Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 349 You Died So Miserably (Part 3)

"Current treason!"

Yu Zhongxian's number one confidant, Liu Aimin, one of the highest judges, saw the corpses all over the floor at a glance.

The private armed squadron sent by the council was completely annihilated, including the three giant squadrons mixed in.

The other party didn't seem to have killed too many people.

And the intact high-voltage line in the distance is still transmitting electricity that does not belong to Changshan County.

But what made his gloomy face turn clear in an instant was that the sheriff of Changshan County was here.

The county chief personally led the armed forces to violently resist the law!

In an instant, Liu Aimin thought of the biggest crime.

Active treason!

If this charge is convicted, it will definitely remove the thorn that has been stuck in the council's throat for a long time!

Generally, the highest official will never be present in person for violations of law and discipline. This is an iron rule.

There are a million ways to get away with any crime, as long as you're not there.

But today, the sheriff unexpectedly broke this iron law.

Sure enough, he is a brat who doesn't know anything.

Liu Aimin was overjoyed, his face was flushed, as if he was about to cum in public. He pointed at Lin Wen and shouted: "Everyone has seen it. This is not the council's slander. The scene testified that the Changshan county chief maliciously stole electricity, refused to obey the rectification, violently armed resistance to the law, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. He should be killed on the spot!"

He shouted: "The garrison! Open fire!"

Countless black guns pointed at Lin Wen, and Yun Zhixing's heart rose, but no one fired.

Sheng Huaixuan put down his raised hand and said with a smile: "President Liu, don't worry, the matter is still to be discussed."

Liu Aimin said angrily: "The matter is clearly in front of our eyes, what is there to discuss?"

Han Zaiyin, director of the General Electric Power Department, had a gloomy face. He was devastated by this shitty incident.

Originally, he had nothing to do with Changshan County, and he had nothing to do with the council.

But suddenly one day, the council bribed him with a lot of money and asked him to do a small favor, prohibiting the expansion of electricity demand in Changshan County.

Han Zaeyin agreed for a moment, thinking that Changshan County is the place where you can't even wear pants?

What electricity can they ask for?

As expected, the council was generous. It was such a big gift for such a trivial matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the electricity was cut off, Changshan County turned around and directly connected a line from the main line of the central power transmission.

This is stolen electricity, and no one has claimed it. The electricity bill of nearly one million a day can only be deducted from the funds of the General Department of Electric Power.

Who can stand this?

Han Zaiyin quickly found the electricity theft point, which was located in the wilderness near Changshan County in the west of East Qinzhou. But to remove the stitches was obstructed by Dong Qinzhou in every possible way.

East Qinzhou required them to provide various documents and approval procedures, which was extremely annoying. It's not such a troublesome thing to go to connect the emperor's tower.

After finally getting it all together, they said that their certification procedures were forged, and they were asked to prove their innocence.

They were forced to prove their innocence, but the procedure was replaced by a fake one by the review agency.

A dignified group of official officials of the state industry department of the empire were locked up as fake officials who were bluffing and deceiving.

Han Zaeyin had no choice but to contact the governor of East Qinzhou in person, but it was really a push, two, three, four, five, six, and he couldn't see him face to face.

After tossing back and forth for a long time, the money I lost was several times more than the gifts I received.

In desperation, Han Zaiyin had no choice but to report the incident as a major crime, but unexpectedly, the council immediately swam over like a shark smelling blood.

Han Zaiyin had no choice but to agree to cooperate.

The council quickly made a big fuss about this matter. Han Zaeyin was tied to the chariot and couldn't get off, so he had to go with the crowd and come together with the council to seek justice from East Qinzhou.

But I didn't expect that the council would do everything right.

They took advantage of this opportunity to secretly sneak in a private soldier, and while they were negotiating, they went straight to the power-stealing point, wanting to kill first and play later.

At this time, Han Zaiyin had already understood the situation in Changshan County.

This is obviously a vortex of terror in the empire. The power consumption in Changshan County is an imperial project. If the power is cut off immediately, all the losses and consequences will be held on his head.

Han Zaiyin was completely angry, and the council simply treated him as a piece of paper to wipe his butt and threw him away after use.

