The depth of the landslide was about six meters. The protective power brought by [Air-Forbidden Divine Power] was comparable to steel, and the strength it brought was about as big as a hundred adults. It was one of the most cost-effective spells among all Lin Wen's spells.

The only downside is that the duration is too short, only an hour.

It took Lin Wen only three minutes to dig out the landslide.

Before the people inside could react, Lin Wen ran out and took the corpse away.

As soon as Lin Wen left, a whip and others came here.

As soon as the landslide happened, Lin Wen and Qin Luoshuang knew about it at the same time.

As the biggest spy chief in Changshan County, Qin Luoshuang keenly sensed a hint of conspiracy.

Since the return of Shizhou, the strength of the KGB has been greatly enhanced.

A large number of experienced spies returned to the county, a large number of recruits completed training and joined the team, the department has expanded to more than 10,000 people, and a dedicated KGB headquarters has been established in New Town.

This is Zhao Minggong's opinion. He thinks that Huai Town is already a bit crowded, and the county government office should be moved to the new town.

Huai Town should be regarded as an important economic town.

The headquarters of the Forbidden Magicians also moved to New Town, next to the KGB headquarters.

The second phase of the new town has already started to be built under Huang Mingxiao's leadership. The town has expanded outwards on a large scale. The mud houses and mud roads in Niujiao District, Changle District, and the new district have been demolished and rebuilt one after another.

In this context, the two departments set an example and moved to the newly planned empty blocks.

After Lin Wen found out, he intervened and built a square in front of the two major departments, insisting on calling it Luyang Square.

Qin Luoshuang didn't know why, but thought it was Lin Wen's weird hobby.

Since Lin Wen had also handed over the power of the dragon group to Qin Luoshuang in name, she believed that she was also the leader of the dragon group, so she decided to build the headquarters of the dragon group there as well.

So, four people including a whip and the unlucky Qi Mu were forced to go to work in the empty headquarters.

After the landslide incident, Qin Luoshuang realized that if the enemy destroyed it, it must be an unconventional special warfare body.

It is impossible for ordinary enemies to break through the protection of the current KGB, and Changshan County is guarded like an iron barrel.

In this case, she dispatched the dragon team without hesitation.

Originally wanted to call Bald Qiang, but now Lin Wen didn't have the Yuanshen to recharge the talisman paper of Bald Qiang's five-member group, so he turned off the phone.

Qin Luoshuang had no choice but to dispatch the four-person team with a whip.

In fact, she didn't particularly trust these four people. They had a strong royal style, reminiscent of the legendary royal guards.

That person once told her that the royal guards, like the imperial guards, are weapon-grade human constructs transformed from the empire's national treasure, the original body.

They are equipped with reproductive weapons on their limbs, driven by cold nuclear energy, and protected by reproductive devices under the skin. They have strong personal combat capabilities, but they are very expensive and cannot be mass-produced.

But on the other hand, it also shows that Lin Wen is indeed deeply involved with the royal family.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, there are still many contradictions. Qin Luoshuang thought that there must be something she didn't know, so she didn't pay too much attention to it.

When a whip and others arrived at the landslide, the landslide had already been dug through, and a hole the size of a washbasin connected the inside and outside.

Bi Yuntao was leading a group of engineers to carefully investigate the sudden abnormal phenomenon, but there was no sign of a second landslide.

Bi Yuntao carefully dug the entrance wide, and after feeling the flow of the wind, thousands of miners and staff behind him all cheered.

Bi Yuntao desperately made gestures to silence, but soon discovered that the collapsed upper floor turned out to be a rock structure, and it happened to be arched at the entrance to distribute the pressure of the ground.

Bi Yuntao was stunned, which completely violated the common sense of geology. If such a structure really existed, it would be impossible to collapse.

The engineer behind him has long been familiar with the strange thing, Changshan County is full of strange things——

There are rock buildings housing millions of people, high-quality roads that are not built by humans, rock bridges that cross a 100-meter-deep pit, 300-kilometer tunnels that pass through vast mountains, fishing grounds in rushing rivers, and flood control dams that seem to be cut out by God.

Compared with those miraculous projects, it is not so unacceptable that an arched rock structure just fell down during the landslide to support the formation pressure.

Therefore, they didn't pay too much attention to the rock vault, but saw a whip and others outside the cave collecting battle remnants on the ground.

"Hey! Who are you?" shouted an engineer.

The four quickly collected all the traces, saluted him with a whip: "Dragon Group!" and then quickly evacuated.

The people inside were stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly cheered together: "Dragon group, it's the dragon group!"

For the residents of Changshan County, the famous dragon group is already a symbol of all legends and incredible.

When a foreigner comes to Changshan County and talks to any resident of Changshan County, he can tell you that he will not rest for three days and three nights.

Bi Yuntao and other experts have heard about it, but this time, they finally saw the truth.

