Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 436 It would be great if handsome could be eaten

Huai Town has always been the only well-developed place in Changshan County. It is located on the easternmost small plain of Changshan County. As soon as you enter from Changshan Highway, Huai Town can be called Huai Town.

Huai Town is now developing very well, its area has expanded by more than five times, it has annexed the adjacent Donghe Town, and Qingze Township, which is full of laborers, and occupies most of the best part of Changshan County, with a population of more than 2 million.

After more than half a year of renovation, Huai Town has changed a lot now. Looking around, the infrastructure has been completely renovated, the avenues are clean and spacious, street lamps are erected in rows, buildings are row upon row, and shop windows are dazzling.

Although it is not unusually prosperous, it also makes people feel relaxed and comfortable.

This is also the only place in Changshan County where there is light at night.

After more than half a year of extensive development, more than 50 residential buildings in Huai Town have been completed, with a total of more than 200,000 commercial houses. The new buildings and houses have been connected from the original border of Huai Town to Donghe Town, and then to Qingze Township. The entire small plain has fallen into its embrace.

Since then, the weather in Huai Town has broken through the pattern of the town, and is moving towards the pattern of the city.

This is Zhao Minggong's most proud handwriting, and it is the development plan he has painstakingly planned for Huai Town for more than 30 years. Not only Huai Town has achieved unprecedented development, all dilapidated and abandoned places have also been revitalized under its influence.

I once thought that I would not be able to see things in my life, but it came true in this short period of a little over half a year.

It's a pity that County Chief Lin has no right to change Huai Town into Huai City.

In the empire, counties and cities are an administrative level. It's just that a county is usually composed of rural towns and large open areas, while a city is a relatively densely populated area.

The rank of the chief of a city is half a rank higher than that of the chief of a county.

If the city is the capital of a state, it will be half a level higher.

If it is still super-first-line, it can be one level higher. At this time, the chief is already an imperial-level high-ranking official, only half a level lower than the governor, and can enter the Supreme Council to vote.

Shenjing, Longjing, and Wujing are all like this, and Yaojing is still half a step away.

But no matter what, Zhao Minggong is still planning it as a city. Now Huai Town not only has the third ring road, but also will soon build an airport, subway and light rail.

Because the Java engineering team possessed excellent hole-drilling ability, Mr. Zhao Minggong specially invited County Chief Lin to discuss the construction of the subway.

"County Chief Lin, if the Java Engineering Team can undertake the subway project, Huai Town will soon enter the subway era. I have consulted the First Construction Bureau, and their quotation is 80 million per kilometer, and the 50-kilometer line will take two years to build."

Lin Wen didn't plan to take over anything else, the ground digging project worth 80 billion was enough for him to keep busy for a while.

But when Lin Wen heard the cost of 80 million per kilometer, Lin Wen immediately agreed.

"Also, Commander Lin, the Changshan County Airport has been approved by the Imperial Air Traffic Management Bureau. From then on, there is another flight route from Changshan County to the three super first-tier cities in the empire."

Lin Wen nodded: "What do I need to do?"

Zhao Minggong said with a smile: "The experts from the Air Traffic Management Bureau took a look at our site selection and thought that the site is not safe enough from the Yunxiao Mountains. We must move another 30 kilometers to the south, but the location of the airport was carefully planned by me, and construction has already begun."

"Experts say that it doesn't matter if you don't move it, just cut off the eastern peak of the Yunxiao Mountains by a thousand meters... So, County Chief Lin, I'll leave it to you."

Holy crap... Lin Wen's mouthful of blood was stuffed in his throat. Cutting a mountain for a thousand meters was tiring. Even he would have to cut his waist, but he still agreed.


Hey, hey... You still have it, I'm going to be exhausted, you know? Lin Wen glared at Zhao Minggong, hoping that what he said would be less serious.

"The geographical location of Changshan County is actually very good. It is located in the middle of the empire. It is the only passage connecting the east and west of the empire among the two mountain ranges. However, because the 300-kilometer-long mountain on the west side blocks this road, Changshan County has turned into a ghost land where birds don't shit."

Zhao Minggong vividly made a metaphor: "It's like the main artery is blocked by a thrombus."

