Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 471: Great Kindness

The efficiency of the council was extremely high. The biochemical base quickly completed the mass production of the new drug, and the clinical data was directly copied from Changshan County. Although the Imperial Drug Administration knew that the latter was a copy, it still passed the approval.

The drug director is not stupid, he needs to correct his neutral stance, he slightly offended the Council before, but now it is the most correct way to show kindness.

A few days later, the council's new drug was launched.

This time, the council learned smartly and acquired a well-known pharmaceutical company, and launched new drugs on the market with the name of successful research and development.

They spent huge sums of money in advertisements, claiming that this new drug called "Life Zero" is more effective than the new drug from Changshan County, and lowered the price of "Life Zero" to 9500.

The launch of the second new cancer drug immediately attracted attention, and its effect was quickly verified. Many doctors unceremoniously exposed its essence.

It is Changshan County New Medicine.

Not even a single word has been changed on the drug description, the data from the clinical trials are exactly the same, and the ingredients of the drug are exactly the same.

However, this has not greatly affected its reputation. For patients, as long as it is effective, it is a life-saving drug.

Moreover, it is even cheaper than the new medicine in Changshan County.

For a while, cancer patients had an unreal illusion of being in heaven.

The disease no longer poses any threat to them.

Their lives have a bright future.

The new medicines from the Council had a severe impact on Changshan County's new medicines, and even a small amount of Changshan County's new medicines, which were originally in short supply, were slow to sell.

However, the scalpers who resold drugs against the wind went bankrupt in an instant, and even had to sell new drugs at a loss. The prices that had been hyped up in some areas quickly fell back to normal prices.

Xia Xiaoxiang, who was in charge of the medical work, and Cao Yuan, who was in charge of the publicity work, were in a panic. The new drug manufacturing process, which should be strictly kept secret, was actually controlled by the council.

They immediately decided that there must be an inner ghost in Changshan County.

The matter of "cooperating" with Elder Lin Yabo was considered top secret by Qin Luoshuang, and no one knew about it except those who personally participated.

Xia Xiaoxiang came to question her security work many times, but she kicked her out.

Xia Xiaoxiang went to Lin Wen to "inform" again, but Lin Wen said with a smile: "Xia Xiaoxiang, isn't this the moment to show your ability? Use your function and let them who stole the technology have nothing to do!"

"Then I will lower the price, otherwise there will be no basis for competition."


"How low can it go?"

"Five thousand."

And just like that, the trade war began.

Xia Xiaoxiang adheres to the concept of superior management and does not like vicious competition. Moreover, there are countless projects in Changshan County, and the recently started mountain project is a gold-swallowing monster, and the finances are short of money.

She can't spend money mindlessly.

Although the production capacity of Changshan County is lower than that of the council, the market is definitely in short supply now.

It's enough to even out the disadvantages. Coupled with her superb marketing skills, she will definitely be able to stabilize the council.

"Reduce the price." Xia Xiaoxiang issued an order to the pharmaceutical company, "Reduce the price to the same price as the Council."


Yu Zhongxian sneered, "Did the price drop? I thought he was so smart."

Behind the council is an extensive joint group, and their capital pool is much stronger than that of Changshan County.

Many investors rushed to invest after knowing that the Council had also mastered the technology. Changshan County did not allow them to invest, but the Council never refused.

And Luo Nuo, the elder who controls the largest investment group in the empire, invested five billion in one go.

"It's exactly what you want, Mr. President!"

Chief Medical Officer Tian Puxi said: "The cost is 40,000 yuan, and the loss of a single drug is more than 30,000 yuan. The more the price of Changshan County drops, the more losses they will have, and the sooner they will go bankrupt."

"Once Mr. Wang's attack succeeds and destroys their biochemical base, Changshan County will suffer even worse, and the Lin Group will not be far from collapse!"


Yu Zhongxian sneered and ordered: "Surrender again!"

"Yes!" Taura happily accepted the order and went.

This time, he will definitely be able to make a great contribution, clearing up the guilt of his previous failure in handling affairs that led to the collapse of the Johnson \u0026 Johnson Group.

Changshan County.

In the biochemical base.

Anmosi put down his teaching stick and took a big sip of water, "Sheriff Lin, this is the principle of the No. 281 enzyme process of the council, do you understand?"

Lin Wen nodded.

An Mosi sighed: "Sheriff Lin is really a genius, why don't you switch careers and become a biochemical expert."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "No, I always scored zero in biology when I was in school."

"Impossible, Sheriff Lin, stop joking."

"It's the teacher who is different."

An Mosi said happily: "Really? I have such a talent for teaching?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "As long as you are a male teacher, let's not talk about it. Although kind people occasionally donate some raw materials or finished products to us, self-reliance is the main way of Changshan County, so you must master more advanced manufacturing processes."

An Mosi was slightly confused: "Are you going to start research and development?"

Lin Wen shook his head: "The research and development is over."

"Huh? When did it end?"


"Ah?" Anmosi felt as if someone poured a bucket of paste into his brain, "What's the result of research and development?"

Lin Wen explained in detail two key technical improvements.

"Amos, after the application of these two technologies, the cost has been reduced by about half. If you continue to develop on this basis, you must come up with new results before the raw materials run out next month, even if it is a guess or a directional suggestion, and then tell me everything."

Amers mouth opened enough to swallow a watermelon.

Lin Wen turned and walked out.

"Hurry up and invest in new research, I'm going to accept gifts from kind people."


Lin Wen wasn't going to steal or rob, that would be too uncivilized.

He had been there once before, and the council learned smartly. Not only did the defenses become tighter, but a sniffing alarm device was installed under the floor. Once it detected a large unknown creature approaching underground, it would call the police.

