This is a normal day.

The Sun Also Rises.

The sky was cloudless.

The temperature is warming up from the cold of winter.

Life gradually appeared on the ground, and bugs, frogs, snakes, and hedgehogs began to show their figures one after another.

Farmers in Shizhou are preparing for spring plowing, while the farmers' association is raising seeds, fertilizers, machinery, and organizing manpower to build water conservancy.

Zhang Shuangxi, the new governor of Shizhou, fulfilled his promise to stop interfering with farmers' self-government, and handed over 90% of Shizhou's rural areas to the peasant associations.

Shizhou, which has cut down a large number of redundant officials and tax collectors, has unloaded a heavy burden and radiated new vitality.

To the west of Shizhou, Guizhou, the rebels have already passed through the southern channel and returned to their real base. The rebel soldiers are concentrating on working under the Yishui Mountains, building their own homes, and welcoming the arrival of spring.

A little further to the west, there are Xuzhou, Zhengzhou and Xinyang Prefectures that belong to the sphere of influence of the Qin Group. The arrival of the New Year makes the common people here feel terrified. This means that the usury of the Ming Gang will come to collect interest again.

If you go further to the west, you will be outside the country, which is the territory of the Gelug people.

The war between the empire and the Gru was over, and they settled down.

A little further to the southwest is the Kirkuk area.

Here is rich in oil, and the frontier official Yamashin Takeshi is stationed on the bank of the Black Water River, preparing for a decisive battle with the Sorbian Kingdom and grabbing control of this oil field for the empire.

Going far west, and returning to the eastern part of the empire, here is another scene.

There is a lot of traffic between high-rise buildings, white-collar and gray-collar workers come and go in a hurry, rushing to work, if they are late, it means that they may lose the job.

Today, when the empire's economy is down, it means that they may lose valuable sources of income.

The bus station is always overcrowded. What they get on is not the car, but their life.

More labor market than people at bus stops.

More hospitals than labor market people.

And there are more people in cancer hospitals than in general hospitals.

There are all kinds of cancer drugs and treatments in the empire, ranging from thousands to millions, but the really effective ones are beyond the reach of families above the middle class.

When the poor get this disease, the sky collapses and the earth collapses, and all their lives are ruined.

If it is in the early stage, you can still fight for surgery or chemotherapy, and there is basically no hope in the mid-term.

But more people can't even afford surgery and chemotherapy, and can only take placebos in cancer hospitals-they always advertise that a few people are miraculously cured.

Every morning, the cancer hospital is full of people, and the special price medicine is limited every day. If it is sold out, you can only buy the cheap medicine, which will cost a lot of money out of thin air.

There are always a lot of sales of pharmaceutical products in the hospital lobby, they sell usually very cheap drugs, but not many people pay attention.

This is obviously a counterfeit drug. They put jelly beans in exquisite medicine bottles and give them various high-end names, such as double-star lyxaone preparations, recivir cancer cell killers, and thousand-year-old compound decoctions.

They sell jelly beans for one yuan a bottle for five yuan a piece. People who come here have long turned a blind eye to them, but they are willing to listen to them howling around them about the miracles of some cancer patients recovering.

When he was happy to hear it, someone would come up to buy one. Even if he knew it was jelly beans, the small kiosk outside the door sold them for less than a penny, but the atmosphere was different. At this time, when he ate it in his mouth, it was sweet, like the sweetness of future happiness after a miraculous recovery.

There are several LCD TVs hanging in the hall—this is a rare item, one is worth hundreds of thousands, and it is said that it is also the latest technology of the empire.

For ordinary people, anything unknown is the latest technology of the empire.

At nine o'clock in the morning, all the LCD TVs suddenly changed to the same picture, although they were different channels.

On the screen is an expert in a white coat, in a laboratory full of exquisite high-end instruments, holding various mysterious test tubes, speaking various incomprehensible high-end terms, and communicating with his team.

But their backgrounds are filled with words related to cancer.

Targeting, chemotherapy, cancer cell cure, and more.

Their expressions are serious, their conversations are refined, and the high-end terminology is also mixed with human language that ordinary people can understand at a glance.

"It's the last step in a cancer-specific drug."

"We're going to make it."

"We are great scientists with a lifelong goal of curing cancer."

"If this medicine is successful, it will be the greatest invention of the empire."

"We want to control its cost and make it very cheap."

The pictures on TV attract more and more people.

This looks like a documentary.

Is there a new drug invented?

Very cheap?

The expectation of imperial technology is the greatest expectation in the hearts of these desperate people, and it is the motivation for their survival.

For the placebo, they all knew in their hearts that it was impossible.

Drugs that can cure cancer start at millions.

What if there is new technology? Can the various expensive costs of drugs be reduced?

