Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 344 Death without a place to die


A huge explosion sounded.

The former admiral was thrown away by the huge shock and fell into the river like a louse.

The 1,000-ton river frigate's body and head were separated, the front half rushed forward, and the rear part sank into the river with its tail raised at the fracture surface.

With the influx of river water, the first half also sank to the sky.

All the anti-submarine equipment he carefully set up failed, whether it was sonar, hydroacoustic instruments, magnetic detectors, or optical instruments, they did not work.

The depth charges and torpedoes carried were detonated directly on the ship before they had time to be released, blowing the entire frigate into two pieces.

The former navy general struggled frantically in the turbulent river, but the rapids of the Tianjiang River were too fast for humans to control.

He was ups and downs in the water, frantically trying to jump out of the river like a louse, but the river held his head all the time.

After finally sticking out his head, just as he was about to call for help, he saw other boats exploding one after another. Among the debris, his crew fell like lice.

"Why? This is for..."

His soul interrogation was interrupted by the great river, and the raging water shot him down. His eyes were full of hazy chaos, and his body sank slowly like a pile of shit.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fate +122.

Indiscriminate killing, bad karma +19.

It's a bit of a loss.

The golden and black figures floated in front of his eyes, Lin Wen was a little unhappy.

The evil fate has reached 201 again.

Hey, it's annoying.

The opponent dispatched a total of six fleets and more than 70 ships. It is estimated that they intercepted the cargo ships of Changshan County in different parts of the entire waterway in batches, in an attempt to cause Changshan County's defense forces to be exhausted and to be defeated one by one.

But it is a pity that Lin Wen's underwater moving speed is as high as 100 knots, which is 180 kilometers per hour.

It took him half an hour to reach the 90-kilometer waterway.

The second fleet already knew the news of the sinking of the first fleet. They deduced that it might be because the enemy's target was too small for the sonar to distinguish, so they greatly adjusted the accuracy of the sonar.

However, the big river is different from the ocean. The river is always rushing fiercely, and there is a lot of sand mixed with it. The accuracy of the sonar is high, and the entire detection panel is full of false alarm points. It is impossible to see whether there is an enemy.

Suddenly, a huge ripple appeared on the detection panel, and the disturbance spread to the entire screen.

The explorer happily said: "Captain, we found the target..."

The captain knocked the explorer to the ground with a slap, and angrily said: "Idiot, it's our ship that blew up!"

The explosion started from the east and quickly spread to the command ship.

The terrifying oppressive feeling overwhelmed everyone at once, and the captain jumped off the ship first.

As soon as he fell into the water, there was a huge explosion sound behind him, and the command ship was shattered into countless fragments in the flames.

The captain struggled in the current for a while, and finally, like most people, was swallowed by the Tianjiang River.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fate +192.

Indiscriminate killing, bad karma +31.

Lin Wen frowned slightly. The ratio of good and evil is too high, but he soon became happy again because the fifth supernatural power was full.

【Tao if there is love】10167/10000.

Got another luck.

"The disintegration of the demon".

Strengthen a certain part of the supernatural power at the cost of some negative effects.

Lin Wen smiled slightly.

It seems that there is no need to worry too much about bad luck.

"The disintegration of the demon" can greatly strengthen the function of [Fate of Space] to eliminate the relationship between good and evil, but the negative effect is that the cost of consumption is ten times.

That is to say, 1 point of bad karma needs 10 points of good karma to be eliminated.

More than 200 points of bad karma need more than 2000 points of good karma to disappear.

It hurts, but it's impossible.

Lin Wen temporarily let go of the stone in his heart and rushed to the third fleet.

The Third Fleet obviously realized that something was wrong, so they dropped suspended sonar underwater in advance, and planted a large number of mines around the hull.

Lin Wen smiled when he saw it.

There is also such a good thing, knowing that I don't have enough underwater explosives, help me save money.

Directly use [Imperial Art] to pick up the mine and throw it on the boat.

As a result, the third fleet was reimbursed by its own mines.