Not only that, but there are also many very powerful bugmen in the biochemical base. They are in groups of three and can completely suppress Lin Wen who does not use powerful attack spells.

He even set up many traps specially to wait for his arrival.

Lin Wen hit a wall twice, but didn't get any benefit, but lost a lot of soul in vain.

Originally, Lin Wen had planned to stop the prostitution plan, which was not the main plan anyway, but by chance, Lin Wen saw their logistics and transportation.

The base of the Council used a metal box with scaffolding to transport medicines and raw materials. A diamond-shaped sticker was attached to the metal box, which stated the type, round, quantity, and test results of the medicine.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lin Wen's mind, and he had a new idea.

He specifically finds suppliers who supply stickers. This is a secondary end supplier, which is not important at all, so management and defense are very loose.

Lin Wen got in easily, and used [Paper Puppets] to infuse all the boxes of stickers sent to the council.

In this way, the sticker becomes the spirit-giving talisman paper, and as long as the metal box is attached, it becomes a box essence.

Of course, ordinary people cannot activate it, and it needs to be triggered by Lin Wen's will.

When the time is right, Lin Wen will use [Thousand-mile Voice Transmission] to give it an order.

These box spirits have been transported to the warehouse, they were awakened by Lin Wen from their slumber, and they accepted the orders from the great Immortal Emperor.

The easy-to-place iron frame on the box is ready-made hands and feet. They help each other to pour out all the medicines in the stomach, and then throw them one by one into the drain pipe that is only as thick as a thumb.

Pour out the medicine in the ordinary box again, and it still goes into the drain pipe.

Lin Wenzang was hidden in the sewer, standing in front of the exit of the drainage pipe, picking them up one by one.

The seal of the medicine is very good, and the box essence is handled gently, and none of them are polluted or broken.

There are sixteen drainage pipes in the warehouse, and the water outlets are lined up on the wall of the sewer, and the medicine keeps coming out of the wall. This scene is not too funny.

Lin Wen drove the civet all night and emptied a warehouse of medicines.

The box spirit put all the boxes back in their original places, put them back in place, and waited quietly for the end of this short life.

It wasn't until the transporter arrived the next day that the entire warehouse of medicines had disappeared.

The surveillance video was retrieved, but nothing unusual was found. It was fine during the day, but at night it was pitch black and there was no light at all.

The guards outside the warehouse are heavily guarded, and no flies can fly in.

The secret agents of the council dug up the ground, but found no trace.

Going forward and after, every link has been checked countless times, but no clues have been found.

The Dean Dro was puzzled, maybe the medicine had grown wings and flew away, right?

Yu Zhongxian was furious because of this, and killed several persons in charge one after another, so this matter became an unsolved case.

Since then, security has been tightened tenfold. The warehouse is brightly lit day and night, and someone has to be responsible for every box of medicine. If you lose it, you will pay for your life.

There was a lot of trouble in the council, but Lin Wen had already flown away with the medicine.

Xia Xiaoxiang got the 200,000 medicines that flew in, and her money was greatly relieved. She immediately added fuel to the various activities that were being held.

There are prize quizzes, promotional models, and cancer killers. All kinds of activities are held in such a lively fashion that even people who are not cancer patients are willing to participate.

On the contrary, the Council's organizational activities in this area are far worse, and the operation gap between the two parties is obvious. They can only win the market and reputation at a lower price.

Xia Xiaoxiang insisted on it, as much as you drop, I will drop as much, and the activities are even free of money. The prizes are so rich, and he also publicized Changshan County by the way, popularizing cancer knowledge and the principles of new drugs, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

The price of the new drug dropped all the way, from 10,000 to 5,000, and temporarily stabilized at this price.

The Council's expenses at this time are too high, with hundreds of millions of losses every day, Yu Zhongxian needs a certain amount of time to raise money.

And Changshan County has just reached the cost price, and there is still a little profit.

The cancer patients were all smiles. Cancer, which is usually regarded as a scourge, can now be cured with only 5,000 yuan.

Countless people got rid of the gloomy life, got back on track and started a new life.

Having experienced catastrophe and despair, they know how to cherish every bit of life in the present, laying the foundation for a happy life in the future.

Lin Wen was the one who laughed more happily than the cancer patients.

Now, his Yuanshen and Shanyuan have to be settled once a day.

Lin Wen could see huge golden numbers rushing toward his face every day. The faster the council dropped and the more he sold, the more good fortune he had.

Although there are a few bends, how can anyone dislike good fate and lack of soul?

The Council sells his liver and kidneys to help him become a fairy. Where can he find such a benevolent person?

Lin Wen laughed until his bones were about to break.

As the saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Lin Wen decided that when Yu Zhongxian died, he would hold Yu Zhongxian's body steadily so that the body would not hurt, and then he would ask the black coffin-carrying team to help him with a grand burial.

Haha how merciful I am.

In the third week after the new drug was sold, Lin Wen's Yuanshen finally broke through 400% in one fell swoop.

According to his research during this period, this is the basic value of a foundation builder, and he has finally completely got rid of the Qi training period.

According to the general law, senior sister has become a past tense, and now is the period of junior junior sister.

Well, in order to prevent my junior sister from being snatched by the yellow hair, I want to become stronger.

The spell list has two more incomplete spells restored.

[Feiliu Qiongjiu]: A black primordial spirit stage spell that consumes 6000% of the primordial spirit to produce dew that moisturizes the body, restores damage, and enhances natural self-healing ability.

[Fox Fairy Comes to the World]: No grade spell, summon the Fox Fairy to come to the world, the more luck it consumes, the longer the duration of this world will be.


Lin Wen smiled after watching the spell.

I still want to lie to my old lady... I was fooled by summoning a fox fairy, so I will become a fox fairy, right?

Even if I cannot be reincarnated and die in the physical world, I will not use this spell.

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