"I think it needs to be discussed."

Han Zaiyin said coldly.

"I don't know what happened. Maybe Changshan County is innocent?"

Liu Aimin was at a loss for words for a while: "Okay, okay, let him come, I'll see what kind of nonsense that little bastard can come up with."

He glanced at the expressionless officials behind him.

"The political supervisor of the Imperial Political Supervisory Council and the special envoy of the Imperial Energy Department are also here."

Sheng Huaixuan said kindly, "Sheriff Lin, come here."

Just like that, Lin Wen walked over.

This was the second time he had formally met with the legendary governor of East Qinzhou after he was promoted to be the county chief.

Same as last time, he hasn't changed much, his face is still serious, his face is full of vigor, and his words and deeds are self-evident.

In contrast, the middle-aged man standing next to him was timid, his eyes wandered, and he was sluggish, with anger and helplessness hidden in his expression.

The guy on the far right is pompous, arrogant and stupid, and the most insignificant.

As soon as Lin Wen came over, the flamboyant guy shouted, "Lin Wen, Chief of Changshan County, are you guilty?"

Lin Wen glanced at it with [Looking at Qi and Watching People], and the dark guy sneered: "A monster from the council?"

The guy was furious immediately: "Are you courting death?"

Lin Wendao: "How do you know?"

The guy scolded angrily: "Little bastard, bastard, how can you be a high-ranking official in the empire with your qualities? You don't even understand the status of a person, such a rude person, I don't think there is any need for another trial, and he will be executed immediately."

Lin Wen's eyes flashed, and he was about to draw the sword from his waist, but the wretched man came out to save his life.

"Let's talk about it, Sheriff Lin, what happened here, you are the first witness, so you should know."

This is very level, meaning that what happened, he is the first witness, he has the final say.

The guy didn't appreciate it, and raged: "Han Zaiyin! What do you mean? He is a criminal. Is his confession credible? Don't forget that you accepted the council... People who turn their elbows outward will die without a place to bury them."

Han Zaeyin's face was completely black in an instant, his lips twitched, thinking of the horror of the council, he still didn't say a word.

Sheng Huaixuan said indifferently: "President Liu, you are too excited. Even if you are a criminal, you are allowed to speak in the trial court. What's more, it is not certain whether Chief Lin is a criminal."

The two political supervisors took a step forward and said, "Governor Sheng is right."

The Supervisory Envoy is a special official attached to the Imperial Political Supervisory Council.

The Imperial Political Supervisory Council is the most popular institution in the empire recently. The reason is that they are now allowed to vote under the Elders, which is the Ministerial Vote, or Governor General Vote.

If the Supreme Council convenes an enlarged meeting, they will also have voting rights, and they will be able to decide on major affairs of the empire, or the fate of high-ranking officials of the empire.

Therefore, the Imperial Political Supervisory Yuan, which had been hovering on the edge of the empire without real power, suddenly became extremely vigorous.

The political supervisor has also changed from a transparent person ignored by no one to a royal envoy who makes bureaucrats frightened.

So when the political supervisor spoke at this moment, everyone fell silent.

"Sheriff Lin, please explain. We will make a recording on the spot."

Several entourages behind him took out recording pens and recording paper.

The two special envoys of the Ministry of Energy also said: "Violent resistance to the law is a very serious act, not to mention so many people have died. What General Manager Liu said has some truth. If there is no suitable reason, it is the current crime of treason, deprivation of all powers, and killing on the spot. Jieduquan is no exception."

Chief Liu beamed with joy, and said repeatedly: "That's right, the two adults are right, you little bastard, hurry up and argue, I'll see how you explain your violent resistance to the law and the indiscriminate killing of innocents."

Lin Wen was a little impatient, he still had to deal with the internal affairs of Changshan County, the Shizhou front was still fighting, and the settlement of good fate was coming soon, so he had no time to spend here.

He said directly: "Idiot, did your eyes see me violently resisting the law and killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

Chief Liu sneered: "Do you think it's useful to be a rascal? Did you kill the people all over the place?"


"Then what else can I say..."