For a while, the noisy hall became quiet, all the patients were looking at the LCD TV, and the hard-working sales of medicines gradually stopped, and they turned their eyes away.

In the picture, the busy work passes by in a flash, and the exquisite lens language conveys all the information.

An expert who looked a lot like Li Man, the greatest scientist in the empire, personally put a tube of mixed solution into a very high-tech machine.

He lightly pressed the button, and this strange machine exuded high-tech light and high-tech beeps, and all the scientists waited solemnly in front of it, like welcoming a newborn child or a coming god.

The tense atmosphere infected the patients in the hall, and everyone held their breath, staring at the picture on the TV.

The still image only lasted twelve seconds, but that was long enough for them.

The expert who looked like Li Man opened the machine, took out the fluorescent reagent, and shouted: "We succeeded!"

"This is the most powerful immune cancer drug that can cure all cancers!"

"It only costs 10,000 yuan!"

Huge cheers erupted in the hall, and no one realized it was an ad.

At the end of the ad, the expert who looks like Li Man said to the person who looks like the chief executive of Imperial Pharmaceuticals: "This drug is called Changshan Cancer Specific Drug. It has completed five phases of clinical trials and is ready to go on the market."

The person who looked like the chief executive of the empire's pharmaceuticals said: "The elders of the highest council of the empire have specially approved it, and it will be launched immediately at a price of 10,000."

The person who looked like the emperor said: "This medicine is good, send me another ten bottles tonight."

The screen was switched to Imperial TV, and the person who looked like the first host of the Imperial TV enthusiastically announced the emergence of the greatest invention of the Empire.

The screen suddenly switched to Changshan County. A person who looked like a well-known reporter from Imperial TV was interviewing an expert who looked like Li Man, the greatest scientist of the Empire.

"May I ask how much potion you can produce in a month?"

"With two million doses, we will continue to expand our production capacity. In less than a year, there will be no more cancer patients in the empire."

"What if there are patients who do not buy the medicine?"

"You can buy the Changshan Pharmaceutical Contract sold by the Changshan County Grain Exchange, which can be exchanged for genuine products."

"We know that scientists all have dreams. What is your dream?"

"I hope there will be no suffering in the world, and I would rather have dust on the shelf of medicine."

The interview ends here.

Colorful garbage advertisements filled the screen again.

But the patients in the hall felt the scorching sun rising behind them, and the warm light enveloped their bodies, dispelling the coldness in their lives.

Immediately, all kinds of advertisements flooded the sky, and in any street, on any TV channel, you can see the advertisements of Changshan County's special cancer medicine.

The entire empire is boiling.

The phone calls of Lin Wen and Changshan County were blown up, and all the officials in Changshan County who could talk were harassed by phone calls.

However, these people are not patients.

The 200,000 doses of medicine just produced by Changshan County have been sent to major hospitals through formal channels.

Changshan County has also established a cancer hospital, using all young doctors. They have undergone special drug training and cancer detection training, led by cancer experts hired by Lin Wen at a high price, and use this drug to treat cancer.

The callers were major hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, and they all played the banner of cooperation and wanted the agency rights of this drug.

Lin Wen's official unified reply is that they can cooperate, and the sales price will be pegged at 10,000.

This is a unique thing in the empire. If you sell the medicine on behalf of him, you can give him the ex-factory price and that’s it. How much I sell is my own ability, so you don’t care?

Lin Wen specially asked Fang Yaobo to formulate a law that Changshan County has personal jurisdiction over all personnel related to something in Changshan County.

To put it simply, no matter you are in Changshan County or not, as long as the relevant laws are triggered, I can catch you.

Lin Wen also asked Qin Luoshuang to set up the third unit of the county chief's security department planned at the beginning: the Changshan County Central Intelligence Agency, which is dedicated to this kind of thing.

Qin Luoshuang was so dissatisfied that the KGB and the military affairs of Changshan County had consumed a lot of her energy, and it would be a very heavy burden for her to set up another pole.

Lin Wen promised to find someone to help her share the work in the future, and would occasionally come to help her in person.

Only then did Qin Luoshuang reluctantly agree, and he was fooled by Lin Wen. He didn't look for anyone at all, and he didn't come to help her. Every time he looked for him, he said, "I'm busy." "I'm very busy." "It's urgent."

Qin Luoshuang had no choice but to bear the heavy workload alone, and Wang Ya wanted to share the burden for the eldest lady many times, but was rejected.

This new department must use all new personnel and cannot have contact with the KGB. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the two secret service departments to join forces.

Qin Luoshuang is a perfectionist, she must do her best in what she wants to do, and will not change for other reasons.

The sales of the drug were in full swing, and Anmosi specially sent people to major hospitals to explain in detail how to use the drug.

