Out of courtesy, Xu Jieying and others told Lin Wen the next route.

Lin Wen glanced at his 61% primordial spirit, and asked [Immortal Guidance] a question.

[Is this route correct? 】

Consumption: 10%.


【wrong. 】



That shouldn't be the question.

Lin Wen asked again: "How can this route be changed?"

Consumption: 10%.

It is also the lowest consumption.

What the hell, I didn't pay attention at once, and I lost 5% of my soul.

[Immortal Guidance] You really need to pay attention to the way you ask questions.

As soon as the thought moved, a long list of answers appeared in my mind.

Yuanshen is only 51% left.

Gotta save it.

Lin Wen said to them, "No, this is wrong."

Said the new route.

This was originally just a courtesy, to show respect for Sheriff Lin.

Unexpectedly, he actually raised objections.

After the five returned, all four expressed their opposition, and only Xu Jieying agreed.

"I think Brother Lin is right."

Chen Lian asked anxiously: "Isn't this our previous path? We have been delayed in Lejituo for so long, the enemy must have blocked the way forward."

"No, not necessarily, we will change, can't the enemy expect us to change?"

Xu Jieying rarely expressed his opinion directly.

"If we change it back again, the enemy will definitely not expect it."

In the end, thanks to Xu Jieying's support, everyone agreed to Lin Wen's suggestion to keep the original route and go straight down to Linghu Mountain.

Most of the 200,000 people recovered after a night of rest.

Everyone in the team is a small cooking expert. They mixed flour with wild vegetables, mushrooms, voles or snake meat to make a hundred kinds of tricks.

It saves raw materials and is sweet and delicious, which greatly comforts the hungry stomachs of soldiers.

The medical supplies that Lin Wen brought helped them a lot. The wounds were covered with medical bandages, and the patients were treated with symptomatic drugs.

Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics are effective for more than 90% of patients. On the battlefield, bacterial infection is the most fatal factor.

The medicine brought by Lin Wen saved the lives of countless soldiers.

Save lives and heal the wounded, kindness +191

Eliminate hunger, good fate +153

Although it is an indirect good relationship, it is relatively rich.

【Good fate: 87012】.

It is still far away from the next supernatural power, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lin Wen believes that he will see the seventh supernatural power in a short time.

[Tao if there is love] 4482/10000.

When the good fate is settled this week, there will be the next "lucky path".

This is what Lin Wen is looking forward to most now.

Each of the previous luck paths, "The Voice of the Phoenix", "The Disintegration of the Heavenly Demon", "The Last Fragrance of the Xuannv", and "Fairy Flower Dew" all played a huge role.

There is still the last sip of "Fairy Flower Dew", just waiting for the last moment to use.

A new "luck" will definitely help him get more money and supplies from Shizhou to help Changshan County overcome the difficulty of lack of property.

Early the next morning, the soldiers of the rebel army embarked on the journey with great energy.

The Shizhou Yuxiao Army has just entered Gangbai County.

The leader of the pursuit force was Lu Yuerong, Commander Yu Xiao, who soon received a secret report.

"The bandits changed back to the original route?"

Lu Yuerong found it difficult to understand.

Why did it suddenly change back?

"It's too bad, the army has already gone to Dawang Mountain, and I'm afraid it will be too late to rush back."

He ordered immediately.

"Helicopter unit, go bite your tail immediately and hold the enemy back."

"Immediately send an order to Bu Cao, the leader of the Third Yuxiao Legion, to go to Linghu Mountain to set up defenses, and to order Xiong Yi, the deputy leader of the Third Yuxiao Legion, to detour from Dawang Mountain to Linghu Mountain to block the back road."


Lin Wen enjoyed extra treatment than ordinary people in the rebel army.

Except for the reconnaissance troops, everyone in the rebel army walked on foot, only Lin Wen and his helicopter were different.

The helicopter was placed on a large improvised flatbed.

It was originally a cargo-carrying tricycle, but the skilled craftsmen in the rebel army insisted on converting the rear compartment of the tricycle into a huge flat panel, and parked the helicopter on it.

Careful craftsmen also drew a tarmac icon on this tablet.

In order to prevent tipping, more than a dozen pairs of auxiliary wheels are installed under the flat plate.

But the tricycle is not powerful enough to tow a six-ton ​​helicopter.

Talented people emerged in the rebel army, and soon another auto repair master came. He just relied on a hammer and a wrench to install an additional engine, and completed the power transmission with a power coordinator and a few bearings.

In this way, the dual-core tricycle dragged the helicopter and ran on the road.

Due to unstable technology, the tricycle had to be turned off every ten minutes, and then the auto repair master ran over and knocked on it for ten minutes before the tricycle regained its power.

And Lin Wen sat in the helicopter and meditated.

Next, there is no doubt that spells will be frequently used. Although the efficiency of meditation to restore the soul is far less than that of sleeping, it is a little bit more.

In the eyes of the rebels, Brother Lin may be too tired and has been sleeping.

They have no opinion on this, without the support of Brother Lin, their current situation is unimaginable.

When the sun was westward, Lin Wen heard a loud noise while meditating. He opened his eyes and saw that the helicopter was still on the tricycle.

But the soldiers of the troops moved against the current one after another and rushed to the rear.

"What's wrong?"

The auto mechanic who was sitting on the tablet and was ready to repair the engine at any time replied: "Brother Lin, it seems that the enemy's vanguard has caught up, and they are going to fight."

Lin Wen frowned.

Why did troops catch up so quickly?

The answer given by the spell cannot be wrong.

He immediately used [Immortal Guidance] again.

The consumption is still 10%.

The answer has changed.

[Detour around Dawang Mountain. 】

Poisonous, right?

