Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 473: Start the War

In the nearly one-month trade war, the council and the medical association it supports have lost more than 10 billion yuan. Although they accounted for more than two-thirds of the market, the war is far from showing signs of ending.

Changshan County is still strong, and many new projects have even been added, and there is no lack of funds for each project.

Now most of the empire knows that Changshan County is engaged in large-scale development, where there are jobs, food to eat, and even some money can be saved.

Unemployed refugees from the empire swarmed in, and the green trains to Changshan County were full every day. It is conservatively estimated that the floating population of Changshan County has exceeded 10 million, and there are at least 50 million people who directly or indirectly depend on the Changshan County project for food.

"Where did Changshan County get so much money?"

At the meeting of the medical association, Lin Yabo and other elders who had read the financial statements really couldn't understand it.

"We have kept the cost to a minimum, and each one will lose more than 30,000 yuan. The scale of Changshan County is not as big as ours, but it is more than half, and the loss should exceed the scale of tens of billions."

Yu Zhongxian, who was in the wheelchair, coughed and said, "This month is quite difficult. They obtained a batch of raw materials from secret channels, but their raw materials will be exhausted next month. If they continue to fight, they will definitely die."

Elder Luo's face was gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "But if we continue to burn like this, our loss next month will also be astronomical, and the low-priced medicine lasts for such a long time, it will be very difficult to increase the price."

Yu Zhongxian said with a smile: "It's not easy? Elder Luo, do you still remember how my special medicine increased?"

A secretary whispered a few words in Elder Luo's ear, and he suddenly said: "So that's the case, President Yu is amazing."

Elder Moxili asked, "What way?"

Lin Yabo laughed and said: "It's actually very simple. Just find someone to attack the factory, set up a big explosion, claim that the drug manufacturing process is lost, and the cheap medicine is gone. Then change the old medicine into a new medicine, and then it can be marketed at a high price."

"The ingredients are the same and no one knows?"

Lin Yabo showed a mysterious smile, "Shutting up a person is what we are best at. I can also add some ineffective ingredients to the new medicine. Who dares to say that it is the same?"

Elder Moxili's fat head moved, and an attendant at the side handed a lump of raw and cold blood to his mouth. He ate it in one gulp, and said vaguely, "So, the biggest enemy is Changshan County."

"That's right."

Li Huideng, the chief financial officer of the empire, also said with a smile that was not inferior to that of Elder Mo's chin: "As long as we destroy Changshan County, we can occupy the imperial market, and then we can negotiate with the elders. We can enter the international market as long as we pay 20% or 30% of the profit. This is an innumerable profit!"

Elder Luo snorted: "Don't talk about things far away, I just got the news that the auction house in Changshan County was very successful. They sold the valuables looted from Shizhou for a good price."

"What is the total transaction amount?"

"Nine billion."

This number made the venue a little silent.

Chief Manager Li Huideng said in surprise, "Is this a record? What kind of auction can sell this number?"

Elder Luo sneered and said, "There are many talents in Changshan County, and some of my subordinates participated. Their auction is called 'Eternal Crossover', and the art decoration inside is unparalleled. Even one of the attendants at the auction is arrogant, as if you can't afford anything. The auctioneer said that nine heavens and ten places, heaven and earth, heaven and earth, shattering stars, emptiness splitting, and avenues obliterating."

As if to express his dissatisfaction with the extraordinary success of this unprecedented auction, Elder Luo described the process of his subordinates in more detail.

"The atmosphere just makes people feel a sigh of relief, and they have to buy one to vent their anger."

"But if it's just that, then it's a very common marketing technique. And Changshan County has done more than that. Whenever an item is sold at a high price, the attendants and service staff will be shocked, stunned, and frightened. They murmured that this is impossible. Could it be that so-and-so was able to make a move... Such words."

"The auctioneer even shouted that so-and-so fished this item from the long river of time."

"Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But you won't feel that way when you are in that atmosphere. My subordinates just went to see it, but they bought one with enthusiasm."

"After the auction is over, those attendants will also specifically apologize to the specific candidates, admitting that they look down on others. According to the information of my subordinates, many people are very satisfied with this, even though they know this is an exaggerated performance, they even clearly stated that if there is a second round, they will come again."

"Everyone in the auction is an actor, and the most famous art masters and architectural experts in the empire were specially invited to build the venue."