"If this blood clot can be opened, the empire will not only have smooth blood flow and double its vitality, but Changshan County will also become a thoroughfare connecting the east and west of the empire. This will bring countless development opportunities and fundamentally change the poverty of Changshan County."

"Sheriff Lin, this is the fundamental strategy for the development of Changshan County."

Lin Wen felt that his heart had stopped beating, and he asked with a glimmer of hope, "Isn't there a path leading to the Qichuan Mountains?"

This is when he prepared to fight Shizhou, he dug a passage from the middle, leading straight to the Qichuan Mountains in the west of Changshan County, and built a military camp there as a forward position at that time.

Now, it has even become the main barracks of Changshan County, and the headquarters has moved there.

Zhao Minggong smiled wryly and said, "I asked, but Ms. Qin disagreed. She said that this road is for the military and not open to civilian use."

Lin Wen said angrily: "There is such a thing? Does she still talk about democracy? I will call her immediately! Ask her to agree."

"Don't stop." Zhao Minggong immediately stopped him, "Sheriff Lin, I can actually understand her difficulties. And that passage is not suitable for civilian use, it almost passes through the mountain all the way, and cannot connect the villages and towns in the mountains."

He took out a road map that he had already prepared.

"Look, County Chief Lin, this is my carefully planned road route, which not only takes into account safety and speed, but also facilitates the connection of various villages and towns."

Zhao Minggong said in a heavy tone.

"We need to know that the villages and towns in Dashanli, Changshan County, have hardly enjoyed the dividends of our development. They are very poor, without electricity and water, as if living in primitive times."

"Besides, because the mountain road is dangerous and difficult to find, it has become a hiding place for a large number of criminals and drug dealers, and a paradise for impunity. If we can make the natural danger smoother, it will not only be of great benefit to the development of Changshan County, but also shine the sun and the power of the legal system into places that have not been able to shine before, which is a great thing."

Lin Wen didn't want to agree at first, but he gritted his teeth and agreed when he heard "great benefit" and "great good thing".

Zhao Minggong showed a gratified smile: "I knew that Sheriff Lin could do it."

Lin Wen, on the other hand, felt that Alexander, with so many things, every cent of soul in the future will be broken into two petals.

At this time, the phone in his arms rang, and it happened to be from Qin Luoshuang.

However, it is a strong call with a bald head.

Lin Wen hung up the phone directly, and with a thought, seven talisman papers floated out of the lucky bag hanging by Qin Luoshuang's side, flew out of the KGB headquarters through the window, and landed on the nearby muddy ground.

The mud wrapped the talisman paper, and the clay figurines gathered into shape. When they stood up and took the first step, they still looked like mud.

When the second step is taken, the outline of the person appears.

When he took the third step, the eyes were black and white, the skin color changed, the bald head was shiny and reflective, and the outline of the leather armor tights was clear.

When you take the fourth step, you are no different from ordinary people.

Thirty seconds after Qin Luoshuang broadcast the call, Bald Qiang led the Pleasant Goat Brigade into the KGB headquarters.

Qin Luoshuang was in the hall, surrounded by countless agents, and the atmosphere was tense.

The moment they stepped in, everyone's eyes were attracted. One wanted to stop them, but when they saw the words "Dragon Group" on their chests, they stopped.

Under the eyes of countless people, the seven people came to Qin Luoshuang and lined up.

Yishui's muscular bald men bowed together and said, "See Chief Qin."

The hall was silent, and the sunlight came in from the door and reflected on their bald heads, making many people unable to open their eyes.

Qin Luoshuang was also in a trance for a moment, but immediately came back to his senses and said: "There is an enemy situation 23 kilometers to the west, these are the coordinates, you all rush to support immediately."

The seven bowed again, and when they walked out of the headquarters, they immediately asked Lin Wen for help through the induction of the spirit-giving puppet and the caster:

We need 【The Art of Divine Movement】.

Enchanted puppets can inherit part of the spell effects.

Lin Wen sighed lightly, Shan Yuan's spellcasting has not yet recovered, and [Fate of Space] is not in the state of heaven, and the spell reduction is not 50%.

Originally only 5% of Yuanshen was used, but now 7% is used.

But it doesn't work either.

As soon as Lin Wen thought about it, the light of the spell flashed on his body.

As soon as [Spiritual Walking Technique] was used, the seven bald heads suddenly accelerated and rushed away in full view, scaring the KGB agents who were following behind.

