The news that the new drug was put into production made Lin Wen very happy.

This drug is completely curable for cancer.

Except for people with innate immune insufficiency or immune diseases, cancer can be said to be eradicated.

How much good fortune is this?

How many primordial spirits can be obtained?

Shouldn't the council's expensive and rubbish medicine be eliminated immediately?

Anmosi conducted a simple clinical trial, and the effect was unimaginably good.

A patient in the early stage of lung cancer recovered within a few days, and a patient in the middle stage also recovered quickly. It took a long time for the patient in the late stage. The body had strong fever and fever symptoms, and the vital signs needed to be maintained in the special intensive care unit.

This was the result of the immune system's frenzied battle against cancer cells, but the physicians in the special intensive care unit told Amers that there was no inflammation in the patient, indicating that the new drug had completely and accurately marked the cancer cells.

Further research showed that an immune storm was taking place in the patient's body. White blood cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, large cells, and dendritic cells all joined forces to attack cancer cells crazily. Countless enemy signals transmitted by a huge number of receptors made the entire immune system enter a frenzied state of life and death.

Patients at this time are very dangerous, weak, short of nutrition, fever, coma, and other germs may take the opportunity to invade.

If it were in a natural environment, the person would have died long ago.

But modern advanced medicine and biotechnology gave him a chance to survive.

He had to live in a special intensive care unit. In a sterile environment, professional doctors injected him with expensive drugs and purified nutrients every day regardless of the cost.

What is really deadly at this time is inflammation.

Inflammation is caused by an overstretched immune system. In an immune storm state, inflammation throughout the body may instantly lead to death.

However, what Amers worried about did not happen. The receptor protein he made was unexpectedly accurate, and the recognition rate for any type of cancer cell was close to 100%.

By the fifth day, the patient's fever subsided, and his life was no longer in danger.

After preliminary examination, the number of cancer cells in the patient's body has been reduced by one-third. The immune storm is still going on, but the patient has entered a stable period.

According to the usual practice, Anmosi planned to conduct clinical trials for at least half a year, but Lin Wen directly slapped a large stack of clinical data, drug tolerance, pharmacokinetics and usage specifications on his face.

"This this……"

Amers looked at the detailed instructions and felt as if the medicine was already on the market, but it was Lin Wen who traveled back three years from the future and brought back the instructions for the medicine.

He stuttered for a long time, and finally asked the question: "Where are you from?"

Lin Wen was surprised and said, "Are you doing a clinical trial? Otherwise, where did you get the data from?"

An Mosi felt that his IQ was being rubbed against the ground by Lin Wen: "I just made the finished product, and your five-phase clinical trial is finished?"

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

Anmosi felt that his whole body was about to split open: "Is this normal? The five phase clinical trials don't take three years to complete?"

Lin Wen curled his lips and said, "That's because you don't understand science. Real science gets all the drug data before the drug is produced."

An Mosi's whole person was wrong. He looked at the small words as thin as mosquitoes on this pure white paper, and felt that his 40-year pursuit of scientific truth was about to collapse, and the temple of science on the cloud had burst.

But Lin Wen's words helped him fix it again.

"This is the calculation result of the supercomputer simulating the medicine in the human body."


Suddenly, Amers believed in science again.

As a scientist, he certainly knows about electronic computers, and he has also read scientists' ideas about various applications of electronic computers in the future.

Among them, biologists propose to simulate the human body on an electronic computer to experiment with the results of various drugs, viruses, bacteria or surgery on the human body.

In this way, the development of the medical and biological fields can be greatly accelerated.

But, that's just a futuristic science fiction.

The human body is extremely complex, and the underlying mechanism of the human body is directly at the atomic and molecular level, which is impossible to simulate.

"Changshan County already has this technology?"

Amers stared wide-eyed.

"Could it there a supercomputer underground in Changshan County?"

Lin Wen smiled inscrutablely, but did not answer.

But Amers himself has an answer.

I see.

No wonder Jangsan County can do so many incredible things.

Computer technology is known among scientists as the greatest invention in a century. There are countless fantasies about it, but none of them have been realized so far.

Unexpectedly, Changshan County, which has always been regarded as a backward area, has come to the forefront of the times.

Sure enough, things aren't just about appearances.

This must be the biggest secret in Jangsan County.

Anmos was so moved that he almost cried.

Sheriff Lin trusted me so much.

"I see."

Amers slapped his chest violently.

"Promise to keep the secret strictly, and I will never tell it."

Lin Wen wisely avoided the topic: "Hurry up and mass produce."

An Mosi's expression became serious, and he asked seriously: "Sheriff Lin, is this medicine really only sold for 10,000 yuan?"


"However, the preparation of No. 281 enzyme is very expensive, and the efficiency of hydrolysis is not very high. Every 100 grams of enzyme can only produce 1 gram of standard receptor protein. I calculated that the actual cost is about 800,000 yuan. This is because you directly helped us save a huge amount of research and development costs. Otherwise, this medicine may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions."

Lin Wen said casually, "Do as I say."


Amers thought it necessary for him to remind Sheriff Lin.

"There are 24 million cancer patients in the empire, and 4 million new cancer patients were added last year, and more than 90% of them are poor."

"The efficacy of our medicine surpasses all medicines in the world, and has reached the level of special medicine."

"Even if we sell it at a loss at a price of 10,000 pills, the market demand will be extremely scarce, and the price of the medicine will inevitably be raised wildly until it reaches a level beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"I know you are kind, but we still can't help the poor by doing this, it will only benefit scalpers and speculators."

Lin Wen said casually: "Isn't it enough to expand the production capacity?"

Amers shook his head slightly: "At least the monthly production must exceed one million pieces, so that the market can barely maintain a little rationality. One piece loses 800,000 yuan. How much is the loss for one million pieces?"

"Eight hundred billion?"

An Mosi smiled and said, "Sheriff Lin, do you understand?"

Lin Wen nodded: "Understood, let's produce two million pieces per month."

"Haha, County Chief Lin is indeed a young hero, and he understood it after a while. Economic laws cannot be violated, and everything must follow the objective laws of things. Medical research and development also requires money. If there is no investment, how can there be output? If selling medicines loses money, then no one in this world will develop new medicines. In the end, it will be even worse...Huh?"

Amers came back to his senses suddenly, feeling that his skull was about to crack.

"Lin, County Chief Lin, with two million sticks, we will have a net loss of 1.6 trillion!"

Lin Wen shook his head: "Let me ask you, how much is the labor cost?"

"Five, five thousand..."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Each net earns 5,000 yuan, which means a net income of 10 billion a month."

Ameth could hardly breathe.

"Is enzyme No. 281 free?"

Lin Wen smiled slightly.

"When did I, Lin Wen, pay for what I asked for?"

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