There was no one in the nightclub, only dim lights and deafening music.

Lin Wen followed them through the main venue and came to a luxurious private room, where he finally met the owner of the trip.

The person in charge of the negotiating team, Zhou Weijing.

He trotted over, grabbed Lin Wen's hand, and said with a chuckle, "County Lin, I've been waiting for a long time." There was a long row of people waiting behind him with smiles on their faces, and everyone's faces were full of flattering smiles.

The rancid smell of Vanity Fair hit his face, and Lin Wen felt that he could not breathe. He immediately opened his seven-aperture exquisite heart, and his spirit shrank to the depths of his soul, focusing on cultivating immortals, spells, and fighting. He only set aside a small point to ensure that he could follow their movements.

Then, the representatives behind saw this scene: Sheriff Lin changed from his previous image of being smelly and unreasonable, and became amiable, vivid and charming, smoother and smoother than an old oily person who has been around for thirty years.

Everyone thought in their hearts: "Sure enough, it's just pretending. This kind of kung fu of changing faces and adapting to the wind is very human."

Zhou Weijing, the person in charge of this trip, thought to himself: "Which idiot told me that County Chief Lin was young and energetic, and he was difficult to communicate with, so I dismissed him when I went back."

After talking and laughing for a long time, everyone sat down one by one. Zhou Weijing said: "First of all, congratulations to Chief Lin for the final victory in the Battle of Shizhou."

After a round of applause and congratulations, he continued: "Sheriff Lin, but do you know that Changshan County is already on the edge of a cliff, and may fall off the cliff at any time and be smashed to pieces?"

Qiqiao Linglong said: "I would like to hear the details."

Zhou Weijing said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, everyone knows the story of the child holding gold in the market. Changshan County does not have a reliable alliance yet, but has grabbed so many benefits. Now you are much more dangerous than the child holding gold."

Qiqiao Linglong was extremely worried: "Then what should I do?"

Zhou Weijing said with a smile: "Of course it is to make friends and form a good relationship. When the time comes, everyone will take care of each other. How can you be troubled, County Chief Lin?"

Qiqiao Linglongxin suddenly realized: "So that's the case, I understand."

Zhou Weijing was overjoyed. Sure enough, he was only doing it for the glory and wealth, nothing special.

Young people are naive, and when the time comes, you will be asked to spit out all the food you have eaten...

You are not qualified to play with us, Zhou Weijing is vicious in his heart, but the smile on his face is getting more and more kind.

"Sheriff Lin, I have a way to get you the friendship of many noble people, it depends on whether you are willing or not?"

Qiqiao Linglongxin: "Of course... I don't want to."

"Okay, then I...huh?"

Zhou Weijing thought he had heard it wrong, and when he was about to have a laugh and pass by, he saw Lin Wen's expression changing at the speed of light, from the spring breeze to the frozen ground.

"Where's the money?" Lin Wen asked. It has been more than an hour since Qiqiao Linglong opened his heart, and his hands are still empty.

This made Lin Wen very dissatisfied. While wasting his spells, he was also wasting his precious time.

For him, money has taken a backseat to him now, and the primary problem now is to force Shizhou to accept Changshan County's request, then end the negotiation, return to Changshan County as soon as possible, and carry out his super-large development and reform actions.

He already has countless explosive plans to carry out.

This is also what Lin Wen is most comfortable with now—since he has not been able to reincarnate perfectly, let's make more good luck.

The capital of Changshan County has been accumulated enough to fully withstand the major transformation he has been planning for a long time.

I'm going to make a huge leap forward, and the six-figure good fortune can no longer satisfy me.

I want more, bigger, stronger, longer-lasting karma!

Wasting time here is entirely based on what he called "extremely important benefits."

More than an hour was already the limit he could tolerate.

Zhou Weijing smiled and said, "Don't worry, County Chief Lin, the benefits are beyond imagination."

Lin Wen said impatiently: "Don't waste time, if you don't pay now, I will leave."

Zhou Weijing felt a little strange, but he only thought that the young man couldn't bear his temper, so he brought out a box that had been prepared, and said with a smile: "This is 1.2 million, be careful, I hope County Chief Lin will accept it."


1.2 million per hour, enough to cover Qiqiao Linglongxin's appearance fee.

Let's talk for a while.

Lin Wen put away the box and restarted the Qiqiao Linglong Heart.


Next door to the large private room, the door of a small private room was pushed open. Amid deafening singing and psychedelic lights, Yun Qingshui walked in with several waitresses.

A female official inside greeted her, stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Ms. Yun, hello, I am Li Hongpei, the second person in charge of the negotiating team."

Yun Qingshui reluctantly shook hands with her. She was very uncomfortable with the occasion and asked, "Where is Sheriff Lin? Didn't he ask me to come?"

