Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 45 I am an ascetic who pursues the light

This fool!

Lin Wen didn't have time to cover his mouth, and as soon as he finished speaking, the sound of water over there disappeared immediately.


A female voice.

Lin Wen has a good memory. Hearing this sound, he was sure that it was the one he had spent a lot of money to find, and he had placed high hopes on it, but he ran away that night.

Fengchu, Qin Luoshuang's voice.

Lin Wen coughed, and at the same time stopped Xu Lin who wanted to go up to take a look out of curiosity.

"I'm a good person passing by. I didn't see anything. Please don't get me wrong."

Even though he said that, he didn't stop stretching his head. Sure enough, after about ten seconds of silence, Lin Wen's sense of danger disappeared when he stretched his head again.

"Hello, I……"

Before he could say a word, he received a black punch the moment his head stuck out of the rock.

This punch was so powerful that Lin Wen fell backwards to the ground.

The severe pain made Lin Wen unable to open his eyes for a while, and only heard Xu Lin's voice:

"Who are you? How dare you hit Sheriff Lin!"




When Lin Wen opened his eyes again, Xu Lin had already fallen to the ground and passed out.

And in front of him was a pair of snow-white long legs.

When her thighs were raised slightly and her bare feet shrunk back, Lin Wen saw the pink shorts she was wearing and the khakino petal jacket that swung back.

At that moment, Lin Wen directly activated the [Victory of the Civet] with good luck.

Sure enough, the next moment, a ferocious, perfectly powerful side kick came towards his head.

Lin Wen's first instinct was to lower his head and dive forward, but he is not Han Xin, the future God King of the Heavens, how could he lower his head?

So he raised his hand to block it.


Even though Lin Wen unloaded the force perfectly, the bone in his left hand was still broken.

The woman snorted and jumped back slightly.

Lin Wen took the opportunity to turn over and jump up, pulled a little distance away, and touched the right eye socket, which was already swollen, apparently half a panda's eye.

But what he is more distressed about is [Victory of the Civet Cat]. This f*cking 13 points of good luck are gone.

It fell back to three digits just before the four digits were overheated.

For this phoenix chick, he almost squeezed out his good fortune. Lin Wen has made up his mind that she will never allow her to disappear until she earns him back the lost good fortune a hundredfold.

"Are you that dumb sheriff?"

Qin Luoshuang looked at his face carefully and asked uncertainly.

"You are so good at it? Who is your teacher?"

"Also, how did you come here? Why are you chasing me?"

"Miss Qin." Lin Wen said unhappily, "I should be the one to ask you, right? Promoting you properly, why did you run away?"

There was a click.

With the help of [The Victory of the Civet Cat] to perfectly control his body, Lin Wen took over his left hand, moved it a bit, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. At this time, he had time to observe this suspicious woman.

Compared with the ordinary, featureless ugly duckling I saw at the county hall, this one can be called the white swan of white swans.

Lin Wen rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and even took a look at it again, only to be sure that the girl in front of him was the disheveled girl.

She was tall and slender, wearing a warm-coloured capkino classic Empire petal coat, which just covered the shorts, making her long legs stand out.

She has fine, shattered black hair, just reaching her shoulders, not carefully combed, but it doesn't look messy, but has a kind of casual laziness.

She just stood there, simply wearing a coat, like a goddess without fireworks in a dream.

"Hmph, you men, don't I know what you're thinking?"

Qin Luoshuang snorted softly and turned around gracefully.

In the next moment, the khakino coat rushed towards him, covering most of his vision.

Lin Wen didn't panic at all, he leaned to the right, raised his hand slightly, and blocked the side kick from the right.

Different from the hasty block last time, this time Lin Wen didn't move at all, but the opponent immediately shrank back.

Then there were three extremely fast kicks, two to the left, and one to the front, all of which were perfectly blocked by Lin Wen.

Then Lin Wen tilted his head, and the jacket brushed the ends of his hair and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lin Wen received another heavy blow to the kidney.

This was obviously an attack with all her strength, which was several times heavier than the previous one, but Lin Wen still caught it unscathed without any vision.

The girl could no longer maintain her composure, and took a few steps back: "You, who are you?"

Lin Wen patted the ashes on his body, and looked at the girl in front of him. Of course, she was not naked, and there was a small silver coat inside.

