The train stopped on the 210-kilometer wilderness of the western section of the line.

Everyone got out of the car, and the whole army set off quickly, heading north in a hurry.

six hours later.

The Shizhou army, which had been waiting for the enemy train for a long time, arrived at the scene, stormed the empty train for three hours, and wiped out more than a thousand enemies.

He was subsequently awarded the Medal of Loyalty and Bravery, and the entire army notified him of the award.

ten hours later.

The transportation of materials in Pingpan City was completed. It is roughly estimated that there are about 3 billion property (transported by train) and about 1.7 million tons of grain, all of which have been sent to the wharf of Jiangkou City.

The main force of Changshan County returned to Jiangkou City.

Twelve hours later, five regular troops from Shizhou arrived at Pingpan City and formally launched an offensive.

The soldiers fought bloody battles, and the generals took the lead. They conquered the deserted Pingpan City in just one hour, defeated the legendary main force of Changshan County, wiped out countless enemies, and the scene was extremely bloody. The chiefs of the five armies were awarded medals for this.

Thirteen hours later.

Lin Wen captured Shazhou Town, an important traffic town in the north, from where he could take a train directly to Jiangkou City.

So far, all of Lin Wen's strategies have been successfully completed, and Shizhou and Changshan County have won a win-win situation.

As soon as he got on the train and joined the army, it was over.

Then retreat by boat from Jiangkou City, then this local war with Shizhou is also over.

Changshan County will gain nearly 4 billion in property and more than 1.8 million tons of grain.

Shizhou has won numerous honors.


A huge golden number made Lin Wen change his plan.

Benefit all living beings, good fate +3121.

[Tao if there is love] 3189/10000.

This is the good fortune to release food.

Lin Wenzhen didn't expect that there would be so many. He originally thought that after indirect division, there might only be more than a thousand good relationships.

Then wait a little longer.

Wait until dawn.

There is still an hour and a half left, and this week's good relationship will be settled.

This is a good fate after Lin Wen spent a lot of effort to rectify it. He is looking forward to how much he can have this time.

[Tao Ruoyouqing] will definitely be full, he will take a look at what the "lucky way" is this time, and then decide on the next plan.

Lin Wen stood at the head of the town, waiting quietly.

The heavy darkness fades away, the daylight breaks, and the morning glow fills the sky.

Dazzling golden light covered his eyes, and countless huge numbers flashed across his eyes.


Good fortune of the week:

Live and work in peace +7911

Prosperity +580

Justice +105

Freedom +106

Happy +513

Free people+0

Technological civilization +107

Total: 9322

Yuanshen +12.17%

【Good fate: 115022】【Bad fate: 251】【Primary spirit: 241.27%】

[Tao if there is love] 12511/10000


The payoff is really big.

Living and working in peace has skyrocketed by more than 1,000, and happiness has skyrocketed by more than 300. The measures this time are really effective!

Sure enough, it is good to give workers benefits. They just have a few more bottles of water and a little more security. The data has skyrocketed so much at once, and the happiness index has doubled directly.

In the future, we must make persistent efforts and continue to carry forward.

look further down.

Yuanshen continues to maintain a double-digit growth momentum, which should be brought about by the new population and large-scale grain distribution.

It has reached 241%, and with a little more effort, it will reach 250% next week, and you can get new spells.

Several other items also increased slightly, only the Zimin became zero again inexplicably.

This one always goes up and down.

Lin Wen made up his mind that he must use spells to investigate when he had time to find out what was going on.

Let's see if it's Fengchu's problem, or who has the problem.

Wolong is very reassuring, and his working method is very friendly.

Lin Wen often saw him discussing issues with his subordinates, and the atmosphere was very harmonious, just like friends.

Anyone can speak as long as they have a point.

Wolong attaches great importance to cultivating the ability of his subordinates, he cannot be a poisonous vegetable.

Only Qin Luoshuang, who has a rough and indifferent work style and does not accept his correct leadership, is a typical poisonous vegetable element.

But there is also a slight possibility that his ways are a little off.

In short, it must be a matter between them.

Lin Wen withdrew his thoughts and looked down again.

[Tao Ruo You Qing] Unsurprisingly full.

The second drop of water appeared on [Tao Ruo You Qing], a new luck path: "Linglong Dice".

"Exquisite dice": When using a spell, you can throw the dice once, and for every 1 point, reduce 1 point of aura and primordial spirit.

The number of throws is equal to the number of people you have incomprehensible lovesickness.

After reading carefully.

Lin Wen smiled.

He turned around, all the officers were standing behind him, they were very young, looking at Lin Wen with sparkling eyes.

The morning sun shone on their faces, full of vitality.

"The whole army, go west and go deep into the interior of Shizhou."


The troops led by Lin Wen did not return to Jiangkou City as planned, but turned around and rushed into Shizhou.

Plans changed.

Lin Wen and Qin Luoshuang talked on the phone for a long time. Fortunately, the battery of the satellite phone was sufficient, otherwise there would not be so much time.

Changshan County abandoned the original retreat plan and began to actively deploy defenses in Jiangkou City.

This city has long been empty. Residents who were willing to go to Changshan County left long ago, and those who did not want to go also dispersed long ago.

The Changshan County army can boldly arrange fortifications here, thicken the city walls, and actively prepare for combat.

However, Lin Wen led the troops on a rampage, turning Shizhou's interior upside down.

"Linglong Dice" is much easier to use than expected. It is a 100-sided dice, which can reduce Yuanshen by up to 100 points.

Every time Lin Wen uses a spell, he can choose to throw or not to roll the dice. If he does, the cost of the spell will be directly reduced.

If you cast 10 points, the spell consumption will be reduced by 10 points, and the minimum is zero.

Lin Wen was lucky. He cast more than 50 shots every time, and the consumption of spells dropped to zero several times.

This "luck" is really great!

That's why Lin Wen dared to change his plan and further attack Shizhou.

Everywhere he went, Lin Wen killed all the black people first, and then opened the warehouse to release the grain. This is called returning things to their original owners.

Seriously, Lin Wen couldn't believe it, the empire already had a computer network, people in the east of the empire were killing their brothers, and Shizhou was still living in the primitive era.

Lin Wen broke through several towns, killed a group of black people, burned the deed tax IOUs, distributed the food, and obtained very considerable good fortune.

He suddenly realized that if he could overthrow Shizhou and clean up the rubbish, there would be a lot of good fortune.

Moreover, this does not conflict with his 100-point plan at all, it is a more in-depth implementation of the 100-point plan!

Lin Wen became excited and felt his blood burning.

He already had a premonition of a huge good fortune coming to him again, as well as the seventh supernatural power and countless "lucky ways", the road to heaven seemed to appear before his eyes again, and the skirt of the goddess of luck had been lifted by him.

There seemed to be something wrong, but the excited Lin Wen didn't notice it.

He immediately used spells to plan a deeper route, and this time the dice rolled a 100 directly.

Fuck, is this the treatment of the Immortal King?

Lin Wen laughed so hard that his face almost cracked, and he got a very detailed route with only 1% of his primordial spirit.

Whoring for nothing is really cool.

"Soldiers! Let's go!"

Lin Wen raised his arms and shouted, his voice shook the valley.

"Let's overturn this dirty stone and let the strong ultraviolet rays kill all the bacteria and insects everywhere!"

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