But in fact, the instructions of the drug have been written very clearly, there will be no allergies, and cancers above the middle stage will have immune reactions, and need to be hospitalized for observation.

Late stage requires hospitalization to maintain vital signs.

Cao Yuan sent people everywhere to understand the people's thoughts, and the advertisements followed the people's worries or doubts. Lin Wen approved a huge amount of funds for him just for this work.

The pharmaceutical company managed by Xia Xiaoxiang has already been on the right track, and has sent new drugs to almost all the big hospitals and pharmacies in the empire, and promptly reported all the situation to Cao Yuan.

The sincere cooperation between the two parties has greatly alleviated the congestion caused by insufficient production of a special drug when it was just launched.

Almost all cancer patients know that there is a special drug in Changshan County, which only costs 10,000 yuan, and the output is very large.

The actual clinical practice a few days later also proved this point. The effect can be said to be immediate, crushing all existing cancer treatment methods.

Even advanced cancer can be treated.

The monstrous waves set off in the empire, and even the rich no longer used traditional treatments. The major medical companies and hospitals suffered heavy losses in the foreseeable future.

Thus, the second wave of telephone calls in Changshan County came.

This time, it was all major entity groups, and the purpose was still the same.


Their representatives rushed to Changshan County overnight and found Lin Wen who was about to leave to hammer the last piece of land.

"Sheriff Lin."

Delegates have apparently reached a consensus.

"Congratulations for developing a specific medicine for cancer. On behalf of all the pharmaceutical groups in the empire, we would like to reach a win-win cooperation with you."

"As the saying goes, there are benefits in the world, but people have nowhere to go. If County Chief Lin wants to go to a higher place, money is essential."

"As long as you promise to control the production of the drug to less than 5,000 doses, we promise to purchase your drug at a price of 10 million doses."

"You should know that rare things are more expensive. You can produce 2 million doses a month and make a profit of only 10 billion. Now you can make a profit of 50 billion with only 5,000 doses. You must be very clear about what is right and what is wrong."

"If you are in urgent need of money, we are willing to help. Changshan County is your political achievement and your land of dragon prosperity. We will also do our best to help you build it."

"Sheriff Lin is a young hero, the future is promising."

Lin Wen smiled slightly when he heard that many representatives had planned his life with each other.

"I have something to say, please listen carefully."

The representatives gathered together, but only heard four words.

"You guys are not worthy."

All the representatives' faces darkened.

One person sneered and said, "Mr. Lin, you have to think about it carefully. The bridal sedan chair is carried by everyone. Which big man is going up there alone?"

"People who eat alone and smash plates have never had a good death."

"Sheriff Lin, why are you doing this? Can't we cooperate with the kind ones? We can help you whatever you want."

"Sheriff Lin, this is not good for your future."

"Listen to the advice of the old man, the youth is too proud, and it is easy to stumble."

"If you destroy your future, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Facing so many questionings, Lin Wen sneered and pointed at their noses.

"Remember it, let me say it again, I, Lin Wen's career, you can't afford it."

"You guys have to get out of my sight within ten seconds, or I'm going to start a killing spree."

The representatives were so angry that their faces turned black, and you still pretended to show your face. You are a bad county sheriff. Before, they didn't even look at it.

"Bah, what a dog."

"I don't believe it anymore!"

"Sheriff Lin, think it over clearly, it's still too late to repent."


"Sheriff Lin, I advise you to think about it."

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, you will suffer retribution."


"Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety!" A representative finished counting for him directly, "Do you dare to kill me?"

Lin Wen walked into the warehouse without saying a word.

The representative laughed loudly and said, "I'm cowardly! Hahaha! He's cowardly! I thought you were awesome..."


The big robot a few stories high smashed open the iron door, rushed out, and trampled the representative to a pulp.

Blood and flying dust shot out, splashing the faces of the nearby representatives.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they froze in place, as if their nerves were short-circuited.

Stepping over in the second step, the left foot of more than six meters stepped directly into the crowd, drowning the exclamation under the steel.


Blood spurted, artificial flesh.

The huge steel creation raised its feet again.


The third step falls.

There was only one person left in the delegation.

He lay on the ground, using his hands and feet together, tears streaming down his face, and desperately moved out. When the robot lifted its feet, he clearly saw that the ground had become a bloody mess.

"Sheriff Lin! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The robot didn't seem to hear it, and the fourth foot rushed towards him, and he shouted in despair: "Why? Why is this? Why are you doing this..."


Iron Feet drowned out his voice.

Slay evil beasts, good fate +66.

The robot walked towards the construction site as usual, Lin Wen's eyes were icy, and he replied in a voice that they could no longer hear.

"I, Lin Wen, have acted all my life, why do I need to explain to the ants?"

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