Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 398 The Storm Is Coming

Zhao Minggong contacted a large number of coal mines and mine experts through the Imperial Geological Association.

When they came to Jiuling Mountain to inspect this abandoned "coal mine", they were almost sent away by Lin Wen's 3,000-meter-long mine entrance.

This passage extending downward at a 45-degree angle is as long as it goes straight to hell.

At first they thought it was 200 meters, and after walking 200 meters, they found that the front was still pitch-black. They thought it was 500 meters, and after walking 500 meters, it was still pitch-black.

When they felt wrong and wanted to return, a fat guy behind accidentally fell, and then he knocked everyone off like a bowling ball.

The slope at an angle of 45 degrees is actually a very large angle. If someone hadn't grabbed Lin Wen's handmade metal support pillars wittily, they might have rolled the remaining 2,500 meters.

But the disaster did not end. When they climbed up, they realized that climbing uphill at a 45-degree angle was a thousand times more tiring than going downhill.

And if you step on the ground, you may fall directly into reincarnation.

A group of people held hands and moved up slowly in a ball. They came down at 7:00 in the morning and finally returned to the cave entrance at 12:00 in the morning.

When they breathed fresh air again, the tears of joy felt like they were born again.

Afterwards, they finally picked up their lost IQs, tested the length of the passage with the instruments they carried, and were shocked to find that the passage was three kilometers long.

A burst of rage surged from the rectum to the esophagus. They rushed into Yang Shaohu's administrative office and quarreled inside, thinking that Changshan County was committing murder. If they didn't pay them one million each, they would go back to the Geological Association to sue Changshan County for viciously murdering imperial experts, consuming imperial talents, and spreading the matter widely.

It happened that Lin Wen came to look for Yang Shaohu, and he was not happy when he heard it.

"Are you mentally retarded? I went down just fine, but it's your turn to die?"

The leader's triangular eyes exploded on the spot: "If you can go down on foot and come up again, I'll call you dad on the spot."

Lin Wen glanced at him: "You are not worthy."

The whole face of the triangular eye was flushed, and he said angrily: "What are you talking about? Brat, do you know who I am? Speaking out will scare your soul away, and scare you to death on the spot!"


"Listen well, my name is Bi Yuntao! Bi Yuntao is known as the god of coal mines in the empire!"

Lin Wen looked at him expressionlessly, the surroundings were quiet, no one was shocked or died.

Instead, a few female staff members came to their senses and screamed: "Stinky rascal!" Throwing several mineral water bottles on the back of the triangular eye's head.

The scene was very embarrassing at one point, Lin Wen coughed and said, "Hey, uh, brother Tao, why don't we make a bet, if I go down and come up, you can repair this mine for free for Changshan County."

Bi Yuntao sneered, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

The upper echelons of the empire knew a little about biochemical transformation, unlike the lower echelons who were all guessing.

If there is something wrong with this guy of unknown origin, wouldn't he be fooled?

The cost of this group of people is very high. Although Changshan County has money, the next big reform will cost a lot, so it is better to save a little. Lin Wen thought for a while and asked, "How do you want to bet?"

Bi Yuntao rolled his eyes: "Didn't you say that there is a coal mine underneath? In this way, you can lay a railway track down within a day, and I will agree. If you don't lay it, I will think you are cheating!"

Yang Shaohu and the others felt that they were making things difficult on purpose, and when they were about to refute, Lin Wen readily agreed: "Okay, it's a deal, you guys come to check and accept tomorrow."

the next day.

When Bi Yuntao led the expert team over, there was already an extra railroad track in front of this unremarkable underground passage, extending from the inside of the passage to the outside of the passage.

Bi Yuntao almost thought he was hallucinating. Looking at the way the railroad track was laid to a distance of one kilometer, it seemed that he really went straight to the bottom of the mine.

On the other side, Lin Wen had already slid over on the mine cart, and said with a smile, "Brother Tao, come down with me to find out?"

Before Bi Yuntao could speak, Lin Wen fished him up, pushed the mine cart, and the mine cart drove directly into the tunnel.

Bi Yuntao shouted: "What are you doing? Let me go!"

But it's too late.

The minecart was accelerating rapidly, slipping down the track.

The slope at a 45-degree angle and the smooth rail made the speed increase sharply, the dark picture crashed into the field of vision, and the gust of wind blew his voice away.