The word spread quickly.

"The dragon group is coming!"

"Great, we're saved!"

"It was the dragon group that saved us!"

"Long live Sheriff Lin!"

"Quick, quick, catch up and get an autograph!"

"That's right, I want the autograph of the fierce tiger of the empire. The love story between him and Ms. Yang is so touching."

"That's right, I cried several times, and that big lobster from the empire... I want to scold him, Miss Xu loves him so much, he doesn't even know..."

Bi Yuntao and others quickly saw how much the people of Changshan County loved the dragon group. It seemed that they were not trapped in the two-kilometer-deep underground, but came to the two-kilometer-deep adventure paradise.

The miners rushed forward one after another and dug up the entrance, but Long Zu and others had already gone away.

Everyone sighed and returned, so they had to contact the ground by wired phone to report the situation, and then the foremen even proposed to resume work.

Bi Yuntao felt that his three views were about to be shattered. A fatal danger just disappeared like this?

The mine carts around started to move again, the foremen began to shout slogans again, and the workers began to dig the coal seam under their feet again.

Bi Yuntao looked around, as if the earth-shattering landslide had never happened, only a few smashed mine carts proved that everything just now was not a dream.

Even the engineers around began to continue working, inspecting the opening, adjusting the plan, and continuing to install the sorting system.


Bi Yuntao grabbed an engineer.

"Don't you find it strange?"

The engineer shrugged: "Teacher Bi, aren't there many strange things happening in Changshan County? I'm not surprised anymore."


After a whip waited for people to come out of the cave, the management personnel of the coal mine came in a hurry.

They avoided the men and brought out the collection in a hidden place.

Big Mac took out a large number of identification equipment from the tactical backpack, and the small iron pick used these equipment to conduct a preliminary identification of the collected debris, blood and unknown mucus.

A whip Wenbo said: "Judging from the scene, there was an unknown creature lying in ambush underground, trying to carry out an assassination operation but was quickly resolved."

The quick shooter took out several signal repeaters: "This is found in the mine tunnel. It uses this thing to transmit the signal to the ground. It must be an organized special warfare body."

"That is to say, the landslide is man-made."

At this time, the little iron sign shouted: "Captain, captain, this is definitely a special combat individual of the Liman class. Its tissues are full of mutated cells, especially the mitochondria. The energy it can provide with aerobic respiration is forty times that of a normal adult! And this broken chitin shell is an unprecedented fiber bundle structure, and its strength is comparable to that of a steel plate."

A whip Wenbo's face became serious: "There is no doubt that this is a fourth-level biochemical weapon. This should be a new weapon of the council or the evolution sect. Hurry up and make a report and send it to Chief Qin and His Majesty."

Li Fan was taken aback by Xiao Tie's signature: "Officer Qin wants to issue it too?"

Wen Bo knocked his head hard: "We are members of the Dragon Group now, and Chief Qin is our chief."

"Then why did we send it to His Majesty?"

Wen Bo knocked him on the head again: "Idiot, let your Majesty come down to help Changshan County."

Li Fan, the little iron sign, covered his head and sent two encrypted telegrams with an unhappy expression.


imperial capital.

To the Winter Palace.

As soon as Yu Zhongxian returned, he immediately completed the internal rectification, cleaned up some people who were restless after he left, re-established order, and once again took control of the power.

Subsequently, Yu Zhongxian announced the failure of giant group operations, divided the remaining giant troops into small teams, and returned to the field of special warfare.

He also ordered all special warfare military experts to study the special warfare forces in Changshan County, collect their information, and find ways to fight against them.

The Gray Clothes Cult has gained attention again, and the mass production of gray cattle has been put on the agenda.

This is because the biochemical base in the Papal State has already been established.

Yu Zhongxian reached an additional agreement with Mo Zhai, the head of the Papal State—every time he helped him produce a giant, he would provide a beggar or a pariah as a raw material for producing gray animals.

No matter how lenient the imperial emperor's decree was, it could not control the Papal State.

In this way, the council has more and cheaper combat weapons.

At the same time, according to Wang Xinwei's strategy, the council will start to defeat Changshan County in terms of economy and public opinion.

Of course, it would be best if the head of Changshan County could be killed.

However, like every previous assassination, this time the assassination still failed.

When the signal was cut off and only snowflakes remained on the screen, Yu Zhongxian couldn't hide the livid color on his face anymore.

De Luo, who personally controlled it, was even more unacceptable. He shouted: "My lord, the special warfare body in Changshan County has special tactical weapons that can create phantoms and even become invisible. Is this something that our current technology can do?"

Zhang Dongxu, a famous military expert on the other side, sneered: "You underestimate the development speed of human science. Our agriculturalization has lasted for thousands of years. The first industrialization took only 200 years, the second industrialization took only 100 years, and the informationization took only 30 years. This shows that the development of human beings is accelerating. I dare to predict that within ten years, human beings will surely ascend to the sun.