Li Hongpei said with a smile: "Jun Zhang Lin is next door, we will go over after they finish talking."

She pointed to a translucent window in the private room, Yun Qingshui turned her head to look, and Lin Wen was indeed there, and he was talking happily with a group of people.

Only then did Yun Qingshui feel a little relieved, and sat down.

Li Hongpei handed over a beautifully packaged box with both hands. Inside the box was a gold necklace studded with diamonds on the black velvet, which radiated charming brilliance under the light.

Li Hongpei said with a smile: "Miss Yun, please be kind, please accept."

Yun Qingshui glanced at it, and said coldly, "I don't want it. If you have anything to say, say it as soon as possible."

Li Hongpei has been in Vanity Fair for a long time, and she has never seen any kind of person, and she doesn't care. She put away the box, covered her mouth and smiled: "Then there can only be Sheriff Laurin. Red sleeves, fragrant flowers and night flowers are also the beauty of the world."

Yun Qingshui didn't know how to explain, so she just kept her mouth shut.

A few more women came in the private room, and the following conversations were all about fame and fortune. Yun Qingshui was extremely agitated, and worried about the work in the local area, she was almost restless.

Just as he was trying to find an excuse to slip away, he suddenly heard someone say: "...that person who made things difficult for Ms. Yun has already been beaten to death by us, hehe, a group of defeated dogs in Shizhou dare to bark in front of Ms. Yun, they really don't know how to live or die."

Yun Qingshui frowned, she didn't like that man, but it wouldn't kill him.

Another person said: "That's right, as long as Sheriff Lin and Ms. Yun cooperate with us, we can walk sideways in the empire."

"Whoever dares to disrespect Sheriff Lin and Ms. Yun is not giving us face. Whoever dares to bully Sheriff Lin and Ms. Yun is bullying us. Naturally, we will kill him."

Li Hongpei turned her head, her exquisite makeup was distorted like a devil under the colorful lights: "...we only have a small request, I hope Miss Yun can satisfy us."

Yun Qingshui said indifferently: "What request?"

"Stop insisting on keeping your rules, and reach a settlement with Shizhou as soon as possible."

Li Hongpei added: "We also have good intentions and want to end the negotiations as soon as possible, so that both Shizhou and Changshan County can restore peace."

Yun Qingshui's willow eyebrows stood up in an instant, she tried her best to suppress her anger, stood up, and said coldly: "I don't agree, please leave."

Li Hongpei grabbed her hand and said: "Miss Yun, it's just a matter of saving face, why bother to do this? No matter if you are walking on the grassy rivers and lakes or wandering in the temples, you need friends. You respect me a foot, and I respect you. From now on, we will all be brothers, friends, family and sisters, and take care of things, okay?"

"No." Yun Qingshui said indifferently: "I am not friends with you."

"Miss Yun, this is too outlandish."

Li Hongpei said with a smile, without any haste or embarrassment.

Her smile is always so decent, and her delicate makeup covers the passage of time, making her look delicate and glamorous forever.

"Nvxia Yun, I know that you are very powerful. You have passed the super-advanced martial arts national examination, and you can protect yourself. But what about your family? What about your relatives and friends? To put it bluntly, you will also be pregnant in the future, and there will be times when you will not be able to fight. There will be times when your children will be young, and there will be times when you will be old, and you will encounter trouble at that time. What should you do?"

Yun Qingshui stopped and looked at him coldly.

With a superior smile, Li Hongpei continued: "Look, we crushed the bugs that troubled you today without any backlash, and no one punished us. This is the fate of losers."

Another person said: "If you come by yourself, I'm afraid there will be a lot of troubles, and it will have some adverse effects on Sheriff Lin. As long as you nod, we are all sisters and friends. From now on, everyone will settle things for you."

"That's right, no matter where you go in the future, you will be a high-class lady, and you don't need to be on the same level as those low-level people."

"Have you finished?" She kept her eyes closed while listening to them.

Li Hongpei smiled and said, "It's over, Miss Yun, what do you think?"

Yun Qingshui opened her eyes, her face was full of anger, and her eyes almost burst into flames.

"My idea is," she said through gritted teeth, "that you're a bunch of bugs."

She violently broke away from her hand, turned around and walked out.

At this moment, I heard Li Hongpei say from behind: "The Yun family lives on the shore of Taihu Lake. There are seventy-six members of the family, enjoying the family happiness like a peaceful paradise."

"Miss Yun, am I right?"

Today is a bit short, I cracked all the eggs, and the super explosive point that was originally written in one chapter dragged on for a day. . . . I'll make adjustments and prepare to explode again on the weekend to make up for the loss of book lovers today. . .

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