of one million dollars.

When Lin Wen knew about the reward, he didn't have the idea of ​​giving away the head.

Are you kidding me, how is one million worth my worth?

Do you know how much profit Pain Ribaba makes per second now?

As soon as the Cheng Group was bombed, Tonglibaba immediately opened fifty new servers, which happened to be the original servers of "Legend of the Blood Moon".

Although there are a large number of attacks on the Internet, it is extremely immoral for Alibaba to make money from refugees.

But making money is not shabby.

Cheng's Group's hard-working advertisements and expanded user base all of a sudden became a pain in the ass.

Painful Baba even launched a public opinion offensive, demanding that the Cheng Group compensate the players for their losses. After all, "the players are innocent", "how can the players' blood and sweat be used to make up for the company's losses?"

This made Cheng's Group very passive.

After all, the empire still has face on the surface, and it also emphasizes fairness, love for the people, benevolence and morality.

The Imperial Political Supervisory Council, which was secretly supported by Li Longxing, made the previously concealed information more transparent, and used the big stick of hindering the victory of the imperial war to deepen the superficial slogan of the empire a lot.

Now, if you don’t love the people, the political emissary can accuse you of “destroying the good image of the empire in the hearts of the people” and trying to cause “the loss of the people’s hearts and the unstable foundation of the empire”, which in turn will lead to “civil strife in the empire and affect the victory of the war”.

Although this charge can only be used in the developed eastern region, it is at least an improvement.

In order to take into account public opinion, Cheng's Group had no choice but to promise to compensate the players for their losses.

For this reason, Cheng Tianlong, the nephew of Zhang Chang, the chairman and general manager of the group, was very aggrieved. He cried, made trouble, and hanged himself at home.

Chang Chang ignored the second generation ancestor in the family, and while he ordered to resume operations as soon as possible, he stepped up the accusation against Changshan County.


When Lin Wen was studying how to make some quick money, the front line sent him a telegram and came back.

The telegram said that they won the first battle and captured more than 10,000 prisoners. Under the persuasion of Xu Chaogong and others, these abandoned miscellaneous troops surrendered one after another.

Lin Wen couldn't sit still when he saw this information. Supplies are very expensive now, and the food problem has not been completely resolved. All kinds of military supplies are expensive in the imperial market.

It’s useless for him to want so many troops, and it can’t produce good karma. It’s enough to protect myself and make it easier for me to reincarnate without falling into karma.

"I'll call Qin Luoshuang soon and tell them not to recruit people. The captives can just ask Shi Zhou to redeem them with money."

Lin Wen continued to read.

The telegram stated that although they had won a big victory, the enemy army was not injured.

The four army chiefs sent by Shizhou were very cunning, their main force never entered the battlefield at all, and they were behind the formation.

The front line now needs a lot of materials for building bunkers, specially made shells and bullets, as well as fuel for helicopters and tanks, as well as medical supplies.

"These materials are all money. It is a huge sum of money to manufacture 30 million shells. We must find a way to make some money."

"Why do I suddenly feel that I have lost money?"

Lin Wen thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood.

He just robbed a few dollars of food, and ended up spending billions in vain to make shells for the empire. Isn't this a blood loss?

He also spent a lot of military expenses to fight Shizhou, which is simply a blood loss among blood losses.

My aunt lost all.

"No, I want to earn back what I lost."

"Just snatch it from Shizhou."

At the end of the telegram, it said that Wang Zhengwu had received a request for help from the Shizhou rebels.

These rebels were blocked by Gu Dacheng's direct army, and they were extremely short of bullets and food. I hope Changshan County can find a way to help them.

Qin Luoshuang added a piece of information at the end of the telegram:

The Shizhou Rebel Army can greatly play a role in containing Shizhou, which is extremely beneficial to us.

If it can support the rebels to further hit the Shizhou Group heavily, then Shizhou may be forced to cease fighting.

"After all, the secret war is only to resolve disputes between the courts, and cannot affect the stability of the empire."

Lin Wen thought to himself, keep reading.

Once the truce is forced, it means that the secret war is over, Shizhou Group has given up the right to claim against us, and Changshan County will not have to pay any price.

Therefore, they are our best allies, and we must find ways to help them.

Another: The satellite phone may be monitored, do not talk about any sensitive matters on the phone, the military uses encrypted telegrams, or your quantum wave communicator.

Qin Luoshuang, Chief of Staff of the Changshan County Army.

Imperial SGD 25 December 188.

The last sentence reminded Lin Wen that he tried it, but [Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission] needed vision to assist in positioning, and the distance was related to cultivation, so he couldn't transmit it to the Qichuan Mountain base hundreds of kilometers away.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself."

"Help the Shizhou rebels, and grab a few more billions by the way. This battle can't be fought in vain, this cannonball can't be built in vain, and no one can prostitute me, Lin Wen."

"Wow haha."

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