Lin Wen was originally planning to decide to go back as soon as possible, because a tough battle was about to be fought, and he wanted to go back to assist in the battle.

But he has changed his mind now.

Decided to help the rebels break through Lejituo first.

The army of Changshan County has Qin Luoshuang, Fang Dashan, Wang Zhengwu, He Shangsheng and others in the formation. They also have advantages in terrain and weapons. The only thing they lack is training and adaptation.

As long as they are given time, they will become stronger and stronger.

But the enemy has been terrified and will not attack for the time being.

Feng Chu, as one of the top leaders of Changshan County and the chief of staff of the army, has been studied by Lin Wen inside and out, and every detail has not been missed.

Lin Wen saw her anger the most, even Wolong didn't have as much anger as her.

Wolong's strength can be seen at a glance, but Fengchu is a little more complicated.

Her thinking is more rational, and she has a tendency to compromise when encountering difficulties that she thinks are insurmountable. Although Lin Wen has helped her set her bones many times, there is still a little bit.

This has also caused her to act cautiously, unwilling to take risks, and do things she is not sure about.

She is good at military, strategy, intelligence, spy work, and good at foreign wars.

Not good at internal affairs, not particularly good at civil war, but better than Lin Wen's style of killing people.

Not good at economics, not good at making money, only good at spending money, Lin Wen purposely reduced her salary to one dollar just to cure her bad habit.

This is all for her own good, and she will never squeeze her surplus value in order to save money.

Therefore, as long as Qin Luoshuang is present, the army of Changshan County may not win a big victory, but it will definitely not lose a big one.

Although Commander Fang Dashan is more greedy for power, he has undergone some changes under Lin Wen's transformation. Now he is trying to use Lin Wen's theory to realize his life value.

Fang Dashan is a standard excellent general of the empire, with excellent grades in college, and experience in actual combat and leading troops.

Although he is not very strong, he is steady in doing things and fighting, and has a method.

Wang Zhengwu is a surprise soldier, this person has a very upright mind, he is a born good seedling, his aura contains some very sharp things, he is bold in battle, and loves to do tricks.

After learning new concepts, theory is integrated with practice, and combat power has been improved to a higher level.

It was he who dispatched surprise troops in several consecutive battles in Changshan County, and only then did he blow up the Shizhou motley army and achieved a huge victory.

The three of them, plus He Shangsheng from the Black Sword Society, it is almost impossible for Changshan County to lose.

Since helicopter reconnaissance, he used to be just icing on the cake.

The Shizhou rebels are now facing a catastrophe.

As the most important ally of Changshan County, how could Lin Wen not help them?

You must know that helping them is helping yourself.

Without them, what would Shizhou do if he gathered the entire army?

Could it be that he knelt down and surrendered, admitting defeat? Obediently cut land and pay compensation?

This is absolutely impossible.

But if you fight, how do you fight?

He hasn't reached the point where he can wipe out hundreds of thousands of people with a wave of his hand.

After researching for a period of time, Lin Wen knew that even a cultivator in the Qi refining stage had a soul limit of more than 300%, but he didn't have his supernatural powers, and he didn't have the means to cast spells like him.

In other words, his essence is still a mortal, and he has not formally stepped into the cultivation system, but he is just a little better than ordinary mortals.

He can't die because of this, because he still has a way to pay compensation, and dying in battle is definitely suicide.

Therefore, it is very important to adapt measures to local conditions, assist the rebels, and use his incomparable intelligence to crush the enemy.

Lin Wen turned the helicopter over and flew backwards.

With the propeller down, all the lift force becomes the descending force, and the altitude drops rapidly.

This is the most labor-saving method. The core of [Imperial Art] consumption is strength.

Using the smallest force to achieve the biggest result is the core point of using [Imperial Art].

This is what Lin Wen realized during the flight.

And helicopter is exactly a magic weapon that provides unlimited lift.

As long as you make good use of this magic weapon, you can save a lot of primordial spirits and use [Imperial Object Technique] for a longer period of time.

"Hmph, this is the aptitude of the great emperor. You can learn any spells as soon as you learn them, and you can master them in a short while. Your natural instinct is unstoppable."

Lin Wen sneered, and flew backwards towards Lejituo, the angle of view dropped at an extremely fast speed, he could even see the stunned Shizhou soldiers on the ground, and the enhanced [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] reminded him that this operation was a little dangerous with a faint tingling sensation.

