In the last few days of this week, Lin Wen has been busy with the scientific process of the county, trying to get a surprise when Zhou Shanyuan settles the settlement.

At present, all his work must wait for the arrival of new luck, otherwise, his current soul is not enough.

Therefore, Lin Wen desperately wanted to create more good luck, preferably two luck paths at a time.

For this reason, he messes around every day, pulling a person to ask, "Do you believe in science?"

But this was too inefficient. After careful consideration, Lin Wen called a meeting of all officials in Changshan County, and directly conveyed many incisive expositions, which shocked everyone present.

Zhao Minggong took the lead in applauding, Yang Shaohu was so excited that he wiped away his tears, Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong and others took notes frantically. Although Xiao Xiao muttered unconvinced words, she still kept every word Lin Wen said in her heart.

Lao Xie didn't understand a single word, but that didn't stop him from clamoring loudly, louder than everyone else.

Xia Xiaoxiang also made public the new selection criteria, including theory and science, making Changshan County one of the few areas that dared to disclose the selection criteria and achievements.

This means that the elements of black-box operations have been greatly reduced, and the transparency of Changshan County's operations has increased, and everyone can just concentrate on doing things.

Of course, this has no effect on Lin Wen.


After a tiring and busy week, and after a long wait, the exciting weekly settlement finally came.

Live and work in peace +9011

Prosperity +1910

Fair people +121


Happy +910


Technological civilization +600

Total: 13523


【Good fate: 333770】【Bad fate: 3906】【Primary spirit: 358.54%】

【Tao if there is love】15934/10000

The moment the golden light fell, Lin Wen finally smiled.

This effort was not in vain, Zimin was finally not zero.

Overall, although the goal of 20,000 was not reached, Lin Wen was very happy with the explosive growth momentum.

Strong passion reverberated in Lin Wen's heart. He knew that as long as he worked hard, it would only be a matter of time before his good fortune took off.


Just take advantage of this momentum to open the way of luck.

Be sure to give me a good one.

Lin Wen glanced, and a new drop of water appeared.

【Tao if there is love】5934/10000

The next fate is still a little over four thousand.

Lin Wen cast his eyes on the water drop representing luck.

"Sound of Dragon Cry": When the dawn breaks, the primordial spirit is fully recharged, triggering a total of 7 times.



After being stuck for so long, a powerful luck finally came.

My current upper limit of Yuanshen is 358%, triggered seven times, doesn't that mean it can recover 2506% Yuanshen?

In seven days, I can recover more than a hundred by myself.

With so many gods, what can I not do?

Lin Wen laughed loudly, and immediately used this luck.

However, his primordial spirit did not refill immediately, and remained at 31%.

Lin Wen glanced at the scorching sun that had already risen, thinking that he could only wait for tomorrow.

What are you doing today?

Lin Wen thought for a moment, then looked at the system for a while, and found that the primordial spirit obtained this week was very little, and it should be only the little bit of primordial spirit produced by Changshan County itself.

He did not establish a large number of new karma, so the growth of the primordial spirit also dropped significantly.

But it doesn't matter, after [Half Fate Cultivation] is strengthened, I only need to deepen the connection of karma and reach the level of "unswerving in this life" to increase the primordial spirit.

Glancing at his primordial spirit, he was still 2% short of getting a new spell.

He took another look at his evil fate, and he almost got the second evil fate supernatural power by 2 points.


Then take advantage of this time today to get the new spells and supernatural powers, and get ready for the next big explosion.

Lin Wen went straight to Huai Town, saw a child's lollipop, and snatched it viciously.

Robbed all the way, no bad karma at all.

Instead, many residents rushed to stuff the lollipops into Lin Wen's arms.

Lin Wen harvested a lot of lollipops, and when he walked into the county hall, he couldn't even hug him, so he had to distribute the lollipops to the staff inside.

The staff in the county government hall never dreamed that they would receive lollipop condolences from the sheriff, and they would receive personal care from the sheriff who was usually ignored. Many people were so moved that they cried.