In less than an hour, three fleets were reimbursed, and nearly forty ships were destroyed.

All pre-planned plans failed, and sonar, radar, and magnetic anomaly detectors were unable to detect the target.

The five gray-clothed envoys in charge of this battle in the council felt unable to understand.

Does the other party have some new technology that can be invisible?

"Is the target too small?" One person asked.

"Impossible, unless he's the size of a man and doesn't have metal on him."

"Is it possible that it is a small pure biological weapon?"

"Stop talking about unscientific things. We must respect science and the law of energy conservation."

"Yes, he moves so fast, where does the energy come from? How did he blow up the ship? Someone saw him throw the mine more than 200 meters away. Can a small biological weapon do it?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"It must be that he has the latest science and technology of the empire, which can eliminate sound waves and reduce noise, such as the sound-absorbing glue and noise-absorbing agent being developed in the cutting-edge laboratories of the Western Federation."

"That's right, foreign countries have started to develop it, and we must have successfully developed it."

"Then what to do?"

The gray-clothed envoy was silent for a moment, and replied: "Use the underwater anti-submarine plan, and send underwater combat units to fight in the water!"


When Lin Wen arrived at the fourth fleet, he saw a group of mentally handicapped people who seemed to be born with underdeveloped brains swimming clumsily underwater.

They took underwater rifles and shot everywhere, and the muddy river completely blocked their sight.

They grope around like blind men.

There is also a cable tied behind them, otherwise they will be washed away by the river.

Lin Wen didn't do anything, but helped them untie the rope that tied them to freedom, and they rushed towards the world of freedom, screaming and dancing.

The Fourth Fleet was also destroyed in the explosion.

The fifth and sixth convoys were shattered and rushed back to the tributaries of the Tianjiang River, but they were still caught up and wiped out by Lin Wen one by one.

"The food delivered here is really not enough."

Lin Wen was so disgusted that he almost picked his teeth. There was less meat and more bones, the portion was not enough, and there was no loot.

But for the council, this is a huge blow to their prestige.

Although it was unsuccessful before, it only involved Changshan County and the council.

And now, all collaborators know.

Although they didn't speak aloud, they must have disapproved of the council in their hearts. The terrorist organization known as the most powerful in the empire and in charge of judicial review could not even take down a small county, and wasted their hard-earned money and manpower.

to the Winter Palace.

Yu Zhongxian's face has completely darkened.

The deterrent power of the Council is the basis for its survival.

If one day, people are no longer afraid of it, then the council will fall from the height it has reached today, and fall to pieces.

In contrast, the damage done to them by the Qin Group was almost negligible.

"Little beast."

Yu Zhongxian gritted his teeth and said word by word:

"You asked for death yourself."

"From now on, Changshan County will replace the Qin Group as the number one enemy."

He looked at Liu Aimin and Wang Xinwei on his left.

"Fully promote the malicious monopoly case, plagiarism case, and electricity theft case in Changshan County. Regardless of the cost, cut off all materials purchased from overseas in Changshan County, and completely cut off the supply of coal and rare earths in Changshan County."

"Comprehensive attack on all industries and supply chains in Changshan County."

"I will give you another 500 million funds to attack Changshan County for violating human ethics, conducting biochemical experiments, manufacturing biological weapons, stealing the latest technology from the empire, trampling on the sacred imperial laws, killing innocent people, and killing innocent people in all media under our control."

"We wantonly mobilized public opinion, demanding that Changshan County relax control and allow journalists to investigate."

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Liu Aimin, Wang Xinwei and other confidants said together.

"Teacher Dro."

Yu Zhongxian glanced over.

The old man on the second right hand hurriedly bowed: "Master Chief."

"Find a way to bypass the supervision and organize the Gray Army to attack Changshan County. I want him to fight on the front line, but the backyard is on fire! I want him to die without a place to bury him."

Dro bowed hurriedly.

"The subordinates understand that the subordinates must show the prestige of the council, let those guys at both ends of the head rat see what will happen if they offend the council!"

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