"As for this..."

Zhang Dongxu glanced at the video playback just now.

"It's just a simple light and shadow effect. If you have relevant technical reserves, you can break through it in a few months."

The dean De Luo is a biological expert, and he doesn't have a deep understanding of the frontier science of the empire, so he is dubious about Zhang Dongxu's words.

Yu Zhongxian said with a livid face, "We'll talk about technology later, let's talk about how to deal with Changshan County first."

Zhang Dongxu said: "The concept of invisibility has long been applied in the military. Invisibility to radar and invisibility to infrared rays are common methods of invisibility. Changshan County's invisibility is only invisibility to visible light. We can use other means of detection, or directly use fire suppression."

Dean Dro took over the conversation.

"My lord, I think we should take a two-pronged approach and send the men in gray to sneak into Changshan County and destroy his economy and production by self-destructing."

Wang Xinwei, the chairman of the council, nodded: "I will accuse the chief of Changshan County of being incompetent and unable to protect the civilians under his rule."

"Elder Mo provided us with cutting-edge special combat vehicles. We used these weapons to attack the military forces and special forces in Changshan County and weaken their defensive capabilities."

Wang Xinwei, the chairman of the council, nodded: "I will accuse Changshan County of wantonly expanding its armaments and plotting wrongdoing."

"I will create a virus in my biochemical laboratory and put it in Changshan County to attack his ruling base."

Wang Xinwei, chairman of the council, nodded: "I will accuse Changshan County of inhumane production of biological and chemical weapons, disposing of biochemical waste at will, leaking viruses, and causing humanitarian disasters."

Yu Zhongxian said coldly: "We must continue to exert pressure to drive Changshan County into a desperate situation, take away his Jiedu power, strip his financial power and military power, and only then can he be torn to pieces."

Wang Xinwei asked: "What if the Supreme Council pulls back?"

Yu Zhongxian sneered, "The Supreme Council can't protect Changshan County too much."

"Empire, it should be fairer."


Lin Wen found a place and burned the monster's body to ashes.

God knows if this kind of ghost thing is poisonous, if some kind of biochemical leak T-virus infection turns Changshan County into a raccoon city, it will be terrible.

In order to ensure safety, Lin Wen himself took a bath in the fire, so as not to bring the virus back.

[Qi-Forbidden Divine Power] Not only provides strength and physical protection, but also provides a kang. The high temperature of more than 1,000 degrees is the feeling of warm water.

However, defense is still Lin Wen's biggest shortcoming. Armor-piercing bullets, artillery shells, rockets, cloud explosion bombs, and white phosphorus bombs can all pose a fatal threat to him.

In addition, Lin Wen also lacked invisibility abilities. [Mirror Flower and Water Moon] only lasts ten seconds, which is too expensive to be practical at all.

[Paper Moon Suspended] can only provide camouflage colors, and cannot guarantee complete invisibility.

In addition, Lin Wen still lacks practical spells such as curse and mind control.

However, judging from the types of spells provided by the system, it seems that it does not have these underworld spells.

There is only one useless [Soul Search] in the spell list, which can obtain memories from dead people.

This coincides with Lin Wen's philosophy.

Moreover, Lin Wen feels that even if there is, it probably won't be used here. There is no soul in the sense of cultivating immortality in the physical world, [Soul Search] can only play half of the effect, and spells like [Chasing Soul] are useless at all.

This is also the reason why it has been difficult for Lin Wen to fight back against the council.

If you act recklessly, the end will be suicide, he has already confirmed it.

Lin Wen was also very busy in the past, and he had been immersing himself in cultivating good fortune and developing Changshan County, so he had no time to waste on it.

But this time, the council angered him.

It's time to settle the bill with you.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Even if you block it, it is a good thing for Changshan County to be self-reliant.

It doesn't matter if the public opinion attacks and smears, I don't want reputation anyway, as long as the Changshan County can be whitewashed by the Changshan County.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a win-win situation?

But you come to destroy every day, and I still develop poorly?

There is no good karma, and the bad karma may have soared.

It didn't take long for the council to feel disgusted. The council had come since Lin Wen had just ascended the throne of the county sheriff.

Since Qin Luoshuang established the KGB, the council has rarely caused substantial damage to Changshan County.

But the appearance of this monster proves that the KGB cannot fully protect Changshan County.

For Lin Wen, this is the most unacceptable thing.

Come at me if you have the ability?

If you insist on destroying my good fortune tree, you will be courting death.

Therefore, Lin Wen decided to temporarily postpone his big development plan and deal with this threat first.

Of course, Lin Wen was still very cautious and asked a special question.

[Is it the council that ordered this monster to attack Changshan County? 】

Consumption: 5%.

As soon as Lin Wen thought about it, only 1% of Yuanshen was left.



Lin Wen clenched his fists.

You are dead.

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