Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 412 Heart of Love


Chuanluo County.

"Well, honey, I'm here."


"I only see you, you are the only sun."


"No matter how many thorns there are in the world, as long as there is you, life will be sweet."


"It has nothing to do with how powerful the person you like is, it's the beating heart."


"You are number one, and far ahead."


"All princesses, living or dead, are far less than you in case."


"I'm quite philandering, but it's all on you. It wasn't before, but it is now, and it will be in the future."

Bang bang bang!

"Well, dear, goodbye, may you shine like the stars and the moon, bright and clean every night."

Lin Wen hung up the phone, turned off Qiqiao Linglongxin, and crushed the last human head.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fate +131.

This is a group of crazy bullies and bandits, thinking that killing Lin Wen will end the big cleansing that Changshan County carried out in Shizhou, and their good days will return.

As it turns out, this is a dream within a dream.

Ending the purge is a dream, and killing Lin Wen is a dream within a dream.

During this time, Lin Wen has been running around in the land of Chuanluo County.

In the process of establishing the peasant association and eliminating the remnants, Yun Qingshui, according to his guiding spirit, gathered all those who could not be convicted of capital crimes on the spot and waited for his trial.

There are already dozens of gathering points like this in Chuanluo County.

Lin Wen went from city to town, and every time he went to a point, a large number of people would die.

Therefore, some good people nicknamed Lin Wen, "The God of Death is Coming", and laughed at him for dying wherever he went.

This nickname was so vivid that it spread like wildfire. Everywhere Lin Wen went, a large number of villagers cheered: "The god of death is coming!"

When the Forbidden Curse Mage Group heard that someone had slandered Sheriff Lin, they were enraged and quickly followed the clues to arrest this person.

After a detailed investigation, it was found that this person was just talking, not a spy sent by the enemy.

But there were still many judges who supported the shooting, and the person in charge couldn't make a decision, so the news was reported to Yun Qingshui.

Yun Qingshui was a little hesitant, and the brothers of the Democratic Party had different opinions. Most of them advocated shooting, but the butcher firmly opposed it.

"There are some people in the village who are the worst. If you want to say that he has any bad intentions, he has no bad intentions. This kind of people are similar to rogues, but they haven't really done anything crazy. It is not in line with Brother Lin's spirit of only killing people with proven crimes. I suggest leaving it to Brother Lin."

Yun Qingshui instinctively leaned toward the butcher, but in order to convince everyone, she still called Fang Yaobo, a top legal expert well-known far and wide, to seek legal support.

After Fang Yaobo listened, unexpectedly he did not declare a crime against humanity immediately, but said: "This is beyond the scope of conventional law and only applies to the law in time of war. I suggest leaving it to Sheriff Lin. This case can be kept as a classic case to provide a basis for future punishments."

Therefore, Yun Qingshui locked the slobber with a group of evil gentry and bullies. When Lin Wen arrived the next day, that guy was so scared that he peed his pants. It was okay to tease others, but it would not be fun if the god of death came to him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wen released him directly and told them that County Chief Lin scolded casually and did not commit a crime.

This result was completely beyond the expectations of Yun Qingshui and everyone else. No one could accept this result, let alone accept that their leader could be slandered casually.

Yun Qingshui called Fang Yaobo again.

After Fang Yaobo finished listening, he immediately said: "I understand. Sheriff Lin meant not to exaggerate his status too much, but to treat him as a natural person. Maliciously insulting, threatening, and slandering others is illegal but not criminal. You can conduct public security management, detain him for fifteen days or one month, or fine him according to the consequences."

Nightingale's eyes lit up, and she asked softly, "That is to say, if someone scolds Brother Lin, we can fine him a lot of money?"

"It depends on the consequences." Fang Yaobo explained: "For example, seriously hurting the feelings of the masses is a serious consequence."

A happy smile appeared on Nightingale's little face. She couldn't accept her beloved Brother Lin being insulted.

"Then all of us are heartbroken, can we fine him several million..."

Fang Yaobo said: "Let's punish him according to the proportion of his assets. If he has no money, he will be detained for 15 days, and he will be educated for reform and criticism."

