Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 458 Friend Trading

Said it was business, but in fact it was just asking some questions about the car. Lin Wen hid outside the meeting room window and continued to use [Thousand-mile Voice Transmission] to speak into the throat of the paper puppet.

The experts asked some technical questions, mainly focusing on the wonders of the embankment of the Java engineering team, the miracle of the Tongshan Tunnel, the miracle of the steel cable stone bridge on Tianmokeng, the miracle of mountain building engineering, the miracle of the factory in the new factory area, and the miracle of ground engineering that is currently underway.

In their view, the Java engineering team can create so many miracles mainly because they have three means——

A powerful robot or similar lifting device.

Chemicals that dissolve stone and dirt.

A chemical that turns dirt into stone.

Among them, the chemical agent for dissolving stones and soil was also used by Changshan County many times in the war. It is said to be called 502 glue.

There's also robotics, which Changsan-gun also uses.

That means they can also transfer this technology.

Since it can be transferred to Changshan County, why can't it be transferred to us?

Our bid is higher than Changshan County?

The experts had prepared a lengthy negotiation, but the Java engineering team agreed immediately, and immediately accepted the red envelope they secretly stuffed.

Even asked if they had any more?

The experts were elated and gave money again and again.

But until the end of the talks, the Java engineers did not give them contact information, the location of the talks, or details of technology transfer.

As soon as he finished talking, he slapped his butt and ran away, ignoring their shouts.

It took a long time for the experts to confirm.

They were prostituted for nothing!

The faces of the experts were contorted with anger.

I didn't expect these foreigners to be so unscrupulous that they would take money and do nothing.

Even the empire is not so dark, everyone is very trustworthy. Generally speaking, if you receive money, you will do things. Otherwise, you will break the rules and maliciously disrupt the market, and you will be condemned by everyone.

But Qin Luoshuang had an unusually familiar sense of sight, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

The experts whose lumbar discs were protruded by anger had no choice but to go back to the normal fair and try to cooperate with Chang Shanjun.

At this time, Lin Wen jumped out with a harmless face.

The talks began in a less than friendly atmosphere.

A total of nine parties participated in the talks, six major regions, the highest military headquarters, the Imperial Ordnance Industry Group, and the Imperial First Military Science and Technology Research Institute.

The highest military department is relatively neutral, they only want Dongfeng-41 technology, which can be used to deal with the aircraft of the Papal State.

Ordnance Industry Group and the First Military Science and Technology Research Institute want all kinds of technology.

The six districts also want technology.

Lin Wen first took out a missile technology pieced together based on his own knowledge and memory, and negotiated with them.

They are not very interested in this incomplete low-level missile technology.

However, an orbital reentry technology provided by Lin Wen aroused the interest of the Empire's First Military Science and Technology Research Institute.

Hai Damo, as the chief scientist and director of the research institute, naturally understands that orbital reentry is a key technology for long-range missiles.

The principle is to send the missile into a near-Earth space orbit, accelerate the warhead to a very high speed without resistance, and then return to the atmosphere, rushing towards the target like a meteorite.

The speed is at least dozens of times the speed of sound, and it cannot be intercepted at all.

"I want this technology." Hai Damo said.

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Everyone, Changshan County is very poor, so this fair can only be held in such a simple way."

Hearing Lin Wen say that he was very poor, everyone curled their lips. Who didn't know that you just invested 300 billion to build a new city in this place where no shit.

The Great Elder didn't know what to think, but he was willing to invest money here, which was clearly a huge loss.

They want some money on weekdays, but it is as difficult as skyrocketing. The conditions in Changshan County are so bad. If you want geography but no geography, you need traffic but no traffic, and you want location but no location, why can you get a huge investment of 190 billion?


Lin Wen continued.

"Changshan County has always paid attention to science, and these technologies are all developed by us."

"This is also the reason why the Great Elder asked us to transfer technology, but the conditions are still let us negotiate. We are not greedy, and you can give me a lot of money to make up for the huge development costs of Changshan County."

Hai Dame asked, "How much do you want?"

Lin Wendao: "Such a powerful technology, at least 10 billion..."


Several experts choked on the tea, and Hai Damo's eyes widened: "You are robbing!"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "No, our research and development costs exceed 100 billion..."

"You don't have to fart!" An expert scolded angrily: "Changshan County pawned off all the pants and didn't have 100 billion."