Lin Wen sneered: "What does killing them have to do with violent resistance to the law? Do they have the power to enforce the law? Are they law enforcement officers? Which department and official of the empire are they? What qualifications do they have for law enforcement?"

"They are judges..."

Halfway through speaking, Liu Aimin was stunned.

He suddenly realized that he had made a mistake in the occasion. The Council was the law and the rules on certain occasions.

But not in front of the high level of the empire, especially the political supervisor representing the Supreme Council.

They still have to make sense.

And the people who were killed in front of them did not have law enforcement powers. They were just private soldiers of the council, and even had biological weapons that were banned by the empire on the face of it.

Lin Wen sneered.

"Without law enforcement qualifications, they come to attack the electricity consumption of the empire's projects, intending to destroy the empire's military factories that produce artillery shells, in an attempt to prevent the empire from winning the war."

Lin Wen stretched out his hand, pointed at Liu Aimin's nose and cursed:

"They are the thugs, the spies, the traitors, the current treason, and they should be deprived of all powers and killed on the spot, and the council is no exception!"

Liu Aimin's face quickly turned red, like a rotten tomato.

Lin Wen opened his mouth and kept saying "they", but pointed at his nose and scolded, not only referring to Sang and Huai, but also referring to Huai and Huai.

"You, you fart, you bastard, why don't you fart..."

Lin Wen sternly interrupted his illogical scolding: "Am I not making sense? You can go and follow me to see, what kind of project is this power supply? It is a project that the Supreme Council personally explained. What is it produced? It is the shell that the empire urgently needs."

"Have you eaten the bear's heart and leopard courage? How dare you interfere with the projects of the Supreme Council? Are you despising the Supreme Council? Are you trying to rebel?"

Liu Aimin's face turned red and white, unable to speak.

Lin Wen turned his head and yelled at the wretched man: "Are you the director of the electric power department? Are you mentally retarded? If the council asks you to limit electricity, you will cut electricity. Wouldn't you investigate? Do you know that you were taken into a ditch by them?"

Han Zaiyin regretted it a long time ago, he turned around abruptly, and said loudly: "Two political supervisors, two special envoys, I admit, I confess."

"I'm stupid, I'm greedy. I didn't know that Changshan County had an imperial project. I received black money from the Council. All of this was their fault. They ordered me to limit the electricity consumption of Changshan County. They ordered me to sue Changshan County. I didn't even think about doing this..."

Liu Aimin furiously said: "Idiot, you have been scammed..."

Han Zaiyin directly interrupted him: "I don't care if you cheat or not. I don't want to participate in your struggle. It doesn't matter to me that you fight to the death every day. Don't drag me into the water. I just want to do my own thing..."


Sheng Huaixuan applauded directly.

"Director Han is commendable for his frankness. He is a good person if he knows his mistakes and he can correct them. I will definitely protect Director Han at the summit."

Han Zaiyin said gratefully, "Thank you Governor Sheng."

Liu Aimin fell silent.

The two political supervisors and the two special envoys ignored him, and ordered his followers to clean up the corpse and collect evidence.

A young political supervisor finished sorting out the transcript of the conversation and read it again. He felt it was funny and angry, and said flatly, "You can do it yourself, Chief Liu."

Liu Aimin suddenly became furious, pointed at the political supervisor's nose and cursed: "Are you amazing? You are like a dog, but the emperor has not backed you up. You are not worthy to lick Lao Tzu's shoes now!"

"Do you think you are an envoy of justice? Let me tell you, the world will not tolerate you group of childish idiots. Don't look at your pride now, one day, you will die without a place to die!"

"And you!"

He spit all over his mouth and twirled his fingers in a big circle.

"The weak bones of the Electric Power Department, the bastards of Changshan County, you wait, you will all die..."


A steel needle was inserted from his throat, pierced upwards, and flew out from the top of his head.

Blood splashed out mixed with brain, Liu Aimin stared at his bull-like eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this.


The body fell.

Slay demons and eliminate demons, good fate +31.

Lin Wen was the first to exclaim in alarm: "Ah! Dear Chief Liu, you died so badly. There are assassins, hurry up and catch the assassins. They killed our beloved Chief Liu, woo woo woo..."

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