"This, this speed is over a hundred! It's faster than a racing car!"

"Quickly, notify the agents of the Second Regiment to take over the observation!"

"No. 7, No. 7, quickly set up the reconnaissance radar, the Dragon Group agents are here!"

"Frontline, frontline, hold on and don't fight recklessly! The dragon team is here to support."


On a peak of the Taixu Mountains, all agents retreated into a temporary outpost.

At the beginning of their guard mission, they were told that this was a mission to prevent the invasion of the fourth-level special forces.

Once you find the enemy situation, report it immediately and return to the stronghold, don't fight.

Their task is to carry a lantern-sized siren and carry a steam pack to patrol the mountain.

Blowing the whistle every three to five minutes can ensure that there are no enemies within 1,500 meters.

It took Qin Luoshuang three days to initially set up a line of defense.

For the first three days, all was well.

Even the best-trained agents feel that their actions are more artistic than practical.

But the high quality of the agents still keeps them vigilant.

Just today, a team of agents noticed something abnormal immediately after sounding the whistle. The soil in the distance suddenly bulged, and five insect-like monsters jumped out of it. The agents immediately issued an alarm and returned to the temporary base.

The bugman seemed to be enraged, and they pursued them closely. After they hid in the stronghold, they still attacked the temporary stronghold made of steel plates.

Their serrations pierced the steel skin and tore the steel plate. The steel hut was crumbling. The four agents were back to back, the bullets were loaded, and the grenade rings were hanging on their hands. They were ready to die together.

But for a moment, there was only a loud bang, and the steel plate was completely torn apart. The four agents immediately threw grenades and quickly pulled the trigger.


The violent explosion could not cover up the roar of the insect man, and something was violently rolling in the billowing smoke.

The four agents fired into the smoke and prepared to throw a second grenade.

But an agent suddenly stopped them: "Don't pull it! It seems that support is coming."

The thick smoke dissipated quickly, and the four of them saw clearly that seven bald men were wrestling with five bugmen.

The insect man's compound eyes are red, and his scythes dance wildly, looking very frightening.

But the bald man was not afraid at all, he pressed the insect man to the ground and fucked violently, the punch was hit hard, and the muffled sound of bang bang was loud, which gave people a headache.

The bugman seemed to be beaten, the counterattack was messy, and the number was at a disadvantage, so they were actually suppressed.

The four agents are all very young, less than eighteen years old. Although they have undergone rigorous training, they still retain the youthful vigor.

The incomparably exciting scene in front of them stared their eyes straight.

"Wow, isn't it... This is the legendary dragon group?"

"The uncles are so fierce... hand-to-hand combat..."

"Damn it, that bug is disgusting, uncles taste really good..."

While complaining, they found a safe angle with their pistols and shot the bugman in the head.

"No way, they don't seem to have a weakness... even hitting the eyes doesn't work."

"Hey, Xiao Zhang, did you see that they don't seem to be injured."

These words made the hearts of the four young agents sink, and a dark cloud enveloped them.

After careful observation, they found that there was no damage on the bugman's body, not only did the bullets cause no damage, nor did the grenades, nor did the uncles' fists.

During the scuffle, the bugmen gradually gained an advantage. They kept trying to break free from the bald man's entanglement, and attacked the gaps they defended with scythes and hand knives.

Suddenly the four agents exclaimed in unison, a worm-man's hand knife directly pierced a big man's chest, and two pairs of scythes took advantage of the momentum to wring one of his arms off.

The big man raised his arms and rolled to the side, another big man jumped forward and continued to fight.

The four agents rushed to him and took out all kinds of emergency medicine and hemostatic bandages, but they saw the big man put his arm on his shoulder, rushed back to the battle, and beat up the bugman who had just broken his arm with another big man.

The bugman screamed after being beaten, but he couldn't get rid of the entanglement between the two.

The four agents stayed where they were, and the medicine bandages in their hands fell off without them noticing.

They stared at the big man and found that not only had his arm been attached, but the wound on his chest was gone.

It was as if the mortal wound he received just now was an illusion.

"I, my mother!"

"Does uncle have superpowers?"

"Idiot, they are special forces."

"What is a special combat body?"

"Are you a pig? Fell asleep during class? That's the abbreviation for Special Combat Individual."