Lin Wen retorted: "My genius brain is worth 100 billion for every bubble of inspiration!"

All the experts scoffed, only Hai Damo slightly agreed: "Yes, genius scientists are worth this price, but only my inspiration is worth this much."

Although he agrees, Hai Damer haggled the price extremely fiercely, after a series of negotiations and haggling.

Lin Wen reluctantly sold this well-known technology in the original world at a price of one billion.

Only when they actually start developing intercontinental missiles will they discover that sophisticated accelerometers, laser gyroscopes, thermal insulation coatings, and space fuels are the key points.

Reentry technology can be found on Wandu.

But for Hai Damer, the empire already has the ability to launch satellites, and the key difficulty in developing intercontinental missiles is the technology of re-entry into the atmosphere.

It's blood money to buy one billion.

Both parties have made blood, but they don't know who lost.

"Then there is 502 glue... This solution technology, let me explain first, this technology belongs to the Java engineering team, and I can only sell products."

An East District expert pushed his glasses: "Sheriff Lin, can you give me a brief introduction?"

"The 502 solution uses the legendary strong interaction force dissociation technology. When it invades soil or rocks, the rocks will collapse and the soil will absorb water and melt..."

Lin Wen opened his mouth to talk nonsense, full of folk science.

"In short, 3,000 cubic meters of rock is dissolved at a time, and 5,000 cubic meters of soil is dissolved at a time. The dissolution process can be controlled, but it cannot be divided. It requires special personnel to operate."

"What about the price?" the expert asked.

"One hundred million times."

An expert from the northern district scolded: "Are you crazy about money? I hired migrant workers to dig 5,000 square meters of soil, and 20,000 yuan is enough."

Lin Wen curled his lips and said, "Don't talk if you are poor."

The experts from the North District were furious, but the experts from the East District agreed without hesitation.

The expert from the North District said angrily: "You have too much money to burn?"

The expert in the East Zone gave him a contemptuous look: "Don't talk poor people. In the land where every inch of land is expensive, the erosion process that can be controlled is more important than anything else. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you don't have every inch of land in the North District."

The North District expert's face was contorted with anger, but he was speechless.

The eastern region is the most affluent region in the empire, while the northern region is just an industrial base, poor and tired, and even the western region, which is dominated by agriculture, is looked down upon.

Afterwards, the two sides negotiated a number of technologies, most of which were fabricated by Lin Wen based on his own knowledge or added a little [asking Yu Tian].

If you can't make it up, you claim that you only sell finished products.

Only the blueprints of the robots are ready-made, and the original design drawings of the No. 1 and No. 2 machines were sold for a sky-high price of two billion.

Its perfect design structure can be called a work of art, and in the eyes of top weapons experts such as Hai Damer and Fermi, it is simply the crystallization of human wisdom.

Worth at least ten billion.

The reason why only 2 billion was paid out was because Lin Wen hid the key power source technology.

However, the Empire is very confident in its ultra-cutting-edge power source technology.

They have real secret technology that cannot be measured in value, and if the robot shows enough value, it is acceptable to apply it to it.

Since machine zero was made up by Lin Wen, it is full of technologies that are impossible for human beings, such as normal temperature superconductivity, strong interaction force materials, and high-dimensional proton expansion, so no one dares to ask for it.

Both Fermi and Hai Damo suspected that the blueprint of machine zero was made up by Lin Wen.

Then, there is the most critical Dongfeng-41 missile technology.

On this technology, no one made any concessions and asked Lin Wen to hand over the key technology.

"Mr. Fei." Lin Wen said calmly, "The cost of your interceptor missiles should be very low, right?"

During the Shizhou War, the Qin Group invented a technology specifically to intercept it.

Both sides have experienced the test of actual combat.

Fermi nodded slightly. The modified version of the "Imperial Patriot" interceptor missile costs much less than normal missiles.

Now that the Qin Group can achieve 900,000 coins, if there is another war, it will be impossible for Lin Wen to win by numbers like last time.

After listening to Fermi's introduction, everyone fell silent.

From this point of view, the Dongfeng-41 missile is not very useful.

"What's your cost?" one expert asked.

Lin Wen replied, "Five million."