But that's okay.

Even at the level of the Immortal King, Lin Wen dared to shout out:

No one knows more about [Imperial Object Art] than me.

I am the so-called "Maverick" existence.

"Haha, today I will show you the combination of immortality and physics, the coexistence of the Great Emperor and Newton."

No one knows better than me!

【Imperial Object Technique】With a slight swipe, the helicopter flips in the air and passes by the ground with an absolutely elegant posture.

The distance from the ground is only ten meters at most, and this action is no different from the aerobatic flight of a fighter jet.

Only, it was a helicopter.

The guards in Lejituo were stunned. Chang Dalu, commander of the 13th Division of the Seventh Army who was ordered to guard here, almost threw away the binoculars.

"Whose pilot is this?"

The guards shook their heads one after another, and Chang Dalu sighed: "I thought the Royal Air Force of the Empire was invincible, but I didn't expect there to be a more brave existence than them."

"Radio station, send him a message and ask where he is from."

Soon, the radio station reported.

"The other side has shut down the communication."

Chang Dalu frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

At this time, Lin Wen also had a clear view of the entire situation in Lejituo.

This is a rugged mountain.

The Shizhou Army built three fortifications on the mountain, and built seven large blockhouses on the peaks on both sides.

There is also a huge fort on the front.

The Shizhou Army shrank in the fortifications behind the fort.

After reading it, Lin Wen already knew why the rebels couldn't attack.

This is more than easy to defend and difficult to attack. Without heavy weapons, no matter how many people are here, they will not be able to spread out, and they can only be slaughtered.

"Hmph, I happen to have one."

Lin Wen turned the helicopter upside down for the third time, and the helicopter immediately swooped down, much more powerful than a fighter jet.

The armed helicopter requires two people to operate, and the other side of the cab is the weapon system.

Lin Wen didn't know anything about it, but it didn't matter.

The gunship carries six Cobra air-to-surface missiles, which are mounted externally on the flanks and held under the launcher by a metal buckle.

The governor of Yunzhou was very righteous, and the weapon system was handed over to him intact.

Lin Wen directly used [Imperial Art] to break off the missile, and threw the missile out with a throwing action that fully complied with the principles of mechanics.


The big three-story bunker was blown to pieces in the violent explosion.

Lin Wen swiped again, and the helicopter flipped over and rose up from the ground. The movement was so smooth and natural, like the smoothness of swimming fish, or the swiftness of flying birds.

The moment when he turned over and left the ground, he was like a carp standing upright, or like a dragonfly touching water, which can be called a superb scene in the world.

Not only the defenders were dumbfounded, but even the rebels on the other side were dumbfounded.

"No wonder, no wonder Sheriff Lin personally delivered the goods."

"This, is this really a helicopter? Sheriff Lin turned the helicopter into a fighter jet?"

"As expected of the Empire's latest electromagnetic catapult nuclear-powered helicopter, its performance is unbelievable."

"Hey, did you see it?" Liu Sisi, who was most concerned about weapons, shouted: "He fired missiles without flames or trails, just a dark spot, as if thrown out."


The illiterate and illiterate Chenggang finally found a chance to rant against the top student Liu Sisi.

"This is smokeless gunpowder, and you can't see the smoke, so the enemy can't find the track and can't intercept it."


Liu Sisi was actually bluffed by him.

"how do you know?"

"Why don't I know..."

"do not talk."

Xu Jieying keenly saw the fighter.

"Get ready to fight. Once Brother Lin destroys the bunker, we will take advantage of the situation and attack Lejituo in one go."


On the other hand, Chang Dalu, the commander of the defenders, turned pale with shock.

"Such a brave general belongs to the enemy? Is there such a person among the rebels?"

A close aide said: "I'm afraid it's not only that, the helicopter can fly like this, and its performance is obviously beyond imagination, and the smokeless missiles, all of which show that they are the latest technology of the empire."

Chang Dalu's face darkened: "What do you mean?"

The confidant said: "I suspect it is foreign aid."

"You mean...Sheng Huaixuan?"

The confidant nodded invisibly.

Chang Dalu categorically denied: "Impossible."

The confidant fell silent, and what the teacher said made sense.

Another close aide said: "It may be sent by Governor Gu's enemies."

Chang Dalu suddenly clapped his hands.

"I see!"

Several cronies asked together: "Boss, where are you from?"