"No way... They look no different from humans, but they are biochemical monsters?"

"Hey, this is called transforming people, and those insects are biochemical monsters."

But the performance of the clay figurines is beyond common sense, and the three views of the agents are shattered.

But De Luo, who was personally controlled in the distance, had all his five sense organs broken.

Does the special combat body also need to talk about science?

Biochemical mutants are also products of science, right?

What kind of operation is it to take back the broken arm in three seconds, and what kind of mutant can have this ability?

Why is Changshan County full of such unscientific things?

All kinds of cult leaders and biochemical experts under him were all screaming.

"What kind of biochemical engineer is this?"

"Is this recovery ability implanted with the leech gene?"

"No, that's not right, I just strangled his arm, but I didn't see any blood."

Dro's face was livid.

Their top biochemical special combat body not only failed to sneak in, but also entangled and fought each other on the ground like country bumpkins fighting.

What's worse is that they still can't get rid of it.

Those big men have great strength and endless endurance, as if they will never get tired, and they are not afraid of getting hurt.

Although the fight was ugly, these big men knew both coordination and martial arts. Dro had already seen that they were very proficient in wrestling.

The worms fight according to the fighting instinct of the worms, which is an efficient method of killing, but these clay figurines are not afraid of death, and the worms can't understand wrestling, let alone the joint skills in wrestling.

Therefore, although they are more advanced and stronger, they were pressed to the ground by the big man and beat hard.

The only fortunate thing is that the strength of the big man is not enough to cause harm to the insects.

This is also the price they can respawn quickly.

Dro said angrily: "Quickly, order the manipulators on the front line to find a way!"

The aggrieved voice of the manipulator came back from the communicator: "My lord, I can't help it! Those bald guys are too difficult!"

Dro said angrily: "I don't care, you should find a way immediately! Otherwise, I'll send you to Elder Mo's biochemical base to make bugs!"

The manipulator's face is distorted, and he can only send commands through the current feedback device implanted in the bugman's brain.

Changshan County.

Lin Wen finally heard Zhao Minggong's detailed road plan. There is no doubt that if this road is built, it will bring huge changes to Changshan County.

Traveling between the east and the west of the empire can save 300 to 1,000 kilometers.

Then build branch roads along the highway, penetrate into the mountains like capillaries, and send modern technology and civilization to places that were previously unreachable like nutrients in the blood, and the entire Changshan County will be fully revitalized.

It is indeed Wolong.

Lin Wen smiled happily, as if he saw the scene where his good fortune exploded every week.

But the smile quickly disappeared.

Because the endowed puppet sent him another request for help: request [the power of nine bulls and two tigers].


Lin Wen was very unhappy. Was Yuanshen wasted like this?

He immediately connected to telepathy, sharing the perception of a clay figurine.

Into the eyes is a pair of huge compound eyes, a disgusting mouthparts.

Grass, it's disgusting.

Lin Wen moved his camera and soon found that they were wrestling with clay figurines.

No, this is too blind, the bald man wrestled with the bug.

Lin Wen took over one clay figurine and asked the other clay figurine to hold down the worm man, and he punched the worm man violently.

However, although the sound exploded, the bugman's carapace remained motionless.

Fuck, your strength is too weak.

The seven clay figurines were maintaining a delicate balance, but one of them suddenly couldn't play. Immediately, an insect man broke free from the entanglement, cut off the thigh of the clay figurine with a hand knife, and then opened the distance, rushed over and cut off the arms of the other clay figurine.

The balance of victory suddenly tilted towards the Insect Man, and Delo said with a smile: "Okay, that's great! It's a good operation and deserves praise."

Military expert Zhang Dongxu made a judgment: "We have won! Their strength is exhausted!"

With a smile all over his face, Dro gave an order: "Catch up with the victory! Don't give them a chance to breathe!"

The manipulator didn't understand why, and continued to give orders to the insects, micro-manipulating crazily.

The situation deteriorated all of a sudden, the four agents turned pale with fright, raised their guns and shot wildly at the worm, but it had no effect, and the worm ignored them.

Lin Wen sighed deeply.

Forget it, you asked for it.

The light of [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers] flashed, and 12% of the primordial spirit moved away from him again.

At this time, out of the five bugmen, four were out of control.

As for the broken hands and broken feet of the big man, only one clay figurine remained intact.