Everyone looked at each other, and they all felt that it was not a good deal, and the "Empire Patriot" interceptor missile had no technical threshold. Although the Pope's technology was backward, there were shadows from all over the world behind it.

This war between the Empire and the Papal States is actually a war between the Empire and the wave of anti-imperialism around the world.

The Papal State is just acting as a pawn.

In this context, their interceptor missiles will also be invented soon.

The interest of many experts has been greatly reduced, but Hai Damer said at this time:

"County Lin, technology can be improved. The passionate collision between geniuses can produce more young geniuses. You can just use the missile guidance technology."

What impressed him most about the big fireball was its powerful tracking ability, and he didn't pay much attention to other aspects of the fireball.

no solution anymore.

Lin Wen sighed lightly, and glanced at Yuanshen, there was 250% left, and one of the big blue bottles had been used up.

Just think of it as making money.

Combining his own known knowledge, Lin Wen asked [Ask Yu Tian] a laser guidance technology with microelectronics technology, computer technology and optoelectronic technology as the core at a relatively low cost.

The high-end technology of the empire is actually very advanced, but the civilian use is quite small.

But Lin Wen knew that the empire's computer technology and nuclear weapon technology would not work.

Computers with a calculation speed of around 486 are still popular in the market now, so the calculation speed of the country's cutting-edge supercomputer should not exceed the four princesses.

Therefore, when it comes to advanced computer guidance technology, the Empire definitely does not have it.

Hai Damo and other experts were astonished after reading Lin Wen's technical plan.

While they were shocked by the clever idea, they were also puzzled: "Do you have such an advanced computer in Changshan County?"

Lin Wen replied: "Oh, it's an ancient computer that I inherited from a senior after I fell off the cliff by chance."

Hai Damo and the others hadn't been baptized by Lin Wen's nonsense like Qin Luoshuang, so they believed it a little bit.

Only Fermi was full of doubts, and he proposed a four-phase finite evolutionary algorithm problem.

This mathematical problem requires massive calculations, and it will take at least a hundred years to calculate with the most advanced supercomputer in the empire.

But Lin Wen went out for a trip, and came back ten minutes later to give the answer.

"The answer is 42."

Although Fermi didn't know the real answer, he felt that the answer should be correct. There seemed to be an inexplicable power hidden in this number.

After a long price tug-of-war, finally, the Imperial Expert Group jointly invested and bought Lin Wen's high-tech technology at a "low price" of three billion.

The reason for such a "low price" is that Lin Wen did not sell the key computer technology. This guidance technology actually lacks key parts.

Although Lin Wen looked pained, he burst into laughter in his heart.

This technology only spent 55% of his Yuanshen in total, and he made so much money.

According to this ratio, Changshan County will soon be rich as an enemy.

Lin Wen tried to sell more technologies, but unfortunately, they were unwilling to pay high prices for technologies without actual combat endorsement, and they didn't even believe in its existence.

This concludes the military exposition.

Both parties are very satisfied. Changshan County has received a large amount of money, and the finance department has a lot of funds to support more projects.

And all parties in the empire have also obtained the technology they want. As long as they go back and digest and improve it, they will surely obtain more technological achievements.

While seeing off the expert team, an expert from the Central District quietly found Lin Wen.

"Sheriff Lin." He said in a low voice, "His Majesty hopes that you can provide a batch of ready-made Dongfeng-41 missiles. He hopes to give them a sudden and heavy blow before the Pope's state is unprepared."

Lin Wenwei said: "Dongfeng-41 needs to be launched by a special person."

The expert smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as a special person can be there at the critical moment."

Lin Wen had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, then, County Chief Lin, please pay more attention."

Lin Wen asked, "Where's the money?"

The expert showed an ambiguous smile: "We are all a family, what money are we talking about?"

Turning around and getting into the car, Lin Wendan was in a lot of pain.




Johnson \u0026 Johnson Research Base.

This is the third time for Yu Zhongxian to visit here. Their cancer cell research project has made great progress. The research experts have thoroughly figured out the fundamental reason why cancer cells can proliferate indefinitely.

Yu Zhongxian immediately transferred this achievement to his biochemical base in Tianzhou.

Golb Dead Sea Research Base.

This is also his most advanced biochemical research base, which was established in cooperation with many international biochemical groups.

The immortality project was developed here.

But the most important project is not immortality.

It was the Gorb Undead Research Project.

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