The brothers of the Democratic Party laughed, they are best at criticizing education.

The butcher praised: "As expected of a well-known legal expert, what he says is thoughtful."

Fang Yaobo smiled embarrassedly: "I also achieved this little achievement after the adjustment and education of Sheriff Lin. According to what Sheriff Lin said, I used to be a cold and ruthless baguette. I didn't even know that the essence of law is to serve the people."

Nightingale looked at the phone eagerly, and whispered, "I really want to be trained by Brother Lin..."

Yun Qingshui hung up the phone, and said softly: "Listen to Sister Yun, forget Sheriff Lin, go on a blind date tomorrow, I have already agreed on the man, that man is very strong, very... er, lively, looks good..."

The butcher hurriedly said: "That's right, when he was plowing the land, I sang a folk song. He kicked the cow away with a rush of blood and plowed by himself, and he plowed faster than the cow..."

Nightingale pouted, unwilling to pay attention to them.

In this way, the matter was resolved peacefully, and the cadres of the Democratic Party explained and publicized the words of the law.

The folks in the village all praised Chief Lin for his benevolence, righteousness, and grandeur. They used to dare not comment on big men, but the people from Changshan County are kind and friendly. Qiu has committed no crimes. He distributes food and money to them and fights bullies. The relationship between the two parties has reached the level of trust.

And this news spread quickly, and some bullies and bandits who hid in the deep mountains and haven't been caught heard about it.

They immediately figured out Lin Wen's route, and excitedly learned that he was traveling alone, so they wanted to kill the culprit who had brought great disasters to innocent people on the way, and restore Shizhou to a bright future.

The end result is of course food delivery.

With Lin Wen's current strength, only the regular army and special forces can pose a threat to him. Ordinary robbers are just a plate of vegetables, not much, but crisp and delicious.

While eating takeaway, Lin Wen answered the call from the first princess.

Now the princess calls more and more frequently, and Qiqiao Linglong's heart is exhausted very quickly.

Lin Wen feels that it is not a problem to continue like this. There are too many places to use Yuanshen now, and Qiqiao Linglongxin is also very expensive.

Gotta figure out a way.

Lin Wen thought while rushing to the next point.



The headquarters is busy, everyone is like crazy, walking and running, communicating and shouting, everyone can't wait to break a second into a hundred seconds.

Ever since Lin Wen made up his strategy for the campaign, the troops of Changshan County have attacked everywhere, and the occupied area has been greatly expanded, and the ensuing affairs have piled up.

However, Qin Luoshuang knew very well that Changshan County was very dangerous now, like walking a tightrope on a cliff, if he was not careful, he would fall into the abyss.

But in the entire headquarters, except for Xia Neng who understood her, no one knew that their current behavior was almost equivalent to rebelling against the empire.

In their minds, whoever has the bigger fist has the final say. I won the fight, so of course I can do whatever I want.

But the problem is that the civilian police (security guards) are watching with handcuffs. Secret warfare is not a legal war. If you cross the line, the empire will punish you.

No matter how big your fist is, can it be bigger than the three million Central Army?

The special envoy of the Supreme Council arrived at Dadunbao, Shizhou the next day.

Qin Luoshuang received him on behalf of Lin Wen. The purpose of the special envoy was very simple, which was to end this war of tacit approval.

Qin Luoshuang tried every means to delay time, but since he is the special envoy of the Supreme Council, who hasn't seen him?

He quickly froze his words: "Miss Qin, please immediately implement the Supreme Council's truce order according to the stipulations in the letter, otherwise we will consider that you are about to rebel or have already rebelled."

Qin Luoshuang took the letter over and read it twice. The clauses were not changed much from last time, except for one more item, asking Changshan County to return the surrendered or rebellious troops to the western part of the empire.

This clause seems to have suffered a disadvantage for Changshan County, but in fact it made Changshan County and the western region connect and form a friendship.

Since then, Changshan County has an ally who can resist the strong pressure of the Qin Group together.

Qin Luoshuang sighed inwardly, this is really the pinnacle of the art of power balance, it is worthy of the great elder's handwriting, smooth and smooth, light and natural, everything seems to be logical.

It was a perfect ending, acceptable to all parties.