"This kind of marketing method, this kind of organizational ability, I advise everyone to be careful, Changshan County should not be underestimated."

Elder Moxili finished eating his blood, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer, "It's just fancy fists and embroidered legs. No matter how many fancy tricks you use, if you don't have the strength, you will still be torn apart by my bugs."

Yu Zhongxian moved his wheelchair so that he could lean forward and approach Elder Moxili.

"Elder Mo, how long is your project?"

Moxili snorted and said, "Master Yu, in the final analysis, it is about money and experimental subjects. Mo Zhai of the Papal State has allocated a piece of land for us. There is no shortage of people for the time being, but we are short of money. But I remember that I gave you my special medicine. How can you still have a stroke?"

Yu Zhongxian said coldly: "Elder Mo, I was just angry for a while."

Moxili didn't care, turned his head and started to eat his blood again: "It's just a trivial matter, I can easily replace you with a stronger body, and you will never have a stroke."

Lin Yabo knocked on the table and brought the topic back: "Master Yu, when will you destroy Changshan County?"

Yu Zhongxian smiled darkly: "Soon, Elder Lin, my subordinates have successfully transported the special forces into the mountains and built a fortress. The biochemical base of Changshan County is at the foot of Taixu Mountain. If Elder Mo can provide me with more three-stage pure people, I can even destroy the entire Changshan County."

"There are too few qualified experimental subjects." Moxili said vaguely: "The pure ones need people with particularly strong vitality. If they can reach the perfect body, they can completely crush the imperial guards. At that time, we..."

"Elder Mo!" Lin Yabo shouted, interrupting him.

Moxili wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said: "So, Master Yu, help me find it quickly. Your undead plan is not comparable to my pure one."

Yu Zhongxian didn't refute him, after all, he had to rely on him to recover his health.

As for who is more correct, we will know when the time comes.

"So be it."

Lin Yabo said: "The first priority is to prevent Li Longxing's triumphant return with all his strength. Elder Luo, chief executive, it's up to you."

Elder Luo smiled and said: "Don't worry, if the military supplies in Li Longxing's hands exceed 10%, it is good, I will change my surname to Li."

He sneered, and said coldly: "One day, I will strip the noble first princess naked and parade through the streets."

The head manager Li Huideng said with a wet smile: "Elder Luo is mighty, I just want the little princess, ah... this little sheep has appeared countless times in my dreams..."

He wiped the corners of his mouth vigorously, even his fat cheeks couldn't stop the saliva from overflowing.

Lin Yabo didn't care to listen to his sleep, and continued: "We continue to fight the medical war, and we must drag down Changshan County. It is best to completely destroy them. Master Yu, it all depends on you."

Yu Zhongxian said indifferently: "I want more pure ones."

"Elder Mo, how much more can you offer?"

Moxili replied: "One third-level, four second-level, plus dozens of mayflies."

"Double, okay?"

Moxili said dissatisfiedly, "I have some experiments to do."

"Elder Mo, the experiment can be done at any time. I also have a good private slave who can sponsor a thousand of you."

Moxili reluctantly agreed.

"Then, Master Yu, I'll leave it to you."

Yu Zhongxian sneered and said, "Don't worry, I will let that little animal die without a place to bury you without your telling me."


Lin Yabo held up the red wine brought by the attendant.

"I wish everyone to cooperate sincerely, so that a new world ruled by true pure-blooded superiors will come as soon as possible."

Everyone raised the red wine together and drank it all in one gulp.


Changshan County.

The sun was shining brightly and there was a gentle breeze.

The brook is gurgling, and the warm winter sun shines on the stream, reflecting the bright light.

Lin Wen was lying on the deck chair in front of the creek, studying and sorting out his new things.

Bai Xiuyu, who has been promoted to the director of the Changshan County Women's Mutual Aid Association, brought him a large plate of chopped melons, and said softly, "County Lin, I'm eating melons!"

Lin Wen opened his eyes and glanced at her. This peasant woman who was once covered in mud has now become a high-ranking official in Changshan County.

Lin Wending, the director of the Women's Mutual Aid Association, is a deputy fifth rank, one level higher than the mayor. Bai Xiuyu can earn more than 60,000 yuan a month, which is the sum of her income in the past ten years.

