Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 392 Lin Wen's Dimensionality Reduction Strike

When Lin Wen came to the gate of the county government hall, he happened to meet Lao Xie and Lei Tiantong discussing with a large group of people about holding an auction.

Because there are so many valuables looted from Shizhou, in addition to precious metals, there are also many works of art, jewelry, jewelry and so on.

The valuation and sale of such items are very cumbersome. Due to the extremely poor foreign relations of Changshan County, entrusted sales are not reliable, and there are commissions.

After careful research, they decided to hold a public auction in Jangsan County to sell some hard-to-sell items.

Old Xie said complacently: "Mr. Lin, this is all an idea I came up with. Old Lei is not stupid. He doesn't have such flexible thinking at all."

Lei Tiantong didn't care about Lao Xie's showing off.

He knew very well that in the finance department, in order to show that his position as director was well-deserved, Lao Xie would oppose him to any opinions.

It even went against common sense, once he casually said that lunch in the cafeteria would taste better with less salt, so Lao Xie insisted that the cooking chef put more salt.

There is too much salt, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, high spirits, good spirits and no sleep, and "why sleep more when you are alive, you will sleep forever after death", this kind of slogan has been chanted.

And since the loot from Shizhou came rushing in, the finance department worked overtime crazily. Although the overtime pay was sufficient, no one could bear this kind of overtime like 007.

In addition, the lunch box at noon was so salty that no one could eat it except Lao Xie, and a large row of people fell ill within a week.

In the end, Lei Tiantong came up with a solution. He found that Lao Xie's root fear was that Lao Lei did too well and his position would not be stable.

So they used their tricks, publicized more overtime work, and craved salt, and specifically stated that this was the opinion of Lei Tiantong, the director of the Finance Department.

Sure enough, Lao Xie immediately thought that Lao Lei wanted to turn around and launched an attack, and immediately did the opposite. He publicly listed the nine major hazards of eating salt, and asked the canteen chef to cook salty and light dishes.

It was also announced that in the future, overtime work should not exceed 36 hours per week. The right way is to combine work and rest, concentrate on doing things with high efficiency.

Sure enough, after the new measures were put in place, the patients in the finance department recovered one after another, and the efficiency of the office increased steadily. Lao Xie smiled and finally returned to normal, and even willing to talk to Lao Lei at work.

The relationship between the two has returned to its original appearance.

Since then, Lao Lei has completely controlled the working methods of the Finance Department. Whenever Lao Xie does well, he does things in silence and does not speak.

Whenever Lao Xie didn't do well, he immediately summed up the matter and put it into his opinion, and Lao Xie would immediately turn to the right direction and rush forward.

As a result, the work of the finance department became smoother, Lao Xie smiled more and more, and the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious. Sometimes, Lao Xie even specially invited him to have a tooth-beating ceremony—you must know that in the past, Lao Lei always treated guests, and Lao Xie never took anything away.

The auction is the same this time. Lao Lei directly proposed not to hold the auction. Lao Xie's eyes lit up when he heard it. The auction is a good way to solve the current problem of the Finance Department selling stolen goods.

So it was decided immediately, not only to hold the first auction house in Changshan County's history, but also to hold it on a large scale, and it must be prosperous and lively.

As Lao Xie continued to brag, Lin Wen ignored the wind as he flipped through the auction plans they had prepared.

This is a very well-regulated plan, and Lin Wen gave up halfway through reading it: "This plan is void."

Old Xie was taken aback: "Why? We've been working on it for a long time, and we're starting to make preparations..."

Lin Wen had a lot of things to do, so he didn't bother to talk to him, so he said directly: "According to me, I tell you to remember."

Several clerks and staff by the bystanders immediately took out their small notebooks and pens, and acted as a sign of serious listening.

"First of all, choose a super-large venue, the bigger and more gorgeous the better."

"I'll change the name to something a little more sensational, and the first auction of Transverse Eternal Nine Heavens and Ten Lands is the best."

"The publicity funds are too small. Give me ten times the amount. Overseas publicity is also required, and at least it must be translated into hundreds of languages. Note that most of the overseas publicity is actually in China."