The rumbling sound of the mine cart vibrated in the passage. Lin Wen turned on the light on the miner's hat. The light dispelled the darkness, but it only brought greater terror. The supporting pillars every ten meters in the mine tunnel crashed into his vision faster and faster, and the terrifying wind blocked all sounds.

They seemed to be falling into an endless abyss, and the lunatic stood in front of the unprotected minecart with open arms, as if embracing death.

"Mommy mommy!"

Bi Yuntao's face was covered with snot and tears, and he hugged Lin Wen's waist for fear of being accidentally thrown out of the car.

The minecart vibrated violently. It wasn't a matter of the flatness of the ground. The channel created by the spell was a completely accurate square.

Lin Wen laid the rails with his own hands, and directly embedded the sleepers into the ground.

This is when its speed reached its peak, and the vibration caused by the huge wind barrier.

"Hahahaha! I want to fly against the wind and soar ninety thousand miles!"

Lin Wen's blood was rising and he was passionate. He wished he could go faster, and it would be best to break through the speed of sound.

And Bi Yuntao behind him has been seized by fear, from hugging his waist to kneeling in the car and hugging his thigh, crying: "Please, please! Stop, stop! I promise, I promise!"


With the loud screeching sound of brakes, the minecart decelerated rapidly, sparks splashed in all directions in the darkness, quite a gorgeous beauty.

When the speed dropped to an acceptable level, Bi Yuntao finally looked better.

But he still didn't dare to stand up, and held on to the edge of the mine cart until the feeling of falling disappeared, and the mine car came to a flat ground and stopped completely.

Bi Yuntao's hands and feet were weak, and it took a lot of effort to climb out of the mine cart.

Lin Wen smiled and said, "You keep your word, you won't end well if you cheat on me."

Bi Yuntao's face turned blue and then pale, and finally he just snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I, Yuntao, never break my promise."

Lin Wen nodded: "Very well, then I will show you around this coal mine."

Bi Yuntao was originally contemptuous and thought he was unlucky, but he was soon shocked.

"What? This passage leads directly to this cave? Did you dig it out? Why is your geological survey so accurate?"

He glanced at the bottomless cave.

"Just for drainage! All the water can be drained here, and the channel is even sloped... My God, there is no more perfect drainage system than this! This is simply a work of art!"

"Where's the coal seam...underfoot? My God, are we stepping on coal seams?"

"This, such a high content...and such a vast space, isn't this an open-pit coal mine?"

"Oh my god, a two-kilometer-deep open-pit coal mine! I can't believe that this mine can be abandoned... Oh, you dug the back."

"This digging is too accurate, your geological exploration is simply a god!"

"Wow, this is an unprecedented miracle project. If I succeed, I will definitely be able to enter today's selection and become a legend in the industry. With the support of my teacher, I will be an academician of the Empire!"

"This is the glory of my life!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Bi Yuntao suddenly laughed wildly, and he jumped while laughing.

"Hey! Post it! I post it! I post it!"

Suddenly he turned around and pinched Lin Wen's hand, and said anxiously: "Hurry up, send me up, I'm going to do my best to prepare for the coal mine project."

Along the way, he was extremely excited, and the CAD in his brain never stopped, and he didn't realize how the mine cart went up without power.

Afterwards, Lin Wen handed over the affairs here to Yang Shaohu, and ordered him to complete the work as soon as possible and produce as soon as possible.

He has completed the main part of the coal mine, and what remains is all the details of a coal mine, such as ventilation, drainage, security, transportation, power and so on.

Lin Wen didn't understand these things, so he let professionals do it.

He is mainly strong and flexible than machines, but he does not have much advantage in real detail work.

Yang Shaohu agreed, and he has established the Changshan County Coal Mine Company.

This is still an imperial company, belonging to the Changshan County Government Office, a local government enterprise, and managed by the Imperial Capital Office.

He had recruited 12,000 people from among the refugees, and in addition to the 10,000 miners, there were 2,000 support, maintenance, and security personnel.

Currently in active training.

Lin Wen continued to deal with other affairs.

During this period of time, preparations for the first [Transcendence Eternal] Auction are almost complete.

The main venue is a requisitioned auditorium that used to belong to the religious tycoon. The religious tycoon has been shot by the Changshan County Forbidden Magic Masters, and this auditorium has become the private property of the Changshan County.

The decoration of the auditorium has a very sacred and solemn religious atmosphere.