But she is completely worthy of the salary. This woman is very caring, and she is especially good at handling relationships between people.

Under her management, the Women's Mutual Aid Association has developed extremely fast. It has given more than 20,000 women formal jobs, facilitated more than 30,000 marriages, and contributed a lot to the harmonious development of Changshan County.

Lin Wen took a mouthful of the melon, full of saliva, sweet and delicious, and asked: "Bai Xiuyu, do you have a date?"

Bai Xiuyu blushed and shook her head slightly.

Lin Wendao: "Hurry up and find a man to marry. Having a family earlier will bring me more happiness and kindness..."

Bai Xiuyu lowered her head lightly: "County Lin, how can anyone want me, an old woman with three children?"

"Really?" Lin Wen chuckled, "I think Lao Xie is not bad. It just so happens that his wife is not here anymore. I think it's just that he is pestering Lao Lei every day... ahem, it's not normal. You just go to give him some warmth."

Bai Xiuyu said softly: "Director Xie has a high position and authority, so he doesn't like me."

"Not necessarily, believe me, I'll go and lead you a line."

Bai Xiuyu blushed, not knowing how to answer.

She originally wanted to connect with Sheriff Lin, and countless girls under her command clamored to see Sheriff Lin every day. At least a few hundred girls firmly believed that she was different, and Sheriff Lin would definitely fall in love with her at first sight.

That's why Bai Xiuyu made a special trip to match up Sheriff Lin, but she didn't expect Sheriff Lin to help her instead.

Lin Wen was just talking casually, and he suddenly discovered that he still had two points of evil fate that he hadn't obtained yet.

His second evil destiny supernatural power is only two points away.

After such a long time, there were no bad karma at all.

Lin Wen couldn't help but sighed, the battle with the council was clean, without a trace of bad luck.

But it's not a problem to lose two bad karmas. Lin Wen glanced at him, who was about to overflow his primordial spirit, and used [Immortal Guidance] once.

[What are the quick, safe, unintentional, and side-effect-free ways to obtain two bad karmas? 】

After consuming 5% of Yuanshen, Lin Wen saw a long list of answers.

"Rush into the women's bathhouse? No, I'm not a blood loss?"

"Announce marriage with true love? Hehe, shall I pinch a fairy doll as my marriage partner?"

"Rush into Qin Luoshuang's bathroom at 7:11 p.m.? No, the female college avoids her father."

Looking around, there are all unreliable answers.

What rubbish, Lin Wen thought, [Immortal Guidance] is not reliable, I still have to rely on my great wisdom of up to 250.

At this time, Bai Xiuyu suddenly heard Bai Xiuyu say: "Mr. Lin, I... I want to start a campaign to rectify the unhealthy atmosphere."

Lin Wen woke up from his contemplation, and asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

Bai Xiuyu said in a low voice: "Chief Lin, I found that more and more people from other places come to Changshan County to work, and there are also more and more...custom girls who come to Changshan County to do business."

"They can get rid of their bosses here, and they don't have to pay protection fees and commissions for the money they earn, and no one beats them or robs them, but...but they have affected the atmosphere... Well, there are also a few girls in the women's mutual aid association who are jealous of their income.

"Oh." Lin Wen relaxed all of a sudden, thought for a while and said, "This is a question of the joint influence of culture, customs, and civilization. In this way, I will give you some suggestions."

"First, blocking is worse than sparse. Except for a very small number, I believe most of them are normal people. You should hold more blind date activities, turn every park and square into a blind date corner in Changshan County, and try your best to give men and women more opportunities to meet and get to know each other."

"Second, culture wins. I will write operas and repertoires for you. You can recruit people, train, rehearse, and perform. This not only promotes culture, but also allows you to earn more income."

"Third, try to develop the cause of women's mutual aid associations, and don't let them engage in custom business because of their hard life."

Bai Xiuyu was stunned when she heard it, and it took her a while to come back to her senses. She nodded vigorously: "Sheriff Lin, I will work hard."

Lin Wen smiled and was about to say a few more words when suddenly an agent ran over and shouted, "County Lin! It's no good, a large number of enemies are coming from the mountainous area in the south!"

"Our defense line has been breached!"

At this moment, the phone in his arms rang.

Lin Wen took it out and took a look.

It's the clay figurine's phone.

Qin Luoshuang was calling the Dragon Group.

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