"Every attendant and staff member of the auction must hire a professional performer. They must have exaggerated facial expressions. Before the opening, they must be arrogant and look down on people. During the auction, they must be wildly shocked and take a breath of cold air. After the auction, they must be dejected and terrified."

"The most important thing is to have a compelling style, there must be a compelling style, whether it is the decoration, personnel, atmosphere, lighting, commentary, everything must have a compelling style."

Lao Xie heard that Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, and asked, "What is compulsion?"

Lin Wen was a little impatient, but still said: "Describe to me your daily life ten minutes after you got up today."

Lao Xie scratched his bald head, and said embarrassedly: "I just messed up my stomach by eating recklessly yesterday, and kept pulling on the toilet..."

"Okay." Lin Wen raised his hand to stop him, "I'll describe this in another way, listen carefully."

Take a deep breath and step forward.

When he reached the seventh step, he stopped and said in a slightly sad tone.

"The white plain paper at the fingertips is like the untainted wings of an angel."

"Cold, numb, and irritating throbbing."

"I owe myself an apology and start to ache for yesterday's inadvertent insolence."

Lin Wen glanced at Lao Xie's dull eyes: "Do you understand?"

There was no answer, everyone looked the same as Lao Xie, only Lao Lei said softly: "Style, packaging, atmosphere."

Lin Wen smiled, Lao Lei's voice was very soft, only he heard it.

"Brand." Lin Wen also added in a voice that only he could hear.

The eyes of the two met, and everything was silent.

"Then let's do this."

Lin Wen smiled and said that when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, there is another point. After all, these are trophies. Some people may have scruples. You have to emphasize in the publicity that our secrecy is very strong. Guests can hide their identities and hide their faces to participate."

Lei Tiantong said: "County Lin, the auction needs to be registered with the industry and commerce, and it must be supervised by tax officials..."

"Oh," Lin Wen interrupted him, Lao Lei is not good at this, he can't escape the rules: "Let me ask you, whose business is the business?"

"Changshan county business..."

"Whose tax is the tax?"

Lei Tiantong already understood what Sheriff Lin meant, "But if we do this, you will be held accountable."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Who will be responsible if the county chief doesn't blame you? Are you working under the leadership? You can bear the blame, can you afford it? Any mistakes you make are directly responsible to me, and I am also responsible for the indirect ones, because I am the county chief."

After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone's demented expressions, turned around and left.


The auction was just a matter of passing by, and Lin Wen's real target was Xiao Xiao.

The Nadao Grain Exchange is the top priority of this trip.

Breaking through the empire's grain market will inevitably bring him a lot of good luck, as well as a lot of money and hatred, which is the most important part of his plan.

The establishment of a grain exchange is the most important point in this link.

The so-called exchange is a platform for trading bulk commodities, and it is a supermarket that affects the price of a certain commodity.

For example, the former London Metal Exchange in the world, its publicly released transaction price is widely used as the benchmark price of world metal trade.

Lin Wen named Nadao because he hoped that it would become a dominant exchange like Nadao, form a monopoly and control the pricing power of grain.

At least it must be able to influence the pricing power of food.

Xiao Xiao is in the Office of the Planning Bureau. This man is basically the same as when he first came to Changshan County. He still has flowing hair, a high nose and star eyes, white and tender skin, red lips, and the air of a poodle.

It's just that the aristocratic atmosphere that was once rich has disappeared in the long-term confrontation with small businessmen.

Lin Wen once set three dead rules for those affiliated with the Planning Bureau:

1. Violent law enforcement is not allowed.

2. Swearing and insulting are not allowed.

3. Confiscation and forced payment are not allowed.

Xiao Xiao must manage all illegal operations, road occupation, littering and other illegal matters within the limits of these three rules.

This is more than just a worry, you don't have the power to enforce the law, who is afraid of you?

Xiao Xiao came to Lin Wen many times to protest, but Lin Wen's reply was: "The incompetent likes to make excuses, if you can't do it, let me do it."

Xiao Xiao is extremely strong, and never hears that you are incompetent, you are not good, you cannot do such things.

