Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 369 Failed Again (Part 1)

Dadunbao was taken down in an instant, and the house arrest of Xu Chengfeng and others was quickly lifted.

The deal is done, Xu Chengfeng is no longer anxious, but full of worry and puzzlement.

He immediately left his entourage to find Lin Wen.

When he entered the city, he saw this scene:

In the city, the civilians were elated and rushed to tell each other.

In the factory, the workers worked hard and smiled happily.

On the street, old people, women, children and young laborers are all cleaning up garbage.

All the filth is being cleaned, all the order is being recast, and the city is rejuvenated like a dead tree in spring.

It's like a new city.

"So this is ah."

He suddenly understood why Lin Wen ignored such generous mediation suggestions and was willing to take such a big risk.

That's just his personal interest.

And that's everyone's hope.

Xu Chengfeng's vision has blurred, what a great person this is, what a noble person.

In order to save these millions of civilians, he is willing to dedicate his future and even his life.



This kind of person must not let him down.

The governor of Shizhou is the one who deserves to fall. Under his rule, the people don't seem to be living in the world.

No wonder Shizhou obstructs his investigation every time, and also provides a large amount of research funds to allow them to change their targets to investigate the surrounding areas.

Xu Chengfeng knew that there was a problem in Shizhou, but he didn't expect the problem to be so big.

He made up his mind that he must thoroughly clarify the truth of the matter in front of the Great Elder.

Without further ado.

The Supreme Council must have known about Lin Wen's failure to obey the order. The governor of Shizhou and his group will definitely seize this opportunity to attack Lin Wen frantically, trying to crucify Changshan County in one fell swoop.

No, I have to go back quickly.

Xu Chengfeng immediately bid farewell to Lin Wen, explaining that he would return to the Supreme Council to report the situation as soon as possible.

Lin Wen was overjoyed, isn't this coming?

You hurry up, my perfect reincarnation depends on you.

In order for him to go back as soon as possible, Lin Wen took out all the helicopters he had seized in Shizhou, and took 30 Yuanshen to drive the helicopter himself to send him to the nearest airport at supersonic speed.

Xu Chengfeng was worried, and he was always thinking about how to report to the First Elder, but he didn't notice the abnormality of the helicopter.

Under Lin Wen's intervention, the airport quickly prepared a special plane for Xu Chengfeng to fly directly to Shenjing.

Xu Chengfeng thought of all the arguments along the way, and contacted his special personnel in the Ministry of Civil Affairs to find detailed information and evidence for him.

After getting off the plane, Xu Chengfeng went straight to the summit after getting the materials.

The imperial guards let him go all the way, and said to him: "Go, the elder is waiting for you."

Xu Chengfeng's heart shuddered, knowing that he had reached a critical juncture.

Outside the compound of elders, he took a deep breath, pushed the door open and entered.

In the compound, the four Great Elders sat at the four corners of the chessboard, and the imperial guards were distributed throughout the compound. Xu Chengfeng stepped in and immediately bowed and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, Great Elder, I'm back."

A great elder said flatly: "We all know the matter, please add."

Out of the corner of Xu Chengfeng's eye, he saw a document with a gold-red seal on the table, and he was shocked, knowing that it was a transfer order document from the Imperial Army.

Is the Great Elder ready to send the imperial army to directly destroy Lin Wen?

With Lin Wen's character, he would definitely take all the blame for his crimes and would willingly die to clear all his faults.

No, I must not let this happen.

Xu Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "Your Excellency, Great Elder, I have no intention of defending Lin Wen, I just want to tell what I have seen."

The four great elders sat silently on the bench, waiting for his performance.

"From Jiangkou City to the front line, I saw roads desolate and villages and towns in dilapidated condition. In the occupied area of ​​Changshan County, it is better. There is a basic order. The peasants are still poor, but they have food and clothing. If they leave the occupied area, it is like entering a mountain village. There are starvation everywhere. Dogs gnaw human corpses by the roadside, and farmers cut dead people to eat in the wilderness. There are endless deserted villages and towns, beggars everywhere, and I can see dead abandoned babies on every road."

There was silence in the compound, Xu Chengfeng continued:

"According to the black information I found, the governor of Shizhou, Gu Xuanli, connived at his subordinates to collect grain from farmers again in the name of imperial grain collection. According to the data, the 1.1 million people in Lingshang County, Shizhou, had collected 430,000 tons of grain again, and the tax collectors extracted an average of 390 kilograms of grain from each person."