Dro smiled and said, "I won."

Zhang Dongxu nodded: "One hundred percent, absolutely impossible to come back."

The Manipulator gave the final order for the raid.

A worm rushed from behind, and the clay figurine punched back and hit the head.

The manipulator sneered, "I can't beat him to death."

The insect man did not dodge or dodge, and slashed his thigh with a knife in his hand.


There was a dull bang, like a ripe watermelon bursting.

The iron fist of the clay figurine smashed the insect man's head, causing yellow and green splashes all over the sky, and the light gray carapace scattered and shattered.

Another bugman rushed from behind, and the clay figurine turned around in an instant, and the iron fist roared like a windmill, hitting its head.


There was another very deep muffled sound.

The four agents and the manipulator looked dumbfounded.

But at the same time as the yellow and green splashed, his legs were also cut off.

The clay figurine fell to the ground, but the three intact brothers stood up again and stood in front of him.

It took the clay figurine with the broken leg twelve seconds to reattach its legs.

When he stood up, the seven brothers had all stood up.

Lin Wen yelled in the soul link: "Gourd baby! Charge!"

Bald Qiang and Pleasant Goat, who had been renamed, rushed towards the final victory.

With the swing of the iron fist, yellow and green slime splattered in all directions.

In an instant, there was only one living bugman left.

It turned around and ran, but the speed of the clay figurine was faster than it, exceeding one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour.

One clay figurine kicked it with a flying kick, and the other jumped up and beat it to a pulp with a fist that fell from the sky.

The mission is over.

Dro looked at the big screen that was completely dark, and he couldn't feel any heat in his body.

Military expert Zhang Dongxu defended himself: "They are too strong, they can be reborn from broken limbs, and they can also explode with strength. The gap between Elder Mo's mayfly and them is too great."

"We should quickly find a stronger person for Elder Mo."

"That's right, Expert Zhang is right, a pure body in a perfect state can definitely eliminate these weirdos easily."

There was a glint of hope in Dro's eyes, and he hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up, find someone! The stronger the better! As long as we find twenty, no, no, thirty strong men, Elder Mo will not blame us!"

KGB headquarters.

After receiving the news, Qin Luoshuang and her cronies were all silent, in disbelief.

Are the people in this dragon group all monsters?

Qin Luoshuang thought a little deeper.

Why is it that the group of people with a bald head and the group of people with a whip seem to be of different systems?

County Hall Special Administrative Office.

Lin Wen chatted with Mr. Zhao for a while, and as expected, he was urged to marry.

Zhao Minggong's reason is also very tenable.

"If the sheriff has a stable family, Changsan County will be more stable."

Lin Wen asked strangely: "Is there any connection between these?"

Zhao Minggong said with a smile: "Sheriff Lin, you don't seem to realize how attractive a single, young, handsome, righteous, and legendary imperial official has in the hearts of young girls."

"If you don't get married, everyone is looking forward to it. Just like those celebrities who don't get married, they have a thought and a hope. Although they know it's impossible, who can say about love? Maybe Sheriff Lin fell in love with me?"

Zhao Minggong smiled happily and winked at Li Xiaoli who was beside him.

"Isn't it, Xiaoli?"

Li Xiaoli blushed slightly, nodded, and said softly: "In my circle, all the girls who have a little bit of self-confidence have the same idea. They have established many support clubs such as Sheriff Lin's support club, Sheriff Lin's fan club...the organization is very strict..."

Lin Wen glanced at her, disappointed to find that after so long, Li Xiaoli has not grown into what he expected.

Not mature at all, except for the body.

Concentrating on the line of fate between him and Li Xiaoli.

The line was as thick as a bucket, and it read:


...don't you too?

Zhao Minggong said with a smile: "You have attracted so many girls by yourself, so what about so many young boys in our county? Girls always compare you with them, how can you be satisfied?"

"There are so many bachelors in Changshan County, how can they be stable?"

"If they get married and take root in Changshan County, they will be able to work harder and work harder. Changshan County can also develop better."

"So, Chief Lin, for the sake of Changshan County, let's get married early."


Lin Wen's whole body was torn apart.

Is it wrong that I am too handsome?


It would be great if Shuai could be eaten as a meal, so that I can feed people all over the world.

What a blessing.

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