"Don't be afraid little girl."

He flashed a friendly smile.

"I'm thirsty for talent, and I'm only talented. I'm Lin Wen, the head of Changshan County, known as Uncle Huang."

"And you are my predestined phoenix chick. As long as you follow me, you will be able to show your ambitions, make a big splash, and make a big career out of it."

Lin Wen felt that his performance was not bad, but the girl in front of him didn't buy it. Instead, he asked vigilantly, "What is pornographic book?"

Lin Wen instantly felt the huge generation gap, thinking that the gap between mortals and fairy kings is too great to communicate.

I was also a little anxious in my heart, for every extra minute of the blockade, the danger of getting a bad karma would be one more minute.

Moreover, there are still many things waiting for him at the temporary resettlement site. This is the most important job at present, and there must be no mistakes.

"Then we can only force her to go back first, and then slowly persuade her later."

Having made up his mind, he was about to go forward, but suddenly the alarm bells rang out in his heart, and an ominous feeling came to his heart.

This, what is this?

Lin Wen took two steps back in fright, and the sense of ominousness disappeared in an instant.

What the hell, what's wrong with this supernatural power?

Lin Wen took two steps forward, but there was nothing unusual, but with the thought of doing something, an ominous feeling suddenly appeared again.

That is to say, I will not know what to do with her?

As long as the matter of cultivating immortals is involved, Lin Wen's mind is always moving very fast.

Exclude the fact that she is also a fairy who is about to travel through, and then combine the description of [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix].

There is only one answer left.

That is hands-on may have vicious karma.

For example, if a girl could not bear the humiliation and committed suicide, then the black hat must be put on his head, and there will be bad karma 100%.

Even if he didn't mean it, but his behavior caused this consequence.

[Body without colorful phoenix] Can it still have this effect?

Lin Wen was surprised and delighted, this is really a treasure.

For the current Lin Wen, this is much more useful than the supernatural powers of fighting and killing. After all, only in the world of cultivating immortals can he fight and kill. The world is full of sophistication.


Qin Luoshuang couldn't help but speak.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Lin Wen came back to his senses, hesitated for a moment, and spent 13 points of good fortune to open a new Qiqiao Linglong Heart.

Looking at the declining good fortune again, I felt as if my body was hollowed out instantly, but my face was full of smiles.

"Miss Qin, your beauty eclipses the sun, and your brilliance rejuvenates this desolate land."

"Your arrival makes the four seasons lose their color, and your sigh makes the sky snow."

"You are the only light in this world, and I am the ascetic who pursues the light."

Lin Wen felt his neck go down slightly, and realized that he should salute gracefully now, so he bowed slightly, performing a 19th-century British aristocratic etiquette.

Surprisingly, there seems to be similar etiquette here.

The girl raised her hand slightly, her fingertips drooping slightly, as if to kiss her hand.

But as far as Lin Wen knew, the kissing ceremony in the original world was only for married ladies.

Although he didn't know what was going on here, Lin Wen still gently cupped the girl's fingertips, lowered his head and kissed lightly, but the next moment, Qin Luoshuang's Qianqiansu hand turned and grabbed Lin Wen's wrist.

All of a sudden, Lin Wen felt dizzy, his body soared into the air, and he was thrown up by her.

The moment he let go, Qin Luoshuang turned his head and ran away, but Lin Wen turned over like a cat in the air and landed steadily.

In the state of [Victory of the Civet Cat], Lin Wen was very fast and caught up to her within a few seconds.

But she suddenly pounced forward, took out something from the scattered clothes on the ground, and pointed her finger back at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen instantly felt a needle-like pain on his left shoulder, and he turned sideways without thinking.


The fire flashed, and the huge gunshots resounded all over the field.

The bullet hit the air hard.

Qin Luoshuang held the gun in both hands and aimed again, and Lin Wen felt a needle-like pain in his thigh.


The gun was empty again.

Lin Wen's movements were too fast and very forward-looking, as if he had predicted the future.

Qin Luoshuang looked a little panicked, she aimed directly at Lin Wen's torso and fired three times.




One shot was missed.

Lin Wen didn't even move his feet, and only relied on twisting his body to avoid her shooting.

In desperation, the girl aimed the gun at her temple.

"Don't come here!"

she cried, with tears in her eyes.

"I will never go back!"

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