"This is the original saying of the county tax collector: 'Farmers are cunning and cunning, and appear poor, but in fact they have a lot of oil and water. They can only be squeezed harder, and they must not be deceived by them. This experience should be promoted throughout the state.'"

"Let's imagine that if calculated according to this ratio, Shizhou has a total of 240.3 million people, and can scrape out 94 million tons of grain."

"The price of imperial food has soared to 6,000 yuan a ton. If calculated at this price, its total value is as high as 560 billion imperial dollars. Excluding the handed over, they have a huge profit of 470 billion."

"In front of such a huge benefit, how can we keep everyone from going crazy?"

"The empire only expropriated 10 million tons of grain from Shizhou, and Shizhou used this name to squeeze out 94 million tons of grain. May I ask, how do the civilians in Shizhou live?"

There was no response, and the elders looked indifferent, neither sad nor happy.

Xu Chengfeng didn't know if his words had any effect, so he could only bite the bullet and continue.

"Sheriff Lin's attack on Shizhou is a truly righteous act. Shizhou has been squeezed to the limit, and the rebel army is just a negligible force."

"If there is another large-scale rebellion in Shizhou, it will undoubtedly deal a heavy blow to the foundation of the empire's rule. Foreign enemies are present, and civil strife will resume, which is not good for us. Even if we kill all the people in Shizhou, we will only get a piece of ghosts. In the coming year, who will grow food for the empire? Who will contribute taxes to the empire?"

"So, Shizhou's behavior is actually killing chickens to get eggs, drying up the marshes to fish, and burning forests to hunt. In order to satisfy their own self-interest and that of a few princes and nobles, they disregard the greatness of the empire!"

"And what Lin Wen did was actually trying to set things right for us and make up for it."

After a long silence, a Great Elder said, "Xu Chengfeng, go back."

Xu Chengfeng felt uneasy and could only say goodbye.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a great elder say: "You have the information in your hand, please keep it."

Xu Chengfeng was overjoyed, and immediately handed over the information in his hand to the guardian envoy at the side, and bowed again to leave.

After Xu Chengfeng left, a Great Elder asked, "How to deal with it?"

Another great elder said: "What Lin Wen did disrupted our plan. He knocked down the big fortress and made a big hole."

"Liang Zi is already dead... This chess piece is less useful by half, and it won't last long."

"Then there is no need to attack him. Use phone calls and telegrams to order him to cease fighting as soon as possible."

The Great Elder glanced at the letters of accusation piled up on the table beside him. Almost all the signatures on the letters were powerful figures from the Weihe side of the empire, and said coldly, "I hope you can last a little longer."

Picking up Xu Chengfeng's black material, he handed it to the guardian envoy at the side: "Order the Council and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council to jointly hear the case. Xu Chengfeng sued the Shizhou case."

A guardian envoy bowed to take it and took the order to leave.

At this time, a red urgent report came to the table of the great elder.

The bulletin reads:

"The Pope wants to negotiate a peace with the Empire."

"Many countries in the world have expressed their opinions and called for peace."

The faces of the four great elders became serious.


Lin Wen is frantically busy in Dadunbao.

He will be reincarnated soon, and he must seize the last moment to brush up good karma and quickly eliminate bad karma.

He used "Tianmo Disintegration" to individually strengthen the part of [Fate of Space] that reduces the relationship between good and evil, and at the same time immediately urged the army to go straight to Panwa County and Chuanluo County.

These two areas were brutally suppressed and massacred by Shizhou, and countless victims were killed. There are still a large number of demons still entrenched in this area.

It's time to liquidate.

In order to ensure that they could not escape, Lin Wen also specially contacted Xu Jieying on the other side of Shizhou, asking the rebels to cooperate with his actions and attack from the south, while he pressed in from the north, and must completely wipe out these monsters in the central mountain.

In addition, there are many, many details. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, he must do it to the extreme.

However, just as he was working hard to cultivate immortality without sleeping and eating, the order for the second truce negotiation hit him directly in the face.

Lin Wen originally thought it was a certainty and restored the communication of the frontline troops.

However, the first message that came after the communication was restored was a huge piece of bad news.

Lin Wen couldn't believe his eyes, I'm already like this, how can you tolerate it? Are you a tortoise?

He immediately called Xu Chengfeng to question him, but Xu Chengfeng told him happily: "Sheriff Lin! The Great Elder has decided not to pursue your mistake! Hahaha, I've exhausted my tongue and used 1.2 million points of effort to get you this result. You should thank me very much, and at least buy me a few drinks."