In his philosophy, this is equivalent to bowing to fate and saying goodbye to the goddess.

This is absolutely intolerable.

Therefore, such a doctor of economics who graduated from the highest institution in the empire took a large number of officials to the streets to investigate in person, and sat among small merchants for half a month to understand their behavior, thoughts, and concepts, and even went to battle for a period of time.

Then he suddenly understood.

The peddlers are not looking for accidents because they have nothing to do, and they want to embarrass the county government office. It is nothing more than that it is easy to sell, convenient, and labor-saving. The idea is to make more money.

The solution is simple, first plan the market and let the business do where it should be.

Second, it makes it more expensive to do business where it shouldn't be.

For example, use infrastructure or city decorations to affect the location of stalls.

Chengguan or stand in advance, no stalls are allowed, or manual onlookers are not allowed, which will affect the operation, or divert people at the intersection, and stop the source of tourists.

If someone pushes and beats them, it is a violation of the law, and the security guards will deal with it.

In this way, Xiao Xiao and the traders fought wits and bravery under the rules set by Lin Wen, and even went into battle in person, confronting the shrew.

That scene can only be described as hot eyes.

He also has a deep understanding of the depth of the wisdom of the masses and has benefited a lot from it.

After this period of tempering, Xiao Xiao finally understood why many of his previous perfect policies that were theoretically impeccable turned into a mess in the end.

It is because he regards people as a bunch of data in economics and uses his imagination to determine their behavior.

Policies are for people, and if you don't understand people's policies, you will be damned if you don't fail.

Xiao Xiao, who had an epiphany, felt that his skills had improved greatly, and when he was about to find Lin Wen to display his grand plan and hegemony, Lin Wen suddenly called and gave him an earth-shattering task, which made Xiao Xiao so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

During this time, Xiao Xiao has been frantically preparing for the exchange.

The exchange is not an ordinary thing. A powerful exchange can influence the price of the whole country or even the whole world.

Its establishment is very cautious. If Changshan County does not have independent economic rights, this thing must be approved by the Supreme Council.

The approval process alone would take more than half a year, but now, it only takes one minute.

Xiao Xiao printed out all the procedures and stamped them by herself.

The process is over, but there are more difficulties in the actual construction. If the new exchange wants to quickly establish a strong influence, the source of bulk commodities is a must.

Xiao Xiao specially built the exchange not far from the grain warehouse.

First, the transportation is convenient, and second, seeing is believing.

When Lin Wen came in, he was examining the architectural drawings of the exchange. When he saw Sheriff Lin coming, he immediately jumped up and said, "Your arrival is just in time, Sheriff Lin. Let me introduce my grand plan to you."

Xiao Xiao's whole body exuded a smell of oil that hadn't been bathed in ten years, he turned his head and shouted: "Everyone come here."

All the people in the office gathered, most of them were very young, Xiao Xiao proudly said: "These are my brothers and sisters, they are all outstanding students who studied under Yan Yili, a master of economics."

"Hello, Chief Lin." They said in unison.

Lin Wen glanced at it, and his demeanor was basically normal, but he respected Xiao Xiao very much, but he was more perfunctory towards him.

Lin Wen didn't care, and said, "Talk about the plan."

"Okay!" Xiao Xiao was very excited. This was the first time in his life that he led such an important event, and it was a turning point in his fate. How could he not take it seriously?

"We are going to build the exchange here. Here are the drawings. Here is the construction period. I will build it in a month..."

"No." Lin Wen interrupted him immediately, "Build it for me within a week. The building must be high-end and elegant, and the water, electricity and communication network must be guaranteed by the best."

Xiao Xiao opened her mouth a few times like a fish landed on the shore, and said blankly: "How to build it in a week?"

"Build the skeleton with prefabricated panels and steel pipes, seal it with soil, and I... the Java engineering team will come to petrochemical."

Lin Wen can still afford the amount of mana for a building.

Xiao Xiao froze for a moment, feeling that it was different from what he had imagined. His original plan was to throw out an earth-shattering huge plan, and Sheriff Lin knelt down and bowed down.

I didn't expect to encounter setbacks at the beginning.

That's ok, it's just construction, not my field.