The decoration personnel hired by a lot of money carried out the transformation on this basis, making the auditorium more sacred, noble and beautiful.

However, Lin Wen disliked its religious aura, so he manually added some elements of Azathoth and the Great Old One into it. Unexpectedly, there would be a violent chemical reaction.

The monotonous rigidity is gone, the sacred and the evil collide, the order and the chaos oppose each other, the light and the dark, wisdom and ignorance, resulting in the breath of philosophy born out of thin air, and quickly becomes rich.

The few sculptors and artists hired at high prices were suddenly full of inspiration, freed from the boring work of money, and the source of art gushed out in their brains.

They frantically swayed their artistic cells in the auditorium, and what they did has deviated greatly from the plan, but Lin Wen did not restrict their freedom.

They popped up in the auditorium as they pleased, smeared their art on it, and occupied every reserved area. Lao Xie had a lot of opinions on this, which affected his overall layout.

But Lin Wen prevented him from interfering.

When they were completed, the entire auditorium became a palace of art, and all conflicts of elements became harmonious under the mediation of art.

Architects have inserted various layouts from time to time to make them more reasonable and more suitable for the building itself.

After all the work was done, the entire auditorium no longer looked like it was before, and there were asymmetrical buildings, boxes, stages, and seat layouts everywhere.

There are swaying art everywhere, incomprehensible evil gods, angels of divine light, and looming stories of confrontation between light and darkness, hidden in a large number of Ukiyo-e-like works of art.

Even people who don't understand art can feel its noble and extraordinary atmosphere.

Lin Wen also recruited a large number of historical inventors and asked them to fabricate a long paragraph of evocative stories for each work of art, and put these stories together, requiring each staff member to recite them backwards.

At the same time, the promotion of the [Hangduan Eternal] auction house has also been fully rolled out, and its holding date is also set to be five days later.

Huai Town is also undergoing urgent renovations, at least to make the facade a little more beautiful. Although it is not as good as Sui Yangdi's silk wrapping the tree, it is at least to the extent of holding G9.

After all, this means that the people of Changshan County will have a lot of money in the future, and how much Lin Wen's good fortune will be.

at the same time.

The Nadao Grain Exchange has also been built, and the clay model will be completed in a few days. Changshan County is not high in anything, but high in efficiency.

Lin and Wen [Turned Soil into Stone] went down, and the exchange was completed.

The rest is decoration and installation of water, electricity and communication.

As a futures exchange, trading terminals are naturally indispensable, and online trading is also inevitable.

There is no problem with these two Changshan County.

However, the terminals of the exchange were rejected by almost all places. No one wanted to offend the Grain Group. They prepared 300 terminals and only sent out a total of 5.

There are three emperors, all of which were collected by Li Linyue.

There is one in Zhongzhou, which was received by Wang Bo'an's sister.

There is one in Yunzhou, which was received by Zhao Chaoyang.

But it doesn't matter, Nadao's opening announcement has already been typed out, and Xiao Xiao is gearing up for the biggest trader in his life.


Southwest District.

Supreme Commander's Office.

Prince Jun made a final summary: "... As above, I bear the main responsibility for this defeat. At least two armies in Changshan County have the strength of regular troops close to the front line. From now on, the incident of 60,000 fighting against 300,000 cannot happen again. If it is more than one to two, it will be regarded as a disadvantageous battle."

"Li Xueyou must lead 300,000 adapted troops into battle as soon as possible."

"I have tacitly allowed the Gelug people to enter the Tianjiang River from Lanshui, looting and disturbing the occupied areas of Changshan County."

"In the next battle, we must ensure absolute air supremacy."


"at last."

The prince paused for a moment, and his expression became gloomy.

"The giant troop of the Council will join the battlefield and attack Changshan County with us. If necessary, we must cooperate."


The entire conference room was boiling, and many generals and military leaders jumped up. They could not accept fighting with the council, let alone the giant army of the council.

The wounds inflicted on them by the Council of Giants will never be forgotten.

In the war with the council, it wasn't until the later stage that the Commander's Office came up with a plan against the giant army that they had an advantage.

But before that, countless brothers died at the hands of giants.

But when they collected the corpses, they discovered that the giants had the habit of eating corpses.

This makes military generals who regard honor as their life intolerable.

"This is an order from the Commander-in-Chief."

With just one word from the prince, the quarrels and protests were quelled.

For a while, there was a deathly silence in the conference room.

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