"What?" Lin Wen was shocked: "Didn't you go to report on me? What do you mean by interceding for me?"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "County Chief Lin, don't be joking. Ever since you scolded Yu Zhongxian face-to-face at the joint meeting, I think you are an honest and good official. There are very few people like you in the empire. Although I don't have the courage to stand up, I still have the courage to shout a few words for the soldiers who are charging forward."

Lin Wen almost crushed the phone.

Oh it's you!

It's a pity that I still treat you as a friendly army, but you stabbed me in the back!

And I actually wasted Yuanshen driving a helicopter to take you to the airport. Isn't this being sold and counting the money for him?

Xu Chengfeng didn't notice Lin Wen's strangeness, he was immersed in the excitement, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about it, I still have to prepare to sue the governor of Shizhou. Now I suddenly discovered that there is still hope for the empire after all, and there is still warmth in the world after all, and this is all because of people like you, we will not let you fall down easily."

You are enough!

Lin Wen gritted his teeth and said, "You are wrong. There are still many people like this. If I am alone, there will be thousands of people standing up. The light will never go out, just like a single spark can start a prairie fire. This world will eventually return to the right track, and all filth will be purified by the eternal flame in people's hearts. My existence is not particularly needed."

Xu Chengfeng felt that his entire soul seemed to be illuminated by Lin Wen's words.

Yes, evil will never prevail over good, and the victory of the people will eventually come.

For the first time, he felt that his heart that had been silent for more than 20 years was beating, as if it was 20 years ago.

He was about to say more, but Lin Wen had already hung up the phone.

Xu Chengfeng didn't mind, he felt as if there was already a spark in his heart, releasing heat continuously.

There's never been a moment when it feels better than right now.


There has never been a moment when I felt worse than now.

Lin Wen felt that his whole body was going to be burned to ashes.

I obviously calculated it so perfectly, even [Luan Zhaoshui] told me it was okay.

It can’t be that supernatural powers are all fake, right?

Lin Wen angrily opened the description of the supernatural power, and saw the word "limited" in "Limited indicates a major destiny related to oneself" at first glance.


Does this mean that what you foretell is "limited"? Might happen, or might not happen?

Is it possible that this situation does not happen?

What the hell.

Even supernatural powers tricked me.

Lin Wen instantly felt that he had lost all energy in his body. The huge blow made him not want to move, and he slumped on the big chair.

Outside the courtyard, the happy laughter of the residents came in, like the mourning at his funeral.

The warm sunshine on his body in the winter afternoon froze his soul like the cold light at -273 degrees.


When Gu Xuanli woke up after a nap, the first message he received was a huge sad news.

Gu Xuanli couldn't believe his eyes, he is like this, can you tolerate it? Are you a tortoise?

He immediately called to question all the people who had sworn to guarantee that this kid would die without a burial, but no one responded.

Only then did he realize that he was in serious trouble, and he stumbled out of the Governor's Mansion. The usually bustling Governor's Mansion was now deserted and deserted, with no one there.

He yelled twice, only to hear his own echo, not even the guards responded to him.

What about people?

Where have you all gone?

Gu Xuanli rushed out of the mansion, and finally found his confidant officials in the compound, Zhang Shuangcheng, Song Ziyuan, but behind them, there were a few unknown officials who seemed to be from the center of the empire.

They all looked young, with a kind of aggressiveness and righteousness unique to young people, which reminded Gu Xuanli of Lin Wen.

He became furious and pointed at them: "Who are you? Who allowed you to break into my house?"

A young official stepped forward, unfolded an arrest warrant, and said in a cold voice: "Governor Gu Xuanli of Shizhou, you have been detained by the Imperial Political Supervisory Council for 18 crimes including dereliction of duty, corruption and bribery, lax governance, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, malpractice for personal gain, condoning the massacre of subordinates, and violating the rights of others."

A large number of imperial guards appeared in every part of the compound. Under their dragon-patterned uniforms, there were glowing cold lights, which were the uniforms for entering the battle state.

Gu Xuanli felt that his soul was pulling away, and everything was going away from him. He collapsed on the ground, feeling that he had no strength in his whole body. The huge blow made him not want to move.

Outside the courtyard, faint cheers came in, like the mourning at his funeral.

The warm sun of a winter afternoon shone on him, piercing his soul like the ray of death.

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