Caring for all beings, kindness +1.

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head, not a bit of bad karma, but a little bit of good karma.

Lin Wen walked to the sheriff's office in a little confusion, and unexpectedly ran into Fang Weiwei who had been sleepwalking as a secretary for more than half a year.

"Sheriff Lin, you are here!"

She stood up in surprise, and hurried to pour tea for Lin Wen, her joyful expression could not be concealed even from behind.

Lin Wen took a look and unexpectedly found that the line of fate between them was much thicker than imagined.

The four words on the line are bright red and dazzling.

"Dream Girl"


Lin Wen suddenly remembered Zhao Minggong's words. It seems that he really had a negative impact on the development of Changshan County.

This is naturally intolerable.

Marriage, however, was out of the question, and the problem had to be solved in other ways.

"Sheriff Lin, drink tea."

Putting a cup of hot green tea in front of him, Lin Wen looked up. Fang Weiwei's expression was both joyful and a little embarrassed, as if she was delighted with his arrival but also afraid of his departure.

Thinking about it, Fang Weiwei had been working as the county chief's secretary for more than half a year, and Lin Wen hadn't seen her a few times in total, and was on the go all day, so the secretary naturally had no sense of existence.

Fang Weiwei had made great contributions to Lin Wen in the past. She assisted in obtaining the first start-up capital of Changshan County, and she also assisted in suppressing the first rebellion in Changshan County.

Lin Wen thought about it, and at least gave her a future, and wasting her life here was no good.

It's better to find a good man to marry, it's not okay to always be obsessed with idols.

It just so happens that Yuanshen still has 31%, so it's not for nothing.

Therefore, Lin Wen directly asked the [Immortal Guidance] question.

[What is the most suitable path for Fang Weiwei to take? 】

Consumption: 5%.

So low... yet another thing I should have known?

【Actor Path】

Suddenly, Lin Wen remembered that he had met her a few times before, and she was watching "The Actor's Self-cultivation".

Moreover, before she became a secretary, whether she was playing the queen or Xiaomi, she was very lifelike, which can be called a real performance.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen took a sip of tea and said kindly, "Fang Weiwei, do you want to be an actor?"

Fang Weiwei's fair face turned red in an instant, and she replied as thin as a mosquito: "Yes."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Very good, I will write a script in the future and pay for you to act in a play, what do you think?"

Fang Weiwei twisted her dress unconsciously with her hands, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and said in a low voice, "Of course...but..."

"Of course, there is a price." Lin Wen said with a smile. Seeing her red to the tip of her ears, she found it very interesting: "Unspoken rules, don't dream. The price is that if you see a man you like, tell me, and I will officiate the wedding for you."

Fang Weiwei lowered her head with a complicated expression, but she also knew that she and Sheriff Lin had almost no chance, but...

"Idols and life must be separated. Even if you are married, it does not prevent you from chasing stars."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Of course, you must pursue stars rationally. I will write a code of conduct for star-chasing in the future to regulate your behavior."

"Otherwise, you don't deserve to be Sheriff Lin's fan."

All of a sudden, like a bolt of lightning splitting the chaos, Fang Weiwei woke up abruptly, and the muddled days of the past six months suddenly split open, revealing a clear path.

Yes, Sheriff Lin will always be in my heart.

He is a memory that will never fade.

With such a precious thing, I should walk forward with my head held high instead of wandering in the mist.

In an instant, Fang Weiwei showed a clear smile, and the gray mist that had been covering her body dissipated in this instant.

She knew how to go about her life in the future.

Life mentor, good fate +1.

Yuanshen +1%.

The line of karma visible to the naked eye emerged from the air and connected to Lin Wen and her, making the connection between them even greater.

The words on Karma flashed continuously, changing from "dream lover" to "life mentor", and the color changed to glowing gold.

Lin Wen smiled happily.

"Very well, then I will write you a script of "A Chinese Ghost Story"."

"Well, you play grandma."

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