And Changshan County will also leap into the dragon's gate and successfully join the real power faction of the empire, becoming a force that can speak.

But it's a pity.

I can't promise.

Although Qin Luoshuang disagreed a million points in her heart, but when the decision was made, she would do it wholeheartedly, and would not deliberately slow down or delay work because of objections, anger or bad mood.

She flipped through the letter and said indifferently: "There is no logo of the Supreme Council on it, nor the seal of the Great Elder. I can't be sure it is true."

The envoy's tone cooled down, and he was obviously angry: "You are an illegal war, a war that is not recognized by the empire, and it is the result of the internal interest struggle of your major groups. It is impossible for the Supreme Council to issue any formal documents on this."

Qin Luoshuang pretended to be Xiaobai on purpose: "Is that so? Are you lying to me?"

The envoy frowned and looked at her, not sure if she was faking it for a while.

"Maybe it's Sheriff Lin's lover who wears his tiger skin and sits in a high position." The special envoy thought to himself, and at the same time looked down on the legendary Sheriff Lin.

How can you let someone else handle important political affairs?

What's more, she was an ignorant woman who had nothing but beauty.

It seems that Sheriff Lin is probably also an idiot who is dominated by his lower body.

"Call County Chief Lin to come here." The special envoy said coldly, "The matter is so important that you cannot take responsibility."

"What do you mean?" Qin Luoshuang frowned and said, "What do you mean this lady can't take responsibility? County Chief Lin obeys me, even if I tell him to go west, he won't go east. You little special envoy, what are you looking like? Believe it or not, I'll tell someone to beat you out?"

The special envoy was very irritable. He didn't like to talk to unreasonable women, but it was obviously inappropriate to arbitrarily think that Changshan County violated the instructions of the Supreme Council.

He went out and dialed Lin Wen himself, but the phone rang from the back room.

Qin Luoshuang picked up the phone and said with a sneer, "I told you, everything here is under the control of Miss Ben, and County Chief Lin is no exception."

The special envoy held back his murderous intentions, so he had no choice but to walk in, trying to explain the truth clearly.

But the woman in front of her is an idiot at all, she doesn't understand anything, but she thinks that the whole world must listen to her.

After a few hours of nonsense, the special envoy couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a sneer, "Okay, don't regret it."

Turn around and leave.

Qin Luoshuang let out a long breath, of course it was impossible to get away with it, but with the First Elder, there was more or less an explanation, there was room for change.

I hope there will be a good result.

Qin Luoshuang looked anxiously at the setting sun in the distance.

And in the distance, Lin Wen just found a hidden grain depot, and was excited to find that it was a huge grain depot, which contained at least five million tons of grain.

Changshan County will have another large amount of grain.

He rushed to the next town non-stop, and while cleaning up the garbage, he was also digging the granary hidden on the land of Shizhou.

On the other side of the distance, Li Zairong once again rounded up the entire audience, bought two million tons of grain futures, and got 200,000 contracts for tomorrow's delivery.

This is already the third day.

The contracts for the previous two days have been delivered, and a total of 3 million tons of grain has been transported from Changshan County to their real and safe base camp - Longjing by water.

They spent more than 90 million yuan in freight for this, with an average of 30 yuan per ton of grain.

And this is just a drop in the bucket, the purchase of these 3 million tons of grain alone costs 6 billion, and various other expenses, including advertising, public relations, marketing, taxes, etc., add up to more than 10 billion.

This kind of huge amount of money can only be spent by a super giant formed by dozens of groups like them without changing their faces.

Li Zairong glanced at Nadao's weird and simple signboard, and sneered: "You want to fight against us? Don't weigh yourself."


A mouthful of thick phlegm was spit at the front door.

Li Zairong walked out with his younger brother with his head held high, surrounded by financial reporters.

Let me see how much food you have left.

On the day when your credit goes bankrupt, I tell you to spit out all the money you have eaten, including the principal and interest.


further afield.

A dilapidated third-tier city.

On the cracked road, a van drove past with a loudspeaker, attracting the attention of countless people.

"The bastard boss Huang He brought his sister-in-law..."

Faint background music.

"The boundless world is mine..."

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