The resolution of the Supreme Council was quickly passed back to the Qin Group.

Cao Dayan was very dissatisfied with this. The Commander's Office could not send new troops. They only had 120,000 troops stationed in Shizhou, and they were only allowed to fight for two weeks. This was obviously not enough to level Changshan County.

Many generals also expressed their dissatisfaction with this, thinking that the highest meeting was pulling the sidelines, and the sidelines were too outrageous.

As before, Qin Gang rarely spoke. The meeting was presided over by Prince Jun. He stood up and cupped his hands: "Brothers, please be quiet."

The chief of staff still has to give face, and everyone quieted down.

The prince coughed and said, "Everyone, we don't care if the Supreme Council is pulling sideways. Anyway, the elders have marked down the road, and we just follow the road."

Cao Dawan muttered: "But this way is not easy."

Lei Xiangwen stretched out the old man's hand from the conference table and slapped him: "Listen to my brother, what are you talking about."

Cao Dafeng said angrily: "Don't take pictures, I'm so stupid to take pictures, how can I blow up that little bastard in Changshan County in a while!"

"Hey, it may not be you who are going."

"You know what a fart, I have to go..."

Prince Jun coughed, and the conference room fell silent.

He continued: "Although we only sent 120,000 people, it is a regular army. No matter whether it is weaponry or training, it is unmatched by motley troops."

All the generals nodded in agreement.

In the eyes of the major regions, except for their own, all local armies are motley troops, weak chickens without combat effectiveness.

The prince raised a finger: "This is one."

"Secondly, the remaining troops in Shizhou are also under our control. There are about 400,000 people left. Although their combat effectiveness is very poor, we can send generals from the regular army to take over them, and we can also provide them with weapons and armaments.

"Thirdly, the major groups have also agreed to send mercenary troops to support them. There are not many people in this group, but they are not a weak force when combined."

"Fourth, Changshan County has killed too many people in Shizhou, and there are many grievances. The local gentry and dignitaries will also assist us. We are close to fighting on the ground."

After finishing speaking, there was warm applause in the conference room, and Cao Daman shouted: "Brother is reliable! Once you say it, my mind will clear up."

Xu Zongheng, the governor of Xuzhou, said, "I will flatter you."

"That's what I can do." Cao Daman said triumphantly, "You can't, so you're jealous of me."

"Okay." The prince stopped them, "The next step is the battle plan, you all listen to me."

Hearing that the legendary chief of staff was about to talk about combat, all the generals sat up straight.

"I collected all the battles in Changshan County so far, large and small. After a long period of research, I found the following characteristics."

"First, Changshan County's intelligence and detection work is excellent. They have never been ambushed, never outflanked, and have always fought the enemy from an advantageous position."

"Secondly, Changshan County's tactics are extremely treacherous and changeable. Sometimes they plan and act carefully, and sometimes they use dangerous moves to win by surprise. Sometimes they are upright and upright, crushing the enemy head-on with a majestic army. Sometimes they are insidious and cunning, using various shameless tricks to entrap the enemy."

Cao Daman shouted at this time: "Isn't this normal? I will use whatever tactics are beneficial. I don't necessarily have to be civilized in war, right?"

Commanders such as Zhang Liyuan and Li Xueyou also agreed.

Prince Jun shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Human thinking has its limitations, especially on-the-spot tactics. When you face a complex battlefield situation, there are countless options in front of you. It is difficult for you to judge which one is better. You will choose and decide tactics according to your instinct and your past experience."

"This is especially true for a person who has reached the pinnacle in a certain field. Of course he will use other tactics, but it is difficult to have a choice to use tactics in another field, let alone reach the pinnacle level in that field. And I look at the tactics of Changshan County. They have reached this level in almost all fields. Their ambush, counter-ambush, sneak attack, counter-sneak attack, interspersed flanking attack, disturbing the enemy, attacking the enemy, interfering with the enemy, and killing the enemy are almost all at the top level."

The prince paused for a moment, with a little puzzlement in his eyes.

"It's hard to explain it with a genius. I don't think it even resembles the way of thinking of humans. Their chief of staff is said to be a woman. I don't know whether it is Sheriff Lin or this unknown chief of staff who decides their tactics internally, but I am inclined to the latter, at least it can be discussed with Sheriff Lin."

"That's why I have another suggestion here, to investigate the chief of staff and wait for an opportunity to assassinate or murder her."

Qin Gang shook his head and spoke in a rare way: "The agents in Changshan County are of a high standard. Our agents have more important things to do. Don't waste this energy."


The prince bowed slightly, skipped the topic, and continued.

"Third, there are many incomprehensible things in the battle in Changshan County. Mud pits and cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, the city wall collapsed, the ground collapsed, the tunnel dug without any movement, etc., and the strange fireball-like Dongfeng-31 missile, and the 502 solvent that can quickly dissolve soil and rocks. All of this shows that Changshan County has many technologies that we cannot understand."

"Different from the outside rumors, I haven't found the source of their new tactical weapons yet, and it doesn't seem to be produced in Huangpai's arsenal or laboratory, but I can't be sure about this. Maybe it has something to do with the high-tech weapon laboratories overseas."


Prince Jun concluded: "All of our tactics against Changshan County must focus on prudence, no sneak attacks, no aggressive advances, and push forward step by step. It doesn't matter if they are slightly disadvantaged. We must force them to fight us on the frontal battlefield."