Isn't this their route yesterday?

Before Lin Wen had time to think about it, a huge humming sound suddenly came from the sky.

Looking back, dozens of helicopters are rushing towards us in the distance.

"Has it been detected?"

Lin Wen immediately jumped onto the helicopter, and the huge propeller began to shake.

The god of war in the air is about to take off.

The auto mechanic shouted, "Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

"Kill the enemy."

Lin Wen skillfully pulled the joystick.

The helicopter rose from the ground.

The auto mechanic stared blankly at the helicopter flying away, and suddenly shouted:

"Quick, go and tell Commander Xu! Tell Commander to help Brother Lin! Come on, Old Zhang!"

Lao Zhang, the driver of the tricycle, slammed the gas pedal to the end, only to hear a bang, and both engines exploded.


After the last actual combat, Lin Wen gained more experience in the use of helicopters and spells.

The lift of the helicopter is the key point to greatly reduce the consumption of spells.

How to use the lift of the helicopter more effectively is the key to combat.

In the last battle, the supersonic speed and fast maneuvering of the helicopter were all pushed out by spells, and the consumption was very high.

This time, Lin Wen learned to be smart. He erected the helicopter, so that the lift force became a horizontal thrust instead of a mindless rise.

But the vertical is not completely vertical.

Only vertical angles of 70 degrees.

In this way, part of the thrust is downward, which can counteract the gravity of the helicopter while advancing, greatly reducing the consumption of spells.

In this way, Lin Wen's helicopter flew half vertically towards the enemy's helicopter group.

Shizhou's helicopters are standard Paqi Longbow-1 armed helicopters.

This is the most feared helicopter in the Empire, and it has achieved great success in foreign wars.

It has a fuselage length of 17.76 meters, a rotor diameter of 14.63 meters, a maximum speed of 365 kilometers per hour, a maximum altitude of 6400 meters, and a maximum range of 1700 kilometers. It has a very good air-firing system and a powerful fire control device.

There are two missile mount points on the short wings of the fuselage, a total of 16 Hellfire missiles are mounted, and a 30mm chain gun is installed under the nose.

The whole machine adopts the empire's first laser observation system and radar system, which can observe any threatening target within 50 kilometers.

There are only 20 planes in Shizhou, and 15 of them were assigned to Lu Yuerong.

At this moment, the captain of the helicopter tactical formation had already discovered the rapidly approaching unknown target on the radar.

This target did not turn on the friend or foe flag, and ignored all calls.

Therefore, the captain judged that it was probably the new type of helicopter that attacked Lejituo according to the commander.

"The prey is coming!"

he yelled excitedly over the comm channel.

"No. 1, 2, 3, lock on the target, divide into three waves, cover strike."

"No. 456, in battle formation, ready to fight."

"Let this dragon cross the river to see the strength of our dragon slaying team!"

When the enemy approached eight kilometers, the captain saw the helicopter with the naked eye.

Although he couldn't see the details clearly because he was too far away, he keenly noticed something was wrong.

When he flew to five kilometers, he realized that the helicopter was flying towards them with its propellers upright.

"Is this some kind of strange species?"

The captain felt very ridiculous, and he immediately ordered an attack.

Twenty-four Hellfire missiles were launched from the three armed helicopters in three divisions, and twenty-four white smoke flew towards that strange helicopter.

"You're dead," thought the captain.

"You are already dead." Lin Wen thought to himself.

With a thought.

The helicopter flicked its tail suddenly, and all eight Hellfire missiles in the first wave were emptied.

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter raised an iron bridge to the sky, and the second wave of eight Hellfire missiles hit empty again.

When the third wave of Hellfire missiles came, the helicopter spread its wings even more, avoiding the missiles with an incomparable distance.

This series of actions stunned everyone.

It's not like they haven't seen exquisite air maneuvers before, and the operation of the imperial royal pilots also made them amazed and bowed down.

But that is still within the scope of human understanding.

Although they can't do it, they know how to do it.

And the one in front of him is like a helicopter that has become a master.

The captain didn't notice that the saliva was dripping into his collar. It wasn't until the plane flew towards them in the strange posture just now that the captain came back to his senses.

"Hit! Hit me! Quick! Everyone fires missiles."

Soon, the white trail formed a ladder in the sky.

A total of 240 Hellfire missiles were carried by 15 Paqi Longbow-1 gunships, 24 of which were fired in the first round, and all the remaining 216 were fired.

A spectacular 216 trails were drawn in the sky, but none of them were dyed red by the flames of the explosion.

"Strange, monster!"

The captain almost came to his senses, the speed of the helicopter in front of him was already more than twice the speed of sound - much faster than the Hellfire missile.

It shrugged off all missiles with ease and graceful movement at high altitudes, like a figure skater performing gracefully and freely on an ice rink.

"Haha! With this movement, I can win the skating championship."

Lin Wen showed a three-point evil smile, and went straight into the group.

Although he didn't have any missiles, on the way to rest, he asked someone to help him carry a lot of "Lin Wen special missiles" into the helicopter.

Just in time to use.

Lin Wen volleyed open the rear hatch, took the stone out of the glove box, quickly approached a helicopter, and threw the stone in its face.

The Paqi Longbow-1 armed helicopter has two seats in front and one in the back, the driver in the front and the weapon operator in the back. The driver in front was killed when the stone fell.

The helicopter lost control immediately, spinning in the air, tilting, and falling headlong.

"Run, run!"

The captain shouted urgently, turned around and ran away.

However, how can a tortoise with a top speed of 365 kilometers per hour outrun a scud with a speed of more than 2,300 kilometers per hour?

Lin Wen beat them down one by one like catching a turtle.

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