"The Supreme Council!"

This answer was beyond all expectations. The several trusted aides looked at each other in dismay, and one of them asked cautiously, "Why, boss?"

Chang Dalu sneered and said: "Chairman Yu and Commander Qin of the Supreme Council are mortal enemies, but Governor Gu and Commander Qin are very close, so Chief Yu has always been against us."

"This is the first. Second, only the council is more likely to get the latest technology from the empire."

"Third, you didn't see that the helicopter flies like that, is it possible for normal people to do it? Only mutants made by the council can do it."

"And, isn't this exactly their philosophy? Use the latest people to control the latest weapons."

Several cronies suddenly realized.

"I see!"

"Worthy of being a teacher, you are truly astute."

"It's no wonder that kid from Changshan County dared to fight against us. It must be because of his backing from the Supreme Council."

"Then what should we do?"

Chang Dalu sneered.

"You guys, set up the camera immediately, and take a picture of the whole battle for me, and keep it as evidence."

"You, hurry up and pass this information to Commander Hu."

"You, organize your people immediately and shoot this mosquito down for me."


on the sky.

Lin Wen was not very satisfied.

Even though he was already the reincarnation of Immortal King Newton, and his understanding of force and spells was immeasurable, the missiles he threw still did not exceed the speed of sound.

The explosive power of [Imperial Object Art] is very weak, all its power is continuously output, and it can only affect objects within ten meters of Lin Wen.

Therefore, although it can hold heavy objects, it cannot blast them out in a very short time like a cannon.

"Okay, although there are some deviations from what I expected, it doesn't matter, my understanding and control of this spell has improved a level!"

Lin Wen turned the helicopter over for the third time and swooped down towards the bunker like a bomber.

This time, he was confident that he would throw all five missiles out in one dive and blow up five bunkers.

But 【Body Without a Colorful Phoenix】 started to call the police.

A very strong continuous alarm came from the seven o'clock direction in the lower right corner, approaching him at a speed of 560 meters per second.

With a thought in Lin Wen's mind, the helicopter made a beautiful maneuver in the air, avoiding the deadly threat from the lower right corner.

But the threat was not eliminated, it turned around in mid-air, and rushed towards Lin Wen again.

"It's an anti-aircraft missile."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

"Probably a man-portable anti-aircraft missile like the Stinger."


Lin Wen sneered.

So stupid.

I'm worried that my missiles are not enough.

Lin Wen reversed direction and rushed straight towards a bunker.

Since Lin Wen was sitting on the helicopter, and the helicopter never left within ten meters of him, the [Imperial Art] could continue to push with all its strength.

Soon, the speed of the helicopter also broke through the sound barrier, and a beautiful sonic boom ring exploded behind its tail.

The missile followed, but the enhanced version of [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] could sense the specific state of the threat. Lin Wen carefully controlled the speed until the distance from the missile was reduced to ten meters.


Lin Wen directly used [Imperial Art] to control the missile, and at the same time, the helicopter made a beautiful turn and spiraled into the sky.

Under Lin Wen's control, the missile slammed straight forward, and the tracking system had no time to change its direction, and hit the bunker directly.


A huge flame flashed, and another bunker was turned into fragments, submerged in the sea of ​​flames.

The helicopter was already submerged in the sea of ​​clouds.

Lin Wen's god-like operation not only made the 30,000 rebels in charge of the attack look stupid, but also looked stupid on the defensive side, and the special forces carrying the missile launchers were even more dumbfounded.

"I, I blew up the bunker?"

He turned around and looked at the two technicians as if confirming.

They nodded.

"It's 'red eyes'. I can shoot down civil airliners, but I can't shoot down helicopters? And he showed it off?"

Special forces began to doubt life.

While they were still in a daze, Lin Wen swooped down for the fourth time.

He directly snapped off the remaining five missiles, and threw them towards the last five bunkers in five directions.

Although the speed of the missile does not exceed the speed of sound, it is impossible to intercept it. Although the fuse in the missile is not opened, such a high speed is enough to detonate.

With the sound of a huge explosion, all seven roadblocks exploded.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fate +21

Do good deeds and accumulate blessings, good fate +95

Indiscriminate killing, evil fate +9

Lin Wen fell into deep thought as he looked at the good fortune he had obtained.

Below, Cheng Gang took the lead in the charge.

"Brothers! Follow me!"

Shouts resounded through the valley in unison.

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