"This is my strategy, I'm done, thank you."

After finishing speaking, the conference room fell silent.

Many generals except Cao Daman felt that it was not acceptable.

In this way, we can only fight tough and foolish battles in a rigid manner.

Anyone can fight this kind of battle, so how can they show that they are different?

Moreover, they also feel very unconvinced, why am I not as good as Changshan County?

It's okay for them to count those idiots, but how could they count on me?

Although Cao Daman can accept it, he is not very satisfied. I am not only good at fighting tough battles, I am also very smart.

But Wang Zijun's authority as chief of staff has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they did not object.

Finally, the candidates for the expedition are decided by the commander in person.

A total of two army commanders, thirty-two senior officers, and seven hundred mid- and low-level officers were selected.

Sure enough, Cao Daman was among them.

The other is Li Xueyou, the leader of the army and the leader of the Vietnam Gang.

They will go to Shizhou to take over the command of all the troops, and use a large number of middle and low-level officers to lower the command to the troop company level in order to completely control the army.

But the real commander is still the General Staff of the Southwest Region.

Cao Dayan was very excited, his rough face was full of ferocious smiles.

"Stinky boy in Changshan County, if you dare to touch my money, I will tell you to die without a place to bury you."


To the Winter Palace.

Life is not easy for the Supreme Council.

After going through many troubles, he inexplicably lost a supreme speaker in East Qinzhou.

There are a total of eight Supreme Councilors, except for Yu Zhongxian himself, the remaining six are his people.

Yu Zhongxian is already the de facto chief.

Just wait until the next rotating meeting starts, and he will sit on the throne of chief supreme judge.

However, the chief deliberator needs the support of more than three-quarters of the highest deliberations.

Therefore, the support of the six chairpersons is very important.

The loss of a chairman means that he must spend a lot of energy to support a new chairman, otherwise there will be loopholes in his system.

If there is a flaw, people will take advantage of it.

But what really made him angry was that Liu Aimin was lost in an ordinary operation.

Also died inexplicably.

I don't know who killed it, and I don't know how it died.

A steel needle shot from his throat, piercing his celestial cap.

According to the forensic judge, from the point of view of the wound, there should be a person directly below him, holding a super powerful nail gun and shooting upwards.

But there were so many people present, Liu Aimin squatted with his head down, who couldn't see a living person?

According to the calculations of weapons experts, the barrel of this powerful nail gun must be at least 1.5 meters long.

But Liu Aimin is not even 1.5 meters tall.

After a round of reconnaissance and reasoning, there are contradictions everywhere, which cannot be explained everywhere, and there is no way to make use of it.

Dead in vain.

It is simply inconceivable that a Supreme Councilor can die in vain.

This is a huge scandal for the council.

Yu Zhongxian can only believe that it was the ghost of Changshan County. They used some unknown means to create the murder.

Now he regrets very much that he didn't attack Chang Shanjun with all his strength at the beginning, but left the work to one idiot-like subordinate after another.

Those idiots didn't accomplish anything other than wasting the council's resources to deliver food.

"I must kill this little beast."

Yu Zhongxian made up his mind, and the pent-up anger in his heart had reached an intolerable level.

No one had ever dared to so ruthlessly reject the Council's offer.

Not only rejected their kindness, but also killed the special envoy they sent, and sentenced him to crimes against humanity to show the canonical punishment.

It's just a slap in the face and shit on the face.

It stands to reason that the Council has all judicial oversight powers. If the lunatic who only convicts crimes against humanity was in another region, he would have been killed by the Council long ago.

However, Changshan County has the power of jiedu, and the power to appoint and supervise all officials belongs to the county magistrate, even the headquarters of the empire, and can only be impeached.

No one has the right to move him and his subordinates unless it is decided by the Supreme Council.

And today's meeting also showed that it is not feasible to directly impeach the county chief, and the elder will not allow such a blatant attack to pass.

It is also very difficult to deprive Jiedu power.

Li Longxing made it clear that he stood up for that kid, and if the emperor of the empire didn't nod, then only the resolutions of the four great elders could make it.

But the Great Elder will not openly tear himself apart from the imperial power.

Humph, don't be too happy.

Yu Zhongxian is very clear that Changshan County is not without weaknesses. Because of its series of crazy behaviors, there are loopholes all over its body.

As long as Changshan County fell into collapse and chaos, and the county chief was unable to control the situation, the council would have legitimate reasons to propose depriving him of his power of jiedu or removing him from office.

As long as the Jiedu power is lost, the vajra body guard of the Changshan county chief will disappear.

Then, Changshan County will soon fall apart under the blow of the council.

But now, Changshan County ignored the fruits of victory, ignored the armistice agreement, and continued the war, giving the Council a great opportunity.

Let them continue to implement the plan to defeat Changshan County.

"Hmph, little beast, your greed will be your grave."

Yu Zhongxian smiled darkly.

"If you don't take the fruits of victory bestowed upon you by the heavens, I will punish you instead of the heavens..."

If Changshan County had ceased fighting at that time, it would be difficult for the council to continue to attack.

"Hehe, what an idiot."

In the quiet council hall, the cold light shone from the sky, Yu Zhongxian got up from the chief Iron Throne, summoned his subordinates, and prepared to give Yu Changshan County a fatal blow.

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