Xiao Xiao made up her mind, and continued: "After the completion, we plan to use real goods to trade first, and then gradually grasp the right to trade futures. The price will start from 4,000."

Lin Wen shook his head: "It's too slow, just let me smash it through, sell it from 2,000, and make futures from the beginning."

As soon as the words fell, the colleagues behind showed mocking expressions, Xiao Xiao said helplessly: "Sheriff Lin, do you know what futures are?"

Lin Wendao: "It's the expired goods."

Xiao Xiao's brothers and sisters all laughed, and said with a big red nose: "Mr. Lin, the principle of futures is very simple. It means that I buy a ton of grain at the current price, and you will give it to me in a year. The one-year contract for this ton of grain is the futures."

"Buying and selling futures is buying and selling this contract."

A woman with freckles sneered and said, "Sheriff Lin, you are an outsider, so don't come to direct the experts."

Lin Wen glanced at her, and said with a sneer, "Let's talk about what futures are."

"Didn't you understand?" The freckled girl repeated it again, mockingly: "Do you understand, Sheriff Lin?"

Xiao Xiao wanted to stop it, but she didn't know what to say, Lin Wen said coldly: "What's the difference between this and the expired goods?"

The freckled girl was stunned, and thought about it carefully, buying it now and delivering it after one year is due, isn't it the expired goods?

But these words are so simple, this group of people only came to their senses now, and Sheriff Lin actually used concise language to describe what futures are.

Big Red Nose coughed and said, "Then you should know that the core of futures is reputation. Without credit guarantee, no one will trade with you."

A guy who was still holding a fan in winter said with a smile: "So, we have to make real things first to accumulate reputation."

Lin Wen sneered and said, "If there is a group of idiots in the world, it's the academics like you."

This blow made everyone's faces turn red, and the red nose said angrily, "What's your opinion? Let's hear it."

Xiao Xiao thought of something: "You want to sell short-term futures?"

Lin Wen nodded.

Xiao Xiao hurriedly said: "We have this plan. Look, this is a one-month futures cash. We will directly sell the contract. The price is 4,000 per ton..."

Lin Wen shook his head and raised a finger: "One day."

Everyone was dumbfounded, Xiao Xiao lost her voice: "One day's futures?"

Lin Wen nodded with a smile: "Yes, one day, one day later, you can come to us with a deed to pick up the grain. One deed is 10 tons, and the price is only 20,000 yuan. On average, each ton of grain is 2,000 yuan. If you sell 100,000 pieces a day, I ask you, is there anyone coming to buy it?"

Xiao Xiao swallowed her saliva, her voice became hoarse: "Yes, of course."

This is simply picking up money for nothing. After taking the contract, they will stand at your door and drag the food away the next day.

The gross profit of a contract is 40,000, which is faster than stealing money.

"We sell this kind of futures for five days. After five days, the one-day futures list is reduced to 1,000. We will mainly sell three-day futures, that is, the goods will be delivered after three days."

"Same price, sell 100,000 copies a day, let me ask you, is there anyone buying it?"

Xiao Xiao's face was bitter, and everyone around her looked like they had been struck by lightning.

"Yes." he said.

"After five days, we will mainly sell ten-day futures, which will increase in turn, until twenty days, one month, half a year, and one year. Is there anyone buying?"

Xiao Xiao felt that the sky was spinning, the earth was spinning, and the people around her were spinning too.

There is no such thing as economics.

This kind of boldness that devoured the world, and his clever thinking with strength, deeply shocked his soul.

"No, not right!"

Red Nose suddenly yelled: "We don't have that much grain! I calculated that we will sell five million tons of grain in the first round, and we only have less than 20 million tons of grain. We can only last until the fourth round, which is twenty-day futures. What about the fifth round of one-month futures?"

Lin Wen sneered and said, "Grab it, my 400,000 troops on the front line are for nothing?"

The red nose choked, all of a sudden, all his pride was shattered into pieces, this person was not in the same dimension as them at all.


Lin Wen smiled happily, and pointed his finger at the indicator of half a year.

"Who told you that I will cash out the futures half a year later?"

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